0109. The new loose weapon is in hand! The form of the hook gun! The weapon is tested in the competition! (Automatic subscription required)

Jiangnan University was kicked out!

This is rare!

The first three years in Jiangda Exchange Competition.

Today, the freshman dream team, led by Yun Chen, directly wins the singles championship and team championships.

From a four-year perspective, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the number one university in the Xuanlong Nation.

The persimmons have to be squeezed softly!

People who dare to come to kick the hall and initiate application challenges are becoming rarer.


However, a rare student from outside school dared to challenge him.

Moreover, the level of performance has never been seen before, directly from the younger students to the juniors in school.

“What the hell, so fierce!

“Ning Junyi!

“Qingyun Ning family! Qingyun first family, the nation’s first summoner family!”

“Damn! This is not much stronger than Tiannan Bajia!”


“But no matter how fierce it is, it’s useless. I heard that this guy is the defeat of our Yun Chen. I think it’s a drunkard who doesn’t want to drink!”

Some people have already begun to discuss.

Since there was no hype about kicking the gym, only a few people knew about it.

Moreover, Vice President Ye Anfu also knew that Ning Junyi was fully prepared and the coming was fierce, so naturally there would not be a bunch of students running to watch.

This can be regarded as a kind of devotion in a certain sense, so as not to be beaten by this Ning family boy too miserably.


On the Jiangda arena, witnessed by the sparse audience, the called Shen Tairan has already walked to the arena, and Huan Yizhi started the warm-up on the sidelines.

On the opposite side of them, Ning Junyi in a Tsing Yi robe looked at the cold surroundings and just smiled coldly.

“See it?”

“Be timid before fighting, your vice principal may not have confidence in you.”

His cold words were like a knife pierced into the heart of the opposite Shen Tairan.

Shen Tairan’s expression changed.

He didn’t like words, so he aimed his knight’s spear at the enemy in front of him.

Its attitude is self-evident.

Fight if you want!

Stop talking nonsense!


Ning Junyi smiled and straightened his robe with both hands.

Afterwards, he looked at the referee on the sidelines and snapped his fingers directly.

To represent justice.

Each school has a referee.

let’s start!

The voice just fell.

The countdown begins.

But the whole game did not last long.

In fact, it may be said to be extremely short-lived.

In less than ten seconds, the giant dragon that shuttled out of the summoning circle completely deflected the victory balance to Ning Junyi in an instant, and the victory was completely established.


Shen Tairan, who was completely forcibly ingested and restrained by the dragon’s claws, was taken into the air by the dragon.

The figure of the entire heavy armor was a little small compared to this giant dragon.

Then, the dragon with a pale green gloomy light came to the earth in mid-air like this, and slammed Shen Tairan, who was protected like a tortoise shell, on the ground with a loud boom, forming a huge giant in the arena. Pits.

“Jiang University, Shen Tairan, defeat!””Qingda, Ning Junyi, win!”

The teacher from Qingyun University acted as a referee, and he announced the end of the game directly on the spot.

“All right.”

“There is no need to clean up the venue, next one!”

Ning Junyi patted his robe slowly, and there was a violent cloud of smoke on the ground just now, but it was stained with a little dust.


He looked at the sidelines of Huan’s greetings indifferently.

“come on!”

“Dawn of the Sword Saint’s descendants, you evaded the last time, so you didn’t dare to go to the exchange match, this time you won’t dare to go.”

Ning Junyi raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

to be honest.

Before the “June 27” for the freshman exchange competition, their Qing University teachers thought that the descendant of the Juggernaut was going to be a strong opponent to win the championship, and they studied a lot of restraint methods.

As a result, after inquiring about the news, I found out that this person was beaten and shut down and did not come.

On the contrary, the instigator was born without a job, and on their home court of the Youth League, they completely won the first freshman like an invincible crush along the way.

“If he can beat you to autism without shrinking his head, then I can beat you to autism!

