All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 126 The sacrifices are gathered! The decisive battle begins!

With the Lu family willing to be taken advantage of, Jin Yuan Temple readily agreed to Jiang Che's request and quickly spread the news everywhere.

Suddenly, the situation was turbulent.

The young monk from Jinyuan Temple came to the gate of Taishan City Lord's Mansion again and sent a letter of invitation to fight, telling the guards that the best Luo Han Guo would be given to Jiang Che before the war. The location of the decisive battle was also decided by Jiang Che.

In short, this battle is inevitable.

The purpose of raising the momentum in advance was so that Jiang Che would no longer have any other excuses.

Geng Dabiao came forward again and said loudly in front of the eyes of countless people:

"General Jiangdu said that since Jin Yuan Temple promised to send the best Luo Han Guo before the war, he will not break his promise. The time is set at noon seven days later, and he will be invited to fight outside Taishan City!"

Jin Yuan Temple's invitation to fight and Jiang Che's acceptance made some people talk about the rumors that Jiang Che did not dare to challenge. They could only secretly say that Jiang Che would not recover from his injuries for seven days.

In fact, facing Monk Yi Kong, he simply lacked confidence.

Jiang Che will be defeated in this battle!

Yes, under the secret instigation of the Lu family, Wanshou Village and other forces, Jiang Che's defeat was already certain in the discussion, and there were even traces of the activities of Jiang Che's men.

Just to lower the winning rate.

So, make a fortune.

He Jiang is a person who never engages in loss-making business.

Wan Pengyun, the young owner of Wanshou Village, began to deal almost semi-publicly with martial artists from all sides, using Wanshou Village as the village to start a gambling war.

Under deliberate arrangements, most people still chose to believe in Monk Yikong, a person who had already become famous. As for Jiang Che's injury, he was not necessarily fully cultivated and was not considered by them.

Only a small number of people took advantage of Jiang Che just to be on the safe side.

With such a commotion, the battle seven days later attracted even more attention.

And this is what the Lu family and Jiang Che hope to see together.

The Lu family wanted to use this battle to completely crush Jiang Che's prestige and interrupt his foundation. As long as Jiang Che was defeated, the previous loss of face in the Chengjiazhuang incident would naturally gradually dissipate.

Jiang Che planned to use this battle to collect sacrifices and make a fortune.

Both sides have their own plans.

Two days later.

Inside the Taishan City Lord’s Mansion.

Jiang Che finally waited for Qi Sanjia, who was busy with everything, and bowed to him with a fist in his hands very respectfully:

"Jiang Che, the lower official, meets Qi Duwei."

"Qi doesn't dare to accept Jiang Dutong's honorific title. Have you ever seen any lower official who can mobilize his superior to come to meet him?" Qi Sanjia looked directly at Jiang Che and snorted.

"My lord, forgive me, but I really have no choice. The Lu family and I are fighting to the death, and now we have a battle scheduled. I really can't go to the city alone, so I can only ask your lord to come in person.

When the master comes, the subordinates will feel confident. "

Jiang Che explained, but he was not panicking.

Qi Sanjia's words were not a question, but just a joke.

He could still understand these words.

"Your boy is really brave. You dared to destroy the Cheng family just after taking office. Do you know that if you were any less powerful, Lu Xingyun would have to make you lose face in that day?"

Qi Sanjia said in a deep voice.

When he first learned about what Jiang Che had done, he was extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Che actually kept his word and gave him a surprise as soon as he took office.

Destroy the Cheng family and turn against the Lu family.

He is extremely courageous and has no fear of the Lu family's revenge.

He accomplished what several other Taishan guards wanted to do but did not dare to do.

"My subordinates believe that the Jianghu forces in Tai'an Mansion, one by one, seem to be closely related, but in fact they are constantly fighting among themselves, as long as they can find loopholes.

Then they can be divided into pieces and defeated one by one.

The Cheng family is the loophole that the subordinates found! "

"Go on."

Qi Sanjia tapped his fingers on the table and watched Jiang Che's performance quietly.

"Since your Excellency has entrusted the important task of guarding Mount Tai to your subordinates, I cannot embarrass you and must make some achievements.

The destruction of the Cheng family is the first political achievement handed over to you by your subordinates. "

"The first one, so you have a second and third one?"

"The empty Jinyuan Temple is the second one, and the Yushan Lu family is the third. As long as these can be solved, the government will completely open up the situation in Taishan City in the future.

It is not in vain for all the hard work of my subordinates. "

Jiang Che said in a deep voice word for word.

