The day before the public lord test.

Zhu Zhao went to the company to resign in the morning. Although Meng Han was also one of the bosses, the necessary procedures were essential.

He returned to the rental house, packed a few clothes, checked out of the rental house, and moved directly to Meng Han's mansion.

From this moment on, a person who could eat hard for a soft meal started his legend.


In the afternoon, he drove Meng Han's luxury car and went straight to the game equipment sales point.

Game equipment is divided into 5 levels, and the cheapest game helmet costs 10,000 Chinese yuan.

It is cheap, but it cannot provide nutrition and sleep for the user's body.

Under normal circumstances, it only supports 12 hours. If you are a liver emperor, it is another matter.

Then there is the game warehouse, which is much more expensive.

Ordinary game warehouse, 100,000 Chinese yuan.

Deluxe game warehouse, 500,000 Chinese yuan.

Top game warehouse, 1 million Chinese yuan.

Supreme game warehouse, 5 million Chinese yuan.

The game warehouse comes with nutrient solution, which can maintain the user's physical consumption. The Supreme Game Warehouse can even stay online for half a month.

However, before the game merges with reality, it will not be online for that long under normal circumstances.

After all, some physiological problems cannot be solved by the game warehouse.

If you don't have money, there is no need to worry.

About half a year later, the country will start to distribute game helmets for free.

It will be too late to enter the game by then.

After arriving at the place, Zhu Zhao didn't say anything nonsense, went directly to the VIP channel, received by a special person, and ordered a Supreme Game Warehouse.

There is no way, this fucking society is like this.

Rich people are treated better than ordinary people.

So there is nothing wrong with eating soft rice.

What's more, this soft rice is particularly sweet and delicious.

The best nutrient solution was selected to ensure that the body is in the best condition when playing games.

Finally, swipe the card, pay, fill in the delivery address, and drive away in a luxury car under the envious eyes of the scene.

Spending millions to buy a Supreme Game Warehouse may be incomprehensible to many ordinary people.

But only Zhu Zhao knows how much help a supreme game cabin can provide for the early stage of the game.

Not long after returning to the villa, the deliveryman arrived.

Zhu Zhao found a bedroom next to the master bedroom and placed the game cabin.

Although the game cabin is not too big, the appearance looks more and more like a luxurious coffin.

The golden cabin, made of unknown materials, is luxurious.

On top is the silver-white cabin cover, covered with colorful halos.

Press the opening button, the cabin cover slowly separates from the middle, and the nutrient solution has been injected into the cabin.

If you want to enter the game, just lie down.

Don't ask what to do if there is a leakage, I don't know what to do either...

In the evening, Menghan came back, and after dinner, the two returned to the bedroom.

A sleepless night.

At 8 o'clock on September 1, the public beta of the universal lord began.

Opening the game cabin door, Zhu Zhao slowly lay down in.

The game cabin door closed and the game started.

Zhu Zhao's consciousness appeared in another world.

The vast continent, the majestic mountains, the surging ocean, and the fortresses and lord cities located all over the earth.

Angels holding swords emitting golden holy light, wearing silver armor and white wings on their backs, fought fiercely with demons holding sickles and horns on their heads.

There are also giant dragons with huge wings covering the sky, opening their huge mouths and spitting dragon breath downwards.

There are also huge monsters on the ground, with lightning flashing all over their bodies, beating their chests with both hands, and roaring to the sky!

Legions composed of square formations attack and attack!

They are collectively called arms. They can be recruited by lord players and fight in all directions.

This is the opening CG of the Lord of All People.

Every time I see this shocking CG, Zhu Zhao's heart is filled with uncontrollable blood.

Soon the CG ended, and Zhu Zhao entered the stage of creating a character.

Entering the game, players do not need to choose a race, the human race is a panacea.

As long as there are resources, the human race can recruit arms of any race.

Therefore, it is very simple to create a character in the Universal Lord. Just create an ID directly.

