


At this moment, the protagonist in the world became Jiang Che, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

There was curiosity, surprise, and horror.

Many emotions are mixed and mixed.

No one thought that the way Jiang Che chose to appear would be so high-profile. Having just broken through and his aura had not yet been completely suppressed, Jiang Che at this moment was like a sharp sword soaring into the sky.

It is difficult for ordinary people to reach, let alone look at him.

Looking down, everyone bowed their heads.

Qi Sanjia's lips curled up into a chuckle.

He is indeed a young man, acting domineeringly and arrogantly.

He has the same demeanor as he did back then.

No, as I once thought, Jiang Che is many times more domineering and arrogant than when he was young. The reason is that his abilities are far beyond what he was when he was young.

If such a person has the support of a backer, as long as he does not fall halfway, the worst achievement in the future will be to close the town.

This is a young man who has made no secret of his ambition from the very beginning.

Qi Sanjia admires this kind of person very much.

Because his ambition and ability are directly proportional.

Lu Pingzhou turned his head subconsciously and saw his fiancée staring at Jiang Che with brilliant eyes, as if this was the man she dreamed of.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of shame.

He is both a young man and a member of the younger generation, and his background is far superior to that of Jiang Che. He has been assisted by a large number of resources since he was a child, but in terms of achievements, he is far behind Jiang Che.

Lu Xingyun seemed to sense his son's mood and patted his shoulder:

"If you act arrogantly, there will be disaster. Pingzhou. Stay calm and don't be affected by this."

"Thank you father for your teaching."

Lu Pingzhou nodded.

As for Zhu Qingqing, who was drowned in the crowd, she felt a pain in her heart at this moment.



Attracting the attention of countless heroes.

Isn't this the man she once wanted to pursue?


Why can't I see the hidden light in such a man when he is buried deep in the gravel?

Just when he wanted to regret it, he discovered his brilliance more and more.

The more successful and dazzling Jiang Che became, the more uncomfortable she felt from the bottom of her heart.

If it weren't for her willfulness, would they have become a couple of gods?

She kept thinking about the past in her mind, making her feel even more uncomfortable than before.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you?"

Madam Zhu held Zhu Qingqing's hand and couldn't help but ask when she looked at her somewhat strange expression.

"It's okay, I just see that Jiang Dutong seems to be getting more powerful."

Zhu Qingqing said intermittently, with a forced smile on her face.

"Yes, he is getting more and more dazzling!"

Mrs. Zhu raised her head and looked at the man surrounded by golden light. She felt that water damage had accidentally started to seep from upstairs in her large flat-floor apartment.

It was noon and the sun was blazing.

Jiang Che stood with his hands behind his back, his black robe fluttering in the breeze, as if his body was covered with a layer of golden brilliance, especially in response to his own true energy, which made him look even more mysterious.

And his eyes were firmly locked on a bald figure sitting cross-legged below.

When Jiang Che appeared, Monk Yikong had already opened his eyes, stopped chanting, and turned to Jiang Che, and their eyes met.

Monk Yikong chuckled lightly, stood up slowly, and stepped onto the void step by step. His overall aura was restrained, which was in sharp contrast to Jiang Che's domineering and arrogant aura.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is empty and has met the donor Jiang."

Monk Yikong faced Jiang Che in the air, more than ten feet apart. He clasped his hands and nodded slightly towards Jiang Che. His expression was neither sad nor happy, as if he didn't care about everything around him.

"Are you going to make a date with me?"

“It’s hard to refuse someone’s trust.”

"Hehehe" Jiang Che smiled, stared at the young monk in front of him, and said softly:

"None of this matters, as long as you are prepared to die."

"If Don Jiang is really powerful, I can only blame the poor monk for overestimating his abilities."

"very good."

"Before the fight, the poor monk has one more thing to say to me."


Monk Yikong raised his head and stared at Jiang Che with a golden light in his eyes:

"If the poor monk is lucky enough to defeat Donor Jiang, I hope that Donor Jiang will not get angry and go on a killing spree in the future, venting his anger on Taishan City and the surrounding people."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Jiang Che sneered.

"The poor monk is just doing it for the safety of the people."

"It's high-sounding and full of nonsense. Do you really think that you are on the side of justice and criticizing me? There is no distinction between right and wrong, good and evil."

Jiang Che stared at Monk Yikong, frowning slightly.

