[Sacrifice target: The peak of Yuanhai realm, the completion of Qinglong Sea Suppression Scripture. 】

[Sacrifice price: forty yuan crystals, one seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, one fourth-grade spiritual ginseng, and one red blood jade dragon root, which will shorten your life span by five years and leave you with a remaining life span of 145 years. Do you want to sacrifice? 】

Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

This time the sacrifice is not difficult, but it is not easy either.

Jiang Che knew all about the above-mentioned sacrifices.

The first is the seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum. With each additional leaf, its preciousness increases exponentially. It was not easy for Jiang Che to ask for the four-leaf Ganoderma lucidum from Wan Pengyun before.

Such spiritual objects are rarely circulated in the world.

This seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum must be even rarer.

But no matter how rare it is, you have to find a way to get it, and ultimately you have to find a way from Wanshou Village, because looking at the entire Tai'an Prefecture, only Wanshou Village produces it.

The Red Blood Jade Dragon Root is the rarest of all. It is a real treasure. It is often hidden deep in the ground. It can only be born by chance. It can greatly benefit the warrior's physical body, especially his blood.

Fortunately, Jiang Che had checked the catalog of spiritual materials found from the Lu family before, and among them was the red blood jade dragon root, which saved him from searching everywhere.

However, the fourth-grade spiritual ginseng is currently a bit tricky.

Ganoderma lucidum is different from Ganoderma lucidum. The year is calculated based on the number of leaves. Each extra leaf is one hundred years longer. A four-leaf Ganoderma lucidum is a 400-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. It is also priceless and very precious.

In the Lu family's treasury, the most abundant thing is the two-leaf ginseng. If you want to get this offering, you still need to go to Yaowang Valley.

As for the remaining Yuan Jing and Shou Yuan, they were not taken seriously by Jiang Che.

At such a young age, he still has a lot of time to squander. He has just destroyed the Lu family, and he has also gained a large amount of resources. Now, he is a real wealthy landlord.

Dozens of yuan crystals, I really didn’t take them seriously.

Even if it's a hundred yuan crystals, he can still get it!

Jinyuan Temple, back mountain.

Jinyuan Temple is not located on a plain, but on a mountain range called Jinshan. The front mountain is the temple, where the monks of Jinyuan Temple practice and chant sutras.

The back mountain is a forbidden area. Normally, only warriors above the innate realm are allowed to enter.

But this is actually not a strictly guarded place.

Because it's not needed.

The only eminent monk in the Vajra realm in Jinyuan Temple has been staying here all year round.

The Buddhist Vajra Realm and the Xuandan Realm are actually the same realm, but they are just named Vajra.

With such a strong person sitting in charge, all precautions would be a waste.

As for the eminent monk in the Vajra realm who is in seclusion, there are actually different opinions in Jinyuan Temple, including in the Jianghu. Some say that reciting sutras in seclusion can delay the passage of life, and some say that he has passed away long ago. It is only because of the check and balance of Fulong Temple that the news is not disclosed. Spread the word.

Some people also say that the eminent monk is trying to transform a demon, and it is difficult to escape.

But only a few people in Jinyuan Temple know about it.

The reason why the Master of Ferry is stationed here is not because of the rumors in the world, including in the temple, but because under the Demon Suppression Tower, he suppresses a vicious and evil demon sword with overwhelming evil intentions.

The Demon Suppression Tower was also built because of the Demon Sword.

This matter can even be traced back to a hundred years ago. The presiding monk Wangchen once answered a question asked by Yi Kong when he was young, saying that more than a hundred years ago, a Buddhist great master killed a demon in the Shiwan Mountain in South Vietnam.

That magic sword was the trophy of the eminent monk. Because he was also seriously injured at that time, when he passed by Tai'an Mansion, he approached Jinyuan Temple and left a legacy in exchange for the monks of Jinyuan Temple to use Buddhist scriptures to transform the magic sword demon. read.

If it succeeds, it will be taken later. If it fails, the monks of Jinyuan Temple will find a way to destroy it.

However, hundreds of years passed, and there was never any news from the eminent monk.

As for whether the magic sword has been transformed into Buddha nature, he has not yet known.

Because of the Demon Suppression Tower, he had never entered it. He only stood outside and talked with the master.

But this time, Yi Kong stood in front of the Demon Suppressing Tower and wanted to send a message. Just as he was about to say something, he felt a pull and unconsciously wanted to step into the Demon Suppressing Tower.

It seemed as if what was inside was very important to him.

A trace of evil thoughts came to his mind. Monk Yikong did not say hello. In response to a feeling in his heart, he walked straight into the nine-story Demon Suppressing Tower. However, he still remained clear at this moment, forcibly holding back his desire and clasping his hands together. road:

"The disciples are all gone. I have something to ask for, and I want to see the master who is trying to save me from trouble."

"What's the matter?"

After a moment, an old voice came from the Demon Suppression Tower.

