0131. Strengthening·Blasting! Deadly killer move! One shot headshot! The scattered people force the Four-turn Dharma God to appear! (Automatic subscription required)

“This kid


Yun Chen’s words caused quite a stir.

“It’s easier to hit you with a moving target than to hit a devil antelope!

Originally combined with the scene at the time.

The meaning of the words is just to express that the third prince of the Bemun Empire, who doesn’t know how to change to dodge, is inferior to the demon antelope who lives by leaping and leaping.


After being contemplated by some non-brained orcs, it has been interpreted as another meaning.

Of course.

More people looked at this scene in shock.

“It’s really the same as what he said!!”

When the head of the right knee of the third prince of Bemun had clearly shifted outwards, Yun Chen had already easily seen through the next move.

Before shooting, he didn’t even need to aim too much.

After shooting, there is no need to see if the opponent hits.

This unemployed casual man lowered his head confidently and freely, replacing the magazine of the sniper rifle very well.

The specially-made sniper bullets are very slender and sharp in specifications, and are naturally higher in specifications than ordinary ordinary bullets in terms of heavy appearance and length.

So one magazine contains ten sniper bullets.

A special sniper bullet is expensive.

At a discounted price, a piece of 5 credits.

Of course,

This is a small amount of money.

The moment Yun Chen just changed his magazine.


A violent roar also came from a distance. It was exactly the violent explosion produced by the combination of the starburst characteristics and the strong halo effect triggered by the third bullet.

this moment.


The third prince of Price, who had just turned to the right and thought he had made a beautiful dodge action, was hit by three sniper bullets that had already predicted the position.




The most terrible thing for the three princes was that at least two of the three bullets came straight to the point.

What kind of marksmanship is this?!!

Can moving targets be so precise?!

Others are stupid.

Only instinctively followed, I protected my heart with my left arm.

With a touch, the first bullet directly exploded a small blood mist from the arm that had just healed for most of the time.

Feeling that his eyeball is about to be quickly approached by a bullet again.

In desperation, his right arm moved forward to block, and he was hit by the second bullet with a loud noise.

The wrist forged by the secret pattern also burst apart.

after all

This is an anti-equipment sniper rifle, which is full of diamond quality enchanted with a nine-star monster and fright. Even a wall made of secret patterns can be directly blasted through.

It’s just that for this exemption and damage reduction, Golden Bimon, who has a high dual resistance, can only leave a wound with the most mouthful with one shot.

Logically speaking, this is not a problem at all for Beamon, who has a majestic vitality.

It will be able to recover quickly in less than a second at least.

But every shot of Yun Chen was accompanied by a dark magic flame.

As long as this unquenchable demon flame does not spend a little energy to clear it, it is enough to prevent the injury of this golden Bimon from not getting better.

Of course,

The damage from these two shots was just a normal blow.

To say that the most powerful Moju is the third shot.


Both arms blocked a bullet, and could only let the third bullet that followed it fell to the third prince Price, who was immediately hit by a violent blow.


The violent bombardment momentum directly made the Prince Beamon once again ushered in the feeling of being run over by a full-speed train.

There was a loud crash.

This steel-and-iron figure has already been thrown into the air.

Because the waist and abdomen are the stress points, his whole figure is like a curled lobster, almost shrinking into a ball.


The third time he suffered a starburst bombardment, it was actually difficult for the prince Beamon to take a mouthful of blood in mid-air and sprayed it directly.

What makes him most embarrassed is,

Because his feet were off the ground, he couldn’t stop the repelling effect, so that the prince than Meng flew farther away.


He flew to the landing place twenty meters away.


“My dear, I went straight back to the original starting line, and ran away in vain.”

this moment.

All the audience looked silly.

What did they see?!

Under the incomparable sniper’s precise moving target, the incredible prince Beamon threw into the air like a human puppet.


Almost falling to the starting line of his own.”This is too embarrassing.”

In a sense, everyone’s eyes looked straight.

What about the big favorites of the champions?!

