All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 144 News spreads, huge earthquake in the mansion!

Huang Shanshan nestled in Jiang Che's arms and expressed her love.

The rest of the people looked at each other in utter embarrassment.

This is especially true for Li Daoping.

After taking a deep breath and saying hello to Wang Pingzhi, Yukong left immediately. There were two of them. Seeing this, the other martial arts warriors also retreated.

Jiang Che ignored this and did not stop him.

He is not really murderous, he just wants revenge. These people have no grudges against him in the past and have no grudges recently. There is no need to keep them all here.

"Jiang Dutong, I'm also taking my leave."

Wang Pingzhi stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"I heard that Fulong Temple has made excessive demands on Yaowang Valley in recent years. Senior Wang should make plans early."

Jiang Che looked at him with a half-smile.

Wang Pingzhi's face froze and his smile settled:

"Haha, okay, okay, thank you Jiang Dutong for the tip."

"Brother, you are really invincible today. You are killing everyone. I admire you." After seeing that most of the people around him left, Wan Pengyun also took advantage of the opportunity to come forward and praise him.

Of course, even if he was flattering, he actually meant it from the bottom of his heart.

He really admired what Jiang Che did today.

The dignified Lu family, no less powerful than Wanshou Village, was destroyed in one fell swoop.

This is not as simple as talking about it.

Without strong strength to rely on, it is absolutely impossible.

"You worked hard today too."

Jiang Che looked at Wan Pengyun with a smile.

Jiang Che was actually surprised by his sudden step forward.

In his expectation, he never counted on this person.

I didn't expect that he really had such a brotherly spirit.

"Those who are in the world are just trying to be righteous. Unfortunately, my younger brother is still not strong enough and cannot come forward to help. I can only build momentum for my elder brother." Jiang Che's words made Wan Pengyun feel a little embarrassed at the moment.

After all, he didn't contribute much.


"But what I admire the most is my elder brother's ability to actually make someone like my sister-in-law obedient. He taught me a few tricks when he had time." Wan Pengyun came closer and winked at Jiang Che.

it is more than words.

"This is a gift that you can't learn. By the way, I heard that you also have a fiancée. You can bring her to the city lord's mansion when you have time. How about we get together?" Jiang Che suggested casually.


Wan Pengyun raised his eyebrows and felt a little panicked for no reason.

What's the meaning?

Is it possible that Jiang Che also has a crush on his fiancée?

After all, he's the eldest brother, so he shouldn't be able to, right?

But Wan Pengyun was really worried about Jiang Che's character in terms of women. After all, this was Lu Pingzhou's lesson.

Not only did the woman he longed for become someone else's, she was also crushed to death and her family was destroyed.

"I understand the kindness of my eldest brother, but my fiancée is reserved and doesn't like to meet people. I'd better wait until my younger brother gets married before I invite my eldest brother to a wedding bar."

With his thoughts flowing, Wan Pengyun quickly prepared a set of words.


"Brother, if you attack the Lu family this time, Jin Yuan Temple will definitely not be able to let it go. What preparations do you have for what will happen next?" In order to change the subject, Wan Pengyun quickly shifted to business.


How could Jiang Che be prepared?

It was all done with a sense of heroism.

Apart from informing Qi Sanjia in advance, there was no other preparation.

As for coping

Jiang Che is not an ordinary warrior. It is extremely difficult to improve his strength. Each step forward will take several years. As long as he sacrifices enough, he can speed up without limit.

The next step is of course to continue to sacrifice, as long as his strength can be improved quickly.

And if it reaches a certain level, even if Jin Yuan Temple makes a big move, what does he have to fear?

However, on the surface, this cannot be said. Instead, he asked:

"Jinyuan Temple has been established for hundreds of years, and its accumulation is several times richer than that of the Lu family. It is a big fat piece of meat. Does Wanshou Village intend to join forces with me to carve up Jinyuan Temple together?"

As he said that, he turned his eyes to Chen Xiangdong:

"What do you think, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Xiangdong frowned slightly and fell silent for a moment.

He intended to befriend Jiang Che, but if they teamed up to deal with Jin Yuan Temple, that would be a question.

There is only one divine light warrior in Zhenhai Palace, but there are several divine light monks in Jinyuan Temple, and behind them are the top power in Yuezhou, Tianlong Temple.

It is very difficult to destroy.

"This matter is important. I need to discuss it with the elders after I return."

This is Chen Xiangdong's answer.

But Wan Pengyun was a little eager to try:

"After returning home, my younger brother informed my father about the matter and tried his best to facilitate the matter. However, can my elder brother give me an accurate answer and will the Armed Forces take action together?"