In the early stage, in order to avoid troubles in the game, you can adjust your appearance when you enter the real world.

After the appearance is adjusted, you can choose to restore or keep it after the game and reality are integrated.

As for the profession, you can choose it at will.

Because the first 20 levels of the player are to experience and adapt to the game.

However, after the player reaches level 20, you can choose to enter the strategic map. The strategic map is the real beginning of the game.

Before level 20, the adventurer map is just for players to experience different career templates and adapt to the game.

After level 20, enter the strategic map. It is the real start of the game.

Of course, you can also keep upgrading in the adventurer map, or travel to see the scenery.

It’s just that when you enter the strategic map, no matter how many levels you are, the level will be reset and start again.

And it takes most players about 8 days to reach level 20.

The fastest batch of players also needs 7 days.

System prompt: Please name your character.


This is the ID I got in my previous life, so I will continue to use it.

System prompt: Please select your profession


Zhu Zhao knows a way to quickly reach level 20 and move to the strategic map as soon as possible.

The warrior profession is to be stronger.

Anyway, the template will change after you get to the strategic map.

System prompt: Do you want to adjust your appearance!

"Adjust by 10%!"

Zhu Zhao thinks he is not ugly, and is a little handsome. Just adjust his appearance a little so that acquaintances can't recognize his original appearance at a glance.

System prompt: Please choose the birth method, manual birth or random birth.

Zhu Zhao looked around on the big map and finally found the mountain by the sea in the upper left corner of the map.

Found it, if my memory is correct, it is here!

Enter the coordinates 12345, 678910.

Press OK, Zhu Zhao's body was wrapped in a white light, and then disappeared in the hall.

Shaking his dizzy head, Zhu Zhao looked around.

This is a mountaintop about the size of 5 football fields, with a tree that needs several people holding hands to hug it! The tree is entangled with dead vines.

There are cliffs on three sides and one side faces the sea. To the east is a higher mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, and the top cannot be seen!

This is it, exactly the same as in my memory.

Zhu Zhao hurried to the cliff on the west side and looked down the mountain. He suddenly felt dizzy and had the urge to bungee jump.

This mountain was as smooth as a mirror. Seeing the sleeping black dragon below, Zhu Zhao smiled triumphantly.

In the previous life, one year after the public beta of the Universal Lord, someone discovered this place.

He is a player who loves traveling. He did not enter the strategic map after level 20.

His purpose of entering the game is to relax and travel.

After seeing all the scenery on the adventurer map, he entered the strategic map to continue to see the scenery.

It's just that the black dragon BOSS below changed his life trajectory.

According to the method of the previous life memory, he soon found a large stone with a shape close to a sphere, which weighed about one ton.

In memory, the player pushed it by himself, but he was already over level 40 at that time.

Looking at his small body at this level, he definitely couldn't push it.

But someone said hundreds of years ago, give me a fulcrum, I can pry the entire blue planet!

Zhu Zhao was planning to pry the stone down.

He found a thick, hard, and sturdy wooden stick, put it on the fulcrum, and pried the boulder towards the edge of the mountain little by little.

The black dragon had been trapped at the foot of the mountain by the ancient magic circle for who knows how many years, and was already dying.

The magic circle was loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

As long as the boulder fell from such a high place, under the acceleration of gravity, a dying BOSS could still be dealt with.

He pried the boulder to a good position.

"Roll, baby cow!"

As the boulder fell at a high speed, Zhu Zhao's heart was in his throat, and he must hit it!

"Bang... roar..."

As the boulder landed, there was a loud noise first, followed by a thunderous roar, but the roar was somewhat miserable.

Zhu Zhao snapped his fingers,

"Perfect, one shot!"

System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing the BOSS Black Dragon King and gaining 200,000 experience.

Zhu Zhao's body was shining continuously. The experience given by this BOSS Black Dragon King was high, and he was directly promoted to level 20.

(I was wrong. A BOSS that was dying could always be killed, right?)

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