0129. Extreme style collision! Unemployed casual man VS Golden Bimeng! (seeking automatic subscription)

The classic reappears!

Floating combos!

A full twelve combos, which broke the record of eight combos when the last BOSS was killed in a single flash at the beginning of the school.

These twelve shots are basically as dense as rain!

The gun shadow is reaching its extreme, as if to be superimposed in one place.

Previously, Kelvin had a “three consecutive bursts” of advanced fighter professional skills.

The triple gun shadows arrive in parallel!

But Yun Chen just relied on B+ level floating combo skills, and even his own extraordinary body burst out power instantly.

A full twelve shots, fast to the extreme, perfectly connected in one place, without any pause, achieved a very exaggerated combo effect.

This makes this opponent who is defensive and conservative in his style of play, and whose skill points focus on sword array protection and elemental shields, has no temper at all.

A tortoise shell was blasted to pieces by the volley!

And Yun Chen’s last shot…

I don’t know how many damage gains are stacked up enough, and the last shot of 120% of the damage is made up, and it ruthlessly smashed the opponent’s physique.

Of course,

This is Yun Chen’s mercy.

Otherwise, facing the defenseless Kofi, he would be able to shoot through the opponent’s head and explode half of his body by the way.

But even if I stayed.

Because the damage of one shot after another was too violent, this also caused the opponent’s body to be broken into two upper and lower parts.

When the floating combo was finished, Yun Chen’s figure also fell on the ground.


There were also two halves that fell to the ground together.

“Coffee, “Six Four Three”,”

When a group of famous school students in the Rhine Federation stood up, they looked at this scene in disbelief and disbelief.

Even several teachers and even the vice principal who led the team stood up a little gaffey.


These people basically didn’t expect Kofi, who was also good at defensive counterattacks, to be defeated so badly.

Everyone didn’t expect that Yun Chen, who has always lacked high explosive output and lacked real big moves, could even be bombarded by intensive gun shadow bombardment under a primary skill explosion, directly blasting Kofi who is full of defensive measures. .

This is incredible.

It’s too hard to accept the facts at hand.

Can lose!!

But there is no need to be so outrageous, and he was taken away by the opponent’s combo burst with perfect preparation.

“This scattered person… is really outrageous!!”

And at the moment.


Multiple powerful healing magic fell on the figure broken into two pieces.

Under the joint treatment of the two priests, the three-turned great sage, the severely injured body that was dying was quickly restored.

The majestic and vigorous vitality quickly permeated from his remains, and he soon succeeded in restoring it to completion.

When his consciousness returned and a voice appeared in his ears, Kofi had already heard the final sentence of the outside game reporter.

He lost.

Lose thoroughly.

The winner was the unemployed casual man who was extremely domineering and unreasonable.



He was so heavy on the ground that he hit the ground with just one punch.

If he was given a chance to choose again, he would never choose to let the opponent attack while in the air!

He miscalculated the power attribute of this scattered person.

More fully aware of the fighter’s primary skill of floating combo.

After being fired shot after shot by the opponent, he was constantly physically attacked and he couldn’t even make any resistance.

“Even if you want to release your skills, you will be completely interrupted by the constant wave of combos.


In fact, he has completely re-understood the primary skills of the entire profession.


Under the three qualities of the opponent’s awakening talent, and even with the opponent’s incomparable combat intuition and physical advantage, he also didn’t understand what new effects of skills would be produced.

Of course,

Even at the limit of his previous imagination, he couldn’t imagine that this unemployed casual man could still be so fierce, playing such a terrifying burst of output.

This set of combos directly blasted through the many shields and even the twelve sword formations with both offense and defense.

It even shattered along with his body.

Is that human being?

Is this still an unemployed scattered person who lacks big moves?


This guy is too insidious.

“Illumination, can this general skill also cast so many skill points?!

Also, the sonic boom technique that I used together just now!


With this set of difficult-to-defense combo techniques, Kofi was unable to prevent it when he concentrated on observing the movements of the opponent’s hands and even when his figure moved.

After all, even if he turns two, it is impossible to protect the most fragile eye organ of the human body.

But now, no matter how annoyed or regretted, it has already recovered the failure.

Listening to the cheers not far away, Kofi walked back to his auditorium seat in despair.

In contrast to…

The audience on the other side has welcomed the return of Yun Chen with a heroic treatment.

“Too fierce!”

“Depend on!”

“This set of floating combos is simply amazing. This stagnation force, and looking at the smooth, flowing motions, is simply breathtaking.”

The entire area where the Sixth School of the Xuanlong Kingdom was located was almost forgotten and praised.

have to say.

The scene just now was really shocking.

A guy who is good at stacking shields and acting as a tortoise has also done a good blocking posture, just like this is a set of floating combos by this non-professional man, and it is directly lost in seconds.

The visual impact of this is no less than the magical effect of light technique just now.


Vice President Ye Anfu felt a lot younger at this moment. He walked up on the spot and patted Yun Chen on the shoulder.

Just now.


He directly stood up on the spot with a little excitement.

When Yun Chen rose into the air, face to face with his opponent in mid-air, Ye Anfu knew that the floating combo skill was about to appear as soon as he saw his starting movement.

After all, he and the other deans and teachers of Jiangda University have personally seen this loose person using this trick in the freshman competition.

