All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 106 Returning home in glory! Three unique sacrifices!

"To be honest, sir, I have something else to report!"

"What's the matter?"

"When my subordinates led troops to encircle Crouching Tiger Mountain before, they were attacked by an innate warrior. That person"

Jiang Che kept the body of the dwarf surnamed Huang in order to take credit for it in the future. Now, even though Qi Sanjia has promised an official position, he still needs to report it.

This may stop some people's mouths.

After all, he was promoted from ninth-rank military camp commander to sixth-rank commander of the capital. Even if this official position was only from sixth rank, and even if Jiang Che had innate cultivation skills to use as capital, it was still not enough.

"Qingtian Sect"

Sure enough, when Qi Sanjia heard that the man was from the Qingtian Sect, his eyes changed instantly, from casual to serious.

It is impossible for the chief guard in any place to remain calm after hearing the news about the Qingtian Sect, because the Qingtian Sect is an extremely restless anti-religion.

Often, wherever there are traces of Qingtian Sect activities, it means that a rebellion may start here.

"What you encountered should be a pseudo-innate secretly cultivated by the Qingtian Sect. Although it has some innate power, it has no innate reality and can be defeated by a Tao-building realm warrior with just a wave of hands.

But facing a real innate warrior, he is vulnerable. "

Qi Sanjia has some knowledge and has heard some secrets about Qingtian Sect.

"But even so, once the Qingtian Sect can cultivate a sufficient number of pseudo-innates, it will be a catastrophe for the court." Qi Huan said with a frown.

"Even if it is pseudo-innate, it cannot be without any cost. Otherwise, the Qingtian Sect would have continued to stir up rebellion." Qi Sanjia waved his hand.

After chatting for a while, Qi Sanjia directly handed over the armor and official uniform of the sixth-grade commander to Jiang Che to show his power. He said seriously:

"You are here to kill the traitors of Qingtian Sect. Now you are no longer in vain. You can take your official uniform and armor first and repair it for the next few days. Then you can come to this captain to get the skills.

Regarding your position adjustment, I will also immediately expedite the report, and there should be a document at the bottom within a few days. "

He has the right to directly make decisions for official positions at the seventh rank and below. However, starting from the sixth rank, he can only recommend them. The real decision requires documents from above and below.

After all, the rank of a sixth-grade official is not low.

Of course, when people from above face recommendations from below, as long as the relationship is not too tense, they will usually agree, and it is just a formality.

"Yes, thank you, Captain!"

Jiang Che once again cupped his fists and saluted.

"Brother Jiang, you really hid this from me."

On the way back to Fengzi Camp, Qi Huan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

If he had known that Jiang Che had broken through Xiantian, he might not have said those words before.

This kid, sincerely laugh at him.

"Brother Qi, don't be upset. It was just an unintentional mistake by Jiang. At worst, I will have a drink with you another day." Jiang Che could feel that Qi Huan had a good opinion of him and had spoken up for him many times in front of Qi Sanjia.

The relationship naturally became much closer.

"This is what you said. You must make it up before I leave. Otherwise, we won't know when we meet again in the future." Qi Huan laughed.

"no problem."

"Brother Jiang, I still want to advise you that it is not easy to unify the guards of Taishan. It is no better than before. The deterrence of the imperial court has long been insufficient during several turmoils.

Although they are not rebelling, they are no longer afraid of the government. They dare not do it openly, but secretly they may do something dirty if they sense any danger.

Remember not to be reckless and insist on it. Report to my father in time. If the worst happens, just tolerate it for now. After a few years and your strength improves, it will not be too late to settle the accounts. "

Qi Huan understood Jiang Che's ability to do things, but he was still not optimistic about his development in the post of Taishan Dutong.

After all, Taishan City is not like Yanggu County. Although there are several forces competing against each other and many officials taking sides, and even colluding with bandits to murder officials, they still dare not go too far.

But the so-called six major forces are different. Some of them can even extend to the outside of Tai'an Mansion. They must not be underestimated. They only rely on their innate strength and sixth-grade official position.

There is no way to suppress them.

"Brother Qi, don't worry. I understand all this. But as the saying goes, it all depends on human effort. It's not certain who can beat whom. I can't wait until the day Brother Qi comes back.

Jiang has become the overlord of Mount Tai, and all the Jianghu forces regard me as their master. "

Qi Huan sneered and shook his head. He felt that Jiang Che's confidence was a little too full, so he immediately said:

"Okay, if that day comes, I will introduce a cousin from the main branch of the Qi family to you as your wife. How about that?"

"is it beautiful?"

"The tiger girl of the general's door, the beauty of the sky and the beauty of the country."

"Okay, Jiang is waiting to be your brother-in-law and brother-in-law."

"You guys, let's deal with those Jianghu forces first and then talk about it."

