Fierce Fist - Boom rises from the sky.

The burnt aroma of roasted meat began to fill the crypt.

The giant scorpion leader also began to be anxious, the long tail needle began to flicker, and a dark red liquid with a fishy breath rushed towards Tang Yue, who had just finished casting spells.

The castration was a few points faster than his hurry. Wind Rail - Flash Step. The figure suddenly appeared twice in the crypt, and the figure had already arrived at Tang Yue's position. Pick up Tang Yue and use the flash step again.

The dark red liquid passed through the shadows remaining in the air, fell to the ground and snorted. Black smoke rose from the ground.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two of them, the remaining forty or so giant scorpions formed three super-large spheres. Driven by the two generals and the pseudo-leader, they pressed towards the two.

The two who landed saw this formation, Tang Yue frowned slightly, and was about to speak, Lu Yan's voice sounded in time: "Yueyue, you avoid it for the time being, and when I break these things up, you pay attention to mending the knife." "

The execution power after a long battle made Tang Yue have no nonsense, and a shadow escaped to the shadow of the crypt.

Lu Yan concentrated his energy and released a wind disc - tear at the giant scorpion ball pushed by the sub-leader. The howling wind brought a powerful tearing force to blow the big ball apart, and the stump of many giant scorpions began to scatter.

The sub-ruler was also caught off guard and swept into the sky, torn by the strong wind.

Without bothering about it, the other two balls were about to arrive in front of him.

Once again, he released Kun no Mori-Prison, blocking the large ball on the left in place. It is enough to fight for time to move without asking for long to block.

On the other side, Tang Yue was not idle, first released a fierce fist - Nine Palaces under Lu Yan's wind, and without waiting for the breath to return, another fierce fist - Bang Tian was placed in the position of the plant prison.

With the release of two medium-level magic in a row, Tang Yue's spirit suffered a certain impact, which was temporarily not enough to release the third magic. I had to reply silently on the side, and my eyes kept paying attention to Lu Yan.

After solving the two big balls, Lu Yan released the wind track-rush and began to pull away from the position of the third big ball, while slightly approaching Tang Yue, so as not to have an emergency situation and there was no time to rescue.

After pulling away to a certain distance, Lu Yan began to release his third control skill, Nian Control - Retreat.

The magic Lu Yan of the Space Department and the Mind Department did not release much. The cultivation of these two lines was basically cultivated by using a huge amount of energy empowerment in the three-step tower, and the speed of release could not catch up with the several departments he commonly used.

After the release and retreat, the space of the crypt seemed to fluctuate a little, and the third large ball seemed to hit a spring, and was pushed out by a countershock force for ten meters, and the giant scorpions in the outer layer fell one after another.

Just when those giant scorpions wanted to continue to assemble, Lu Yan's psychic magic also struck.

Lingyi - calmed

the moment, and those manic giant scorpions full of killing intent dazedly circled in place. The large balls that came together were also scattered.

With a casting speed of more than four seconds, Lu Yan himself felt ashamed, and decided in his heart that after this incident, he must find a place to train the proficiency of these two departments vigorously.

However, Tang Yue, who had been staring at Lu Yan, had a flash of brilliance in his eyebrows, and he had a deeper understanding of Lu Yan's strength. And this was also the first time that Lu Yan unreservedly exerted his power in front of Tang Yue.

Those giant scorpions are at a loss, Lu Yan will not be idle.

A cyan glow lit up in his hand, and the magic star map of the fire system shrouded the giant scorpion group that had just been disturbed by the mind.

Qingyan-Fierce Fist-Nine Palaces

and Nine Brilliant Cyan Light Pillars broke through the rock formation, reflecting the orange-red finch flame of Tang Yue just now.

The meat was fragrant, and the thick carapace of the giant scorpion could not withstand the high temperature of the spirit-level flame, and was baked inside into a barbecue.

After this round of confrontation, there were only about ten giant scorpions that were still densely packed, all of them were injured, and there were some black spots on their bodies.

The warrior in Qingyan was also cooked, and several scorpion claws were still twitching unconsciously.

The giant scorpion leader was also frightened by the attack of the two, and the few wisdom made its heart tremble, escape, if he doesn't escape, he will die here.

It is said that the demon head is iron, and only knows how to blindly charge. That's just for the demons at the bottom, and the general-level demons have begun to have a certain amount of wisdom. The monarch-level demon mind is already comparable to that of humans, not to mention the level of emperor. At that level, only a very few can match them in intelligence.

The creaking sound resounded in the crypt again, and the remaining giant scorpions started a new round of charge in the sound.

There were more than a dozen low-level demons, Lu Yan stood alone in front of Tang Yue, and the first-level magic was released without money. The fourth-level fire-double explosion was enough to blow those slave-level giant scorpions to pieces.

"Not good, Lu Yan, that Ya leader wants to run!"

Of course, Lu Yan saw the movement of that sub-leader, and he was worried about Tang Yue's condition, thinking of disposing of the remaining giant scorpions before cleaning up the sub-leader. But I didn't expect that guy actually ran away.

"It's okay, as long as it refuses to give up this fire vein, it can't run after all." We'll deal with it first, and when you recover, we'll go find it together. Tang

Yue listened to it with joy in her heart, the killing intent in her eyes had long disappeared, the seriousness on her face was replaced by softness, and a trace of love flashed in her wonderful eyes. The care from this little man, she is very useful.

The giant scorpion that was already injured did not bring much trouble to Lu Yan, and it didn't take much effort to cut them down, including the warrior.

When cleaning up the battlefield, Lu Yan began to miss Mo Gouzi's little loach. Mother, the fusion essence is really a little tempting.

During this period, the intensity of his demon hunting was not very high. Hoshiko's reinforcement progress has been slow. Coupled with the two slave-level essences harvested today, he was only able to strengthen the fire system star to 30. The Intermediate Fourth-level Fierce Fist-Nine Jiao is far away.

After half a day, Tang Yue finally recovered her full state. Plenty of fire magic allows her to quickly replenish her magical energy.

Lu Yan packed up the battlefield and packed everything he could take away. This time, he prepared 8 large backpacks.

"Yueyue, let's go meet the giant scorpion king. Ruler-level creatures, I haven't killed them yet! Putting things away, Lu Yan's eyes flashed with fighting intent.

"It just so happens that I haven't killed either, so I'll use it today to upgrade this girl's record." Tang Yue naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity.

So, the demon duo in the heart of the pseudo-leader giant scorpion began their pursuit and killing journey again, aiming directly at the pseudo-leader. Following the direction of the giant scorpion's escape, the two began a slow chase.

Along the way, it is like a locust crossing the border, and all the resources encountered are pocketed.

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