"You boy, you are really sharp-tongued. Most people can't really speak to you. Even when Yang Yuance mentioned you, he praised you and said you are a rare genius."

"My subordinates don't dare to take it seriously."

"You are indeed good at what you do with the Cheng family, and you have not let me down. But what's going on with the invitation to fight now? Why can't you stop at all?"

Qi Sanjia shook his head and said.

Jiang Che quickly explained:

"Your Excellency, you have misunderstood. This invitation to fight is indeed not your fault. From my point of view, Jin Yuan Temple's invitation to fight should be a continuation of the previous battle and a deliberate revenge of the Lu family.

It is just to let Yi Kong attack his subordinate's prestige openly and even possibly kill him. It is for this reason that his subordinate hastened to invite you to come to Taishan City.

Just because you are here, my lord, my subordinates will feel confident. "

This sentence is not flattering by Jiang Che, but what he actually thinks.

In a battle with Yi Kong Yi, the people of the Lu family and Jin Yuan Temple might not be affected if they lose, but what if they win? Yi Kong planned to destroy his foundation. If he had the ability, how could he let him go?

But if he deposes or even kills all the monks in public, one can imagine the reaction of Jinyuan Temple. Once he attracts a crowd to attack, even after sacrificing, he still can't withstand so many strong men.

Therefore, Qi Sanjia must come.

Only when you come can you feel at ease.

Only when Jiang Che comes, can he show his talents openly and openly, in order to increase his position in his heart and let the other party continue to invest more in him.

"How confident are you in this battle?"

Qi Sanjia's expression gradually became serious.

The decisive battle between Jiang Che and Monk Yikong is not only a confrontation between the younger generation, but also represents the struggle between the government and the Jianghu. It has a great impact. It seems that there has been only one such battle in decades.

He had already confirmed Jiang Che's talent. He had already understood the artistic conception when he was just twenty years old. He was definitely extremely talented. He didn't want the other party to get hurt due to his impulse.

At such an age and with such talent, he is ready to cultivate it.

"Before your Excellency came, I might have only been 50% sure, but after Your Excellency came, I was already 70% sure." Jiang Che said with a solemn look on his face.

Facing Qi Sanjia, he naturally couldn't talk nonsense like he did with Wan Pengyun. After all, Jin Yuansi had not met or fought with him yet, so to directly say 98% was a bit too arrogant.

What if someone tries to suppress the situation?

"Oh? Why can I be 20% more confident after I come?"

Qi Sanjia raised his eyebrows, a little confused.

"The first is that my subordinates are afraid that the monk at Jinyuan Temple does not have martial ethics and will take action when the situation is bad. If this is the case, my subordinates have little hope of capturing this person.

There are adults suppressing the formation, so even if they have any ideas, they can only suppress them.

The second one is Dragon Blood Grass. To be honest with you, I am practicing a secret skill recently. I am only one plant away from Dragon Blood Grass before I can hope to complete it and greatly improve my combat power. "

"You kid, you have taken everything into account. Is that the best Luo Han Guo something you want too?"

Qi Sanjia laughed and cursed.

Jiang Che was really rude to him. He asked for Xuanyin Blood Crystal and Qingming Spirit Jade before, but now he wants Dragon Blood Grass. What about the future? What else are you ready to order?

"It is said that the mangosteen fruit is an elixir for refining the body, and this subordinate happens to be able to use it. However, the real reason is that I want to delay the time until the master comes, so the mangosteen fruit is just a passing thing."

Jiang Che smiled half-seriously.

Qi Sanjia did not focus on this topic, but looked thoughtful:

"70% sure. That's not too low."

"What I care about is not the chance of victory, but your reputation. This time they seem to be here for me, but in fact they are not. They are here for you, Captain.

After all, it is said that your subordinates are your confidants. To attack your subordinates is to attack your prestige. Therefore, this battle cannot be avoided. It must be fought, and it must be won!

In recent years, these Jianghu forces have become more and more arrogant, and they do not take the government into consideration. If you indulge, it will only intensify their arrogance, and you must use thunder to shatter their confidence. "

Jiang Che took the opportunity to bring the topic to Qi Sanjia.

He is just a subordinate who cares about the captain, so what bad intentions can he have?

"Did you really get the news that Monk Yikong is planning to destroy your foundation?"

Qi Sanjia ignored Jiang Che's flattery and provocation and continued to ask.

"It's absolutely true, this news came from the Lu family."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Repay the teacher with his own way. They wanted to destroy their subordinates, so in front of them, the subordinates crushed the number one young man in Jinyuan Temple to ashes!"

