Chapter 83: [Invincible Phantom].

The next few days.

Everyone was inside this cage listening to the many crosstalk outside. Five or six days later.

The prison guard of the fourth level made this turn back from the first level. Then patrol the second floor, and then enter the third layer.

Waited for another few hours.

Only then did Li Mo walk out of the cage.

They didn’t wait for the two gods who had fled before to run back.

There is a high probability of being caught, and if you are not caught, you will escape. It is too dangerous to play with the prison guards in this old prison.

If they are not careful, they will also die, and it is estimated that they will also find ways to escape.

“Boss, what’s next?”

Ling Yi asked with her face pressed against the energy barrier.

“I’ll go down first to collect the treasures, and then rescue you.”

Then Li Mo entered the third layer.

On the third level, there are a lot of treasures here.

Otherwise, there would not be so many strong people stationed here. This third layer also traps many people.

Li Mo didn’t take care of these guys and began to search for treasures in detail.

What Li Mo mainly wants to get is the means of 6-turn core skill enslavement.

Knights, can take the initiative to sign mount contracts, which is a characteristic of the class. At the same time, you can also learn the powerful “Mount Slave Contract”.

This is used to capture powerful mounts.

Li Mo estimated that ordinary enslavement contracts were most likely not possible. You may not be able to enjoy the blessings of the [Invincible Meat Shield System].

But if it’s a [mount contract], it’s okay.

No one stipulates that a knight can only have one mount! And even more no one prescribes.

Intelligent beings cannot be used as “mounts”! According to the rules of this world.

Any form of creature can be used as a mount.

For example, some riotous “slime knights”

“Goblin Knight”

“Cat-eared maiden knight” and so on. Anyway, the [Mount Contract] can enslave intelligent lifeforms and is feasible.

With the treasures of this third layer, one after another were collected by Li Mo. The top resources in Li Mo’s hands began to expand rapidly.

Top sequence class above 13 stars. Treasure of the gods.

Twin career framework. Specific chaos attributes.

The “Heavy Soul Framework” used to save life.

and the “Chaos Artifact” that can only be born in the Chaos Star Domain, and so on. These treasures, Li Mo skimmed a little, did not look closely. Instead, it’s this chaos artifact.

Li Mo looked at it carefully.

Chaos artifact, a “Chaos lightsaber”. For fighters.

The damage is alarmingly high.

It has the attack power of a top class comparable to the 12-star level. It also has the effect of long-range general attack sword qi.

Li Mo is not unusable. But that would be the case for abandoning the invincible defense.

Either Li Mo needs to divide the [Weapons column] in the equipment column. Enter the dual-wielding state.

Sword in one hand and shield in the other.

However, the [weapons column] is not easy to divide.

If it is good, it can be divided into two [weapons columns] with limited levels. Improper operation “snap”, the equipment bar scrapped.

Along with the career framework, it will be affected. It’s too hard to fix. Armor, hand guards.

These two pieces of equipment may also have defensive posture special effects. If you really get it, it is not impossible to replace the lightsaber.

At least this chaos weapon has a long-range attack distance of twenty or thirty meters, which is much more powerful than the shield gun. If he couldn’t get it, Li Mo could continue to use his shield gun.

With a gun, Li Mo is still quite comfortable.

When Li Mo put away the last treasure of the third layer, a divine treasure of the assassin sequence.


Li Moyan summed up concisely.

Then, Li Mo looked at the fourth layer.

For the fourth level with prison guards. Others did not dare to go in.

Li Mo was naturally fine.

Directly to the fourth floor.

Li Mo did not take care of the prison guard.

Opened the invincible overlord body and began to gradually patrol the treasures. A moment later, the prison guard came. Towards Li Mo, he began to output wildly.

High-intensity rebound damage, fifty or sixty million, or even hundreds of millions of floating up. Li Mo seemed to be fine.

One treasure, then the collection of one treasure.

With this treasure in front of him, Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

“Miniature Root World?”

“There are so many rich world roots in this, there are almost 3,000 of them!”

Li Mo suddenly laughed softly.

“With so many roots, my skill attack distance and even speed have been greatly improved.”

“Good, good!”

It’s been so long since I came to the old prison.

Li Mo finally got one of the resources he needed. The roots of the world are.

The second layer and the third layer basically did not have the treasures that Li Mo needed. After a good start to the fourth floor.

The surprises that followed, one after another.

“This……… Stuff! ”

When collecting the fourth treasure.

Li Mo’s brows instantly stretched, and a smile appeared on his face.

“Full Star’s core god-level skill!”