If you want to destroy Jinyuan Temple, you need to gather a large number of powerful people.

Wanshouzhuang and Jiang Che alone can't do it.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiangdong also turned his gaze to Jiang Che, somewhat searchingly.

"If Jinyuan Temple really dares to rebel, Captain Qi will never sit idly by and watch. He will destroy his temple and kill his entire family!"

Jiang Che said in a deep voice.

After Wan Pengyun and Chen Xiangdong left one after another, all that was left was the aftermath.

After destroying the Lu family, it was of course impossible for Jiang Che to let go of the Lu family's accumulation over the years. He immediately ordered an inventory of all the Lu family's belongings and hunted down the remaining members of the Lu family.

To destroy the family and destroy the family, this is a blood feud.

Jiang Che would not suddenly feel pity.

But he didn't need to take action on these matters.

With nearly a thousand soldiers brought, this matter can be handled properly.

As for him, he naturally recuperated with Huang Shanshan and regained his true energy.

The most precious thing about the Ice Phoenix Mysterious Physique is the Ice Phoenix Spiritual Energy, but this does not mean that after taking away the Spiritual Energy, this physique will be completely useless. In fact, female cultivators with this physique practice.

It is still very helpful for warriors to improve their cultivation.

It can also enhance your qualifications subtly.

Before, Jiang Che's mind was on the breakthrough, and he was always alert to the movements around him and did not make any progress. Now, he had no scruples and immediately picked up Huang Shanshan and walked to the backyard.

This place has not been swept away by the aftermath and is relatively well preserved.

Originally Jiang Che wanted to go to the guest room to practice cultivation, but Huang Shanshan grabbed Jiang Che and pointed to the wedding room.

Jiang Che immediately raised his eyebrows, "What's going on?"

Huang Shanshan also likes excitement like Mrs. Zhu?

"Go to the wedding room. This will give me the illusion of marrying you."

Seeing Jiang Che pause, Huang Shanshan whispered, too shy to raise her head to look at Jiang Che.

"Okay, it's all up to you today."

Opening the door to the wedding room, everything is as before.

The only thing that is a bit annoying is the portrait that Lu Pingzhou painted for himself, with a calm smile on his face and a bright red wedding robe. It was obviously a self-portrait created for the joy of his wedding.

Huang Shanshan turned over and jumped down. With a wave of her hand, a strong wind locked the doors and windows, and the red silk curtains covered the surrounding area.

"I would like to perform a dance for the capital."

She bowed slightly towards Jiang Che and bowed.

Jiang Che felt that Huang Shanshan had refreshed his impression.

Are there any exciting programs?

This is completely different from Huang Shanshan's usual aloof appearance.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

After all, the Huang family is also a well-known powerful family in Tai'an Mansion. Although it is not as powerful as the Lu family, it is not an ordinary force. As the daughter of a direct lineage, it is normal for Huang Shanshan to be proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting.



A cluster of red damask was wrapped around the beam. Huang Shanshan jumped up and followed the red damask up the river. Her boots fell off, revealing a pair of white jade feet.

The figure is tumbling, showing off its graceful figure.

All kinds of difficult movements were performed by Jiang Che.

The most important thing is that while dancing on the red silk ribbon, Huang Shanshan's clothes are also falling off one by one.

Huang Shanshan knew very well how the outside world would evaluate her after the news of the Lu family's fall spread.

Perhaps, the bitch is already the lightest.

What if Jiang Che cares about this kind of discussion in the future?

Therefore, Jiang Che's heart must be firmly grasped.

Anyway, she no longer has any image in Jiang Che's heart, so it's better to just risk it.

Use your own advantages to tightly wrap yourself around the big tree Jiang Che.

Although she always shows a cold face on weekdays, she actually possesses unique skills. She learned extraordinary dance moves from her mother, but she has never shown them to outsiders.

She didn't want to be known as a slut.

Lu Pingzhou was not qualified to witness her dancing.

Even at the critical moment, she pointed out with two fingers, spreading the Gang Qi on Lu Pingzhou's self-portrait, destroying both of his eyes. He was not qualified to live, and he was also not qualified to die.

Huang Shanshan's disgust for Lu Pingzhou was engraved in her heart.

As Huang Shanshan's dance continued, most of her protective clothing fell off.

Only a few key places are left looming.

Jiang Che straightened his body slightly.

Huang Shanshan really understands it too well!

He, as an official, would not be able to withstand such a test anyway.