On the way back, Jiang Che kept thinking about the Taishan garrison. Qi Huan repeatedly reminded him, Qi Sanjia was promoted to the sixth rank, and the situation Zhu Xu introduced before.

It is enough to prove that Taishan Guard is not a very good position.

Especially with his current strength, this is even more true.

Therefore, before obtaining the Innate Dao Sutra, Jiang Che's plan is to perform another sacrifice before taking office to increase his strength and better deal with the upcoming dangers.

As early as in the Dao-building realm, Jiang Che had shortcomings.

Apart from a Liangfeng Sword and Manniu Fist, Jiang Che had no other means of protecting his path, not to mention fighting beyond the ranks, without the Three Jue Jingsha to improve him.

Even against opponents of the same level, he had a hard time dealing with them.

Therefore, Jiang Che must increase his means of protecting the Tao.

Fight without seeking to cross a higher level and defeat opponents at a higher level.

But you can't let those disciples from a large number of aristocratic families step on you and jump up the ranks to fight, right?

The reason for having such an idea is because the people Jiang Che faced before, whether it was Kou Yuansheng, Huo Xiaoshan or Zhu Shengwu Xiaolin, were pretty good.

But they are all wild ways.

The Zhenhai Palace, Yaowang Valley and other forces are different. These forces have been inherited for no less than a hundred years, so they must have accumulated enough experience, and the disciples they have trained must be extremely powerful.

Absolutely not the same.

Therefore, it is urgent to improve the means of protecting the road!

As for the sacrifice technique he chose, it was still the Three Jue Jingsha.

First, there are many martial arts skills in his hands, but most of them are mediocre and ordinary, and they cannot keep up with his current innate strength. Even if they are sacrificed, they will be useless.

The Three Jue Jingsha is different. This technique is the most mysterious and powerful technique he has ever come into contact with. It is just a beginner. After completing the first chapter [Killing], it has brought him a huge improvement.

Defeating Huo Xiaoshan, killing Kou Yuansheng, and destroying Wu Xiaolin were all inseparable from the help of the Three Jue Jingsha.

The [Killing] state completely gathered his mind. He looked crazy on the outside but was clear on the inside. It can be said that he brought his strength to the extreme. It seemed to be a sword technique, but in fact it was a secret technique of the mind.

Once he succeeds, it will definitely bring him greater improvement.

The second is even simpler, that is, Jiang Che already owns part of the sacrifices in advance.

That is the huge evil spirit at the bottom of Guyue Lake.

Judging from the previous sacrifices, Sanjue Jingsha's sacrifice is absolutely inseparable from a large amount of Yin evil energy, and the evil energy reserves at the bottom of Guyue Lake are even more huge.

It can save Jiang Che a lot of time.

At the same time, according to previous inferences, this sacrifice will definitely bring Jiang Che an improvement in his cultivation. Therefore, this is the best choice for Jiang Che after careful consideration.

If Jiang Che hadn't urgently needed to break through to the pinnacle of Tongmai and the innate realm to gain an advantage, perhaps he would have already begun to sacrifice.

After making up his mind, Jiang Che did not hesitate and immediately closed his eyes.

[Sacrifice target: Three must-dos to frighten evil! 】

[The price of the sacrifice: Thousands of Yin evil spirits, ten drops of heart essence and blood of an innate realm warrior, one Xuanyin blood crystal, one piece of Qingming jade, seven years of life lost, and one hundred and fifty-seven years of remaining life. Do you want to sacrifice? 】

Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes.

His prediction was indeed correct. Sanjue Jingsha Xiaocheng's sacrifice did require Yinsha energy as a sacrifice. He was right!

The evil energy accumulated at the bottom of Guyue Lake is definitely enough.

In addition, he may have completed a sacrifice in advance.

That is the passion of Xiantian realm warriors.

Pseudo-innateness is also innate!

I didn't expect that the corpse of the dwarf named Huang could have such a wonderful use.

Fortunately, he did not destroy the body excessively. Except for cutting off the head, the rest of the body was kept strictly for future use.

Wouldn’t it be useful now?

As for the Qingming Lingyu, he has already sacrificed it, but it can be regarded as a clue. We can start from Mrs. Zhu. The only difficulty may be the Xuanyin Blood Crystal.

Jiang Che had learned about some exotic treasures and spiritual materials in the world a long time ago, just to prepare for future sacrifices.

Among them is this Xuanyin Blood Crystal.

This object is somewhat similar to the Yuan Jing formed by compressing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is a monster born by chance after the blood evil energy is compressed to the extreme. It is not only of great use to evil cultivators who practice the way of evil spirits.

He can even use this to stabilize his vitality. Although there are some consequences, it is still a treasure that many young warriors are trying their best to fight for.

Also, this sacrifice is different from before.

The Sacrifice Monument has undergone some changes.