Facing the descendants of Juggernaut, Ning Junyi didn’t mean much respect.

The Dawn Sword Saint is devoted to swords, and rarely cares about foreign affairs, and there are few family members, so there is no such thing as Huan’s statement.

As for the Qingyunning family, they are very well-populated, and they were the wealthiest members of the province before the advent of the game of God’s Domain.

Although all the old generations who started the prosperous age have fallen into the rift, his father, uncle and three brothers have all changed jobs four times, but they have supported the entire family.

Not to mention that as the first summoner family of the Profound Dragon Nation, their summon cultivation bases have been opened all over the world, and there are many trapping organizations involved in the fissures, and even a special dragon egg incubation industry base and dragon training. base.

In Ning Junyi’s eyes, the mere descendants of the Juggernaut would not make him bear any more.

to be honest!

He is here for revenge!

It’s here to show off his might and brazenly.

Just now, when I cast a giant dragon on the earth, the movement caused by it was not insignificant.

Since you Jiang Da refused to invite people to come to the pavilion, then he personally came to “invite.”

In this regard,

Huan Yizhi ignored the provocation in the other party’s words.

“Ghost Dragon?”

It’s just that his eyes were already looking at the dragon whose body was exuding a dark green luster, and the figure appeared from time to time.

This ghost dragon also stared at a pair of eyes with weird flames emerging, and looked at the next opponent who slowly walked up. The extremely slender dragon body hovered in the sky like this.

If you don’t pay attention, you will even find that its figure coincides with the background of the sky.


Ning Junyi came here prepared, and the preparations were too full.

Level 25 has replaced a diamond quality equipment.

After level 30 Hidden Class, it replaced all the summons of the previous contract.

This includes the red dragon.

As a five-color dragon species, the red dragon is just a lower-level dragon.

Now this ghost dragon has a special attribute, which is a ghost attribute, which can reach the threshold of a middle dragon.

But whether it is strength, growth aptitude, or even the mysterious ghost attributes, they are all destined to burst the red dragon.

The ordinary summoner got such a rare ghost dragon, and he must have used it from beginning to end.

The most outrageous is…

This was the pawn Ning Junyi used for transition.

When he was at level 45, and even at level 60, he had to continue to change.

Originally, Ning Junyi didn’t intend to take revenge so early.

But a few days ago, because he was selected as one of the 18-year-old outstanding youths of Xuanlong Country, he met the other party in advance in the capital.

This casual man still looked cold and arrogant. When he saw that face, he thought of the fact that he had been eliminated by the opponent in three consecutive competitions.

After returning, he inexplicably wanted to inquire about the other party’s news.Turns out, okay!!

This guy actually participated in the global prestigious school competition two years in advance!!

This was unexpected to him.

How can He De dare to be so arrogant!

Not long ago, Ning Junyi just cleared the trial land “Dragon Nest, and successfully obtained the second rank hidden professional dragon summoner”.

The strength has skyrocketed, and the confidence is full.

After hearing about it at that time, he also felt that another year’s appointment was to wait until level 45. After he was transferred to level 30, he could set out to challenge the unemployed individual!

In order not to make the whole process too slow and boring.

He also went straight to kick Guanjiang University.

I deliberately picked the losers of those scattered people to warm up first to check the condition of these guys.

What you Yun Chen can do, I can do it too!

“All in all, be careful!

Looking at this Ning Junyi and the ghost dragon flying behind him, Shen Tairan, who has always been lonely and silent, also rarely speaks.

After receiving treatment, he did not choose to leave, he was still watching the battle.

“The ghost dragon’s claws can be ingested and grabbed forcibly. If you slow down, you can easily be controlled by this trick.”

“I understand, thank you.”

Words fall.

Huan Yizhi has stood in the middle of the arena.

At this time.

Perhaps the movement that the ghost dragon cast on the earth just now was so great that many students came here following the movement.


