Chapter 72 [Invincible Resurrection!] 】

Take a look.

Li Mo felt something strange.

“Resurrection 3 seconds after death, and invincibility lasts 180 seconds.”

“That’s 183 seconds alone.”

“Only 180 seconds cooldown?”

“Isn’t that completely covered?”

“If it’s a cover, then what the hell is the 10/10 resurrection number after this?”

Immediately, Li Mo walked towards this invincible duration and cooling characteristic feeling.

“That’s true.”

Li Mo said secretly

“Duration is incompatible with cooldown.”

“In other words, after 183 seconds, it will be re-accumulated.”

Duration and cooling characteristics, small skills can be compatible in the attribute rule system. duration, also goes into cooling.

But for core big skills.

During the duration, it will not enter the cooling.

What’s more, this is still the most difficult [Resurrection] in a world framework system. Although there is a limit to the number of times this resurrection.

But I can’t stop this thing to cool down quickly!

Just the second single blood bar is an insurmountable mountain. This [Invincible Resurrection] serves as a guarantee for the bottom of the box.

Li Mo could feel his smile gradually metamorphosis!

“Level 1 can have 10 resurrections, and accumulate once in 180 seconds.”

“Before level 1000, the skill level is up to level 10.”

“The cooldown time will be gradually shortened, and at level 10, the cooldown time is 90 seconds.”

“And the number of resurrections will reach a terrifying 100.”

“This is a steady stream of resurrections that can be accumulated.”

“As a core skill for guarantees, that’s enough.”

With the invincible resurrection in hand, Li Mo was completely relieved this time. Li Mo himself can fight resistance.

It’s hard to say whether you can die or not. And now, there is a resurrection. Triple invincibility feature combined.

The error tolerance rate has been directly pulled to the peak.

“Hmm… This invincible resurrection can also be developed. ”

“It is not bad to release others, to resurrect others invincible, and to be a priest who can resurrect others with one hand.”

“After all, the Holy Light Knight among knights has the ability to resurrect others.”

“Although it is a resurrection with attrition, the Holy Light Knight is still one of the necessary professions for many races.”

“This allows the clan to minimize its losses while defending the Chaos City-State.”

“It’s this Knight of Light Order 25 columns, it’s too rare.”

“In the future, in the Chaos City-State, I can also find some powerful sequences that resurrect others for humans to inherit”

“Humans guard a chaos city-state, so that I can level up faster at level 1000 in the future.”

“Otherwise, the upgrade speed after level 1000, then two words – torture!”

“Or is it actively stimulating the invincibility trait?”

“It’s not necessary.”


Between his thoughts, Li Mo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“In terms of cooling, it can be greatly shortened, after all, this cooling is an independent single cooling, does not occupy the invincible resurrection time, and has a lot of room for operation.”

“Come and try!”

Immediately, Li Mopan sat up and began to carry out the in-depth development of [Invincible Resurrection]. Now Li Mo has a large number of [Skill Magic Stones] in his hands.

There are abundant resources for strong development.

The Knight Framework feature, which also has the ability to help others come back to life.

Soon, Li Mo developed a release trait that could resurrect other people’s corpses invincibly. And cooling.

It was even more surprising to Li Mo.

Limo did not develop cooling characteristics.

This also makes Li Mo’s career framework have a lot of room for the cooling characteristics carried. The Invincible Meat Shield system gives the skill itself a feature that is easy to develop.

Let Li Mo, in two or three hours, compress the time of resurrection to less than 30 seconds. Subsequently, Li Mo’s mind opened up again.

Came up with a copy of the “roots of the world”.

The Night Soul Clan probably took out 500 units of World Roots.

These roots were all used by Li Mo to compensate for his agility characteristics and attack range characteristics.

But the characteristics of these two points.

It is worse than the importance of the cooling characteristics of this [Invincible Resurrection] in front of you. About thirty copies of the World Roots were consumed.

Li Mo eventually compressed the cooldown to 9 seconds. This value, Li Moniou felt, was already the limit.

After upgrading, although you can continue to reduce the cooling, you will see very little. Even if he rises to level 10, Li Mo estimates that it will be reduced to 6 seconds at most.

However, the current 9-second cooldown is compared to the previous 180-second cooldown. Progress has been phenomenal.

Subsequently, Li Mo developed the number of resurrections again.

The number of resurrections itself can be grown, and naturally there is room for deep development. In the state of first-level invincible resurrection, Li Mo spent more than twenty copies of the World Roots. In the end, a 50/50 number of resurrections was obtained.