For the first time, Jiang Che's current longevity was revealed.

One hundred and fifty-seven years.

This is definitely not low for an innate warrior.

After all, the innate life span of three years is just a general term. It does not directly increase the life span, but the total life span, and it varies from person to person. If some people have hidden injuries, they may not survive a hundred years.

Jiang Che has offered sacrifices to Shou Yuan many times, but he is still satisfied with these things.

What surprised him was the change in the sacrifice monument.

Is it possible that it's because Jiang Che has achieved an innate breakthrough?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Che temporarily suppressed this idea and ordered his men to continue rushing to the county seat, while he rushed towards the county seat as quickly as possible.

After all, the dwarf surnamed Huang is dead. No matter how well the body is preserved, the blood and essence will inevitably be lost.

If he could arrive a step earlier, he might be able to save an extra drop of blood!

When it comes to sacrifices, there is no room for error.

It has to be said that Jiang Che chose the time to sacrifice very cleverly. When he arrived in Yanggu County, the body of the dwarf named Huang still contained some blood essence.

If the sacrifice had been offered a few days later, Jiang Che might have had to kill an innate warrior before he could obtain the blood essence sacrifice.

Jiang Che stretched out a finger and lightly scratched the body of the dwarf named Huang. The sharp innate energy instantly cut through his flesh and blood, revealing a bright red heart.

Then, he quickly collected the essence and blood from his body and covered it with a white cloth.

The second kind of sacrifice is completed.

If it were a Tao-Building Realm warrior, he would definitely not be able to hold on for such a long time, and the essence and blood would be dispersed in the body, which means that the innate warrior has been refined and has broken away from the ordinary world.

This kind of magic happened just now.

Jiang Che even thought about it, if he were a higher-level warrior, would his body be immortal for a hundred years and his blood and essence still full of vitality?


After settling the matter, Jiang Che quickly arrived at Xicheng Wuying, ordered to go down, and immediately summoned Liu Zhi, Xu Saner and others. At the same time, a summons order was also issued to Geng Dabiao and others in Crouching Tiger Mountain.

Jiang Che is about to be transferred, and most of these close men will be taken away.

Even if they stay, not many people will be left behind.

That night, several commanders with real power under Jiang Che rushed to the military camp in Xicheng without any delay. Among them were even Zhao Qinian and others who had just surrendered.

"Master Liu, why did the commander summon us?"

Geng Dabiao scratched his head and didn't understand.

This is the first time such an emergency recall has happened.

"I do not know either."

Liu Zhi shook his head.

The other people also looked at each other, wondering why. It stands to reason that now that Jiang Che has solved Crouching Tiger Mountain and dominates Yang Valley, there will generally be no accidents.

Is it possible to expand?

While several people were discussing with each other, inside the lobby, Jiang Che, dressed in black armor, walked up to everyone with a calm expression, glanced at everyone, and slowly sat at the head seat.

His mighty appearance, coupled with the fine iron black armor, was enough to make several people stunned.

This is especially true for Liu Zhi. He was born in the Fengzi Camp of the Armed Forces. Of course he has seen higher-level Cong Dutong. The armor on Jiang Che is very similar to the sixth-grade Du Tong.

Could it be

Without waiting for his guess to be revealed, Jiang Che went straight to the point:

"I am summoning you all today just to announce one thing. I have left the county government today and been transferred to the Tai'an Prefecture Armed Forces. Captain Qi Sanjia has officially appointed me as the guard of Mount Tai, starting from the sixth rank!"



Silence fell.

These words were tantamount to a heavy blow to Geng Dabiao and others.

From ninth rank commander to sixth rank commander?

Become a local guardian?

If these words were said by others, they would never believe it and would just think that the other person was crazy. But when these words came from Jiang Che's mouth, they had no doubts.

"Congratulations, sir, for being promoted to the sixth rank!"

"Congratulations, sir, for being promoted to the sixth rank!"

"Congratulations, sir, for being promoted to the sixth rank!"

After reacting, Geng Dabiao and others immediately bowed to Jiang Che.

Liu Zhi was the only one who only slightly clasped his fists. Among the subordinates around Jiang Che, he was the only one who had this honor. No one else could, and they had to abide by the rules of hierarchy.

Liu Zhi showed emotion on his face, feeling that the world was changing too fast and couldn't help but say:

"A few months ago, I would have never imagined that you would reach this point so quickly."

Jiang Che smiled:

"If it weren't for your help, I would either be chopping firewood in the kitchen, or be sent to the border as a civilian husband, or even die. Of course, no matter what I do, as long as I serve the court, there is nothing wrong with being a civilian husband.

But for me, the officialdom can be more open to the world, and I can feel like a fish in water, just like now. "

At this time, after the New Year, Jiang Che was twenty, attracting everyone to bow their heads.


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