All People Beastmaster: I, Mythical Beastmaster

Chapter 278 Follow And Encounter The Saint King Beast!

"When something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Something must have happened to these beasts from Saint King Realm and the monsters from Legendary Realm to leave. "

"What is it that makes these beasts so impatient that they even let go of the tens of thousands of low-level beasts outside?"

Watch as these beasts of the Saint King Realm take off with a pack of beasts from the Legendary Realm.

All the Saint King beast masters who saw this scene under the space cracks all showed doubts.

In their view, the behavior of these ferocious beasts is extremely abnormal.

This is the first confrontation seen in thousands of years!

But because these Saint King Realm powerhouses don't know that Su Yu is still alive at this moment.

Even the news that it is now in the beast world.

Therefore, the scene where these monsters from Saint King Realm drove back with the monsters from Legendary Realm was also puzzling.

And the only one who was touched was Liu Bai, the top beast master.

"These bastards have actually evacuated from the battlefield of the confrontation!

Could it be that they have encountered something more important than confronting us at this moment?

What can make these guys so important?

Could it be..."

Seeing the golden dragon leading the eight Great Saint kings high rank, the peak beast rushed away.

Not even one of the legendary beasts of the Realm remained.

This made Liu Bai's face suddenly serious.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Su Yu!

Could it be that Su Yu can't do it in this beast world!


When Liu Bai thought about it, he immediately thought of Su Yu.

Su Yu disappeared in the ice spirit secret realm before, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Including the one who captured Su Yu earlier was the Beast God.

Although I don't know how Su Yu escaped from being captured by the beast god himself.

But as long as Su Yu can escape, then the greatest possibility is that he can escape when he is captured in the beast world!

The most likely place to exist is the beast world!

Now if those beasts found Su Yu's trail in the murderer's world, it would make sense for these beasts from Saint King Realm to evacuate in such a hurry!

"Regardless of whether there are 700 scams or not, since these guys have already left, then I should also follow!

If it is true that they found Su Yu, I will not go, Su Yu is besieged by these beasts in the world of beasts, it is definitely a disaster!"

Watching these ominous beasts of Saint King Realm all fly towards the distance.

Liu Bai didn't dare to neglect.

After he quickly returned to the main building, all the newly promoted Saint King Realm powerhouses from the Kyushu Academy came to guard behind the No. 1 space crack.

He directly summoned his own royal beast, and silently followed in the direction where the golden dragon and the Saint King beasts left.

Summon Wang Haoran and other Saint King Realm beast masters to the No. 1 space crack.

Liu Bai also wanted to prevent these beasts from the Saint King Realm from leaving.

After all, there is only him here, the beast master of the human race Saint King Realm, if he leaves here.

These fierce beasts set a trap to lure him away from the mountain.

At that time, the acropolis without any strong Saint King Realm will be easily breached.

Only by letting people like Wang Haoran come over to guard the city, can he safely follow the golden dragon, the beasts of the Saint King Realm.

Silently followed behind, hoping to find Su Yu and take Su Yu back safely.

"Quick! Faster!"

"We Saint King Realm powerhouses are one step ahead, as for those Legendary Realm guys, let them follow us.

Follow us as fast as you can!"

In the midair of the world of beasts, the golden dragon led a group of beasts from the Saint Lord Realm and beasts from the Legendary Realm and quickly flashed through the air.

The speed was so fast, even though it didn't reach the limit, it still made the fierce beasts of the legendary Realm chase after him unspeakably miserable.

At this time, he felt that the beasts of the legendary Realm behind his side were really struggling in terms of speed.

Therefore, the nine great saint king beasts quickly reached an agreement.

With the haste of his own Saint King Realm, he headed towards the core area of ​​the beast world to siege.

As for the beasts of the Legendary Realm behind them, let the beasts of the Legendary Realm behind them slowly chase them.

Along with (cida) the nine Great Saint kings and fierce beasts all reached a unified opinion.

