The spiritual thought full of information came out again, and this time Lu Yan was not as gentle as just now. Answer questions, or die!

Several warrior-level ancient eagles shivered under Lu Yan's deterrence, and a scene was hurriedly transmitted, which was a cave formed by ice crystals.

Lu Yan was overjoyed, he really didn't expect that a few random ancient eagles actually knew where their goal was, and took Mu Ningxue to turn over the back of an ancient eagle.

There were suddenly two more people on his back, and the ancient eagle seemed extremely uncomfortable, and wanted to shake the two into the air. However, the moment the green flame ignited, it was provoked.

The ancient eagle with the two quickly traveled through the air, and soon came to a huge glacier. There, there is a cave made of ice crystals. The sunlight is refracted in the ice crystals, and the whole cave looks colorful and dreamy.

That ancient eagle stopped a mile away from the cave, and no matter how threatening Lu Yan was, he never went further. It seems that there is something terrifying in that cave.

Lu Yan did not embarrass those extremely cold ancient eagles, these things are all social creatures, he has killed this ancient eagle now, and when he returns, he is afraid that he will be besieged by the eagle group.

Several extremely cold ancient eagles were released. Lu Yan led Mu Ningxue towards the cave, and every distance he walked, he would feel the power of the surrounding ice and snow a little stronger.

When I walked to the door of the cave, there was already a strong coercion coming from it.

Feeling this pressure, Lu Yan understood that the place was right. This should be the location where Qin Yu'er was frozen. After taking a long breath, Lu Yan took Mu Ningxue into the colorful cave.

The further you go, the greater the pressure on your body, and when you reach the end, the power of coercion has climbed to the level that only a super-level mage can have. If Mu Ningxue was alone, she would definitely not be able to walk here. Lu Yan carried the coercion alone and took Mu Ningxue to his final destination.

There, there is a white figure in the huge glacier curtain. A huge coercive force came from her body.

Mu Ningxue looked at the white figure in the glacier and froze in place.

Without it, that figure is too similar to himself. The same white drifting, the same coldness, even, she could feel the power of ice and snow as thick as the mountain on the other party.

She is the natural ice and snow darling, the controller of the power of ice and snow in the world. Compared with the power of his own ice, it was like a firefly meeting the moon above the nine heavens.

"Senior, is this the master you found for me? Why is she frozen in a glacier! Even if she was also a woman, Mu Ningxue was amazed by the elves in the glacier.

"It's a sad story. For the time being, I still won't tell you yet. At that time, if you can stay, don't ask more, just practice with peace of mind, when the time comes, I will tell you personally. Lu Yan sighed faintly. This girl in the ice and snow has the kindness of Ding Yumian, the tenacity of Mu Ningxue, and the affection of Ye Xinxia.

Sometimes, Lu Yan also had to sigh with emotion, and the guy who cut the sky didn't know what kind of shit luck he went!

"Okay, Ning Xue, you pay attention, I'm going to start breaking the ice."

Cyan flames began to burn in his hand, and huge magic constellations began to appear at his feet.

Heavenly Flame Funeral-Hellfire Stone

, these condensed ice crystals have reached the level of almost heavenly species, and ordinary fire magic can't help them at all. As soon as Lu Yan made a move, it was the ultimate magic of the fire system that he had mastered-the hellfire stone.

With the blessing of the spirit seed, the ice crystals began to melt slowly.

Lu Yan cast a total of three hellfire stones to penetrate the thin layer of ice.

At the moment when the glacier was penetrated, a bone-chilling chill enveloped him, and the solid glacier exploded one after another, and debris comparable to bullets sprayed towards the two.

Lu Yan's face changed drastically, and the Wings of the Wind-Guardian launched in time. Block the debris that comes at you.

In the glacier, the elf-like woman had opened her eyes. The moment she felt the power of the flames, she had already woken up from the ice. It's just that the long period of freezing has reduced her control over her body.

"Xing Yi, did you come to pick me up?" An ethereal heavenly sound came from the woman's mouth.

"Senior Sister Qin Yuer, you control yourself first. The chopping instructor can't get out of his body for the time being, and if he continues, we will not be able to hold on. Lu Yan had words of suffering, he did not expect to encounter this situation.

I hadn't heard a human voice for a long time, and Qin Yuer was still a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Instructor Chopper, is it Xing Yi?" Qin Yuer whispered.

"Yes, yes. You're about to get the power!

"Sorry, just came out, a little uncomfortable for a while." Qin Yu'er also realized that the power of ice that escaped unconsciously was causing damage to the two young men in front of him.

But in a moment, the power of ice and snow that was still raging had disappeared. It is worthy of Qin Yuer, and this ability to control is outrageous. Only this kind of control ability is what Mu Ningxue needs to learn, isn't it?

Lu Yan got up, and Qin Yu'er was also startled by Mu Ningxue who Lu Yan was protecting in his arms. If she wasn't sure she didn't have twin sisters, she couldn't help but think that this was another her in the world.

"You're looking for me because of her, right?" Feeling the power of almost the same origin as herself, Qin Yuer, who was clear-minded, guessed the purpose of the two.

Lu Yan smiled a little embarrassed: "It is worthy of being Senior Sister Qin Yuer, in a word."

"Okay, she can stay here. Can you tell me about the stars... Hollowing out things? "

The instructor made a big fuss in the Holy City because of the matter of Senior Sister, and finally the curse department was abolished. When I returned to China, I was sent by my ancestral family to a remote small city, Bocheng, to serve as a military commander, and it was there that I met the instructor. In fact, the instructor has always wanted to take you back, but he is afraid that he will not have the strength to protect you. Moreover, over the years, the holy city has acted more and more unscrupulously, and all those who do not obey are called heretics, and they are hunted down around the world.

At the mention of the Holy City, Qin Yu'er's face also became cold.

"Okay, you go back, your little girlfriend I will take care of, there is time, let Chop Kong come to see me."

"Senior Sister Qin Yuer..." "

Do you have anything else?"

"Uh, I want to say, during the national government trials, can you let Ning Xue come back."

"It's time for the National Mansion to compete again..." Qin Yu'er fell into remembrance

, Lu Yan did not interrupt Qin Yuer's memories, and turned his head to look at Mu Ningxue.

At this time, he found that Mu Ningxue was shy and timid, looking at himself with a rather complicated eye.

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