The human race and other strong alien races just felt frightened and frightened. Only the demon race, especially those from the true demon race with strong bloodline, were so frightened that they started to change their pants.

Don't ask why!

All the strong players agreed that Bu Sao was too powerful to lose half the game at the beginning!

But only He Yiming soon discovered what Bu Sao was like after losing half of the game at the beginning.

This kid looks extremely ferocious, and the demonic energy crushes the monks around him trembling, but in fact I'm afraid... this kid upgraded too quickly. After breaking through to the eighth level, he was completely unable to control and control the true demon of purgatory in his body. Qi, causing the true demonic Qi of purgatory to go wild and spill out of the body, which would scare these people.

"Don't be coquettish, come here!"He Yiming waved his hand

"???"Many strong men present were stunned.

These strong men all looked at He Yiming.

Except for the Blood Clothes Hall, most of the members of the auxiliary strategy group and accompanying travelers did not know He Yiming.

Hearing He Yiming's words at this time, and looking at He Yiming's cultivation level, which was only in the realm of divine transformation, everyone suddenly sneered.

"This kid is dead!"

"To actually greet my uncle like that, you are looking for death!"

"That is, I have to be in awe to call you"Unsexy Daddy". This person dares to be so rude. Just wait,"Unsexy Daddy" will definitely kill him!"


These strong men who didn't know He Yiming all sneered and planned to watch the show.

I'm not a slut daddy, I'm invincible, you're a little scumbag in the realm of gods, where do you get the courage?……

"Oh, okay, Brother Ming!"However, Bu Sao, who lost half of the game at the beginning, naturally obeyed and walked up to He Yiming.

"???"Everyone tilted their heads.


What's going on with this horse riding?

Why don't I, the invincible one, show off to my father? The existence of eighty-seven demonic marks...

I want to listen to the words of a little scumbag in the God Transformation Realm? what is happening?

"Hahaha, a bunch of idiots, he is the first generation leader of the Yanhuang Sect, Lord He Yiming!"

"Although Mr. Bushao’s father is invincible, in terms of status, he is the second elder of the Yanhuang Sect! Of course we have to listen to the words of the first generation sect leader!"

"You guys are simply idiots!"


However, at this time, there was a strong man who recognized He Yiming's identity, laughed and said disdainfully

"!!!"All the strong men were in an uproar instantly!

This He Yiming who is in the realm of God Transformation... is actually the first generation leader of the Yanhuang Sect, which is currently famous on the third floor of the God and Demon Tower?

The old Hashirama Senju, who is currently known as the number one person on the third floor of the God and Demon Tower, is actually He Yiming's junior in terms of seniority?

After all, the old Zhujian of Senju is only the third generation leader of the Yanhuang Sect, but He Yiming is the first generation!

"What's going on with the Yanhuang Sect?"

"Yes, why am I, with eighty-seven demon marks, just an elder if I don’t show off to your father? With this strength, being a sect leader is no problem, okay?"

"See that country boy-looking guy in the straw hat? He is actually the great elder of the Yanhuang Sect, and his ranking is still ahead of my uncle, Mr. Bu Sao. Can you believe this?"


"Are the rankings in Yanhuang Sect based on feet? Why can’t I understand??"

"I can't understand it either. Isn't it the strongest one in the front? Could it be the other way around?"


The strong men around were in an uproar, and everyone was confused.

"Your true demonic aura from purgatory is completely in a state of rage. Let me, the sect leader, help you control it!"He Yiming greeted Bu Sao and walked over. He raised his hand and gently touched Bu Sao's chest!

The next moment……

"Wow!"The terrifying demonic pressure that spread out in all directions and almost exploded when Bu Sao lost half of the game, dissipated in an instant!

But the terrifying true demonic energy of purgatory did not disappear, but slowly integrated into the body of Bu Sao who lost half of the game. , effectively controlled

"Huh? Is this how the true demonic energy of purgatory is controlled? Thank you, Brother Ming!"Busao was stunned for a moment when he lost half of the game at the beginning, and then he felt a lot more comfortable. After all, since he broke through to the eighth level, Bushao had a headache when he lost half of the game at the beginning. If he touches anything with his hands, he will crush it, crush it, and absorb it as soon as he touches it. This is very annoying.

I can’t drink Bingling Wine. I walk all the way and destroy things along the way. Fortunately, these NPCs seem to be super friendly. I walk all the way by myself and destroy all the way. Not only are these NPCs in the Blood Clothes Hall not angry, they also greet them with smiles.

"Brother Ming is still awesome!"Busao, who had lost half of the game in the beginning, was sincerely impressed. He couldn't do anything about this rampant purgatory demonic energy. Brother Ming took action and controlled it with just a tap.

Cowhide, really cowhide!

"???"Seeing this scene, the strong men present were even more confused.

What the hell?

Why is the demonic pressure and demonic aura of the invincible, terrifying and invincible I am not showing off to my father...

He Yiming just suppressed it and disappeared completely?

No, it's not disappearing, but it seems that with the help of Mr. Fusao's father, he can control the demonic energy and demonic pressure freely.

"This He he hiding his cultivation?"

"Isn't he a human? Why can you help Mr. Fusao Daddy control the demonic energy?"

"This person is simply unfathomable!"


All the strong men present were in an uproar and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Dig, don’t be cool, you have 87 magic marks? so fast!"

"Haha, brother Luffy, wait until I have 88 demonic marks, and I will challenge you again!"


"Um? Why didn't you see Brother Xiong?"

"It seems that Brother Xiong went to clear the four hundred people's memory world alone, and a thousand ghosts and dragons died twice! There is a video uploaded to the forum, Yingguilong is so awesome!"

"I also watched it. Brother Xiong’s hands and feet are really impressive!"


At this time, Wang Lufei and others came over, and everyone started chatting happily.

"???"The strong men around him were dumbfounded again.

At this time, many talents made keen discoveries.

The demon who has been following Wang Lufei, who looks like a country boy wearing a straw hat, like a little scumbag accompanying him... The one riding the horse is actually an eighth-level demon with eighty-four demon marks!

Such a terrifying and powerful man who defies the heavens, actually follows the young man named Wang Lufei like a younger brother?


"Ahem, everyone, it’s almost time! It’s time to start conquering the memory world of 400 people, Maixamas!"At this time, a figure came out. He changed his previous domineering and majestic attitude, and even spoke in a low-key and polite manner.

It was the leader of the Blood Clothes Hall.

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