Everyone was surprised.

Because Ning Junyi in the arena is wearing the indigo gown that represents the Qing University, and tells everyone clearly that a student from outside school is kicking up on your site.

“Spread harder?”

Upon hearing this request, Yun Chen didn’t think much about it, expressing his understanding.

Teacher Qin Junyu touched his head a little embarrassed.

at this time.

He just came to visit this mansion No. 1 and brought Yelaoshr’s words to him. When he said it just now, he always felt the teacher’s smirk in his mind.

Let himself, who has always been adhering to the valiant and courageous, speak out this bad thought, and to be honest, it is still a bit weird and embarrassed.


Qin Junyu returned to his senses.


“There is something to say, although Ning Junyi has been defeated by you, but after accepting the challenge, don’t be careless.”

“After all, this boy and the previous exchange match are two people. All the equipment and all the summons are completely different from before, so you have to be careful.”

Hear the words.

Yun Chen nodded.

Looking at this indifferent face, Qin Jun didn’t know if he was interested in these words.

But at least in terms of strength, this unemployed casual man who has brought him surprises every time he fights still makes him very relieved.


“It doesn’t matter if you train first or rest, it shouldn’t get to you so soon anyway.”

“When it’s your turn, I will send you a newsletter.”

Qin Junyu said very relaxedly.


When he didn’t continue to harass, it didn’t take long for him to leave Mansion One.

Qin Junyu received the news from the arena.

Both freshmen have lost

“Shen Tairan, Huan Yizhi both lost the battle.

Seeing these two communications, Qin Junyu’s eyes widened slightly.This is too fast.

The time when Ning Junyi kicked the stadium into battle was almost the same as the time when he arrived at Mansion One.

The words he originally explained were very brief, probably less than a minute at most.


It’s over here.

The two freshmen present at the arena were also defeated.

The two who were urging the sophomore over there quickly come over!

Seeing the next communication, Qin Junyu, who was quite talkative, couldn’t help but get angry.

He takes the honor of the school very seriously. Basically, from the beginning of the freshman year, and even after graduation, apart from the frontline battlefield, he is still Jiangda.

After so many years, this is the first time I have seen such arrogance.

There is no way.

Jiangda likes to use the arena to solve private conflicts.

People’s youth college ran over to challenge the gym, even if they were dissatisfied, they had no choice but to hold back. What’s more, they had to challenge the sophomore and junior students as a freshman.

Of course,

This is a bit bullying.


If Yun Chen challenged juniors, Qin Junyu would not have such a subconscious feeling.

This kind of “bullying” lies in Ning Junyi’s background identity.

The strong background of Qingyun Ning’s family can naturally allow him to leapfrog and challenge opponents more academically.

Even more so, he is still a summoner. Compared with other career upgrades and transfers, he still needs to adapt to new powers and hone new skills.

The summoner can quickly complete the replacement of the new combat power as long as he replaces a contract summoner.

“How arrogant he is now, how embarrassed he will be in the end, just let him…

Teacher Qin Junyu shook his head helplessly, so he could only comfort himself.

After waiting for three minutes.

Jiangda Arena, on the other side of the battle, ushered in a sophomore who was late.

Show off again!

The figure dressed up as a fighter and wearing a Mithril glove stepped forward and clasped his fists.

“Eight families in the south, home again, and show off again!”

He reported his family.

It was only in exchange for a cold and sparse response.

“Family again? Never heard of it!


Hearing these words, no matter how Xuanming was, he almost exploded. He tempered his temper and said coldly, “Don’t pretend to me? Or you will challenge me!”

“I did not mean.

Ning Junyi laughed and said, “I don’t look at his background when I choose my opponent, because it’s not necessary, but you happen to be second in the grade, so it doesn’t matter if you are home or not.

The words were plain and gentle, but the content inside made Zaixuan Ming clenched his fists.

Pick your opponent without looking at the background!!