"Amitabha, Donor Jiang. Please don't be angry."

"Don't you want to argue with me? Then let's argue before we fight. I want to ask you, since I took office until now, have you ever killed innocent people indiscriminately and massacred people?"

Jiang Che's voice was filled with innate true energy and swept in all directions.

"Could it be that Donor Jiang has forgotten the blood debt of Chengjiazhuang?"

Yi Kong asked in a deep voice.

"Chengjiazhuang has its own innate warriors, oppressing the people and ignoring the law. I can just take out dozens of criminal evidences from the treasury. Isn't it right to destroy them?

Or is it that in the eyes of You, only the people in Chengjiazhuang are considered human beings? Are the common people who are bullied and the powerless just ants? Furthermore, the person who destroyed Chengjiazhuang was Lu Pingzhou, the young master of the Lu family. What does this have to do with me?

With these crimes, could it be possible that just by your words, you want to confuse right and wrong? ! "

Jiang Che questioned Monk Yikong.

Do you want to break his heart?

He breaks the other party first.

When it comes to sophistry, he has never been afraid of anyone!

Monk Yikong's lips moved and he opened his mouth. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Jiang Che again.

"Which of the six major forces in Tai'an Prefecture is not burdened with blood debts, and which one does not rely on bullying the people to seize resources, just like your Jinshan Temple forcing believers to offer incense.

Annexing acres of land, not paying taxes, and disobeying the government. Without the government to suppress the world, the world would have been in chaos, and the people in this world would have been stripped of their clothes and left their homes.

How dare you dare to question me?

Without the government, can the common people of this world live a life of abundant food and clothing with the help of powerful people like you? Just by reciting a few Buddhist sutras, can people in this world no longer suffer from hardship? "

Jiang Che asked questions one after another, and every word was heart-breaking.

At this moment, he was the one standing on the moral high ground.

Monk Yikong was stunned and speechless. When he looked at Jiang Che again, he seemed to see golden lights covering his figure, making it impossible to see where his true body was.

"If it's empty, don't talk to me anymore, just take action to suppress him!"

Below, Monk Jie Greed's face changed drastically after hearing this. He knew that Monk Yikong was unstable and might be affected, so he quickly spoke to help him stabilize his mind.

"Naochao, do you have the right to talk too much here?"

Qi Sanjia originally watched Jiang Che's angry retort, which left him speechless. His heart was extremely open. When he saw the greedy monk talking too much, he frowned and turned to him.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed.


The greedy monk's eyes widened, and he felt that his soul had been hit hard. He took a few steps back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth. His face was very ugly, but he did not dare to fight back.

The powerful man of divine light is so terrifying!

Shaking his head, Yikong expelled the influence just now from his body in an instant. When he looked at Jiang Che again, his eyes had become very solemn, his hands were clasped together, and his dark golden energy was shaking.

"Amitabha, talking more is useless. Donor Jiang, please take action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he could see the Gang Qi trembling all over his body, and it actually condensed into a ten-foot-sized golden bell that was clasped on himself, making him invincible, and his power rose.

The Buddhist body-refining magical skill, the glazed golden bell!

"If I had known this, why would you say anything?"

Jiang Che snorted coldly and formed a seal with his hands.

With a thought, he used his true energy to pull him, and a dark golden dragon-shaped aura several feet in size gathered together, roared into the air, and hovered around him.

Pushing out with one palm, it was like an overwhelming force.

The dragon-shaped Gang Qi roared out in an instant and roared on the golden bell.


As soon as the blow fell, the bells sounded in bursts, sweeping out in all directions.

The people watching around were all shocked.

As soon as they fought, Jiang Che and Monk Yikong showed such powerful methods, and it was indeed not in vain.

Only Zhu Xu below looked suspicious.

This dragon-shaped aura is like a set of palm techniques in Qinglong Zhenhai Jing.

But how is it possible?

That's just a fragment

In addition, in such a short period of time, even if Jiang Che has great talent, it is impossible for him to complete it.

He comforted himself that it was the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra, and Jiang Che was obviously blasting the Golden Dragon, which was similar in form but not in spirit.

Qi Sanjia nodded slightly. With his eyesight, he could see most of Jiang Che's lies. This battle should be no big deal.

However, although Jiang Che's applause was loud and powerful, it did not break through the glazed golden bell of the monk. It only erupted with a roar, but even so, it was enough to make people feel frightened.

