All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 104: Che has been wandering for half his life

Chapter 104: Che has been wandering for half his life.

Gou Buren's eyes had completely eliminated his fear of Jiang Che at this moment, as if they were treating each other as equals, but this was only because he had a death wish.

As long as Jiang Che threatens him a little, he can immediately make him continue to humble himself.

However, Jiang Che still reserved this last bit of dignity for him.

What he said was correct. Jiang Che could indeed deal with Yang Xian without him even needing to take action himself. But the problem was that Yang Xian was the eighth-grade county magistrate and an official of the imperial court.

It's okay to destroy it, but it will cause trouble if you kill it.

If his family members are investigated, it will cause quite a stir.

At this time, if Jiang Che wants to destroy his family, he needs someone to be a scapegoat.

It was precisely because Gou Buren noticed Jiang Che's thoughts that he made such a suggestion.

Anyway, everyone is going to die. If his death can save my mother's life, he is willing to be the knife in Jiang Che's hand.

Jiang Che leaned back slightly and showed a smile:

"You know that Jiang has always been too soft-hearted. What he hates the most is the drama of deep love between mother and son. Since you have such an idea, I can give you this opportunity."


Gou Buren looked directly at Jiang Che with gratitude on his face, and his tense mind finally relaxed a little at this moment.

He has nothing to offer now. After Zhao Mingcheng and Jiang Che reached an alliance of interests, the only backstage was completely useless. In fact, he was not qualified to negotiate a deal with Jiang Che here at all.

If Jiang Che ignored him, there was nothing he could do.

"I accept this thank you and go down."

Jiang Che waved his hand.

Gou Buren bowed down to him, clasped his fists in salute, and then left the Xicheng military camp resolutely, with a bleak back and decisive steps.

That night.

Gou Buren, the commander of Nancheng in Yuan Yanggu County, massacred the whole family of the county magistrate Yang Xian, leaving no old, weak, women or children behind. He set fire to it and burned the entire courtyard to ashes, and he was also killed in the fire.

Before he died, someone once heard an angry cry:

"Yang Xian, you have committed a heinous crime by trespassing on human life. Today, I will go out of my way to do justice for heaven and destroy your whole family!"

Yang Xian's death caused quite a stir in Yanggu County. After all, in terms of official rank, his power was only below that of the county magistrate and county lieutenant, especially Gou Buren, who was also an official.

Many people are talking and speculating.

But few people doubted Jiang Che.

Because many people have long known about the blood feud between Jiang Che and Gou Buren. They have already been on the same level. It is impossible for them to collude together. How could it be that he instigated it?

Furthermore, now that Jiang Che is at the height of his power and his power is at its peak, no one dares to throw dirty water on him.

Jiang Che didn't even give the county magistrate any face, so who are they?

The only person who vaguely guessed the truth was the county magistrate Zhao Mingcheng.

After all, Jiang Che had just told him that he wanted to punish Yang Xian and Gou Buren, but before he could take action, the two died in internal strife. How could it not make people suspicious?

But after weighing it, he still pretended that he didn't know what to do.

Since Jiang Che took action himself, he could just deal with the aftermath.

Therefore, originally such a big case could alarm the government and cause some waves, but with his spring and autumn writing skills, he minimized the matter as much as possible.

Even the owner of the suffering is gone, who has nothing to do to seek justice?

While the matter was fermenting in Yanggu County, Jiang Che rushed to Fengziying with tens of thousands of taels of silver, preparing to meet Qi Huan and deliver the promised silver to him.

Gou Buren and Yang Xian were just a sideshow to him now.

He wants to look forward and move closer to the Qi family.

"I was about to send someone to invite you, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself." After receiving the notice, Qi Huan personally came to the gate of Fengzi Camp to greet him and gave him full courtesy.

When he saw Jiang Che, he acted very close to him.

It is true that a lot of money was contributed to this, but he was indeed optimistic about Jiang Che's development, otherwise, he would not have introduced him to his father and helped him pave the way.

After all, his father is not someone who is blind to wealth. People who don't fall into his eyes will not be able to meet his father even if he recommends them.

"These things are hot to hold, so they must be handed over to you as soon as possible."

Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Hahaha, since it's hot, it belongs to me."

Qi Huan laughed and invited Jiang Che into the tent for a chat. After a few chats, Jiang Che briefly told what happened in the past few days, including the suppression of the bandits in Crouching Tiger Mountain and the riot at the county government.