"This matter is important. This disciple wants to meet the master, and I hope the master will allow me to do so."

"come in."


Walking into the Demon Suppressing Tower, what came into view were Buddhist scriptures carved on the nine coiled dragon pillars. Yi Kong frowned immediately, feeling a huge shock in his mind, and feeling uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

He immediately guarded his mind, quickly pushed open the stone door in the tower, and walked down the spiral stone staircase.

After a while, Yi Kong came to a stone door covered with scriptures and pushed it open with force.

Suddenly, a wave of heat hit my face.

Under the ground, there is actually a piece of magma, and sixteen black chains go deep into the magma, as if they are binding something.

Magic knife!

He thought of this instantly.

Looking away, next to the magma, there is a skinny figure sitting cross-legged, with no hair or eyebrows, a haggard appearance, and the wrinkles on his face are like a piece of withered bark.

Sitting there, like a corpse, not breathing out the slightest breath.

"When all the disciples are gone, please see the master who has overcome the difficulties."

Yi Kong quickly saluted.


The monk who was in trouble opened his eyes through a slit and looked up and down at the young monk in front of him. His eyes were a little nostalgic. His handsome appearance, red lips and white teeth, how similar was he to when he was young?

"What's the matter?"

"The host ordered the disciples to come and ask the master to make a decision."

"What a decision."

"A few months ago, a new guard in Tai'an Mansion took office, named Jiang Che."

Monk Yikong told all the information about Jiang Che in every detail, and also described what happened to the Lu family, but he did not mention his previous fight with him.

He was deliberately stalling for time, and his footsteps were gradually approaching the magma. He looked straight down, but what he saw was still a piece of magma, which made him a little disappointed.

But soon, a series of obscure demonic thoughts began to gather towards him.

It impacted his mind.

When the monk who was in trouble saw this scene, he did not stop him, but watched quietly with interest.

Refinement of the mind by demonic thoughts is of great benefit to Buddhist warriors.

The addition of many evil thoughts instantly plunged Yi Kong into an illusion.

The world was in darkness, with only a red hole shining with light.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an eye.

The vertical evil eye.

"The dirt in Buddhism is destroying the world and is empty. If you help me leave this place, I can help you become a Buddha, help you practice Mahayana Buddhism, and I can be driven by you."

"You possess demonic nature, and you and I are the most compatible."

"Get me out and I'll help you become a Buddha!"

The endless demonic thoughts added to his body, making Yikong feel the energy and blood surging all over his body. He was restless and wanted to embed the demonic eye in the void into his body.


A Buddha's voice resounds throughout the world.

The boundless Buddha's light enveloped him, dispelling the darkness, and the illusion was shattered.

Yi Kong groaned and took a few steps back.

At this moment, Monk Du Di was frowning slightly, showing some dissatisfaction with his performance. As the most outstanding Buddhist disciple of Jin Yuan Temple's generation, a person who was highly praised by Wang Chen, his character was lacking.

He originally wanted to use demonic thoughts to temper his Buddha mind, but he ended up falling into it.

"When it's empty, all illusions are false and are caused by your own thoughts."

"My disciple's character is not good enough, please ask Master to punish me."

Yi Kong lowered his head and gasped softly.

"I observe that your physical body has no leaks, all nine orifices are open, and the foundation is solid. However, the Buddha's heart is not calm. After returning, you can chant more sutras and come here often to temper your mind. It will be helpful for you to break through the divine light in the future."

"Yes, thank you Master for your advice."

After staring into space for a moment, the distressed monk closed his eyes again and continued:

"I already understand Wangchen's intention. Jiang Che must not be touched lightly. If he does, the court will definitely go to war and attack Jinyuan Temple on the charge of rebellion. The only way is to unite with Fulong Temple.

Only by borrowing the power of Jianghu can the government give in. Since Wangchen is confident that he can convince Fulongguan, let's focus on this. If Changfeng has any questions, let him come to me. "

"Yes, disciple, I obey!"

Monk Yikong nodded slightly.

"Back off"

Yikong nodded and left the Demon Suppression Tower. On the way back to the temple, he suddenly stopped and a trace of blood flashed in his eyes.

The devil's sword was ferocious and untamable, and it was difficult for him to control it.

But what if the real Buddha takes action?

The artistic conception of the sea of ​​blood is also full of murderous thoughts, and it is thought that it can suppress the demonic nature of the magic sword.

Also, Jin Yuan Temple wanted to join forces with Fulong Temple, and he had to inform Zhenfo immediately about this, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

Time passes overnight.

On the second day after the fall of the Lu family, the news spread even more intensely, as if someone was adding fuel to the flames. Anyone who considered themselves a warrior in the world would discuss this matter.

Discussion Lu Pingzhou was betrayed by his wife on his wedding day. The Lu family was surrounded by Jiang Che. In the end, one against four, he defeated the three great Yuanhai realm warriors and killed the head of the Liu family with one sword.

In the end, a fire burned the huge Lu family in Yushan into ruins.