“Heavy treasure! This is an absolute qualitative change for me! ”

This treasure in front of you.

It is a “Chaos Level” core skill skill.

[Phantom Knight] itself is also a class of knight sequence.

It seems that this profession is unremarkable.

But in fact, the highest star level of [Phantom Knight] is a full star, that is, an 18-star super class sequence. Knight sequence, as currently known.

There are three full star class sequences.

Each knight sequence has its own core god-level skill.

The core of [Phantom Sequence] is his final skill “Phantom Knight”. The other two full-star sequences.

One is [Titan Knight]. One is [Angel Knight]. Angel Knight, Ranged Knight.

Titan Knight, melee defense knight.

The Phantom Knight, on the other hand, is a knight who is at the peak of melee combat and becomes an army alone.

Phantom Knight, the core of being able to become an army alone is his ultimate core divine skill “Phantom Knight”. Li Mo opened this [Phantom Knight] skill and looked over carefully.

【Phantom Knight】【18-star Chaos Level Core Skill】

With each attack, you’ll have a 25% chance of summoning a Phantom. Phantoms will inherit certain of your attribute characteristics.

Seemingly sparse and ordinary explanations.

But the characteristics are not simple at all.

First of all, this summoned phantom, their number, can be stacked infinitely. It is said that the Phantom Knight who used to be.

Relying on the high attack speed, tens of thousands of powerful phantoms were summoned.

Second, this phantom can greatly inherit the basic properties of the ontology. The highest can even reach as much as 90%.

Although it inherits basic attributes, the class framework characteristics do not inherit much. But even so, it’s amazing enough.

A 2000-level Phantom Knight.

It can summon thousands, or even tens of thousands, of phantoms with attributes comparable to level 1800. One man becomes an army.

Resist the siege tide alone.

You can imagine how horrible this is.

And this Phantom Knight’s powerful core divine skill fell on Li Mo, which was another matter.

“Proper profiteering export divine skills!”

Li Mo’s eyes slightly inspected this [Phantom Knight] core divine technique.

With this skill, Li Mo is completely not worried about his large-scale combat capabilities. Immediately, Li Mo slapped it with one hand and learned this [Phantom Knight].

“Ding! Learn [Phantom Knight] and automatically promote to the invincible god-level [Invincible Phantom]. ”

The system’s prompt should sound crisply.

Li Mo can upgrade 7 turns at any time, and he is not worried that the core skill column is not enough.

【Invincible Phantom】

Phantom Strikes: Each of your normal attacks will come with three additional Phantom Attacks.

Every normal attack has a 100% probability of summoning a phantom, an 80% probability of summoning a second phantom, a 50% probability of summoning a third phantom, and a 20% probability of summoning a fourth phantom.

Your Phantom will have a 10% chance of summoning a Phantom with each attack.

Phantoms will inherit 100% of your base stats and 60% of the base framework stats.

Examine the Invincible Phantom. Li Mo laughed softly.

Compared to ordinary [Phantom Knight].

This [Invincible Phantom] of his own can be called strong to explode. Phantoms are also able to summon Phantoms, highlighting a raw beast. And the probability is not low.

“Give it a try!”

Li Mo turned around and shot at the prison guard who was following behind him and exiting him. With this shot fell.

The obvious three phantom spears, with their own attacks, accurately hit the prison guard.

“Once the base attack hits, the phantom attack must also be a hit.”

Li Mo’s shot fell.

It’s like stabbing a hornet’s nest. A full 11 phantoms appeared instantly.

“Groove! How so much? ”

Li Mo was also taken aback by the 11 phantoms that suddenly appeared.

“Isn’t it four at most one shot?”

“How did these 11 come about?”

“Could it be…”

Li Mo carefully looked at the explanation of the invincible phantom.

“My phantom attack is also an ordinary attack?”

“That means that one attack action of mine counts as 4 normal attacks.”

“At least 4 phantoms, up to 16 phantoms.”


As Li Mo looked towards these phantoms. The situation began to spiral out of control.

First, Li Mo found.

These phantom attacks also have Li Mo’s phantom combo effect.

However, he is three additional phantoms, and this phantom is two more phantoms.

This also allows these phantoms to play the effect of additional phantoms, which is directly increased by three times.

Li Mo’s own attack speed is not slow, and after adding the agility attribute reinforcement, the attack speed is faster. Three attacks a second is still a breeze.

And the Phantoms skyrocketed in number with the attack. In the blink of an eye, it broke through 20.

Followed by 30, 40. There are more and more of them.

