Facing an angel queen who had lost her memory, Zhu Zhao had nothing to do.

"Her memory is still in a deep sleep state. We can only take her back first and talk about it later."

Zhu Zhao said.

When Lewis heard this, his eyes glanced at Zhu Zhao strangely.

"In the future..."

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Zhu Zhao was speechless and rolled his eyes at her.

"This day is not the other day, where do you want to go? Can't you learn from Dolores?"

"Lord, actually, even if you are the Angel Queen, I should be happier."

Dolores added appropriately.

She really hoped that the lord could take down the Angel Queen while she lost her memory.

In this way, even after the Angel Queen recovers her memory, there is a high chance that she will stay with the Lord.

Although Dolores is also an angel hero.

But she is different from the orthodox angel heroes of the gods.

She is an ordinary angel who became an angel hero after using the Hero Altar.

And all this is because of the Lord's help.

Therefore, if she were asked to choose between the Queen of Angels and the Lord, she would prefer the Lord.

Zhu Zhao didn't want to continue to struggle with this issue, but there was still another problem.

The Queen of Angels has awakened, so should Zhu Zhao take him away?

She is the switch that seals hell and the abyss.

If she is taken away, will there be a problem with the seal?

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhao frowned and looked at Su Feir.

"Do you really not remember anything? Like the seals of hell and the abyss?"


Su Fei was stunned.

Then he said something subconsciously.

"The seal will expire soon."

Zhu Zhao's mouth twitched, what do you mean by this?

"How soon is it soon?"

Zhu Zhao asked.

Su Feier shook his head.

This time she didn't answer.

"If I take you away, will it affect the seal?"

Zhu Zhao continued to ask.

Su Feier still shook his head.

Zhu Zhao was speechless, what the hell?

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Zhao gritted his teeth and said, forget it, just take it away.

Two reasons.

First, Su Feier is awake now.

Can you trap a big living person?

Even if Zhu Zhao didn't take her away, Su Feifei would probably leave here on his own.

By then, won’t the effect be the same?

Second, the signs of the integration of the Lords of the Nation with the real world are already very obvious. If Zhu Zhao guessed correctly, it will not be long before the Lords of the Nation will definitely merge with the real world.

Anyway, there will be a day sooner or later.

It would be better to get Su Feier.

When her memory returns, everything will become clear.

As for taking Sophiel away, will the seal become invalid instantly?

This situation probably won't happen to Zhu Zhao.

If it was so unlucky, then Zhu Zhao would just admit defeat.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhao took a deep breath and looked at Su Feir.

"Will you follow us out of here?"

Su Fei looked at Zhu Zhao, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhao felt relieved.

Fortunately, Su Feier was willing to follow him, which was a good thing.

If you don't follow yourself, then it will be a big problem.

After all the hard work, he finally found Su Feier, but in the end, he was unwilling to follow him. That was the worst thing.

"Okay, come out, pack up, and let's get out of here."

Zhu Zhao said.

Su Feier nodded, stood up slowly, and walked out of the crystal coffin.

Fortunately, no changes occurred.

It seems that Sophie's departure should have no impact on the seal.

Then, Zhu Zhao looked at Louise and Dolores.

"Take everything you can from here with you!"



The two nodded in response.

Then, the three of them started a sweep.

This is the treasure left by the angel clan.

There are many good things.

Louise went straight to the Gold Mountain and started collecting gold coins.

Dolores went straight to materials, equipment, treasure chests, etc.

Zhu Zhao, on the other hand, looked at the reincarnation pool.

Is this the most precious treasure besides the Angel Queen Suphiel herself?

Taking it back will provide endless convenience to the Heavenly Territory.

Although Zhu Zhao's army is cared for by 1 billion angels with resurrection skills, there is no battle damage now.

But just because it’s not happening now, doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.

What's more, the combat capabilities of evolved angels and unevolved angels are completely the same in heaven and earth.

After owning the reincarnation pool, you can directly train the angels of the God Realm in the future.

There is no need to reserve angels with resurrection skills.

Walking to the reincarnation pool, Zhu Zhao tried it to see if he could pack it up and take it away.

He was ready to go find the building transfer scroll.

Unexpectedly, I received Qiankun World directly.

This also saved him a lot of time.

Later, Zhu Zhao also joined the sweep.

What about gold coins, basic resources, special resources, equipment, etc.

No one was spared, they all grabbed them and threw them into their backpacks.

At the same time, Zhu Zhao also opened several treasure boxes stacked not far away.

"You opened the colorful treasure chest and obtained 10 trillion basic resources, 100 million hours of time acceleration card, 5 mythical equipment treasure chests, 3000 forbidden spell scrolls, and 10 million equipment strengthening stones."

"You opened the colorful treasure chest and obtained 10 trillion basic resources, 100 million hours of time acceleration card, 5 mythical equipment treasure chests, 1 twelfth-level soldier template treasure chest, and 5000 red resource point upgrade scrolls."


One treasure chest after another was opened, and batches of resources appeared in Zhu Zhao's backpack.

In general,

the harvest was quite rich.

While Zhu Zhao and the other two were plundering resources, Su Feier stood aside in a daze, without any extra movements, just looking at the three people, and didn't say anything.

It seemed that he was thinking about what the people here were doing.

Zhu Zhao and the other two spent nearly an hour cleaning up.

Only then did they collect all the treasures left by the angels here.

The number was really not small.

The basic resources alone exceeded 10 trillion.

What's more, there are a lot of special resources, equipment, various props, etc.

There is also a time acceleration card, a full 20 billion hours.

Quite good.

There are also ten crystals of time.

And there are thousands of experience crystals.

Zhu Zhao took them all and took them all.

After everything was packed up, Zhu Zhao looked at the women.

"Let's go, let's leave here."

Louise and Dolores naturally had no problem.

As for Sufeier, she didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

She herself was confused, she just felt that Dolores was very kind, and the other two were also good people.

Following them was the right choice.

Then several people left the cave and flew away.

As soon as they took off, they joined the angel army stationed here.

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