Multi-stage combo, high burst output, where the connection is in place, it can also form an interruption effect, which is enough for a set of mandatory seconds.

However, this has too high hardware requirements for body strength without any floating ability.


Yun Chen was able to perform perfectly and consistently, which also made Dean Ye Anfu so excited.


Teacher Qin Junyu also came over.


Teacher Li Yage exclaimed.

Many prestigious students from other colleges and universities have no barriers to this big-sanman, and they are all a little excited and want to rush over.

But seeing a bunch of people continue to gather around to celebrate, it was stopped by Ye Anfu.

“Okay, be quiet!”

“Wait for the next game.”

The round of 16 is not over yet.


There is no need for any notification from the game reporters at all, and the remaining two contestants have already stood up from their seats very consciously.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely take it.

President Lv Miaomiao passed by Yun Chen tall and tall.

It is as if he came here to say such a sentence.

Next second.

Her figure burst directly like a dream bubble.

His real body has already appeared in the playing field.

The final game of the round of 16 started.

But the audience at the whole scene seemed to be still reminiscing about the game just now, even the third prince of the Bemun Empire cast his eyes to another figure in the stands from time to time.

In the last game when the scattered players took the initiative to choose to attack and won the game at a very fast speed, many people on the court were a little shaken in their minds.

“This guy…”

“Isn’t it really going to create a champion with the highest gold content in history?

Just when people sigh…

A terrifying aura suddenly broke out on the field.

The phantom of the nine white fox tails once again splashed into the air like Wu Yaowei. What is even more surprising is that there are a pair of looming monster fox pupils emerging in the void.

Under the terrifying demon fox pupil technique, there are five different elemental light spheres that haunt this Lu Miaomiao Zhou…

Breathtaking pupil technique!

Cooperate with the Master of the Nine Elements!

This is the bloodline power of the nine-tailed mysterious fox beast.


Lu Miaomiao is also serious.


“It’s worthy of being the daughter of General Lu, the rejuvenation of this bloodline power has far exceeded the current level.

Many people in Xuanlong Kingdom were taken aback.

Especially the seeded contestant of Beijing University, as a Crimson Emperor Dragon Bloodline, how he didn’t know the extent of this woman’s bloodline recovery beyond imagination.

As we all know, the general explanation of upgrading in scientific terms is to release the potential of more genes.

At the same time, people with bloodline ability can benefit from it.

Anyway, the more upgraded, the stronger.

Just like the comparison of different professions, some people can obtain high basic attributes that exceed those of the same level in the promotion, and their physical strength is much stronger than that of the general public.

But the Lv Miaoling in front of him had achieved a blood resuscitation far beyond that level.

Even he himself is far inferior.

How did this woman do it?

But no wonder.

Otherwise, there won’t be some top aristocratic families outside who are thinking about the meaning of the Lu family.


As soon as this momentum appeared, Ye Anfu already knew that Lu Miaomiao had won.

It’s even less than half a minute.

Opponents who had already fallen behind at the start of the game have since been passively beaten throughout the game.

In the end, without waiting to be hit by the opponent’s three-line fusion, he directly chose to surrender and surrender.

Since then.

The two of Xuan Longguo entered the quarterfinals.


What made many people in the audience dumbfounded was that the black horse that suddenly emerged once again demonstrated the terrifying strength of the second person.

Even the woman who had completely revealed the power of the beast’s blood just now was beyond imagination.

“This champion always feels a little unpredictable.”

Under the sigh of everyone…

The entire quarter-final match has officially come to an end, and with the announcement of the reporter, it is time for a break.

“The rest time, half an hour.

“Take advantage of this time to have lunch immediately, and remember not to eat too much.”

Just now the two rounds of the knockout rounds ended, and the time came to more than 12 noon.

In order to prevent the players from conflicting during the break.

Whether it is a variety of water bars or restaurants, there are special guards, so no problems occurred in two days.


Even if there are any contradictions, you can come to the arena to resolve.

2.4 After the top eight players finished a simple break, the broadcast was already urged in advance.

“It was drawn directly.”

Most of the staff felt that they had nothing to do with them, so they didn’t leave the restaurant in advance.

But it didn’t take long for me to pull the plate of rice in front of me.

There was a screaming cry from the inside of the stadium.

“I got it!!!”

“Yun Chen’s first opponent was the three princes of the Beamon Empire!!”


In the auditorium, returning to the area where most of the members of the orc empire was sitting, there was a burst of loud cheers.

They have been waiting for all this for a long time.

One is the so-called combat all-rounder, full of personal skills, and the ultimate body style is commendable.

The other is ignoring everything, just charging, not dodge or avoid, just like this with the output willfully step forward to beat the opponent.

The former seems to be dancing gorgeous waltz, showing the charm of dancing on the blade.

But the latter, although regarded as rough and barbaric by the imperial aristocracy, can still be regarded as an extremely domineering and violent aesthetic.

The two extreme opposite styles meet in one place.


“Can this black horse that was slain can perform another miracle?!

PS: The winter is too cold to continue writing. This chapter is too much. Tomorrow the fighting chapter will all be written and a big chapter will be sent out.

PS2: By the way, ask for daily flowers and evaluation votes.

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