The powerful prison boss was overwhelmed alive by Li Mo’s blow phantom. The phantom was made by Li Mo sitting on a mount.

That mount has the property of defying gravity.

You can run directly to the huge prison guard, so that the gods kill all and attack him.

And it is these phantoms, with a hegemonic state. Although only 60% effect.

But the prison guard still couldn’t send these phantoms to the cage. Just for a while.

There are already hundreds of phantoms around the prison boss.

This number of explosions made Li Mo completely stunned when he saw it. As Li Mo gradually examined.

The shocking effect is even more amazing.

A phantom that inherits Li Mo’s 60% mad frame characteristics. They also have invincible blood demon damage.

Although it has only 60% effect, it can also be stacked up infinitely.

At the same time, when the attacks of the prison defenders fall on these phantoms, they also have rebound damage. Rebound damage is 600%.

The damage reduction effect of the Phantom Knight is also amazing.

However, Li Mo did not find that they had invincible damage reduction characteristics.

“The Invincible Meat Shield System grants immunity to 100% damage.”

“They only have 60 percent characteristics, which means 60 percent damage reduction is their upper limit.”

Subsequently, Li Mo opened the attributes of these phantom knights.

Because it is a basic property.

Li Mo’s trillion blood bars, they did not inherit.

After all, this extra health bar is not a basal health bar.

On the contrary, it is the root of the world, what has changed is the basic attribute characteristics, so that their agile characteristics are inherited. At the very least, the attack speed is noticeably fast.

“Life is almost 50 million, which is not an exaggeration, it is based on the basic attributes of my meat shield class.”

“But this time the blood is still exaggerated.”

“My state recovers more than 60 million blood in a second.”

“Phantom recovers more than 36 million blood in a second.”

“Invincible Bloodsource Pool, within the framework, they also enjoy 50% of the effect.”

“As long as one hit doesn’t fall for a second, they can get back full of blood in two seconds.”

“More importantly…”

Li Mo looked at the damage that the prison guard had done. -146,000.

-146,000. -146,000.

All 146,000 damage.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a normal attack or a skill attack.

“That is to say, the characteristics of my single-grid health bar, Phantom Knight, are also inherited.”

“50 million blood volume, 36 million / second blood return.”

“Plus 146,000 single-cell health bars.”

“These phantoms, they are also close to invincible existences!”

Without high-intensity damage reduction, 100% immunity is not possible.

The powerful characteristics of single blood bars and blood return are reflected.

“Overlord, back blood, single-block blood bar, just one phantom is enough to kill any professional of the same level.”

“It’s not good, a phantom, one-on-one attack on the same level of gods, has a chance of winning.”

With the siege.

The number of phantoms is increasing.

In just a moment, it has broken through more than 500. Too many phantoms.

Already there are phantoms being squeezed outside.

At this time, the prison guard was properly covered with phantoms. This guy can’t break free at all.

“Hegemony, it can be passively triggered.”

“So these phantoms can have hegemony.”

“Theoretically, these phantoms also have the ability to use active skills, such as invincible taunts and the ability to charge invincible.”

“Yes, but it’s not necessary.”

“Phantoms come out a lot easily, and it’s not easy to control.”

“There’s no need to do this until you can’t effectively master these phantoms until you develop them deeply.”

“Phantoms, although the number can be stacked infinitely.”

“But it’s the same as the monster unit where the replica energy condenses.”

“There is a limit to how long they can exist.”

“About a week or so.”

“This is still a targeted attack on them.”

“If there is no target, after a few minutes, they dissipate on their own.”

“And if there is a goal, they can fight without sleep for a week.”

“Before, humans wanted to counterattack the chaotic city-state that the Night Soul Race guarded.”

“It is not enough to move all of us humans, plus all the strong springs of the Night Soul Clan.”

“And now, I have obtained a top-level divine skill like the Invincible Phantom.”

“Under my leadership, humans with the Night Soul Race and take the Chaos City-State, there will be no problem at all.”

“Even……… Valley”

“In the Chaos Star Domain, there are many huge Chaos Realm nests, and the number of Chaos creatures there is even more amazing than the Zerg.”

“If it was before, I obviously wouldn’t have the ability to develop such a high-intensity Chaos Realm nest.”

“But with this invincible phantom, it’s completely different.”

“The Invincible Phantom itself is not strong, and it is not suitable for high-intensity combat.”

“But giving me 60% of the career framework characteristics of my ontology is completely different.”

“Every phantom is an existence that can fight and resist.”

Look at the prison guards who have been overwhelmed by more than 1,000 phantoms. Li Mo quietly enjoyed this scene.

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