And these deep developments are complemented by the enhancement of the world’s roots. It will also increase as the level increases.

At level 10, that’s a full 500/500 resurrection times, and there is a cooldown of about 6 seconds. I don’t know how long it took.

Li Mo finally completed the strong development of this [Invincible Resurrection].

【Invincible Resurrection】

LV: Level 1.

After death, you will be reborn after three seconds in a complete state and remain invincible for 180 seconds. Cooldown: 9 seconds.

Number of resurrection reserves: 50/50.

Special effect 1: For corpses with certain corpse activity, they can be revived. Special effect 2: Rapid cooling!

Special Effect 3: Super double the number of resurrections!…..

Special effects two and special effects three have been blessed in the framework attribute display of invincible vitality characteristics. The first special effect is to make Li Mo officially jump and become a “resurrection priest” part-time.

Examine this invincible resurrection of yourself.

Soon, Li Mo found some different ideas.

“The resurrection feature, I can also manipulate it in my casting.”

“For example, resurrecting someone can make their state complete, the duration of invincibility, and you can adjust it from 180 seconds of invincibility to 0 seconds of invincibility.”

“I can even simply resurrect my life without stabilizing his professional framework.”

“At that time, it will be the resurrection of the beggarly version.”

“Drop level, drop frame strength, drop equipment, and even drop wrap items.”


Li Mo’s eyes suddenly lit up.

This new way of opening the invincible resurrection made Li Mo’s thoughts suddenly open.

“This skill can completely hang the enemy and kill it slowly and repeatedly!”

“Not enough once, do it again.”

“Super double? Repeated whipping of corpses? ”

“Let the enemy be tormented repeatedly between resurrection and death.”

“Gee… so on, kill and resurrect, resurrect and kill again.”

“The kind that can blow up the enemy cleanly, and the underwear can burst out.”

“Especially in areas with many treasures.”

“You want to hide treasures? That’s simply impossible! ”

“This thing, just one word – strong and invincible!”

“This is more murderous than murder.”

“I just don’t know the activity of this corpse, what does it mean?”

“With corpse activity, it can be resurrected.”

“When you have time, ask the dragon drink senior.”

Invincible resurrection development completed.

Li Mo officially began his agility and skill attack distance to make up for the shortcomings. The skill attack distance is okay.

Some of the knight’s long-range attack methods also have some.

However, the agile nature is slightly worse. Fortunately, [World Root] has the characteristics of changing fate against the sky.

As long as you use enough, agility can also be improved. It’s that the resources invested will be a bit much.

One unit’s world root can increase the upper limit of a thousand-level powerhouse by one level.

The remaining 440 or so roots in Li Mo’s hands can be used in the level, which can raise Li Mo’s level ceiling to more than 1700 levels.

But not now.

It is obviously more suitable for developing speed shortfalls.

One root after another, it is constantly invested.

Li Mo’s agility characteristics, as well as the skill casting distance, began to gradually improve. The higher the level.

The characteristics of the profession will also become larger and larger. For example, the distance of long-range attacks will become farther and farther. The assassin’s dodges, explosive damage, are getting more and more amazing. The knight’s frankness, defense, is getting thicker and stronger.

The simple characteristics of occupations make various professions restrained each other.

If you want not to be restrained, then you have to consume a lot of resources to make up for your shortcomings. As Li Mo continued to invest in the world roots, he entered his own attribute framework.

The mobility that agility gives Li Mo, including speed, flexibility, mastery of speed, burst of speed, etc., are steadily improving.

More than 440 copies of the World Root, the number is already quite a lot, and it is consumed, which is enough for Li Mo’s speed to form a small metamorphosis of a certain magnitude.

A few days later.

Li Mo completed the consumption of more than four hundred points of world roots.

Li Mo’s agility has increased from 58,000 to 88,000.

Attribute improvement is aspect, and more importantly, the use of agility by the knight class, these things cannot be displayed literally.

The simplest example is. Knight 1000 Agile. Assassin 1000 Agility.

Similarly, in terms of agility, assassins are much faster than knights.

And the assassin is there, jumping, dodging, dexterity, and the use of displacement and flashing skills, all crushing the knight. This is the nature of the profession.

Knights can only play 30% to 50% agility.

Assassins, on the other hand, are able to exert 150% to 200% agility. And the world roots, while strengthening the agile attribute.

The core is to strengthen the efficiency of the use of agile features.

The root of the world, the development effect of agile attributes, immediate results. When Li Mo came out of retreat for recycling.