Why is it so weak under the hands of this unemployed casual man? It even gives rise to a feeling that the prince Beamon was too high up before.

“I can go to me?”

“Crazy, look, nine shots down, this very exaggerated anti-equipment sniper rifle did not cause much serious injury to the opponent, one can imagine how terrifying this Jin Bimeng’s body is!

“In addition, do you have this precise mobility?”

This rebuttal is precisely to hit the audience who has been familiar with the mentality for a while.


This prince Beamon looked embarrassed and was beaten all over the floor looking for teeth.


Under such a shocking anti-material sniper rifle bombardment, it still did not actually cause too serious injuries to the Prince Beamon.

In addition, you can guarantee that you have a sniper method that is as accurate as a scattered person.

as well as

Does anyone have his unknown and terrifying third shot repelling effect?!

At least it seems that this mysterious third gun power combined with the additional 130% damage of the strong attack halo, forming a very terrifying power.

This made it so vainly that the third princes of Beimeng who were approaching had nothing to do with them.

“Oh my God!”~!”

“Should this guy win?”

this moment.

Those who are anxious about this are the people of the Beimong Empire.

“The third prince…”

The orcs were waiting to see the jokes of the freshman.

I am preparing to think about how to arrange the opponent.

It turned out to be good, it turned out that they saw Prince Beamon reduced to a complete joke.

Not to mention being repelled by people for three consecutive times, it itself is to let go of the paranoia of the past, and is no longer blind and arrogant.

But good…

As soon as he dodged, he was hit by three easy-to-follow precise moving targets.

“It’s over.”

Some people have learned about the awakening talent of the three princes.

Now that he is back near the starting line, I am afraid that the “Fearless Fanatics” effect has long since disappeared.

It even hits a full nine times, superimposing nine layers of ‘madman’ effects.

Because he couldn’t meet the enemy, the third prince of Beamon was naturally unable to take advantage of it.

I am afraid that it can only be allowed to let the superimposed multi-layer “madman” effect disappear continuously as time goes by.


“The guy opposite doesn’t necessarily have the means to break defenses.”

Everyone can barely comfort themselves.

At least it seems that Prince Price is safe.

Because the prince learned many skills and even his own talents are mostly passive skills.

In addition to the unyielding talent of S-level.

More tenacious”, “Anti-A”, “Blood Mania”, “Focus”, “Struggle”, “Iron Blood” and so on.

It is worth mentioning that all the skills and talents are matched with his extremely strong body.


It was really embarrassing.

“It’s coming again,

Perhaps it is the sense that the multi-layered effect of the ‘Frantist’ is about to disappear.

The prince Beamon still did not give up and launched a rush again.


Still useless.

In front of the mysterious black sniper rifle held by the slender figure, and under the gaze of the extremely cold eyes, the prince Beamon’s every move was captured by the fat man’s sight.



Two consecutive shots were triggered in an instant, and Prince Beamon, who tried to dodge again, was found out where he wanted to dodge.

So that,

Two small blood mists gushing out all over his body.

It tried to start a surprise attack on its forward body, but was brutally bombarded, and its abrupt speed was blocked a lot.

Of course,

The third prince had no time to look after, and even had no time to clean up the burning magic flames all over his body.

Because he knew very well that the next most dangerous third shot was coming.

But a full second passed…

The figure far away hasn’t pulled the trigger yet.

But when Prince Price touched his eyes in time, he immediately felt an extremely dangerous aura that was brewing from the mysterious black sniper rifle.

“This is,

“Blasting is coming!”

Teacher Qin Junyu realized the next blow at the first moment.


Especially the teacher surnamed Ning from Qingyun University is even more aware of the meaning of this brewing momentum!

After all, this unreasonable Yun Chen used this scattered secondary weapon for the first time in a kick-off match.

It’s fine now…

This overbearing and unreasonable momentum will continue here.

“This is the end of the third prince than Meng…”

If it was before the start of the game, he would definitely laugh at it if he had this idea.

But looking at the embarrassed prince Beamon off the court in front of him, he felt that this guy would undoubtedly lose!