At this moment, Yi Kong had put away all his contempt, and his lips were moving.

He opened his mouth and spit out a few notes.




Woolen cloth!

The six-character Buddhist mantra, coupled with the blessing of the golden bell, showed even more power, and the sound was extremely powerful. When he opened his mouth, the light above the golden bell shone, and sound waves blasted towards Jiang Che.

Jiang Che was not afraid at all when the real sound wave came.

At this moment, he has opened all nine profound orifices around his body, reaching the peak of the mysterious orifices. His innate true energy is strong, and he sacrificed himself to become the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra. When faced with the six-character Buddhist mantra, he responded with the same sound wave technique. .

"Ho ho ho!!!"

Jiang Che opened his eyes, and a golden dragon head instantly formed on top of his head. Facing the incoming sound wave, he opened his mouth and let out a dragon roar. Wherever it passed, the sound wave collapsed.

Qinglong Zhenhai, dragon roars!

The two sound waves collided, roaring continuously, and the vitality vibrated.

Below, even though ordinary people were far away from each other and were only swept away by the aftermath, they were still dizzy from the shock and had to cover their ears with their hands. What's more, they were stunned or even killed by the shock.

Only warriors with a certain level of cultivation can maintain a long distance without any hindrance.

But most of the warriors under Xiantian were shocked and their energy and blood surged.


They were hundreds of meters apart, and just the aftermath shocked them beyond measure.

The dragon's roar spread, and the six-character Buddhist mantra that had been enlarged by blessing was forced to the point where it could not spread at all, so he could only support it, and his face immediately became ugly.

Where did Jiang Che learn such superior musical skills?

It is simply incredible that he was able to suppress his Buddhist mantra.

But no matter how shocked he was, he still knew that it was impossible to kill Jiang Che invisible, and he had to take real action.

Yes, in his opinion, the previous sound wave was just a test.

It's not an all-out effort.


A Buddha's name sounded like a trumpet for a complete attack. He stretched out his arms, and the huge golden bell surrounding him immediately shrank, and was finally held on top of his head by his palms.


With a low shout and a thought, the huge golden bell immediately flew up and hit Jiang Che, trying to suppress him within the golden bell. This was the powerful method he was most proud of.

Under the suppression of Jinzhong, there is no way to escape.

The golden bell pressed down with huge power, and wherever it passed, the air flow was shattered.

Jiang Che's arms shook, and he snorted coldly. Then he took a step forward without any intention of evading, and punched out one after another. The dragon-shaped aura gathered and condensed, and continuously hit the golden bell.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Continuous blasts of Gang Qi struck down, and roars erupted.

Continuously resounding, continual bombardment.

The two were fighting with a distance of more than ten feet, and the empty illusory golden bell could not cover Jiang Che no matter what. At this moment, the two were already in a stalemate.

"The Dharma is boundless and the golden bell is unparalleled!"


Monk Yikong was wearing a monk's robe and was holding a string of thumb-sized black Buddhist beads that he kept twisting. Wisps of innate pure energy blessed the golden bell, making it more solid.

The speed of pressing down on Jiang Che was getting faster and faster, and he was already on the verge of breaking the stalemate.

‘The dragon fights in the wild! ’

‘Proud of roaring mountains and rivers! ’

Jiang Che's eyes suddenly condensed, and a dazzling golden light burst out from his eyes. He understood the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra in detail, and raised his hands to form seals.

The surrounding heaven and earth energy gathered quickly. With him as the center, the Gang Qi became more and more fierce, and the true meaning of the dragon shape became more solid. With one step, the dragon moved with it.

With one punch, the color of the void changed.

The dark golden dragon-shaped Gangqi formed by gathering all his strength roared endlessly. After circling and accumulating power, it suddenly collided with the golden bell hovering above his head.


At this moment, the world seemed to be stagnant.

Everything seems to be frozen.



However, the stalemate and freeze-frame only lasted for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of cracks and shattering was clearly heard between heaven and earth.


On the golden bell, a crack went straight from the bottom to the top, and then more and more cracks climbed up until the entire golden bell was covered, like a porcelain that was about to break.


Followed by another roar.

The golden bell shattered and exploded in the void.

The huge Gang Qi swept across, far more than before.

Sweeping out in all directions, everything in its path was wiped out.

Monk Yikong's face was even more horrified, and he retreated step by step under the impact of the powerful force.

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