The next moment Nine The fierce beasts of the Great Saint King Realm, headed by the golden dragon, have skyrocketed in speed!

In an instant, it turned into a streamer flying towards the distance.

In the blink of an eye, the distance from those beasts of the legendary Realm was opened.

With such a haste, even the fierce beasts of the legendary peak Realm in the team have no hope of catching up with them.

Only by urging all the power of own, the speed of own can be raised to another level.

But despite their vigorous pursuit, he still quickly distanced himself from those Saint King Realm's ominous beasts.

In the end, the beasts of the nine Great Saint King Realms headed by the golden dragon all disappeared in the eyes of the beasts of these legendary Realms behind them.

If it weren't for the breath they left behind along the way, these beasts of the legendary Realm might not be able to find their position and move forward!

It is precisely because of this that Liu Bai, who was chasing after him, could follow up effortlessly with the aura left on purpose.

Even though they were separated by a long distance, he hid his aura and slowly fell behind these Saint King Realm beasts without any worry that he would be lost.

As for Liu Bai's stalking behind him, none of the beasts of the Nine Great Saint King Realms could notice.

For one thing, the beast that Liu Bai summoned was a ninth-level Saint King beast of the dark system, which had a very strong ability to hide.

Under the hidden breath, even the beasts at the peak of the Saint King are hard to detect.

Secondly, at this moment, the attention of the golden dragon, the ominous beasts of Saint King Realm, is all on Su Yu.

There is not much time to consider what is going on behind the scenes.

That's why they made Liu Bai follow all the way without finding him.

Following Liu Bai, he soon discovered a group of beasts from the legendary Realm ahead.

The forces of these beasts behind the No. 1 space crack are the most powerful.

It's not just that Saint King Realm has the largest number of beasts and the strongest strength.

All are realms of Saint King eighth level and above.

The number of monsters in the Legendary Realm they command is also more than that of any other Legendary Realm behind a space crack!

At this moment, there are nearly 200 beasts from the Legendary Realm following the beasts from the Realm of the Nine Great Saint Kings towards the core of the beast world!

Most importantly, among these ferocious beasts, the number of legendary peak beasts has reached more than 30!

Such a group of beasts from the legendary Realm [placed anywhere is an extremely powerful force that cannot be ignored!

In the past, Liu Bai faced the nine Great Saint King high rank, peak beasts, and had no chance to slay these legendary Realm beasts.

He can only let the Beastmasters of the Legendary Realm who sit on the Acropolis with him check and balance the fierce beasts of the Legendary Realm.

But now, these were in front of his eyes.

In addition, there are no constraints from the golden dragons, the peak beasts of the Saint King.

This will be a great opportunity!

Although there are many beasts in these Legendary Realms, they are still facing him, the top Saint King beast master.

Without the help of the beasts of the nine Great Saint King high ranks, these beasts have no resistance at all.

Liu Bai looked at these nearly two hundred beasts from the legendary Realm, and began to think about how to deal with them.

"Now is indeed an excellent opportunity to wipe out these beasts of the legendary Realm in one fell swoop!

If I miss this time, I don’t know if there will be such a good opportunity next time!”

"It's just that if a battle breaks out at this time.

Even my beast master can easily deal with all these guys.

But after all, they are fierce beasts of the Legendary Realm, and there are many of them.

Once they cannot be killed in an instant, there will definitely be a huge commotion!

At that time, I'm afraid it will be the nine guys in front of Jingdong!

If it delays the search for Su Yu because of this, then the loss outweighs the gain...."

After thinking for a moment, Liu Bai also decided not to attack these legendary beasts of the Realm for the time being.

There are nearly two hundred beasts in the Legendary Realm, but his ability is not enough to kill them all in an instant without making a sound.

If he wanted to be able to deal with nearly two hundred legendary beasts in an instant, although his beast master could do it, it would definitely make a lot of noise!