Especially the most powerful third 7…


The slender and haughty figure stood in place like this, and the mysterious black sniper rifle was held up by it, and a strong and vast dangerous aura began to be released from the barrel of the gun.

Seeing this scene…knowing that the other party is brewing some kind of extremely lethal big move.

The prince Beemun who hesitated for half a second roared, but no longer hesitated, his figure straight forward, he wanted to shorten the distance between each other as much as possible while the other party was accumulating strength.

But the closer you get, the more you can feel from a distance a terrifying force is condensing and rising.

Especially the self-instinct of the body, it is an inexplicable sign of danger.

The gun opposite is dangerous.


But Prince Beamon didn’t have any thoughts of avoiding this at all.

Too awkward!!

He vowed to protect the head of this human bastard.

Today’s Prince Price is really crazy.

He didn’t treat the injuries of multiple sniper gunshot wounds at all, leaving the dark demon flame’s constant aura, the wounds on his two arms and even the waist and abdomen just now were still getting worse.

What can be exchanged is the S-level unyielding talent that further strengthens his own movement speed and attack speed.

He needs to run faster!

Even if he is seriously injured in exchange for the replacement price, he is willing.


Can’t break this game again.

Can’t get close to the opponent anymore.

Sooner or later, he will continue to be repelled infinitely by this human bastard and write it down, taunting in every possible way, and letting the opponent shoot far away like an angry moving target.

Moving speed comes together.

Go ahead and speed up efficiency.

The talent effect of “S+ Grade Fearless Fanatic” also began to evaporate.

But the next moment,

Already ran through the midfield of the competition venue, and with the distance of less than one second left to the opponent, Prince Beamon had already discovered that the dangerous aura brewed by the opponent’s mysterious black sniper rifle had reached the extreme.


The pace of his advancement is already a bit slow.

this moment.

The instinct in his mind urged him to quickly escape!



Didn’t think much,

Following the body’s instinct, Presantou, who once again chose to dodge sideways, escaped the third shot that had been brewing for two seconds!

But what was terrible was…. He stepped forward and shortened the distance, making it more difficult for him to dodge the shot next.


Perhaps the distance was too close, so that the third prince of Bimeng heard a more deafening sniper rifle.

This third shot is even more terrifying than the same three shots before!

That’s right…

Naturally, “Blasting!

[Blasting (A+): After use, the next attack will accumulate within two seconds, and the blasting effect will be automatically generated. Your next attack will cause 275% of the armored unit’s high armor-piercing damage. ”

This is more than that.

In fact.

Before “blasting, Yun Chen also used “enhancement.”

This will make the power or effect of his next normal or even the next skill stronger.

Theoretically, the entire skill becomes enhanced-blasting!

in addition


Since this is the third shot.

This also leads to the 100% critical strike of the starburst feature, and even the 130% extra damage of the A+ level strong strike aura talent will be accompanied by one of them.

In the stadium match that day, only the skill of “blasting” was used.

But even so, the crown of a lower dragon has already been blasted through.


More gains and blessings gather together.

Seeing the other party use dodge awkwardly again, trying to avoid this third shot full of momentum, but in Yun Chen’s eyes, the other party’s behavior is almost as ridiculous as a toddler.

This is justified.

This person didn’t evade and sneered at the so-called ultimate body technique.

Prince Beamon, who had never avoided the word in his mind, could only temporarily hug the Buddha’s feet and quickly avoided the next shot in accordance with his own instinct.

Although his speed has become a lot faster, the distance has also been shortened a lot.

One goes down and the other goes up.

It is even more convenient for Yun Chen to snipe.


It’s really not as good as the devil antelope!

Sighed secretly again, Yun Chen already pulled the trigger in his hand.



The recoil generated by the more violent tremor of the barrel made Yun Chen’s right shoulder sway against the butt of the gun this time, causing some pain inexplicably.

It’s just that the body remained stable, and he didn’t take a step back.

It is conceivable that the power of this gun has far surpassed all previous guns.