"A group of bandits have been entrenched in Crouching Tiger Mountain for more than ten years. The government has mobilized troops to encircle and suppress them many times, but to no avail. Unexpectedly, they fell into your hands after all." Qi Huan couldn't help but sigh.

As the captain of Fengziying, his duty is to guard the safety of Yanggu County and Qingjiang County. Naturally, he also knows some situations in Crouching Tiger Mountain and knows that there are three village masters in Tongmai Realm.

There are even dozens of horse troops as wings, which is definitely difficult for ordinary people to deal with.

"Jiang was lucky enough to get a bargain. The village owners of Crouching Tiger Mountain went down the mountain one after another to fight for the treasure, and then gradually died in Yanggu County.

The masters have long since disappeared, and the remaining things will be much easier to handle. "

"Then what's going on with Zhao Mingcheng? Why is he obstructing him in every possible way? Could it be that he has some collusion with Crouching Tiger Mountain?" Qi Huan came from a noble family and quickly thought of this level.

Jiang Che smiled and said nothing, his meaning was very obvious.

"If you get evidence of this person's crime, don't rush to report it. It's best to keep it for your own use. The power of a county magistrate is still very large." Qi Huan suggested.

It is not that there are no upright officials who can ask for orders for the people, but they are too rare. In Qi Huan's view, the best thing for Jiang Che's interests is to take control secretly.

"Brother Qi and I want to get together."

Jiang Che didn't hide much, and revealed to Qi Huan the secret control of Zhao Mingcheng.

It is true that even if Jiang Che can control Yanggu County, he still cannot compare with the Qi family, but at least he has some capital, which of course cannot be hidden.

If you want to be used by others, first of all, you need to have the value of being used by others.

"You are ruthless and dark enough. It seems that you will impress me when I come back from the border." Qi Huan smiled knowingly.

"When is Brother Qi going to leave?"

"In just these few days, my father has smoothed the relationship and is about to leave for the main branch to make a breakthrough. By then, I will be an innate-level warrior.

The gap between you and me has widened again. "

Qi Huan smiled lightly.

"Maintain the main branch of the family?"

Jiang Che raised his eyebrows. He only knew that the Qi family was a local wealthy family, but he didn't expect that the relationship was so deep that it was just a branch.

Qi Huan nodded slightly:

"It's not a secret. I am the head of the Qi family, which is located in other state capitals, especially in the southwest. It is quite powerful and famous. As for my father, in fact, he was just a nobody a few decades ago.

Later, he made meritorious deeds at the border, was promoted along the way, and finally took root in Tai'an Prefecture, Yuezhou. There are people in my family who specialize in recording reproduction and inheritance, and they saw that my family has some abilities.

So my family was included in one of the branches. The relationship is neither far nor close, we just use each other. "

Jiang Che could understand what Qi Huan meant.

When he was still young, Qi Sanjia was not qualified to get close to the Qi family. Only after he gained power did he become qualified to be taken seriously by the main branch of the Qi family. One was regarded as a wing and the other was regarded as a backer.

They are indeed using each other.

What Qi Huan said made Jiang Che even more anxious to get closer to the Qi family. After a moment of hesitation, he told him the current predicament.

He said that Zhao Mingcheng had previously reported the incident to the county government office and asked him what to do next.

Qi Huan showed a smile that said, "I knew it was so" and said:

"I am planning to invite you here for this reason."

"Is it possible that you also know about this?"

"But it's not just me, even my father already knows about it. He called me over last night for questioning, saying that the prefect sent him a message, which meant to ask about your relationship with the Qi family.

If it weren't for this relationship, the punishment from the government office would probably have fallen on you. "

Qi Huan said in a deep voice.

A ninth-grade commander contradicted a superior official, stunned the county magistrate, led troops to attack the county government office, and borrowed troops privately. If these charges were placed on any random person, he would have been dismissed from office long ago.

That is to say, the Qi family is deeply rooted and Qi Duwei controls the real power of the army and horses, so the government will not act rashly.

"Then what did Captain Qi say?"

Jiang Che is very concerned about this issue.

Ever since Zhu Xu learned about the true power structure of Tai'an Mansion, Jiang Che understood one thing. If he wanted to gather sacrifices for the innate realm in the future, it would be a matter of time before he started a war with several major forces.

And if there is no one to support him, his situation will be very dangerous.

You may even postpone your next spiritual practice plan.

"I said a lot of nice things to you in front of my father, and I have a pretty good impression of you. I'm going to meet you once. If you perform well, I guess you can get into my father's eyes."

"Jiang has also admired Captain Qi for a long time and has great respect in his heart."

