All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 114 If you are reluctant to ride, I will stand up and pedal!

The cool fingertips traced across the chin. Huang Shanshan's eyes widened, her whole body tensed up, and goosebumps suddenly appeared on her body. Her heart was filled with fear, and she looked at Lu Pingzhou with a begging look on her face.

She didn't expect that something like this would happen to her today and become a tool used by Jiang Dutong to blackmail Lu Pingzhou.

The intimate movements between Jiang Che and Huang Shanshan made Lu Pingzhou's eyes wide open. He only felt a tightness in his chest, and he was about to explode with anger!


Nakedly defiling the fairy in his mind.

You know, Huang Shanshan is someone who can't even lay a finger on him. She always tries to please her, but in the end, Jiang Che dares to use it as a blackmail.

"Jiang Che, don't touch her!"

Lu Pingzhou pointed at Jiang Che with trembling fingers, and there was even a hint of pleading in his words.

"Do as I say, otherwise you will know the consequences."

Jiang Che smiled faintly.

His bottom line is that there is no bottom line.

Using Huang Shanshan as a threat, Jiang Che didn't have any psychological fluctuations.

After all, if he really takes action, with his current strength, even with Yang Yuance, he still can't compete with so many innate warriors present.

"You are despicable!"

"You have three breaths to think about it."

With that said, Jiang Che's claws were already heading towards the mountains.


Just when Jiang Che was about to climb to the top, Lu Pingzhou stopped Jiang Che in time with red eyes. His body trembled slightly, he raised his head, stared at Jiang Che and said word by word:

"I'll kill!"

Of course he knew what would happen if he killed the Cheng family in front of so many comrades. From then on, his reputation and that of the Lu family would plummet.

There will even be cracks in the shadowy alliance between Tai'an rivers and lakes that share the same hatred against the government.

Without him, it's just because the Lu family not only couldn't protect the Cheng family, but also killed them personally.

It is foreseeable how furious his father will be when he hears about this.


He really couldn't ignore Jiang Che's defilement of Huang Shanshan in front of him.

That was his dream when he was young.

She is the wife of his dreams.

It's been love at first sight since I was young, and it's been out of control since then.

Now she has become his fiancée.

Even the wedding date is not far away.

How could you just sit back and watch her get hurt?

For this reason, he would rather bear the infamy.

"Master Lu, please start your performance!"

Jiang Che retracted his palm and said to him with a slight smile.

Yang Yuance, who was standing by, felt a chill in his heart.

He finally saw Jiang Che's methods today.

No wonder he could collect tens of thousands of taels of silver in just a few months as a county captain.

With a glimpse of the leopard, he knew that Jiang Che had not lied before.

In a few words, he found Lu Pingzhou's weakness and successfully controlled him.

As long as Lu Pingzhou kills someone today, from now on, although Jiang Che will have a mortal enemy in Tai'an Mansion, he will also clear a path for himself, and it may not be impossible to regain the power of the government in the future.

"Lu Pingzhou, you are such a waste!"

Wan Pengyun sneered.

With such a character, the Lu family will be considered useless in the future.

"Shut up!"

Lu Pingzhou turned around and scolded him, then looked at the Cheng family present with red eyes.

"Master Lu, no. Don't want it."

"Master Lu, please spare your life."

The Cheng family kept retreating, their bodies trembling and begging for mercy.

But there was no way he could control Lu Pingzhou's murderous intention.

He looked at the familiar faces of the Cheng family and took a deep breath:

"Don't blame me because Jiang Che forced me to do this!"

After saying that, he moved and appeared next to the elder of the Cheng family. The powerful zhenqi blasted the opponent's body, blasting him into a ball of blood mist, and himself was stained red with blood.

The killing begins!

The Cheng family did not expect that it was obviously a birthday banquet, but why it turned into a funeral banquet.

Screaming, roaring, begging for mercy

But nothing could change Lu Pingzhou's decision. At this moment, he was already red-eyed, and with the strength of the Xiantian realm, there were no other variables at all.

The Cheng family members fell one after another

The surrounding warriors gradually turned to disgust when looking at Lu Pingzhou.

As a force relied on by the Cheng family, he committed such a murderous attack.

In fact, Lu Pingzhou did not even spare the old, weak, women and children of the Cheng family. They were all killed under his palms. The original jade-like white robes had completely turned into bloody robes.

He is no longer the handsome young man he was before, but a murderous devil without blinking an eye.

"Your fiancé is so cruel."

Jiang Che clicked his tongue in surprise.

Huang Shanshan also opened her eyes wide, watching Lu Pingzhou's killing. She was silent for a moment and then said:

"Isn't this all forced by you?"

"No, we are together."

Jiang Che smiled.

