The terrifying coercion erupted instantly, and its momentum was extremely huge. The scattered warriors within a few dozen feet felt as if they were carrying a mountain on their backs, and the huge pressure made people breathless.

Many warriors even knelt on the ground on the spot.

He looked at the white-haired old man in front of him tremblingly, his eyes full of fear.

"Senior. Senior, please show mercy."

The warrior who had previously urged the old man in blue to give way stuttered in fear.

"I, Lu Jianghe, tell me exactly what happened to the Lu family!"

The old man said solemnly.

"Lu Lu Jiang He."

Everyone around was stunned and looked horrified.

They came to the Lu family to pick up the leaks, and they couldn't stop chatting with each other about the battle in the Lu family village. Someone also mentioned Lu Jianghe's name, so everyone was familiar with this name.

The fourth generation ancestor of the Lu family, the one who truly led the Lu family to establish the name of the six major powers, is himself a strong man in the realm of divine light, and was a powerful figure in Tai'an Mansion decades ago.

It's just that it has disappeared in recent years.

Many people thought that he had died, and they had just let Jiang Che dare to do this to the Lu family. Unexpectedly, this man was not dead at all, and had returned to Tai'an Mansion at this time.


Lu Jianghe stared at the man in front of him, his voice like thunder.

"Yes Yes Yes"

The man nodded repeatedly, not daring to refute the strong man's orders, and told the other party everything about the battle in Lujiazhuang.

Since the fall of the Lu family,

All kinds of news have been circulating in the world in recent days, so he is no stranger to this.

From the beginning of Lu Pingzhou's wedding to when Jiang Che ordered someone to deliver a box of goose feathers, he secretly sneaked into the Lu family, entered the bridal chamber for Lu Pingzhou, took away the ice phoenix spiritual energy, and then achieved a breakthrough.

Afterwards, he brutally killed Lu Pingzhou, and fought against the three men, the evil monk of Jinyuan Temple, Wang Pingzhi, the old master of Yaowang Valley, and Lu Xingyun, the current head of the Lu family. The battle lasted for a long time, and the winner was finally decided.

Wang Pingzhi was defeated, the evil monk was torn in half alive, Lu Xingyun's body was left without any bones, and the entire Lu family was slaughtered by Jiang Che's order, and finally burned to ashes.

"This is what little people know."

"Xingyun! Pingzhou!"

Lu Jianghe faced the ruins of the Lu family, his eyes filled with mist, and his fists under his sleeves were clenched tightly.

After all, he came a little late.

Long before, he had received a letter from Lu Xingyun, which mentioned Jiang Che, the governor of Taishan Town, and understood that he had already had a grudge against the Lu family.

It's just that at the time, he felt that no matter how arrogant Jiang Che was, he was just a junior in the first level of Xiantian, and there was no way he could threaten the status and safety of the Lu family.

In addition, there were still some things at hand that were difficult to deal with and difficult to escape from.

Unexpectedly, after finishing the things at hand, I waited for him to come back.

What I saw was a scene of ruins.

The anger in my heart is simply difficult to suppress at this moment.

Two hundred years later, the Lu family was destroyed here.

The entire clan, old and young, was slaughtered, how could he not be angry.

Turning his head, he stared at the man just now and asked in a deep voice:

"Where is Jiang Che?"

Jiang Che is not anywhere at the moment, but among the barren mountains and wild ridges.

After coming out of Yaowang Valley, Jiang Che had already collected the sacrifices on hand. There was no need to waste any more time. It would be better to break through as soon as possible. Anyway, he was offering sacrifices very quickly.

There is no need for people to protect the way, and there is no need to stabilize one's cultivation.

On top of a steep mountain.

Jiang Che faced the full moon, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and breathed out.

This may be the fastest sacrifice he has made since time travel. He encountered almost no obstruction. With the resources on hand, he has already completed most of the sacrifices.

As for Wanshou Village and Yaowang Valley, one was persuaded by him and the other was subdued by him. The two sacrifices of Seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum and Four-leaf Ganoderma lucidum were not a problem at all.

His mind sank into the sky monument space.

[Sacrifice target: The peak of Yuanhai realm, the completion of Qinglong Sea Suppression Scripture. 】

[Sacrifice price: forty yuan crystals, one seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, one fourth-grade spiritual ginseng, and one red blood jade dragon root, which will shorten your life span by five years and leave you with a remaining life span of 145 years. Do you want to sacrifice? 】

As soon as the thought came together, a mysterious feeling suddenly emerged.