"In that case, shall I take you to see him now?"


Qi Huan led the way, and the two of them hurried on, and in just two hours, they rushed from Fengzi Camp to the Armed Forces Camp near Tai'an Fucheng.

Here are the battalions of Tai'an Prefecture and the center of the entire military.

Also sitting in charge was Captain Qi, one of the two giants in Tai'an Prefecture.

This is a real giant who can change people's destiny with just a casual word.

Qi Huan's identity was not only known to everyone in the military camp, but the commander guarding the gate recognized him. Not only did he not check his waist badges and other items, he also bowed to him and saluted him.

Jiang Che was also quickly taken to the Chinese army's tent in the military camp.

After the communication was passed, the two of them were summoned in.

Qi Huan cupped his fists and saluted:

"See Father."

Jiang Che also cupped his fists and bowed:

"Jiang Che, the commander of Xicheng in Yanggu County, meets with the captain!"

On the desk, Lieutenant Qi raised his head and glanced at the two of them casually, but suddenly his eyes condensed, and a strong pressure fell on Jiang Che and Qi Huan, which made Qi Huan's heart Startled, he couldn't help but take a step back.

But Jiang Che withstood the pressure from the other party.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Qi Huan had a look of horror on his face. He never thought that his father would suddenly act like this. He quickly looked at Jiang Che, but saw that Jiang Che's expression did not change, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why Jiang Che's expression remained unchanged was because Captain Qi did not show any hostility and was just testing him.

"In the future, in the military camp, you must be qualified for official positions."

Qi Sanjia said in a deep voice.


Qi Huan opened his mouth, swallowed the words and nodded.

"Huan'er said that you have the ability to cultivate meridians. I didn't expect that you gave me a surprise as soon as we met. You actually broke through the innate realm. No wonder you are so courageous. It turns out you have some support."

Qi Sanjia's cultivation level is extremely high, far surpassing Jiang Che's.

When I first saw him, I felt the energy fluctuations around him. It was impossible for him to be a warrior in the realm of Tongmai. I immediately made a move to confirm, and it was indeed the case.

innate? !

Qi Huan's eyes widened and he turned to Jiang Che.

When did this kid become congenital?

He didn't know at all.

I used to show off that I was about to make a breakthrough, but now it seems that it's really a bit of a show off.

Jiang Che smiled at Qi Huan, and then said:

"A few days ago, I was lucky enough to receive an innate spiritual energy, and I was able to break through. I didn't hide it deliberately. Your Excellency, please forgive me."

"You are under the jurisdiction of the county government and cannot be called my subordinate. Please sit down for now."

Captain Qi had a rare smile on his face.

If Jiang Che is only at the peak of Tongmai, he will take him under his command if there are no problems after observing him, but his attitude will never be so good. After all, he has more Tongmai warriors under him than he can count with two hands.

It’s really nothing.

But the Xiantian realm is different. This kind of cultivation can be regarded as first-class even in the entire Tai'an Mansion, and there are only a handful of Xiantian warriors under his command.

If you consider Jiang Che's age, he is really extremely qualified.

Talents like this are definitely not to be missed.

Every innate is a rare and precious fighting force.

"Thank you, Captain."

Jiang Che sat down as he was told, at the head of Qi Sanjia.

When Qi Sanjia was paying attention to Jiang Che, Jiang Che was actually observing him. Unfortunately, in his perception, Qi Sanjia seemed to have a sword hidden in its sheath, but his sharp edge was faintly revealed.

It is also like a mountain, the mountain is steep and the honor is deepened.

At the same time, it is like a sea. It seems calm, but if there is a storm, there will be huge waves and violent waves.

Its strength is definitely far beyond him.

He is worthy of being the captain of a government and a fifth-rank official.

"Huan'er recommended you to me. Now I can see that you are indeed a talented person with sharp edge, but at the same time, you are as steady as a mountain. With such power at this age, the future is limitless.

Staying in the county government office is too much of a gift. The government office may value you because of your cultivation strength, but after all, you are weak and weak, so you will inevitably be taken advantage of.

In addition, you act arrogantly, and it is difficult to have a future.

Are you willing to serve under me? "

Qi Sanjia gently stroked his long beard, looked at Jiang Che with a warm expression and asked.

Jiang Che originally thought that Qi Sanjia would give him a deterrent, but now looking at it, innate cultivation is indeed a huge bargaining chip, worthy of the other party's win over, and isn't this what he wants?

Then he stood up and saluted him with a cupped fist:

"I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met my master."

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