Removed from the list.

What's more, Jiang Che was not ready to give the remaining Lu family a way to survive, and sent people everywhere to arrest them. Any force that dared to hide the Lu family's children would be regarded as conspiring with the Lu family to rebel.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound near Taishan City.

After this battle, Jiang Che's reputation had completely reached its peak.

Many people want to see how Jin Yuan Temple will deal with Jiang Che. This will definitely be another exciting drama.

But what was unexpected was that on the second day after the fall of the Lu family, Jinyuan Temple was temporarily closed. It seemed that it didn't care at all about the death of the leader of Jieying Evil, and he tolerated it.

This completely different style from usual made Jiang Che's reputation even worse.

But there are also a few people who secretly wonder.

This may not be because Jin Yuan Temple is afraid of Jiang Che, but because he wants to prepare a big one for Jiang Che.

I want to kill it all at once.

This is what Jiang Che thought after he found out about this matter.

But now that everything has been done, panic is completely useless. He has already started the next sacrifice. As long as he can collect all the sacrifices, he can quickly improve his cultivation level again.

Even if they still lose to Jin Yuan Temple, they will feel more confident.

Therefore, early the next morning, he had someone secretly send a greeting card to Wanshou Manor, asking him to pay a visit to Wan Nian Gui, the owner of Wanshou Manor, as Wan Pengyun's sworn brother.

But before Wanshou Village could reply, people from the Huang family took the initiative to find the City Lord's Mansion.

He expressed his admiration for Jiang Che's recent reputation and wanted to rely on Jiang Che's wings in the future.

Jiang Che understands the Huang family's fear.

Huang Shanshan's betrayal of the Lu family on her wedding day not only ruined the reputation of the Huang family, but also completely forced the Huang family to a point of no return. The Tai'an world could no longer tolerate the Huang family.

If Jin Yuan Temple had the opportunity, he would not let them go.

Therefore, no matter how much they hate Huang Shanshan's actions, they must express their attitude to Jiang Che in a humble voice.

Because at this time, the only one willing to take in and save the Huang family was the lawless Taishan guard.

"Du Tong, this is my father, Huang Yuanshu."

In the main hall of the city lord's palace, Huang Shanshan sat next to Jiang Che and introduced to him the frightened middle-aged man below.

Jiang Che nodded slightly and looked at Huang Shanshan's father. It had to be said that he looked very upright and somewhat elegant. For some women, he was a big killer.

But just appearance without strength is totally unacceptable.

Just like Huang Yuanshu, whose only skill is channeling, when facing the man who had an affair with his daughter, he not only did not dare to show anger, but also had to be careful and complimentary everywhere.

"Shanshan and I are in love, uncle, there is no need to be cautious."

Jiang Che waved his hand and motioned for the other party to sit down.

“Thank you Jiang Dutong”

Huang Yuanshu quickly clasped his fists.

"I don't want to say too much about the Lu family. In short, everything Shanshan does is arranged by me. Therefore, I can't control other places, but I don't want to hear any bad comments from the Huang family."


"Yes, after I go back, I will definitely report back to the head of the family."

Jiang Che chuckled lightly and continued:

"The Lu family has now turned into ashes and become dust in history. The betrothal gift given to the Huang family by their family can be considered as my gift. From now on, Shanshan will be mine.

What do you think, your father-in-law? "

"This is of course a matter of course. It is her honor and the Huang family's honor that Shanshan can serve you."

Huang Yuanshu behaved very humbly.

Hearing these words, Huang Shanshan smiled to herself.

This is the Huang family. Whether facing the Lu family or Jiang Che, they are always as humble as a servant. This sentence has completely determined her character. In the future, she will only be Jiang Che's concubine at most.

If her family background were different, her qualifications would be more than enough to become a head wife.

But now she is very satisfied, finally leaving the Huang family.

Jiang Che has no other visible woman now. At least in the city lord's palace, everyone regards her as the temporary mistress.

This already made her very happy.

At least Jiang Che did not abandon her like a worn-out shoe.

"Okay, I'm tired. Let me tell the head of the Huang family like this when my uncle gets back. By the way." Jiang Che glanced at Huang Shanshan as he spoke and said softly:

"Since I gave the betrothal gift, do the Huang family also have to make up for the dowry?"

"Yes, yes, this is what it should be."

Huang Yuanshu quickly agreed, not daring to refute at all.

"Well, uncle, walk slowly, I won't send you away."

"Jiangdu orders you to take a rest."

Huang Yuanshu stood up, then glanced at Huang Shanshan, changed his expression, and said solemnly:

"Shanshan, you must serve Jiang Dutong well in the future and never be petty, do you understand?"

"Well, my daughter knows."

Huang Shanshan replied expressionlessly.

Huang Yuanshu nodded with satisfaction, then smiled flatteringly at Jiang Che, bowed and exited the hall.


Four thousand and two is a little compensation, and it has been postponed until now.

Feel sorry

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