【Sacrifice! 】

The moment Jiang Che's thoughts arose, on the sacrificial monument, the mysterious inscriptions and interconnected lines lit up one after another, flickering continuously, as if in an instant.

The sacrificial monument that had been silent before was awakened.


A gray ray of light escaped from the sacrificial monument, hovering over the seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum and the red blood jade dragon root.

The four kinds of sacrifices are arranged neatly.

Then, as the gray light flashed, it quickly swallowed up all the sacrifices placed before the monument, incorporated them into the sacrifice monument, and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, there was a powerful force that forcibly took away a breath of life.

Cut off your life span by five years!

It also means that Jiang Che still has 140 years left in his lifespan.

Not much, but enough.

When all the sacrifices were devoured, the familiar two rays of light, one green and one red, gradually emerged, hovering within the sky monument.

The cyan light was the first to react, and it flashed onto Jiang Che's body.

In an instant, the world changed.

Just like before, Jiang Che once again fell into a strange illusion.

Even the scenes are exactly the same.

He stood in the void, standing in the air. As far as he could see, there was an endless black sea, surrounded by deathly silence, without any trace of living things.

Above his head, black clouds gathered and thunder roared.

Echoing the black sea below, it formed a strange picture.

Jiang Che looked calm, waiting for the storm to rise between heaven and earth.


Along with the thunder, black raindrops fell, but when they dripped onto his body, they mysteriously disappeared without a trace. At the same time, a mysterious and powerful aura also condensed.

Raising his head, Jiang Che cast his gaze.

I saw the huge creature that was looming in the black clouds.

Dark clouds cover you, and thunder protects you.

The scene at this time was extremely depressing.

It was like there was only him and the looming creature in the world.

Jiang Che was fearless, without the slightest fear.

As time passed, the drizzle of rain finally turned into a downpour, and the creature hidden in the black clouds also revealed its true form.

It's a real dragon!

The dragon's body is black, but it is dotted with golden lines. The dragon's head is about several feet in size, and its eyes are red. In the dim world, it looks like two red lanterns.

Wandering out from the black clouds, dragons roared in waves.

Surrounded by lightning, the power is astonishing.

In comparison, Jiang Che at this moment was as small as an ant.

However, based on his last experience, Jiang Che showed no fear at this time. He even opened his arms and waited for the dragon-shaped creature to devour him, accompanied by a dragon roar.

The black dragon roared towards him.

But unlike the last time he swallowed it, this time, when the dragon-shaped creature approached, his figure was shrinking rapidly, but he was like a giant, standing taller than ten feet tall.

Until it surpasses the black dragon in its own size.

The black dragon was still rushing towards him. The boundless black clouds and lightning flashed and crashed into him in an instant. He was like a bottomless black hole at the moment.

Swallow the real dragon completely.

There was also a strange feeling in his body. When he took off the clothes on his chest, he saw a dragon-shaped totem appearing on his chest, and then slowly disappeared into his body.

In an instant, the whole world was thundering and the waves were rolling.

boom! ! !

The next moment, the world shattered.

And in the broken moment, deeper insights came to his mind, and he gradually woke up with a clear mind.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Che's eyes sparkled.

The understanding of various magical powers of Qinglong Zhenhai Jing has reached a new level.

Immediately afterwards, before Jiang Che could realize too much, he saw the red light remaining in the sky monument pouring into his body.

The moment the red light disappeared, above the void.

Lines of vitality appeared, forming a vortex with himself as the center.

Within the Dantian.

The golden innate Tao seed shone quickly, and more than ten drops of true energy seemed to be boiling, oscillating continuously.

Outside, the vortex of heaven and earth vitality is getting bigger and bigger, flowing towards Jiang Che's body in an endless stream.

The nine orifices of the physical body are wide open, absorbing vitality to the fullest.

The surging vitality flowed into the Dantian along the acupoints and meridians, and then, within the Dantian, a magical golden mist condensed and quickly accumulated.

When the fog accumulates to the extreme.

A drop of golden rain fell into the true essence below and merged with it.

As if a switch had been turned on, at this moment, drops of rainwater fell, blended into the true essence, and turned into true essence. The thin true essence in his Dantian was also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.



The true energy expanded, and the aura on his body increased steadily.

As Jiang Che's cultivation level increased, at this moment, the vortex of vitality formed by his breakthrough was getting bigger and bigger. At a glance, it was nearly ten feet in size, and the rumbling sound was endless.

Time is passing slowly.

