Isn't the figure who took action the previous intruder?

Aren't they dead?

Why did it appear again?

Although Mor'Thuzad was a little surprised, he quickly stopped thinking about it.

"The stronger you are... then your mirror image will be stronger than you!!!"Morsugard entered the second form without saying a word.

The next moment, ten figures suddenly appeared!

Naturally, they were copycat versions of the players, but they were ten times stronger versions of the players!

Except for Wang Lufei, the others The nine copycat versions all crush the players in terms of strength. Normally speaking, players will definitely lose if they face their own copycat version!

"Damn it, what should I do now?"

"Gan, my copycat version is ten times better than me, how can I fight this?"

"Hush, wait for Brother Ming’s order! Brother Ming must have a solution!"


The players were shocked. After all, everyone was wiped out in this second form just now.

So, how does Brother Ming deal with these copycat versions?

Let the Blood Clothes Hall and the tower climbers take action? But they may be able to defeat them, but the damage will probably be huge, and the battle will take a long time!

The worst thing is that Merthuzad can completely copy the images of these NPCs, which will be even more troublesome!

In the same way, if Brother Ming takes action, it will be easy to destroy the players’ copycat versions!

But... what if Brother Ming is also copied?

The ten times stronger copycat Brother Ming...

Players will shudder when they think about it!

However, at this moment, He Yiming was extremely calm and naturally issued an order that made the players into an uproar!

"Wang Lufei, get down on the tower quickly, you will lose half of the game if you don't show off!"

"Fusion! Let them see the power of Wang Fei Sao Jita!"

"The most powerful fire spell in Dayan, the best ice spell in the national server!"

"Fusion, let this guy know what the strength of the Ice and Fire King is!"


He Yiming gave the order directly without saying a word!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"


Regardless of whether Wang Lufei and others were shocked, even the players watching the live broadcast and forum friends were in an uproar!

"Is this okay?"

"Brother Ming: How to fight? Just fire them up immediately! Isn’t it stupid!"

"Damn it, the three tests are the strongest. Is Wang Fei Saojita’s father going to appear again?"

"Show! Now Wang Fei Sao Jita, how strong is he on horseback? I can’t even imagine it!"

"The Wang Fei Sao Jita of the Third Test Era and the Wang Fei Sao Jita of today are definitely two different entities, okay?"

"Not just two existences, they are simply two species!"


All the players and water friends who watched the live broadcast were shocked!

If someone else gave the order, Wang Lufei and others might not listen!

But if it was Brother Ming who ordered it!

So the five of them showed the God Ring without saying a word!

The next moment, after five rays of light flashed, the five people transformed into two brand new postures!

"I am the strongest in the four tests! King of Ice and Fire!!!"A figure, with the breath of ice and fire flowing around his body, exudes a coercive force that is far greater than before.

It is the fusion of the number one ice spell in the national server and the strongest fire spell in Great Flame, the King of Ice and Fire!

"If you don’t know ice, how can you know fire?"

"Feel the most powerful kill that only the King of Ice and Fire can unleash!"

"Ice and Fire God Lotus!!!"


The King of Ice and Fire closed his hands and unfolded them again. What emerged was a strange flower fused with the power of ice and fire!

In this flower, the power of ice and fire, which cannot be fused under the laws of this era, is miraculously fused together, and it contains earth-shaking terrifying power!

Maybe the newbies in the fourth test have imitated this attack!

But the Ice and Fire God Lotus of the Ice and Fire Dharma King is the only genuine version and the most powerful killer!

"Go for it!"The King of Ice and Fire pushed in the air!

"!"Demon Dayan's strongest fire spell and Demon Kingdom's best ice spell are facing powerful enemies. One casts the endless sea of ​​fire, the other casts the endless ice, and they fight together!

But the next moment……

"boom!!!"The Ice and Fire God Lotus suddenly erupted. The power of the explosion was so terrifying that it almost caused the entire room to collapse!

The terrifying and boundless power of the ice-fire conflict explosion exploded directly, burning away the most powerful fire technique of Demon Great Flame. The sea of ​​black fire also annihilated the ice world of the No. 1 ice spell in the Demonic Kingdom!

Just one blow, killing instantly!

"!"Mor'Thuzad was immediately shocked!

The power of ice and fire can be perfectly integrated?

How is this done?

But the next moment, an even more shocking figure took action.

It was once known as the strongest existence in the three-test era!

Wang Fei Sao Jita!

"Boom boom boom!!!"At this time, Wang Fei Sao Jita, the aura flowing out of his body was so powerful that it was so powerful!

This figure just stood there, and the surrounding space was distorted by its powerful aura.

Black hair, red eyes, Wang Fei Sorgita hasn't taken action yet!

But even Merthuzad feels a huge threat!

"All mirrors, kill him!!!"Morsugard gave an order, and the other eight mirror images all changed their targets and locked on Wang Fei Sao Jita.

However, the next moment, Wang Fei Sao Jita moved!

"Boom boom boom!"Seven roars sounded, and the next moment, when Wang Fei Saojita stood still.

Demon King Luffy and other seven mirror images were all instantly killed on the spot!

"Ahhhh!!!"Only Mo Bu Sao lost half of the start, and the aura of ninety demon marks burst out, bombarding Wang Fei Sao Jita crazily!

"Boom boom boom!"Wang Fei Sao Jita did not dodge or dodge, and resisted a total of ninety-nine punches.

Until Mo Bu Sao lost half of the opening, he stopped in shock.

Because Mo Bu Sao with ninety magic marks lost half of the opening, he bombarded with all his strength. From beginning to end... even Wang Fei Sao Jita's skin was not broken!

"That's it?"Wang Feisujita smiled contemptuously, and his backhand was just a punch!

"boom!!!"Mo Bu Sao, who had ninety demon marks, lost half of the game at the beginning and was immediately blasted with half of his body. He died suddenly on the spot.

"!"The entire Demon City of Mor'Thuzad felt bad. how did you do that?

Why can these human invaders, no...humans, demons, and other things, be able to fuse together?

Don't their souls repel each other? Don’t the forces conflict?

How is this done?

"You can do it, mirroring can do the same!!!"But Mol'Thuzad waved his hand the next moment!

"Boom boom boom!"With the roaring sound, two figures walked out of the twelve vortex space gates.

They were the copycat version of King Ice and Fire, and the copycat version of Wang Fei Sao Jita!

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