As the killing continued, the innate warriors who had previously blocked Yang Yuance from Zhenhai Palace, Yaowang Valley and other forces, now silently stood back to their original positions and drew a clear line with the Lu family.

They were not afraid of a fight with Jiang Che, but Lu Pingzhou's character and methods were really bad.

If you help him again, you will get a fishy smell all over yourself.

After about a stick of incense was burned, Lu Pingzhou slowly walked out of the inner courtyard of the Cheng family, with bright red blood dripping from the corners of his clothes, and walked to Jiang Che step by step:

"One hundred and forty-three members of the Cheng family are all dead. Let Shanshan go."

"When did I say I was going to let her go?"

Jiang Che suddenly asked back.

"You can't believe what you say!"

Lu Pingzhou's eyes widened and he angrily scolded Jiang Che for being despicable.

He obviously killed the Cheng family, why didn't he let Shanshan go?

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

At this moment, Yang Yuance suddenly thought secretly in his heart.

Lu Pingzhou, how miserable!

"The prerequisite for breaking one's word is to agree in advance, but I didn't agree. Mr. Lu, could it be possible that all your knowledge in daily life was learned in the cesspit?"

Jiang Che showed his white teeth.

"I promise you whatever you want to do to let Shanshan go."

Lu Pingzhou gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Che looked around, frightening many of the martial arts warriors around him who kept retreating, fearing that Jiang Che would force Lu Pingzhou to kill them too.

Just attending a birthday party, is it so dangerous?

"God has a good nature, and I am not a murderous person, so I won't force you to kill these comrades in the world. However, it is okay to accept gifts."

"What's the meaning?"

Lu Pingzhou frowned.

Jiang Che looked at the people around him and said loudly:

"You are all here to attend Cheng Kaiyan's birthday banquet, and you must have prepared enough gifts. Today, the Cheng family has also prepared a wedding banquet. Then you can continue to eat.

Who is the leader of the troupe? "

"Big. You are just a little old man."

An old man with white beard and hair replied tremblingly.

"Then play music, then dance, then give gifts, then cry!"

"Today is the time for you to attend the funeral banquet of the Cheng family. Mr. Lu, you will preside over the singing ceremony. Is that okay?"

Jiang Che looked at Lu Pingzhou.

"No problem."

Lu Pingzhou responded with his head lowered.

Following Jiang Che's wave of his hand, his cavalry quickly surrounded the surrounding warriors.

I can’t leave even if I want to.

You must give a gift first!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of the exquisite banquet prepared by the Cheng family?

"Master Lu, let's start singing from the beginning. Don't you forget what the Wan family gave you?" Wan Pengyun on the side smiled faintly and ordered his entourage to hand over the dropped gift list to Lu Pingzhou.

Lu Pingzhou raised his head, his blood faded, and he looked at Huang Shanshan with loving eyes:

"Shanshan. I can do anything for you."

Jiang Che grabbed the frightened Huang Shanshan and walked towards the Cheng family's main hall step by step.

"Jiang Che. What are you going to do?"

Seeing this, Lu Pingzhou's expression suddenly changed.

Thinking that Jiang Che wanted to taint Huang Shanshan in front of him.

If that was the case, he would rather go shopping with Jiang Che than see Huang Shanshan lose her virginity.

"I'm a little tired. Let Miss Huang help me squeeze my shoulders. When you finish singing these funeral rites, I will let Miss Huang go." Jiang Che replied casually, then turned his eyes to Yang Yuance who was aside and said:

"Yang Dutong, I will leave this place under your control for the time being. Is that okay?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Yang Dutong smiled mysteriously at him.

It seems to be hinting at something.

But he was indeed wrong. Jiang Che just wanted to find a secluded place to sacrifice.

He estimated that reinforcements from the Lu family might be arriving soon, and he had to improve his strength before that.

I hope that Sanjue Jingsha can surprise me.

"Jiang Che, if you dare to touch Shanshan in the slightest, I'll do whatever it takes to kill you!" Behind Jiang Che, Lu Pingzhou roared with hatred in his eyes again.

‘Bang! ’

The door to the main hall of the Cheng family was closed tightly.

Jiang Che lifted Cheng Shanshan in front of him:

"Miss Huang, Jiang has never been threatened by anything."

"What do you want to do."

Huang Shanshan said tremblingly, not even daring to look at Jiang Che.

"I want to know, do you want to lose your loyalty or your life."

Blood stains flashed across Jiang Che's eyes, his voice was thick, and murderous intent appeared all over him. A strong sense of oppression instantly fell on Huang Shanshan's body, making her body tremble even more.


"If you don't choose, I will choose for you."

Jiang Che's hand holding Huang Shanshan's neck gradually became stronger.

"I don't want to die."