His cultivation level is increasing rapidly.

As the rain fell more and more, Jiang Che had already accumulated more than half of his true energy in his dantian.

When his true energy was overflowing, he completely reached the peak level of Yuan Hai.



A sudden increase!

Under the powerful infusion of vitality and the surge in cultivation, the energy and blood all over Jiang Che's body were boiling abnormally, his veins popped out, and his skin was faintly red.

Finally, there was a roar in Dantian.

In the void, the huge vortex of vitality slowly dispersed and disappeared between heaven and earth again.

The nine orifices of the physical body are blocked.

The golden mist blends into the true essence, and at a glance, the true essence has reached perfection.

The strong breath finally reached a peak and then stopped abruptly.

Yuanhai realm, the peak.

The sacrifice is completed!

Jiang Che looked at the full moon hanging in the sky, and immediately roared proudly. The mountain forest shook, and the energy billowed, like an earthquake, awakening countless creatures hidden deep in the mountains.

next moment.

Jiang Che rose from the ground, soared into the sky, and transformed into a real dragon in the sky, roaring towards Taishan City. At first glance, it looked like a golden dragon tail hanging.

At this moment, above Taishan City.

Lu Jianghe stood with his hands behind his back. Under the rolling aura, his clothes were hunting and his expression was solemn. His whole body was covered with a powerful and undisguised murderous intention.

After learning the truth about the fall of the Lu family, he didn't waste any time and immediately came to take revenge.

The Lu family had hundreds of blood debts, and he wanted Jiang Che to repay them one by one.

Only in this way can he offset the hatred in his heart.

"Child Jiang Che, get out of here!"

As he opened his mouth, bursts of authority spread in all directions. The mighty authority awakened countless civilian warriors. They walked out of their homes one after another and looked into the void, feeling extremely horrified in their hearts.

Under the moonlight, the figure is independent and powerful.

In the city lord's palace, Huang Shanshan, who was resting, was awakened by the sound, quickly put on her clothes and walked out of the room.

"Madam, someone is here to seek revenge. Your Excellency is not in the city at the moment. It would be better for you to stay away for now."

Xu Chenghu, who was waiting, quickly saluted.

"Who went to meet the enemy?"

"Commander Geng, Commander Deng, Commander Song and others have begun to gather the soldiers of the battalion at this moment."

Xu Chenghu continued.

Huang Shanshan raised her hand, frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"Based on his prestige alone, I can deduce that the person's strength is extraordinary, and with the current power of Dutong, ordinary innates would not dare to come to seek revenge, at least he is a Yuanhai realm existence.

None of you have innate cultivation. If you go up there, you will die. You will immediately disperse to various parts of the city. No matter how loud that person is, you must not show up to fight. "

Huang Shanshan's thoughts changed rapidly and she made the most sober decision.

Jiang Che is not here, and someone comes to seek revenge. If they go up, they will not only die, but may also be used by the other party to blackmail Jiang Che. With their loyalty, they will completely add chaos.

"But that person is too arrogant. If we don't show up, wouldn't we help increase that person's prestige? Besides, there are several Broken Gang Arrows in the city, so they may not be able to fight."

Xu Chenghu frowned.

"If someone is to restrain someone, the Broken Gang Arrow is a great weapon, but who in the city can restrain those coming now? For the strong, all of you are just going to die if you go up there.

The commander-in-chief told me before he left that he would have full authority to deal with it. Why do you want to disobey it? "

Huang Shanshan snorted coldly.

She was indeed falsely conveying Jiang Che's order at this moment, but if not, how could she make Geng Dabiao and others obey the order?

She didn't want Jiang Che to see all his close men dead when he came back.

"Yes, I obey my orders and will do it immediately."

If it were just Huang Shanshan's order, they would naturally hesitate. After all, Huang Shanshan was just the mistress at best, not their superior, and she could listen or not.

But if Jiang Che's order was given, no one would dare to disobey it.

Seeing Xu Chenghu's figure gradually disappearing, Huang Shanshan quickly suppressed her aura and immediately ran towards a secret passage in the city lord's palace. She was not timid.

But he doesn't want to die with his current strength, let alone become a burden to Jiang Che.


Over Taishan City, seeing Jiang Che not showing up for a hundred breaths, Lu Jianghe snorted coldly, understanding that Jiang Che was afraid of his strength and did not dare to show up.

"No matter how arrogant or domineering he is, he is nothing more than a cowardly rat."

"Since you don't show up, I will destroy your City Lord's Mansion!"


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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