I obviously feel like I’m walking three times faster.

It was clear that the strength he used was the same as before, but he felt that his two legs were about to take off. At the same time, Li Mo’s body also became lighter.

The regular state is almost catching up with the previous “soul state”. If this opens the soul state, the effect will obviously be more violent.

Not to mention, Li Mo also has the [Invincible Charge] skill and mount. And as the casting distance increases, taunt skill skills.

The full effect was increased from about 10 meters to 30 meters. In other words, within a range of 30 meters, the taunting effect is completely 100% effective.

The usable range has been increased from just over 100 meters to 500 meters. The farther the distance, the worse the taunt.

But this long-distance effect of four or five hundred meters can still play a big role. At least, enough for each other.

……….. Holy Radiance City-State. A corridor in the side hall.

Li Mozheng, Zhuge Changyu and other core members of the Extreme Guild walked towards the main hall of the Holy Hui City-State City Lord’s Mansion.

“Chang Yu, the speed of your level increase is also very fast.”

“It’s already more than five hundred and twenty.”

“Many senior members of the guild are not as fast as you are.”

During the casual conversation, Li Mo said with a smile.

“What am I, now many newly graduated professionals are a wave of eating experience to rise to level 100.”

“Then go to the Shattered Star Sea, and casually it will be level 200.”

“After returning, it is the next copy cultivation, the combat talent is good, a lot of resources will be given to cultivate, and soon it will be able to level 300”

“Then these outstanding combat talents will be sent to the Shattered Star Sea again, and with the experience pill, in about a year, they can reach level 500.”

“Groove… Are the current professionals upgrading so fierce? ”

Li Mo was surprised.

For the following intelligence data and other aspects, Li Mo really does not know much. After all, Li Mo’s own affairs are too busy to finish.

“It’s all eating your welfare!”

Qiao Yi on the side said with a smile.

Joey is now 697 level 595. It’s almost 6 turns 600. Qiao Yi, this guy is a super liver emperor.

It is said that every day is to eat “Spirit Breath Pill” for an hour to restore energy and soul state. The remaining 23 hours are either soaking in quests or participating in wild bosses.

Even eating, it is a killing of monsters, along with some “food Dan”.

This guy, although the star rank is not high, his combat talent is definitely a supreme existence of the White God Guild. It is also the top handful in the human world.

In the words of President Guo Mirage, that is

“In terms of combat talent, Qiao Yi, one can hit you ten.”

And this kind of super liver emperor made Qiao Yi almost the vice president of the White God Guild in the city.

The equipment on his body is three mythical and five epic.

The strength of the White God Guild, which is now full of talents, is also far ahead.

“Now, many professionals not only have a rapid increase in level, but also have equipment, one by one.”

Qiao Yi sighed.

“A few days ago, when I was chasing the boss in the wilderness, I met a dark law Xiaoni of more than four hundred levels.”

“It looks like I just graduated not long ago.”

“The result said that I robbed her boss, and when I came up, I would give me a dark herd dragon explosion.”

“Damage million levels go up.”

“One look at the well-equipped guy, one mythical, four epics, three legends, forehead drop obedient, this equipment is terrifying.”

“When you pioneered the myth of Montenegro, I was a legend.”

“Now these new professionals, well-equipped or good, they don’t know the importance of the start.”

Dangers though.

But the general novice dark method of more than four hundred levels really does not threaten Qiao Yi.

“Are you going up and giving her a stick?”

Li Mo said with a smile.

“I gave it, and I cried for that little ni with a stick.”

“The next day, the city lord of the city-state next door came to complain.”

“The president lost an epic, and it was a matter of counting.”

When everyone heard him finish speaking, they almost burst into laughter.

Several people were talking about various interesting things as they moved forward.

Compared to other professionals in the outer city-states, Li Mobi was very respectful.

These have long known Li Acquiescence professionals, but there are not so many restraints. After Li Mo and the others arrived in the hall.

There are already 8 thousand-level powerhouses from the Liguang faction gathered here.

In addition to the Liguang faction, the other four major factions also have three or four thousand-level powerhouses coming. In addition, there are more than twenty presidents of the top great guilds in the human world.

So many strong people gather here. Here’s why.

Today, humanity is officially opening up a 500-level world tree copy. With Li Mo there, everyone knows that this copy of the world tree is to go through a process.

But the attitude of many factions is certainly there.

“Personnel, are you all ready?”

Li Mo asked.

“Well, it’s all ready.”

Long Drink nodded.

“Now that you’re ready, the level 500 World Tree replica is set off!”

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