Another important implication of this sentence is that your background is not as big as I am, and it doesn’t matter whether you choose it or not.

“Then why don’t you challenge our president.”

Xuanming sneered unconvinced again.

Although he is not a member of the Student Union, this knot of bones does not prevent him from holding the name of Jiangnan Lu Family to suppress the other party’s arrogance.

To this.

Ning Junyi raised his eyebrows and did not respond. He just looked at the referee on the sidelines and signaled that the game could start.

In just such a short time, the entire arena attracted a lot of people after two successive Ghost Dragon attacks.


Yun Chen didn’t let this Ning Junyi come to kick the gym and disrupt his training rhythm.

It is as if his arrival is of no importance at all.


On the personal training ground of the mansion, a silver-white long sword was pulled out of the scepter, and the mysterious lines on the blade were not even seen. A scarlet luster instantly filled the whole. Blade.


Just like the so-called slashing with a knife, an approaching training robot not far in front has been swept by a red arc.

When Yun Chen was quick and swift, half a second after finishing the sword in one go…


The training robot in front of him made a dense electronic explosion sound, and saw the red arc light passing by, slashing at the waist, and the fracture was very flat. Only the electronic devices inside kept exploding.

The quick sword release just now is almost to the extreme, and it is as easy as cutting a piece of tofu.


There were even more than six divisions of sword lights violently surging out, as if a sword blade storm had blown, completely cutting the robot in front of it to pieces.

Due to the use of the “Boundary Breaking Stone” and upgraded to diamond quality, the entire long sword attribute special effects have all been elevated, and even the split sword light has appeared.

During this time, Yun Chen has been re-familiar with weapons and new powers that have been upgraded to level 34.

It’s okay if the weapon is enchanted with three stars.

With so many bonus affix effects of enchanting eight stars, three kinds of weapon changes are involved. After the quality of the weapon is improved, the overall effect of the attribute is strengthened, and it needs to be mastered and proficient again.

This also involves the combination of skills, talents and weapons.

For example, his scarlet sword light can be extended longer for this purpose, and it has to be redesigned to match the talent of the “Death-Giving Blade”.

But this is not too difficult for Yun Chen to be familiar with.

It’s just the character of a perfectionist, but it makes him need every link to be perfect.

So ten minutes later…

Haven’t waited for Yun Chen to officially cut out the gun, and re-honed his new gun art.

-Road communication has sounded.

Yun Chen thought it was a communication from teacher Qin Junyu.

After clicking open.


“Fortunately not insulting one’s life!”

“Knowing that you are going to participate in the hegemony competition, we are rushing to work every day and night, little friend Yun Chen, finally got your new loose weapon in advance…”

It was the voice from Master Mu Jiashu.

After listening.

Yun Chen’s pupils couldn’t help but brighten up.

Finally waited for this weapon!!

Without thinking about it, he immediately set off to the casting hall where Mu Jiashu’s on-campus studio was located.

Just halfway through,

But there was a sound of communication from Teacher Qin Junyu.

“It’s almost time for you…..


“Although it’s a bit fast, but you can play according to your normal rhythm.”

Hear the words.

Yun Chen just responded flatly, “I will be there soon after I get the new weapon!”


After listening to the teacher Qin Junyu on the other side of the newsletter, he immediately became interested.

You must know that this master Mu Jiashu is still in charge of contacting the bridge, this absurd, whimsical super caster has created the monster series in one hand.

Jiangda officials are very interested in the connection and ingenious changes of weapon structure. For this reason, they also specially collected the first one of the monster series.

did not expect.…

These two things came and went, but formed a link with this unemployed casual man.

The entire Monster Breaking Array is simply a weapon tailor-made for Yun Chen.

The world is really amazing.

Freshman Shen Tairan, Huan Yizhi, lost!

The sophomore road is wide, show off again, and lose!

Ji Gaoyang, the junior, lost!