Jiang Che said word by word.

"My officer did bring you the Dragon Blood Herb, and you don't need to spend any crystals to make up for the deficit. If you win, it will be treated as a gift from me to reward you. However, I have a request, and you must note it down."

Qi Sanjia said solemnly.

"Please show me, sir."

"Monk Yi Kong can be destroyed, but he cannot be killed."


"I have been more than just a decoration these years. I have been secretly investigating these Jianghu forces. The rest are nothing. Only Jinyuan Temple and Fulong Temple make me confused.

There may be innately powerful people in these two families. If you kill them all, it will definitely cause a huge storm. Once it causes a riot in Jinyuan Temple and fights against the government, the impact will be too great.

At present, I cannot engage in serious warfare and it is difficult to quell the chaos."

Qi Sanjia warned Jiang Chedao.

"I obey my orders!"

Jiang Che cupped his fists and saluted.

Time flies.

Seven days passed by in an instant.

On this day, Taishan City was extremely lively.

Just because the battle between Jiang Che and Monk Yikong has finally arrived.

Outside Taishan City, a group of monks from Jinyuan Temple gathered here. The monks looked indifferent and were wearing cassocks. They were no different from ordinary monks, but if you look closely, you can find that his eyes are surprisingly clear.

It is as if there is a star hidden within it.

The head of the Lu family, Lu Xingyun, the young head of the Lu family, Lu Pingzhou, and his fiancée Huang Shanshan were all gathered at the Jinyuan Temple.

A group of Taoists from Wanshou Village, Zhenhai Palace, Yaowang Valley, and Fulong Temple also rushed here one after another, and a large open space surrounded the center of the battle.

Madam Zhu, Zhu Qingqing, Geng Dabiao, and other warriors known or unknown to Jiang Che, as well as a large number of common people, also followed the flow of people and gathered here to watch the battle.

It doesn’t matter that too many people are interested, it’s just that this battle is surprisingly exciting.

The two young geniuses battled and each understood the artistic conception. This kind of confrontation seemed to be the first time in decades.

Moreover, one of them was born in the government, and the other was born in the world. Their natural opposition only intensified the excitement.

In addition, Wan Pengyun secretly opened the handicap, which also ignited the attention of many people.

"Jinyuan Temple is empty. Where is Jiang Che?"

Lu Xingyun, the head of the Lu family, couldn't help but said loudly.

He couldn't wait to see Jiang Che's blood spilled on the spot and his foundation destroyed.

"Where is the best Luo Han Guo?"

Geng Dabiao rode a black horse, followed by a group of followers, and arrived in front of the Lu Family Jinyuan Temple. He was not afraid at all when facing a group of people whose cultivation was far superior to his.

Lu Xingyun turned to look at Monk Jie Greed.

The Lu family's price difference has been paid, but the Luo Han Guo hasn't been given to Jiang Che yet?

Monk Jie Greed coughed twice. Seeing that the eyes of the people around him were on him, he put his hand between his sleeves and took out a three-inch yellow jade box.

He opened it in front of everyone, revealing a transparent fruit that looked like a baby.

"Arhat Guo is here, call Jiang Che over quickly."

Geng Dabiao took the jade box, snorted coldly and said:

"Wait, then."

After saying that, he led his entourage quickly to the city lord's palace. This was all arranged by Jiang Che in advance.

"A commander, huh, is really arrogant."

Within the Lu family, some people were dissatisfied with Geng Dabiao's attitude.

Lu Xingyun stopped him from talking.

Arrogance also costs money, so why would his boss be Jiang Che?

That is a more arrogant existence than this commander.

"Mom, is it really Jiang Dutong who wants to fight that monk?"

In the crowd, Zhu Qingqing couldn't help but ask as she watched more and more people gathering together.

Before Mrs. Zhu spoke, Zhu Xu said:

"Yes, this battle is the decisive battle between Jiang Dutong and Na Jinyuan Temple."

"Who is more powerful?"

"No one dares to be completely sure before the winner is decided, but one thing is certain, that is, these two people are extraordinary and both are the best in the innate realm.

Monk Yikong comes from a wealthy family and has superb Buddhist teachings, while Jiang Dutong comes from a rough family and has extraordinary strength. Qingqing should watch it carefully, this battle will definitely be exciting. "

Zhu Qingqing nodded slightly, but what flashed through her mind was the scene when Jiang Che first arrived at Zhujiapu.

Is he able to attract so many people's attention now?


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