“what!!Under the vast sound of breaking through the air, people thought that this sniper bullet wanted to pierce the space of desire.



The prince Beamon had his eyes widened.

The existence of this personal combat stamina with direct negative points has already discovered that he is locked in once again.


The purpose of this gun is very clear, it is a headshot!!!

The danger signal that is rising strongly in my mind has already told myself that if you let it go, it must be a direct head explosion!

“Stick me!!

At this critical moment of life and death, this member of the Beamon royal family can only trust his indestructible body.

This time,

In a slight rush, he could only use his arms to stand up.

But in his promotion, he felt the blood constantly flowing from his arms.

Not only that, but a terrible burning sensation came from it.

You should know that the Dark Demon Flame has a terrifying effect of mental burning, but this Bimeng royal family forcibly ignored this point with the combination of toughness, iron blood, concentration and many other talents and passive skills.


Even the pain can be ignored.

But now there is a pain that can’t be erased even his own tenacity talent, which proves that the injury of this arm is a bit serious.

This is vicious to the enemy, and he is also fierce to Prince Beamon, and immediately realized how stupid he was now to stimulate his unyielding talent and let his injuries aggravate!!

This is S+ Grade Dark Demon Flame!!

In order to self-mutilate, he can let this demon flame arbitrarily inflict heavy damage on his body.


It’s so reckless!


How can a pair of heavily injured arms block the next bullet!!

How will he face the ridicule of the entire auditorium!!

This moment


A shocking momentum has already collided head-on!!

This is obviously a sniper bullet!

But the characteristics of its own anti-material sniper rifle, and even the most important “blasting effect bonus”.

This desire will blast through the space, leaving a straight death trail in the air with a sniper bullet.

It was really like a meteorite that broke through the atmosphere, leaving a trail in the air, and blasting towards the target in front of it with huge and unparalleled energy.


There was only a stalemate for less than half a second. (Wang is good)

-With double shields in front, the back of a strong, hardened hand that has been tempered, exploded into blood mist on the spot.

And without cover…

Yu Wei’s surviving sniper bullet continued to approach.


At the moment of death, this member of the Beimeng royal family hurriedly turned his head, but the bullet still penetrated his left pupil and entered.

With the blasting bonus, the terrifying penetration force suddenly exploded from the inside, already flying his left half of the skull.

Just at this moment when I really want to give the other party death…

The sprayed blood mist suddenly solidified in the air.

The entire desire to be repelled was completely thrown away, and the figure with both feet separated was also fixed in the air.

this moment.

Regarding the lapse of time in the entire body of this prince Beamon, it all froze.


The audience onlookers had already mentioned it in their throats, and now they stood up in shock.

The bullet speed is too fast.

The dynamic visual response of most people simply cannot keep up with the speed.

Just now everyone just saw a flash of bullets, and then saw that the entire Prince Beamon was bombarded with half of his head, completely frozen in time and space.

OMG “!”

This “gun unexpectedly dropped this golden Bimon in seconds!”

“And this is time magic!!!”

“Could it be that the referee made the shot!”

As if in response to other people’s words.

Even explain the immediate behavior.

“All right.”

“The game is over.


“For the third seed of Xuanlongguo Jiangnan University, Yun Chen!!”


The Four-turn Dharma God who suddenly appeared on the competition field froze a piece of time and space in the field.



The blasting properties of this gun continued to erupt, and the three princes of the Bimeng Empire might be killed on the spot.

The power of this third shot is simply outrageous.

Four Zhuan Fashen didn’t expect that he would even appear as the chief referee. He didn’t sigh. With a wave of his hand, he began to reverse and reverse the time in the solidified space around Prince Bimon.

This magic god used this method to prevent the power of this gun from continuing to wreak havoc.

“This freshman scattered… actually forced a Fashen to stop it at the last moment?!”

“This is really nothing to tell.

PS: There is still a chapter in the evening, by the way, please ask for flowers and evaluation votes every day!! Your support is the motivation of the author’s codeword.

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