At that time, it will definitely attract the attention of the golden dragon and other Saint King beasts in front.

At that time, if he still wants to follow these guys silently and find Su Yu, it will be very difficult.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he decided to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He continued to hide his own aura, bypassing this group of beasts from the legendary Realm from a distance.

Chased out in the direction of the golden dragon, the ominous beasts of Saint King Realm.

Compared with Su Yu, let alone two hundred legendary beasts in the legendary realm, even two thousand beasts in the legendary realm are not important!

In Liu Bai's eyes, Su Yu's life is much more important than the lives of these beasts!

In this way, following the aura left by the golden dragons, the beasts of the Nine Great Saint King Realms, Liu Bai followed them and galloped rapidly for several days...

On the third day after Su Yu's trail was discovered, he finally encountered a Saint King Realm beast!

This ferocious beast also came to the hinterland of the beast world to surround him.

Moreover, the ferocious beast was relatively close to the hinterland of the ferocious beast, so it was the first to bump into Su Shou after receiving the news.

"Human beast master, that must be Su Yu!"

Seeing Su Yu standing on Xiaopeng's body and galloping fast, this beast from the Saint King Realm didn't hesitate at all.

The terrifying aura on his body erupted directly.

Quickly intercepted in front of Xiaopeng.

forced it to stop.

"Saint King high rank ferocious beast breath!

In the end, whatever you are afraid of will come!

After all, he still encountered the fierce beast of Saint King Realm. "

When Su Yu sensed the aura of the beast blocking the way, his expression froze slightly.

After he knew that he was in the world of beasts, he was ready to meet the beasts of Saint King Realm.

Now he was the first to encounter the fierce beast of Saint King high rank. Although he was a little surprised, he was mentally prepared and would not panic.

Looking at the mighty white giant tiger in front of him, Su Bao also saw the information of this high rank beast in the holy book.

【Race】: Bright Sacred Tiger (Light Department)

【Realm】: Saint King Level 7

【Qualification】: Top Saint King

[Talent Skills]: Holy Light Shining·Peerless, Radiant Judgment·Legendary, Bright Spike·Epic...………

[Evolution Route]: After one evolution, evolve into Light Wing God King Tiger Mythical Level

The qualification of the top Saint King, the Realm of the seventh level of the Saint King.

it's absolutely

It is a powerful beast that is not inferior to the dark pterosaur!

It can be regarded as one of the most powerful enemies that Su Yu has ever encountered!

"Su Yu! Damn humans, die!

Glorious verdict!"

Su Yu just saw the information about this Saint King high rank Bright Tiger, but the Bright Tiger didn't give Su Yu any time.

After shouting angrily, he launched a crazy attack on him.

As soon as it is shot, it is a super talent skill.

Obviously, it also knows that Su Yu has a life-saving ability that cannot be ignored in the previous description of the dark pterosaur.

Su Yu, who was able to withstand the dark breath of the dark pterosaur, would definitely be able to block its attack again.

And it also knows that this strike may not be able to kill Su Yu.

Therefore, he did this strike only to expose his location.

Attract more other Saint King beasts to attack Su Yu together!

A person from Saint King Realm can't kill Su Yu, can't a strong person from Saint King Realm not kill Su?

With the attack of the Holy Tiger of Light broke out.

In the sky, the phantom of a huge and brilliant light sword instantly broke the curtain of the night.

Reflect the surrounding ten thousand miles like daylight!

With the power of judgment, the Bright Excalibur fell towards Su Yu and Xiaopeng.

The speed is extremely fast, like thunder.

Breath of the Wind Realm!

God dazzle Pengfeng!

Feeling the terror of this strike, Xiaopeng dared not neglect.

Immediately cast two mythical skills one after another.

With the casting of two mythical-level Talent skills.

Endless gusts suddenly rose, and this strike of the Holy Tiger of Light was barely offset. .

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