“This time, you did well!”

“Black Mountain Dungeon 200 level depth dungeon, did you lead the team to develop the idea of higher depth?”

“Of course!”

Li Moshen nodded.

“Not only is there be, but it can certainly be cleared to a very high depth.”

“What about the World Tree copy?”

“World Tree copy, it’s not a big problem!”

In this regard, Li Mo is naturally full of confidence.

Although Li Mo wanted to say, give me a copy of 99 teammates, they just lie flat.

But obviously the same cannot be said.

“Hmm! You go clean up the battlefield! I and the other two presidents have something to discuss. ”

Nodding, Li Mo turned and left.

Then, Guo Mirage looked at the leaders of the other two guilds, “Pan Ye Blood” and “Neon Sea”.

Just now, Guo Mirage asked Li Mo, and actually asked Li Mo to tell the two presidents.

“Both of you, you all know the situation of the human race now, the major city-states are also facing the pressure of foreign races, and they are all fighting separately.”

“This time, we have eliminated the Blue Crystal Guild of the Blue Scale Clan, which is bound to cause them to vigorously counterattack.”

“And Li Mo!”

“Very special.”

“You also saw what he just did.”

“One person can carry hundreds of high-level professionals of four or five hundred levels, and even kill a top-level professional of level 800.”

“The two of you should understand the potential of this Li Mo!”

The two presidents nodded one after another.

“With Li Mo’s defensive ability and taunting ability, he definitely has the ability to pull the world-class boss of the World Tree copy.”

“At that time, the 200-level World Tree copy, just our Holy Radiance City-State, may be directly destroyed.”

The two of them were clear, and Guo Mirage didn’t make many detours.

“With our White God Guild alone, it is obviously difficult to support a top powerhouse like Li Mo.”

“So, let’s make peace with the three of us!”

“When the time comes, there will be benefits, and the three of us can take it.”

“Even, we can contact many other guilds to form a powerful city-state guild.”

Guilds and guilds, this kind of thing is very common.

What’s more, it’s still a guild of the same city-state.

The two looked at each other, and although they didn’t say much, they both understood that if they didn’t get along.

The White God Guild will definitely be the only one, and it will be under great pressure.

Three in one.

Good for all three guilds.

As for the city lord’s side, there is no need to worry too much.

Lord City Lord, in fact, he has long wanted to integrate the Federation Guild to form a unified combat force.

“I approve.” After thinking for a moment, the more than six hundred levels of “Pan Ye Blood” nodded.

“I’m okay with that.” Gunsmith Neon Hai also nodded.

As the three finished their discussions.

The tone of the three major guilds is set, and then the details of the three major guilds are set.


When Li Mo was cleaning up the battlefield.

Qiao Yi on the side came up with a smile.

“Li Mo, this wave, you can be regarded as completely famous.”

“Everyone is talking about how resistant you guy really is.”

“Gee… That rebound injury is really terrifying. ”

“When you reach level 200, I’m afraid you won’t be able to directly penetrate the level 200 copy of the World Book?”

“Once you conquer the World Tree copy, then snatch down the 200-level World Tree Secret Realm.”

“I’m afraid that our White God Guild will directly become a first-class powerful guild of mankind.”

Li Mo smiled.

The level 200 World Tree copy is indeed Li Mo’s next target.

Once conquered the next 200 level World Tree copy.

It can help humans resist the alien attack on the 800-level human world tree copy.


It can also help guilds and city-states win the 200-level World Tree Secret Realm.

The 200-level World Tree Secret Realm, the resources inside, that is quite amazing.

Once taken down.

The White God Guild can definitely rank among the first-class guilds in the Human Federation.

But gains often come with risk, as well as great pressure.

If you don’t have enough strength, you won’t be able to guard the fruits of the harvest.

Even the White God Guild won the level 200 World Tree copy and the secret realm.

But if the top strength is not strong enough.

Those powerful alien guilds will absolutely tear their faces, and even directly destroy the White God Guild.

So, before taking the level 200 World Tree Quest Secret Realm.

It is essential to strengthen yourself.

As far as Li Mo himself.

After 2 turns 200 levels, both skills are deeply developed.

Powerful mounts.

The acquisition of high-level equipment and the mastery of the Chaos Relic are indispensable.



The release of an announcement by the Holy Radiance city-state.

In an instant, all the professionals of the entire Shenghui were shocked, stunned, and boiling.

[Shenghui City-State Announcement].

This morning, the Blue Scale Clan [Blue Crystal Guild] launched a sneak attack on my Holy Radiance City-State.

Then the three major guilds joined forces to fight back against the Blue Crystal Guild.

As of the announcement release, the three major guilds have completed the elimination of the [Blue Crystal Guild] Black Mountain Replica Camp stronghold.

A total of 1 person was killed for 8 professional turns, 3 people who changed 7 professions, and 124 people who changed 6 professions. There are more than 400 people who have changed careers in 5 jobs and more than 1,600 people who have changed careers in 4 jobs.

The Holy Radiance city-state officially entered a state of readiness.

All personnel should not enter or leave the Federation at will unless necessary, and if suspicious persons are found, they will report them at any time.


This announcement and the message of the war report was issued.

Not to mention how exciting.

After all, alien races kill humans at will in the human world, and humans dare not easily resist.

The professionals of the Holy Radiance City-State have long had enough.

And today’s battle, it is simply more exciting than doping.

And a few city-state level announcements followed.

Moreover, the professionals of the entire city-state have truly realized that war is coming.

[Three major guilds, announcement! ] 】

[Three major guilds, Montenegro copy in-depth development, announcement! ] 】

[Shenghui City-State, set up 200-level World Tree main combat personnel, technical personnel formation, announcement! ] 】

This series of announcements.

Even the most dull guys reacted.

Holy Hui City-State, this is planning to fight the Blue Scale Clan to the death.

Although there is no formal declaration of war, it is almost the same as a formal declaration of war.

And behind these announcements.

It’s all about this one core of people.

That was Li Mo.

Whether it is the eradication of the Blue Crystal Guild, or the meeting of the three major guilds, as well as the in-depth development of the Black Mountain copy, and the Holy Radiance City-State, the preparation of the 200-level world tree.

All are based on the situation with Li Mo as the core.


The Holy Radiance city-state entered a state of mobilization.

Scout Scout, Summoner summons flying creatures for patrol.

Architects repaired and reinforced the city walls.

Logistics procurement personnel, large-scale procurement of various resources in the human federal market, etc.

Everything proves that the war of the Holy Radiance city-state!

Here it comes!


And at this time.

Initially close the three major guilds as the high-level of the [White God Guild].

It is in, the copy strategy department of the White God Guild, all gathered.

There were more than a hundred people.

So many people will come together.

The purpose is the in-depth development of the level 200 Montenegro copy.

200 levels of Montenegro copy of the in-depth development.

It is very important for the newly formed [White God Guild].

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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