Chapter 86 Hands up and down the sword, chopping melons and cutting vegetables, Lao Tzu is so strong!!

Of course, Yi Feng will definitely not rush forward stupidly.

Like those generals on TV.

They roar the most fiercely when fighting, but they often wait for the soldiers to rush up before they follow.

The same goes for Easy Wind.

Asuna’s team rushed to the front, followed by Viananesha’s mage team Yi Feng in the middle.

Alice’s Rose Squad Queen.


“What people?”

On the watchtower at the entrance of the camp, two soldiers and bandits roared from afar.

Asuna doesn’t talk nonsense either.

Keep rushing forward with people.

The soldiers and bandits immediately understood that these people were here to find trouble.


Swish, two arrows fired, but were blocked by Asuna swinging her sword.

Is it so strong?

“Bed crossbow, launch!”

At this time, the two soldiers and bandits lifted the sackcloth, revealing two hideous big guys.

It’s a bed crossbow!

The crossbow arrows of the large bed crossbow are wrist-thick and not less than three meters long.

It is no exaggeration.

This thing can shoot through Yi Feng’s bright armor with one arrow.

At this time, Venanisa had already raised her staff, ready to destroy the two crossbows with magic, and Asuna hurriedly prompted: “Sister Vinanisha, don’t worry, scare some of these bandits first!” ”

Hear Asuna’s reminder.

Vinanisa immediately understood, so the magic ball condensed on the staff also dissipated.

Right at this moment.

The bed crossbow is fired!

Airplanes! Airplanes!

The forehead of the crossbow string trembled like the sound of bells and drums, dull and powerful, and two wrist-thick crossbow arrows whistled.

Asuna bore the brunt of the hit.

Immediately afterwards, it penetrated the eight flower demons all the way.

But without a drop of blood, all the flower monsters that were hit turned into rose petals in the sky.

In the end, the driving arrows shot by the two bed crossbows were actually caught by the last two rose demons.

No way!

The soldiers and bandits in the camp were so frightened that they peed their pants en masse.

“What kind of strength is this?”

“I can even catch the arrow from the crossbow.”

“Are these female warriors still human?”

The next moment, the petals of the sky recondensed into a human shape.

Not a single one died!

“No, no, no, no, they are not people, definitely not people!”

“Regardless of whether she is a human or not, all the crossbows gather fire to attack!”

A bandit squad leader gave the hit.

But the soldiers and bandits in the camp were so frightened that their heads were short-circuited, and they became clumsy in operating the crossbow on the bed.

“Sister Vinanisha, it’s your turn!”


When the words fell, ten Blue Lotus Demons raised their staffs, and the brilliant Level 2 Philosopher’s Stone released terrifying energy.

Ten huge magic balls slammed into the bandit camp.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The energy of magic swept wildly, destroying five crossbows in an instant, and the thick wooden fence was also blown to pieces.

“Sisters, follow me in!”

“For the Dawning Territory!”

“For my lordship!”


Yi Feng hurriedly reminded: “After you kill in, try not to destroy the bed, and you can put it on the city wall to defend the city when you move back!” ”

Just destroyed five crossbows.

Yi Feng’s heart hurt, he had already taken all the materials in the bandit camp as his own.

At this time, the flower monsters began to rush into the camp.

Yi Feng will definitely not follow.

What if the camp fell into a trap, he couldn’t incarnate as a spirit like a flower demon.

“You two stay and stay here with me!”

Yi Feng pulled the two Blue Lotus Demons.

The Blue Lotus Demon is a mage, and the road down the mountain is so narrow, there are two mages blocking here, which can ensure that no one can escape.

At this time, the flower demons rushed into the territory.

The brigade of 28 people was like thousands of troops.

The rose demon raised his sword and fell.

The eighteen styles of the battle sword, everywhere you go, you can block and cut off, or cut off your head to kill.

The Blue Lotus Demon is a mage though.

However, with the talent of the dragon blood flower demon body, he is not afraid of close combat.

They keep releasing magic balls.

Every time there was an explosion, soldiers and bandits were blown to pieces.

“Surrender without killing!”

“Surrender without killing!”

The flower monsters shouted slogans while killing the bandits.

But these people are extremely vicious bandits, how can it be so easy to surrender.

Some of the people began to flee towards the secret passage in the back mountain.

Others fled towards the camp gates.

After all, there were only twenty-eight flower demons who rushed into the camp, and they had already killed the depths of the camp at this moment, and they could not stop so many soldiers and bandits from escaping.

“It’s coming!”

Yi Feng guarded the intersection of the descent, and his hands had itchy hands for a long time.

The Destroyer longsword has been unsheathed.

At this time, the eight soldiers and bandits fled towards the bottom of the mountain in a panic, and saw Yi Feng and two flower demons guarding the intersection.

“Marde, there are only three people.”

“Don’t be afraid, let’s rush together!”

Eight soldiers and bandits were crowded and wanted to rush out in one go.

“It’s only eight people.”

“It’s all fourth-order strength.”

“Don’t do it, let me come!”

I am also a seventh-order lord, dressed in bright armor, and I have learned the sword technique of Yi Qiao Thousand Army.


Yi Feng held his sword in both hands and rushed straight up.

Click, click, click.

After a meal of chopping melons and cutting vegetables, all eight soldiers and bandits were killed.

“I lean!”

“Is Lao Tzu so strong?”

It’s a pity that I forgot to take a screenshot just now to install ×.

Be sure to take more screenshots later.

“You guys stay here, I’ll kill it!”

Yi Feng was already on his head, holding a long sword and rushing towards the camp.

Along the way, there were constantly soldiers and bandits who escaped, all of whom were killed by Yi Feng.

Every sword is clean.

There is absolutely no case of mending the knife.

Moreover, Yi Feng did not use sword qi, purely to hone the actual combat experience of Yi Qiqian Army.

The other side.

A large number of soldiers and bandits fled towards the secret passage of the back mountain.

Right at this moment.

Dense arrows shot out of the tunnel, and each arrow was bombarded with magic.

The soldiers who fled into the secret passage were blown to pieces.

Lucia rushed out of the secret passage with eight rose flower demons.

“Surrender without killing!”

“Death to the rebels!”

At this time, the leader of the camp was leading a group of high-ranking soldiers and bandits to kill.

The leader is a fifth-order great swordsman.

Equivalent to lord strength.

The other high-level are also fourth-order great swordsmen, and their strength is very strong.

“Mara coin, Lao Tzu Hall Fifth Order Great Sword.”

The words did not fall.

With a whoosh, a swift wind arrow arrived in an instant, hitting the leader’s head.

Smashed open with a bang.

The leader of the fifth-order great swordsman became a headless corpse on the spot.

Immediately after that, several swift wind arrows, a group of fourth-order great swordsmen were also killed in seconds.

The chiefs and the top are dead.

The rest of the minions are still struggling with a hammer.

“Don’t kill us.”

“We surrender.”

“I don’t resist anymore, you can do whatever you want to me, day or night.”

Depend on!

Why did you drive when you surrendered?

Lucia grabbed the old soldier’s head and twisted it, clicked, and directly moved her head down.

“Don’t think I can’t understand what you’re saying.”


Lucia casually threw this head on the ground, her beautiful face was full of murderous intent, and the remaining soldiers and bandits all knelt on the ground and shivered.

And in my heart I am cursing the old driver, especially surrender and surrender, what to say so much nonsense.

At this time, the entire barracks were killed.

The ground was covered with blood and corpses.

The death of the bandits, the surrender of surrender, no one resisted anymore.

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful occupation of the bandit camp and reward prestige +2000]

PS: Coding words…

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