I have to say that Huang Shanshan is indeed amazing.

Not only does she dance very well, she also dances beautifully.


The red silk spurted and wrapped around the bed frame. Huang Shanshan assumed a horse-like posture and slid towards him.

Jiang Che leaned back slightly, and Huang Shanshan straddled Jiang Che's body, sticking out her red lips.

"Obey, put your hair up!"

in the future.

Jiang Che stood in front of the wedding room, stretched his waist, and exhaled a breath. He felt that the fatigue from the previous battle was gone. At this moment, his mind was completely empty.

Like falling into the state of a saint.

"Subordinates, please refer to Dutong."

In front of the door connecting the backyard to the front yard, Geng Dabiao and Deng Yan waited for a long time. When Jiang Che finally walked out of the room, his eyes lit up and he stepped forward to salute.

"How's it going?"

Jiang Che said calmly.

Deng Yan bowed slightly and said in a deep voice:

"Nearly a hundred soldiers were lost in this battle, and two hundred were injured. They are being treated and have been transferred to the military camp in the city. The broken arrows, the divine arm bow, and other arrows have been consumed."

"Three times the pension for the deceased brother must be distributed to the family members. Corruption is absolutely not allowed. Anyone who disobeys the order, no matter who he is, will be beheaded. The injured will be treated by the best doctor and the reward will be doubled.

The rest of the soldiers were rewarded double as usual. "

Jiang Che said in a deep voice.

For certain things, Jiang Che was unusually generous. To him, these were all external things. It would be better to win over people's hearts. After going through bloody battles, the people left behind would definitely be elites.

"Yes, I obey."

"More than a thousand members of the Lu family have been executed, and only a few remnants are not in the Lu family." A person of the same age reported the situation of the Lu family.

"As usual, wanted!"


"How was the harvest?"

This was the issue that Jiang Che was most concerned about, and he immediately turned his attention to Geng Dabiao.

And he couldn't help but look happy:

"Du Tong, we really made a big move this time."

"Tell me the specific situation."

"There are nearly two hundred yuan crystals in the Lu family's treasury, dozens of various elixirs and herbs, and thousands of bottles of various cultivation elixirs, of which 90% are innate elixirs. .

The innate warriors can refine more than thirty bottles of elixirs, totaling hundreds of pills. In addition, there are two hundred thousand taels of gold and silver, and tens of thousands of acres of farmland near Yushan.

Among them, concentrated iron ore and jade ore"

Geng Dabiao recited excitedly that he had never seen so much wealth in his life.

But Jiang Che was not too surprised.

The Lu family has been inherited for nearly two hundred years and is deeply rooted and wealthy. Without moving the treasure house in advance, it is normal to find these things. If not, it would be really abnormal.

These resources were not a waste of time for him to come here.

"By the way, sir, my subordinates also found a tea tree in the Lu family, which was shrouded in the Yuanjing formation. Unfortunately, there are people guarding this place. The tea tree was destroyed before we arrived.

It turned into a piece of charcoal, and the subordinates only found this thing among the dead trees. "

Geng Dabiao felt a little annoyed when he talked about it.

The Lu family's Hexin Tea is also well-known in Tai'an Mansion and is a steady source of money. Unfortunately, it was a step too late and was burned by the Lu family warriors who were guarding it.

At that time, in order to vent his anger, he chopped those people into pieces on the spot.

Damn it, this is trashing things.

Jiang Che took the jade box from Geng Dabiao's hand and opened it, revealing a green tree heart shaped like a heart, covered with many spiritual patterns. The moment he opened it, a fresh fragrance rushed straight out.

nice one!

It is definitely a good thing. Just smelling it has such an effect. If it is refined, the effect will definitely be even better.

"If it's destroyed, it's destroyed. It's not easy to garrison here. The tea trees will only be coveted by others. Now that we're almost done, let's go back to the city."


Outside the Lu family, a long black dragon was hovering. It was Jiang Che's soldiers and the huge resources they were escorting. Under the dim night, there was a huge light that illuminated the way forward.

That's the light of the flame!

Before leaving, Geng Dabiao and others poured kerosene on every place in the Lu family.

As soon as the fire went down, the flames instantly shot into the sky.

Since then, the Lu family has been burned to the ground for hundreds of years!

Against the background of the flames, the huge convoy led by Jiang Che formed a very contrasting picture.

When one force falls, another force gradually climbs up.

At this moment, the news of the destruction of the Lu family and the death of everyone in the family had been spread by the warriors who had watched the battle before. In just a short time, a huge earthquake was caused near Taishan City.


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