Chapter 224 Lika who suddenly arrived!!

The captain’s name is Lawrence, and the family is one of the largest families in the entire Lionheart Kingdom.

It is these knights, even if they have any prejudice against Lawrence, they dare not say it directly to their faces.

At most, it is to say a word or two in secret, of course, provided that he does not know.

Just when everyone was fighting and was about to go out ~ Black Wind City.

A yin wind hit, and everyone only felt a forehead on their bodies.

“Brothers, do you feel the cold?”

With this statement, all the knights around nodded.

“Captain, I want to say that this should be the climate inside Black Wind City is different from the outside, so it will be so.”

Lawrence was also relieved to say this, and then led people to leave the territory of Black Wind City directly.

Before leaving, he also turned around and glared at the Black Wind City behind him.

Just as they left about a few hundred meters away, two black shadows hit like a whirlwind, and none of them reacted, only heard a sound of breaking the air, and then felt their bodies lighten and flew backwards behind them.

More than a dozen great knights, including Lawrence, were all shot away and fell in front of a large tree.

It was piled up under the big tree, and for a while the screams echoed the cries of pain.

Lawrence’s last shot off only felt like a whirlwind, and then fell on his subordinates.

Although it was just some dizziness, there was no major pain.

But I still felt that I had lost face, and I got up directly and scolded the other side.

“Who dares to sneak up on your uncle and me!”

As soon as the words fell, he saw a scene that he would never forget.

I saw two undead creatures blocking their way, and their size seemed to be a little too large.

“This is!”

“Captain, this is the undead, run!”

For a while, fear spread throughout the ranks of knights, who did not understand how these undead appeared in place.

Lawrence, the first to come to his senses, decisively left his subordinates and fled into the woods.

His idea was simple, that is, to go back to Yi Feng.

He hadn’t calculated the distance when he left just now, but now he was close to two kilometers away from Yi Feng’s Black Wind City.

This is not something he alone can do.

But he had no choice now, so he could only quickly flee towards Black Wind City.

Otherwise, he may be caught by the two undead behind him, and then it will really be life and death.

Besides, on the God and Demon Continent, the undead are all the lords and enemies of the kingdom, as long as they reach the territory of Black Wind City, presumably they will not sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

But he clearly overestimated himself, and just as he had just fled far, he felt the sound of breaking air coming from behind him.

The next moment it pierced his neck directly.

It was a sharp claw, and there were a dozen sharp claws on the claws that grabbed his neck.

Directly torn, it was torn in half in an instant.

Blood sprayed onto the ground, forming the shape of a Christmas tree.

Lawrence on the ground never dreamed that such a proud person would eventually die at the hands of the undead.

A relieved smile appeared on his face that had been torn in half.

Then the whole person died completely.

The owner of this claw is the flower dragon, I saw that he raised the claw in his hand, and after throwing off the blood and flesh stuck in his hand, he quickly flew towards the giant tiger over there, but he had to face a lot of human attacks.

In the battle field, the dozen knights armed with long swords wore armor.

But when faced with such a big guy, everyone will be afraid.

At this moment, everyone only felt that something behind them was rapidly approaching.

At the same time, there was a constant shaking sound on the ground.

Only then did one of them discover that Lawrence had disappeared.

“What about the captain, something happened to the captain?”

“Don’t think blindly, the strength of the captain is naturally above us, how something will happen!”

But in the face of the attack of the two undead monsters, they still have some confidence: “The brethren are all dead, it’s better to fight with them!” ”

This was directly answered by most of the soldiers, but a small number did not dare to answer.

After all, the next thing is to face two undead, not to mention whether his attack has an effect on the undead.

Let’s just say that such a large body size, at a glance, it is still two, no matter how you look at it, you can’t beat ah, just when everyone is going to desperately, Hualong can’t help but take the lead in condensing a ball of magic green from his body.

This is the skill of the flower dragon, condensing magical vines that make this group immobile.

“Where the hell did this undead come from!”

“Judging by the situation, it should have escaped from the canyon of the undead!”

“Black Wind City is so close to the Undead Canyon, no, we have to leave quickly, otherwise we will only be entangled!”

Not to mention that they don’t have the slightest attack ability on them, even their weapons are now entangled in vines and can’t escape at all.

The giant tiger stepped forward without mercy and slapped down, the size of this slap was larger than the faces of several of them.

Their end can be imagined.

When all the knights were solved, Hua Long and Giant Tiger fled the scene directly, but Yi Feng was able to recall directly remotely, and he was not afraid of being seen to see any flaws.

When all this was solved, Yi Feng just wanted to leave, when he felt a figure in the sky.

Then a fiery red figure descended from the sky and landed in front of him.

“Ryder Manlika, a magician of the Lionheart Kingdom High Academy, has seen His Excellency the Lord!”

Jaio, beside him, saluted.

A few guards around him just wanted to make a move, but Yi Feng directly reached out to stop him.

“Stand down.”

These werewolves were naturally obedient and obediently retreated to the side.

Lika said with a sigh of relief.

“I have long heard that His Excellency the Lord is magnanimous, and now it seems that this is indeed the case!”

Yi Feng smiled slightly, he would not make an easy move on girls.

“Then Your Excellency Lika doesn’t know why you came to find me!”

Lika smiled slightly.

“Your Excellency, presumably it is not by chance that you came to Black Wind City, it is better for me to find a secluded place to talk about it.”

Yi Feng was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, even if there was a ninth-order heroic magician standing in front of him.

He is also sure to deal with it.

Seeing that Yi Feng promised Lika was a little unexpected, he then nodded and followed Yi Feng towards a hidden corner of the city wall.

Geo naturally kept up, for fear of being caught by this group of werewolves and being cut by a thousand cuts.

Coming to the side of the city wall, Yi Feng turned to look at Lika and the corner of his mouth relaxed, “Your Excellency Lika can you explain your intentions now!” ”

Looking at the girl in front of her, I have to say that there is a mature woman’s charm.

But in his own dawning territory, there are dozens of flower demons with extraordinary appearances.

After getting along for a long time, I also have a certain resistance to these good-looking women Yi Feng.

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