As for the other junior, Xue Hongyong, the vice president of the Student Union, claimed that he had something to do and it would take two hours to arrive.

Do you believe this reason?

Anyway, the thousands of students who had been attracted by the arena’s movement did not believe it in their hearts.The wording that didn’t dare to avoid war.

But no one will dismantle it. After all, this is their Jiang Da people.

The civil war is fine.

The foreign war is naturally aligned with the outside world.

On the contrary, when the teacher of Qingyun University questioned this, some students who had a bad relationship with him testified and explained it.

“Xue Hongyong has nothing to say. Two hours later, you can feel that you are here to kick the pavilion. Is there someone who wants to make time to come over and do the friendship of the landlord?”

There is nothing wrong with this remark.

Some of the student union members who had watched the first five games and felt extremely stressed, could only pray that Ning Junyi would let Xue Hongyong go.

Ask yourself, Xue Hongyong will definitely not be able to fight alone.

too exaggerated!!

This Ning family monster finally released the second summoning circle after fighting against Ji Gaoyang in the junior year. In the end… it was still a giant dragon.

Due to the limited power level, this time it is a flightless lower dragon, beast dragon species, earth sand dragon.

The rock formations all over the body are as firm as heavy steel, and the crown is as solid as a rock.

The most rare thing is that the feet are fast, not like a defensive dragon, and it can smash a building with its full weight just by collision.

This shows how miserably Ji Gaoyang was defeated.

His Red Lotus Demon Flame was originally good at burning all things, but unfortunately, he couldn’t reach the ghost dragon.

He was able to beat the sand dragon, and caused some injuries, but it also angered the opponent. The huge physique as tall as a three-story building was wrapped in the sky sand dance, and it slammed into Ji Gaoyang regardless of the flames.

This guy has never seen such a battle.

You can’t fly.

Because the ghost dragon stared at him, staring at himself all the time.

Under reminder, beware of the dementing claws of this giant dragon, so as not to be forcibly taken by the opponent to control yourself.

After going back and forth like this, he just feels that his brain is a little awkward.

Relying on his level advantage to hide for a full minute, seeing that he was about to be driven into a desperate situation, Ji Gaoyang did not want to be injured, and directly chose to surrender in a slightly embarrassed manner.


Li Gaoyang also knew what Qingyunning’s non-secret technique was, and even the other party must have at least three summoning contracts that hadn’t been made.

Of course, it can’t be the dragon race anymore.

Because Ning Junyi’s level was able to contract two dragons, it was simply unheard of and rare.

This guy still has so much extra power.

The strength gap with him is really big!

Although Ji Gaoyang didn’t want to admit it, the fact is even so…

This person is more ruthless than Yun Chen!

Although the battle with the scattered people ended sooner, one should have done his best, and the other would tease you like a cat catching a mouse.

Thinking of this,

I don’t know what happened, his heart suddenly became a little uncomfortable, the Ning family evildoers are so low-key, and they didn’t participate in the hegemony competition, you Yun Chen is good, and I am embarrassed to go two years in advance!

Moreover, they did five battles from the beginning to the end, motionless, not much better than you!!

Compared to the recognition of the big family, Ji Gaoyang obviously despises Yun Chen, who is an ordinary person.

In this regard,

There are also people who are very dissatisfied with this Ning genius.

“Depend on!!

“What kind of a genius and enchanting evildoer! Even if he is standing still, he has any gold content, it depends on the summoned thing! To put it ugly, if there are these two dragons, I will be able to stand in all five games. Move!”

“That’s the problem, you don’t have it.”

“If someone is reborn, it is fate. You won’t be envious of this thing.

This performance naturally attracted a lot of discussion from the audience on the side of the arena.

Some are dissatisfied.

There are also contradictory ones.

But there is a consensus on both sides.

That is, once the Summoner profession is transferred, the entire profession will complete the battle power iteration the fastest, and it can be used all at once without even adapting.

