"eighty seven? No! This demon has a total of ninety demon marks!"Mo Bu Sao lost half the battle in the beginning and spoke coldly. The terrifying demonic pressure with ninety demonic marks on his body suddenly erupted.

"???"If Bu Sao loses at the beginning, half of the people will be stupid.

Damn it!

I have so much money!

As a result, this boss made an enhanced version of me with just a raise of his hand?

Then I spent a lot of money on a hammer?

"Feel the blade of this demon!"Demon Emperor Sauron walked out slowly, with the same three swords, and whether it was the sword's intention or aura, they all crushed Emperor Sauron!

"this……"Di Sauron was shocked.

Damn it!

Can you still show off like this?

"Feel the power of the night fire!"As for the demon Senju Madara, when he raised his hand, there were ten thousand black heavenly fire beasts, each of which was bigger and stronger than Senju Madara's!

"???"The Senju Madaras were all dumbfounded.

This is so shameless!

You can enhance my special move tenfold without thinking...

This is a hammer blow!

So soon……

"Damn it, I can't beat my copycat?"

"Damn, this guy can even take Rasengan?"

"Ah, save me!"

"Wait, why can he also combine man and sword? Isn’t this bastard a copycat?"


"Mad, what's going on?"


Except for Wang Lufei, the other nine players were knocked to the ground and beaten by their own copycats in the blink of an eye!

Dayan's most powerful fire method was directly swallowed by the black endless sea of ​​flames of Demon Dayan's most powerful fire method, and he was the first to belch.

Next, Senju Madara was also surrounded by 10,000 heavenly fire beasts and screamed.

The other players burped one after another!

Only one figure, after a bloody battle, finally killed the copycat version of himself with one punch!

That's Wang Lufei!

"Um?"Wang Lufei can win, this is something that Morsugard never expected.

In this hall, there is a real demon weapon!

It is the extremely powerful mirror demon who once fell. After his death, the corpse and demon core turned into a real demon. Weapon!

Therefore, no matter what kind of guy the invading human race is, or whether it is a demon race!

Their power and form can be copied and strengthened several times or even ten times!

But only...

Wang Lufei in front of him The power cannot be copied!

"What is the power you have?"Morsugard was a little shocked, because this was the first time that Morsugard encountered a situation where he could not completely copy the opponent's power.

This is not because of the inability of Morsugard and the real demon weapon, but because of Wang Lufei's way. This era, or even the next era!

Because Wang Lufei’s way is the way against heaven!

Because the source of power of Wang Lufei’s King Wing incarnation comes from the Black Wing Immortal Emperor!

Whether it is the way against heaven or the Black Wing Immortal Emperor Its power cannot be replicated by any real demonic weapon!

"Am I the only one left?"Wang Lufei was covered in injuries at this time, but he was still full of fighting spirit.

"Since I can't copy your power, then……"

"This demon will personally take action and kill you!"


The shadow of Mor'Thuzad spoke hoarsely, and then slowly transformed into a real form, appearing in front of Wang Lufei!

This is also the third form of Morthuzad!

"bring it on!!!"Wang Lufei yelled and rushed forward...

After half a stick of incense, he entered the resurrection hall of Yanhuang Sect.

Dayan's strongest fire method and others appeared here with confused faces.

"Gan, this BOSS is so powerful!"

"My second form is Nishiuchi? I am dissatisfied with riding a horse!"

"This copycat is stronger than me, this wolf planning maniac must be crazy!"

"I've spent so much money that I have eighty-seven demon marks... Why am I still being pinned to the ground and beaten to death by monsters? Why is this person riding a horse?"

"I was actually frozen to death by the ice, can you believe it?"

"Look, Brother Luffy also belched his fart! Ha ha ha ha! The group was wiped out, this time it was a genuine group wipeout!"


While everyone was chatting, they were cursing Planner Wolf. After waiting for a while, Wang Lufei's figure also appeared.

"Damn it, this bastard is so strong!"Wang Lufei looked unwilling, but he also knew that even if he were to do it again, he would be alone and it would be very difficult to defeat the opponent.

"Look, Brother Ming is calling us!"

"Mad, let’s go, fight again, I won’t accept it, I will lose this time!"

"Quick, start walking!"


At this time, Dayan's strongest fire magician and others received the news from He Yiming, so they hurriedly passed through the teleportation array and soon arrived in the hall outside Mersugard's room again.

He Yiming is smiling and looking like he has been waiting here for a long time.

"Brother Ming, give us another chance!"

"That’s right, I was careless just now! I will definitely win this time!"

"Yes, everyone listens to my command this time, I have a way to deal with our copycat version!"


The players were chattering, and they all expressed that they wanted to fight again.

What happened to the group destruction?

In front of the new BOSS, how can you show off the awesomeness of Gou Plan without destroying the team once? This was all deliberately arranged by Gou Planning. It was definitely not something I accidentally overturned.

"Disciples, don’t panic, wait a moment!"He Yiming smiled slightly and just comforted him.

Soon, everyone in the Blood Clothes Hall collected the magic cores and finally came back.

"Lord He Yiming, these are all the magic cores collected, a total of 1.73 million, all of which are level six or above!"The master of the Blood Clothes Hall was extremely respectful and handed He Yiming a sacred water ring with both hands.

He Yiming glanced at it and accepted it with peace of mind.

"Huh? Are there so many magic cores?"

"Gan, it seems that I missed an opportunity to make a fortune!"

"But in this dungeon, can't you only bring out one magic core?"

"Yes, why does Brother Ming collect so many magic cores that cannot be taken out?"

"Wait, let me think about the strangeness……"

"Think of a hammer and quickly think of a way to pass the second form!"


The players discussed for a while and then stopped thinking about the magic core. Instead, they all looked at He Yiming.


"Mor'Thuzad is indeed powerful!"

"But, he is not invincible!"

"The tactics used by the Blood Clothes Hall were to spend three days and three nights in a bloody battle with Mor'Thuzad here. Targeting the different forms of Mor'Thuzad, they used different methods, fought steadily, and finally won!"

"This sect leader has understood everything, so now……"

"This time, this sect leader is responsible for commanding and leading the group!"

"Everyone, please join hands and fight with all your strength! Follow the command of this sect leader!"

"Take down Mor'Thuzad!"


He Yiming's passionate speech shocked the audience instantly!

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