Huang Shanshan replied intermittently with a look of fear on her face.

Jiang Che relaxed slightly and gave the other party room to move.

Lu Pingzhou couldn't bear to touch the car, but he had to stand up and pedal!

Huang Shanshan clenched her teeth and her body was trembling. She slowly approached Jiang Che and pressed her lips to his face.


Mr. Lu's singing also sounded.

"The Huang family of Wangyue Lake gave Mr. Cheng a jade coral and a Yuanjing!"

"Zhenhai Palace presented Mr. Cheng with a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum."

"The Lu family of Yushan gave Mr. Cheng a scroll of mountains and rivers and a hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum plant."

"Wanshou Village"

"Golden Valley Yu's Family"

Lu Pingzhou's eyes were blank, and he actually understood his situation very well in his heart, but he really couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart and couldn't let anything happen to Shanshan.

Under the protection of the cavalry, the long queue for birthday gifts once again formed.

"Master, it's not good, something happened in Chengjiazhuang!"

In the Lu family in Yushan, a figure quickly rushed into the inner hall, knelt on one knee, and reported to the head of the Lu family, Lu Xingyun.

"What makes you so panicked?"

Lu Xingyun put down the precious letter in his hand and frowned slightly.

"Tong Jiang Che, the governor of Taishan Town, led his troops to surround Chengjiazhuang, threatening to turn Cheng Kaiyan's birthday banquet into a funeral banquet!" The kneeling man raised his head and said in a deep voice.

Chengjiazhuang is not too far from Yushan, and he is a specially trained messenger with extremely fast speed. After Jiang Che killed Cheng Kaiyan, the battle and Lu Pingzhou sang the ceremony.

It was enough for him to rush to the Lu family.

"What's the situation now?"

Lu Xingyun squinted his eyes, thinking about what the newly appointed Jiang Che wanted to do?

First, he killed the concubines of their Lu family, and then they attacked the vassals of the Lu family.

Could it be that Qi Sanjia wants to disturb the Lu family?

"Jiang Che should be fighting with Cheng Kaiyan now."

"Where's Pingzhou?"

"I don't know what the young master will do with this subordinate."

The kneeling man responded.

Lu Xingyun stood up and shook his embroidered robe:

"In that case, I will meet the newly appointed Jiang Dutong and see what he wants to do to our Lu family!"

He was very pleased with his son Lu Pingzhou's talent, but his only shortcoming was that he was not very capable in dealing with people like Jiang Che.

It takes a while to practice.

Therefore, he must step forward to suppress the enemy!

"You're so hot."

Huang Shanshan raised her head and looked at Jiang Che's cold face and said with trembling.

"You are quite cold."

The blood in Jiang Che's eyes gradually faded.

"I am the Ice Phoenix Mysterious Body"

"Ice Phoenix Mysterious Body."

Jiang Che murmured to himself, as if he had seen this physique before somewhere.

"I was born like this. As long as I maintain my virgin body and cultivate to the innate realm, I can use the innate spiritual energy to condense an ice phoenix spiritual energy in my body, which can increase my cultivation, clear my mind, improve my root and bone qualifications, and also has a miraculous effect on breaking through the realm. ”

Huang Shanshan then recounted.

"What level of cultivation are you at now?"

"With only one innate spiritual energy left, I am sure to step into the innate realm. The Lu family promised to support my practice and is already helping me find the innate spiritual energy. If you can bear it.

You can wait until I break through the innateness before you touch me, and I can dedicate my spiritual energy to you. "

Huang Shanshan hugged Jiang Che tightly and whispered in his ear.

"So, you are actually Lu Pingzhou's cauldron?"

Jiang Che asked softly.

"This is the plan for the head of the Lu family, Lu Xingyun, who forced the Huang family to agree to the engagement. Therefore, I hate the Lu family and I hate Lu Pingzhou, who seems to be infatuated, but in fact he just wants my body."

Huang Shanshan nodded.

"But it seems that I only want your body."

"You are different."

"What's the difference?"

"I like your masculinity and the way you force Lu Pingzhou to beg for mercy. This is the man who is worthy of me, no. The man who is worthy of me."

Huang Shanshan had a slight smile on her face, and her tone was as gentle as possible.

But Jiang Che instantly turned his back, grabbed Huang Shanshan's neck, and lifted her into the air:

"You fell in love with me the first time we met. Miss Huang, you are so deceitful. You are really stupid. Do you think I will believe your lies?"

"I I didn't."

Huang Shanshan grabbed Jiang Che's palm with both hands and explained while breaking away.


Sorry, today's update is a little late, I'll make it up now.

The early morning update will be moved to tomorrow morning, and there will definitely be no missed updates.

Sorry to the book friends who are waiting for updates!

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