What about other professions?

Like Ji Gaoyang, Er transferred to Elemental Swordsman. At that moment, the gene potential of the whole body was released. It took almost half a month to adapt to the new body and the new skills after the second transfer.Level 30 stayed for a while before choosing to upgrade.

This is why it is said that level is not the only criterion for measuring strength.

Gao Yang’s background this season is the Ji family of Tiannan Bajia, and he still needs such trouble.

But in contrast, Ning Junyi is outrageous.

Second, if you switch to the hidden professional dragon summoner, you don’t even have to adapt to anything, and the contract is over.

As for the strength of the two giant dragons, they have already been carefully cultivated by their own family industry…that is, the giant dragon training base. The combat effectiveness is not a problem at all, and it even exceeds that of the wild dragons of the same kind.

“Summoner, once you run into a wealthy family, you will be invincible.”

“Yes, other summoners of civilian origin have to cultivate a tacit understanding and affection with the summoned object. The problem lies in how to get a new summoned object.”

“And what about people?”

Everything is “prepared, with Qingyunning’s influence, it is estimated that the fourth round arrangement is in order.”

“What else can you say except envy?”

In Qingyunning’s family, three and four changes in a generation.

According to this efficiency, Ning Junyi was absolutely proper, and was promoted to four ranks more steadily than the Huan intention of a two sword master.

I really responded to a word of helplessness, what else can I say except envy.

“You can only look at Yun Chen’s ability!”

Even if a junior was not convinced before, at this time, for the face of Jiang Da, he can only pray that this casual person can perform miracles again.

Yes a miracle!

Yun Chen, who was born as an ordinary person, can beat Ning Junyi, the hottest favorite of this year’s freshman exchange competition. In the eyes of others, it is an epic miracle.


After the second turn, Ning Junyi directly changed into a brand-new diamond equipment and changed his whole body contract summons.

In order to match the second rank hidden professional dragon summoner’, don’t think about it, even if the remaining three summoning contracts cannot be a dragon race, they will also carry a little dragon type subdragon species.

Like the younger brother of the former vice president Xue Hongyong, the Lei brother who had conflicted with Yun Chen in the Enchantment Hall, was the Tyrannosaurus bloodline, Tyrannosaurus, which is a small branch of the subdragon species.

“Do not be discouraged.”

“Yun Chen can create a miracle once, but it may not be impossible to create a second miracle.”

“Sure enough…what about others?”


As the vice chairman Xue Hongyong said that he would come back two hours later, Ning Junyi who heard the news just smiled, clapped his hands, and asked his teacher to notify Yun Chen of arrival in advance.

Almost ten minutes passed, and Yun Chen’s figure had not yet arrived.

“Are you sure the notice is in place?”

“It won’t be the last Yun Chen, it will come in two hours.”

A Qingyun University teacher smiled, and if there seemed to be irony in his words, he looked at teacher Qin Junyu in this way.

“On the way here.”

Qin Junyu replied blankly.

He didn’t say much, nor did he say that Yun Chen wanted to get equipment.

Because after being heard by some people, they thought it was an excuse.

As for Ning Junyi on the field, he was still in good time, not annoyed or happy, holding his breath and waiting quietly for the next figure.

His demeanor has made many viewers unhappy, but they are somewhat admired in their hearts.

As expected of a big family!

Even Ji Gaoyang, who was defeated just now, was thinking about how to take the opportunity to make friends.

He doesn’t have much sense of school honor now, and he pays attention to what is consistent with the outside world and the same hatred.

From the bottom of his heart, he thinks that losing to Qingyunning’s family is not ashamed. Anyway, even if it is two school years low, people in their circle can understand after listening.

On the contrary, if you can make friends with this Ning Junyi, whether you are going to the battlefield in the future, or going out of school to the outside world, you will have a good care.

This world is not about fighting and killing, and being so worldly is also a homework.


“Look, they are here!!”

