White God Guild!

Inside the guild hall.

More than twenty guild members of more than two hundred levels and more than three hundred levels were gathered here.

These people don’t look good.

“Vice President, those alien races, this period of time has only been excessive.”

“That Montenegro copy area is itself a public copy area.”

“The professionals of the Blue Scale Clan said that they have cleared the land for depth 6 difficulty, and we humans are not allowed to level up in the past.”

“When we opened up the land for depth 5 difficulty before, we didn’t say not to let them pass.”

“That’s all, those alien races, and openly mock us humans and say that humans and dogs do not enter, it is too fucking bullying.”

“President, if this continues, I am afraid that those alien races will become more and more unscrupulous.”

“Just go to war with them!”

“That is, if you don’t them, they won’t be honest!”

In the guild hall, everyone said a word, and the crowd was excited.

Listening to everyone’s explanation, Guo Mirage frowned.

The entry of alien races into the human world is itself more rampant.

Especially some time ago, with the news that the alien race was about to conquer the human level 800 World Tree copy.

Those aliens are even more unscrupulous.

Even, in their opinion, humans are about to become monsters in the quest.

Let them kill.

This has led to the increasing oppression of human living space by alien races in many places.

At present, in many other sides, friction and battles between humans and aliens have broken out.

And the “Blue Scale Clan”, which regards the Black Mountain copy area as one of its core strongholds, also jumped out directly.

Directly do not let the humans of the Holy Radiance City-State go to the next copy.

You know, the core copy of the Black Mountain copy area is not an ordinary boss copy.

Rather, a copy of the “legendary class”.

It can stably produce gold equipment, a small amount of dark gold equipment, and a small probability of producing “legendary” equipment.

This is much more advanced than the copies of the academy and guilds.

Academy copy, Li Mo tried.

After brushing so many times, the silver equipment cannot be dropped.

And the guild copy Li Mo also brushed many times.

Although gold equipment is produced, not only is the probability low, but the attribute is still very inferior.

It’s not worth wasting time brushing at all.

The core copy of the Black Mountain copy area has a high probability of producing gold equipment, and the attributes are very good.

Therefore, it is also a copy of the equipment that many guilds of the Holy Radiance City-State focus on leveling.

Now, the Blue Scale Clan wouldn’t let the people of the Holy Radiance City-State pass.

Naturally, it made the people of the White God Guild extremely dissatisfied.

Wait until everyone is almost there.

Only then did Guo Mirage speak.

“The Blue Scale Clan, what you have done is indeed a bit excessive, and our Holy Radiance City-State agreed with them that both sides would share copy resources.”

“I’ll contact the leader of their Blue Scale Clan Guild’s Blue Crystal Guild to negotiate with him.”

When everyone heard the vice president say this, they were immediately discouraged.

Apparently the vice president did not recall the conflict.

This made them even more depressed.

Being bullied by aliens on their doorstep.

The president is still unwilling to go to war, he is simply holding back his mother to open the door to Qiu Qu, and he is holding back and going home.

“Vice President, since those alien races are already so unscrupulous, it would be too weak for us to swallow our Terran momentum if we swallow it like this!”

At this moment, at the door of the guild hall.

A voice sounded.

Everyone immediately looked over.

It was Li Mo who caught his eye.

“This Li Mo has been practicing for more than half a month, is he finally going to get out of customs?”

Guo Mirage was slightly overjoyed.

Suddenly, he secretly shook his head in his heart.

Even if Li Mo is a six-star profession, it is only a meat shield after all.

And the level is not high, at most it is only 199.

This low-level meat shield can’t do much.

“Li Mo, these things, you can’t participate now, don’t make trouble here, go back to practice.”

Guo Mirage said.

Now that there are enough troubles, he doesn’t want Li Mo to come and make trouble at this juncture.

“President, I’m now level 199, which can be regarded as a small form.”

“And the taunt skill, I’ve experimented with, is powerful.”

“In the face of ordinary level three hundred and level four hundred professionals, I am not afraid.”

“If there is no war, there will be a fight.”

“They certainly won’t let copy resources.”

“Even if there is no large-scale war, a small-scale war cannot be avoided.”

“What you can’t get on the battlefield, you can’t get at the negotiating table.”

“As the core cultivator of the guild, I have eaten so many resources, so naturally I have to come up with a little of my means and skills.”

Li Mo’s exposition made Guo Mirage’s heart move slightly.

You must know that Li Mo before had a record of killing more than 400 level assassins.

Li Mo’s damage reduction and rebound damage are amazing and special.

During this time, Li Mo’s level has increased to level 199, and his attributes are naturally stronger.

And the development of skills has also greatly improved Li Mo’s strength.

Li Mo also said just now that his mocking skills are very powerful.

He also wanted to see how Li Mo’s specific actual combat effect was.

After all, as the core cultivation of the meat shield main T.

Li Moguang can brush copies, but not.

The combat ability on the battlefield is where Li Mo embodies his own strength.

Guo Mirage, who originally did not intend to fight, recommended himself with Li Mo’s persuasion and self-recommendation.

It has been loosened.

After all, it is the guild that invests massive resources to create the core main T.

Since the core master T has spoken.

As the vice president of the guild, he naturally also needed to take care of Lord T’s face.

After thinking for a moment, Guo Mirage nodded slightly.

“I’ll take you over later and talk to them.”

“Remember, don’t shoot easily without my permission.”

“The Blue Scale Clan is still very strong, at least not something that one of our city-states can deal with.”

“In case they tear their faces apart and kill the people who are guarding us around the Holy Radiance City-State, this will make our Holy Radiance City-State very passive.”

Even if it’s a preparation for a small fight.

Vice President Guo Mirage, who needs to consider all aspects, is still very restrained.

“You all get ready, we’ll go over later.”

As Vice President Guo said so.

Many people immediately cheered.

“Fuck, it’s been a long time since the Blue Scale Clan is unpleasant, and this time, the iron will definitely kill them.”

“That is, I will see my seven-star pearl later, and shoot them directly.”

“Li Mo, it’s worthy of being the core master T cultivated by our guild! It’s only been so long since I practiced, and I was so bold. ”

“Li Mo, I heard before that you shot and killed more than four hundred level assassins is really fake?”

“This is naturally true, otherwise the guild would not have invested so many resources to cultivate Li Mo.”

Originally, these potential main members of the union were still slightly critical of Li Mo, the meat shield that the guild had invested heavily in cultivating.

However, at this time, Li Mo’s performance, strength aside.

This alone is much more daring than the average person.

“How about waiting, how many more will Li Mo go up and shoot to death?”

“I’ll see this!”

Everyone was talking.

And Li Mo in the crowd had slightly condensed eyes.

“If you are not afraid of fighting, you are afraid of not fighting.”

“If you really want to fire, I alone can kill along the teleportation array and destroy their entire guild.”


Li Mo now has the strong strength and confidence of an entire guild to escape one by one.

And Li Mo asked the vice president to go to war this time.

Even if it doesn’t eliminate the so-called Blue Scale Clan’s “Blue Crystal Guild”.

It is also necessary to cripple them so that they do not dare to set foot in the human world again.

This wave, if they don’t get out, they all have to die!

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