At this moment, an exclamation came from the auditorium.

Following the direction pointed by a person’s finger, I saw the remote E channel in the arena, and the slender figure of Yun Chen caught everyone’s eyes.

“good!!”As expected to be the most ambitious person in our school in recent years!”

Even a junior who had been a little separated before was amazed by it.


“There are several people with him, and why is Yun Chen holding a very slender black sniper rifle in his hand?”

Prior to this, Yun Chen had never revealed his sniper skills in the game, and was not a person in the same class.

The vast majority of people don’t even know that this unemployed casual man can also sniper and double-gun skill.

After hearing the noise from the audience, Ning Junyi in the middle of the arena opened his eyes and didn’t close his eyes to rest.

When they received the award last time, neither of them had any conversations!

He had thought about saying something cruel in front of the other side, but the result was still nothing.


He didn’t intend to say anything.

I just want to use my fists and my own power to speak.


Ning Junyi frowned. What made him unbelievable was that the other party had actually taken a new weapon.

Sniper rifle, will he still do this?!

What made him frown even more was that this guy was followed by several people. Judging from his appearance and clothing, it was not just the caster and enchanter, but also a few apprentices.

What is this going to do?!

His hearing is fairly good, especially when they get closer to this side, Ning Junyi can already hear some words clearly.


In an instant, he clenched his fist.

Ning Junyi only felt a little broken.

The people around this guy are actually introducing him to the features of the new equipment!!

Does this casual person respect this game occasion and respect himself?

He even suddenly thought that this guy would not want to take him, take this battle in front of him, and test his new weapon!!

Owing to time constraints.

After getting the new Sanren equipment Monster and Horror, Yun Chen said and was about to leave.

After learning that Yun Chen had been kicked by a foreign school and was preparing to test the new loose weapon in the next battle, Mu Jiashu and his partner were shocked. Finally, he followed him and explained to him on the road. New weapons change.

“This is not the old version of Monsters and Horrors. After the recast, many structures have changed.

“At least it is more slender in appearance, it seems to be shrunk a lot, and it does not look like an anti-material sniper rifle, but like a sniper rifle.

“But its firepower is all based on anti-material sniper rifles.”

“The least obvious change is that the position of the tip of the gun form has changed. We are hidden in the butt. You can try to activate the device with power…”

With Mu Jiashu’s explanation,

Yun Chen had a look in his heart and gave a fright, only to see a gun tip hidden inside the butt, slamming out along the inside of the barrel, and directly on the muzzle there was an extra sharp, quadrangular structure. Silver tip.

“Then there are new changes that were not mentioned in the previous drawings. If you don’t choose to unlock the gun form, but pull the trigger, then this is a hook gun!

“The entire tip and tail of the gun has snow mountain silk, which is comparable to nanowires, but it is tougher, with a maximum extension distance of 500 meters.”

“Once you are hit by your hook gun, if it is a high-altitude creature, if you have enough arm strength, you will basically be controlled to death, and at the same time, it will be enough to make you fly high in an instant, and the silk will never break…

“Even if an enemy target on the ground is hit by you, while forcibly grabbing, it can also make you close in an instant.”

Mu Jiashu said excitedly.

Hook gun form…

Count it!!

This change that Yun Chen hadn’t imagined was a surprise he was going to give this casual person.

This is indeed a surprise.

At least his subconscious reaction, isn’t this Batman’s hook gun.

This is great.

Although the strength of the tip of the gun, the toughness of the thread, and the efficiency of pulling oneself into place after a hit have not been verified, everything is unknown.

But right now… Isn’t there a best subject?

Let’s talk while walking.

Yun Chen just came to the side of the arena, and then he didn’t even glance at his opponent, just walked into the court with a new weapon without hesitation.

PS: There will be three more chapters tomorrow. I slept too hard today, got up late, and will be off tomorrow. By the way, ask for daily flowers and evaluation votes.

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