0188. If there is a god surrender! One person becomes an army! Loose people! The repressive power of horror! (Automatic subscription required)

When reminded by the Three-turned Bishop of the Adventist Church, the Lord Lei of Xitu City realized that he had been targeted.

The matter has been revealed.

Seeing dozens of silhouettes descending and swooping in the air, City Lord Lei’s expression was very cloudy and uncertain, and he knew in his heart that what he had done had been revealed.

He couldn’t refuse the small blue bottle that could change his constitution.

It is this small blue bottle with a deep blue like sea water, which contains the medicinal properties of transforming into the body of the demon descendant.

He is a little pessimistic, not very optimistic about the earth.

Can be the same.

At this stage, the city lord is also unwilling to face the huge and incomparable Xuanlong Nation.

Xitucheng in the wild land is nothing more than an ant at the foot of a giant dragon.

The difference in weight is too big.

“Don’t be indecisive, do it now, Profound Dragon Kingdom won’t spare you.”

Compared with City Lord Lei, who had a very restless expression on his face, the core backbone of the Advent organization was quite plain.

Just looking at the pious face on the opposite side, as if to be martyred at any time, City Lord Lei really cursed a few times in his heart.


Fortunately, his ex-post perception did not notice the existence of any invincible rank four.

The vast majority are power fluctuations caused by the second job transfer!

How is this going?!

Of course.

This is not without threats.

At least a third rank existence exuding extremely dangerous aura has already come first.


“Let me test the sledgehammer and test the power of this demon descendant.”

Just when the body of the Lord Lei suddenly turned into a demon, the city guards had already begun to set up anti-aircraft guns under the order of the bishop, preparing to shoot the figures who had landed in the air with a super-high elevation angle.

After all, no matter what, the figure swooping in the air is definitely a living handle!

But what they don’t know is that they and others have also become Yun Chen’s fixed frame!


The extremely heavy anti-aircraft guns, and even the foundation turrets deployed on the city walls, are inherently difficult to move, and some people have to fill them with ammunition and maneuver them.

In this way, why is it not a fixed frame!!

I didn’t take a closer look at all.

Yun Chen, who switched out of the secondary weapon of the stray person, Yaoyi·Scary, immediately held the two-meter-long mysterious black sniper rifle in both hands, and then pulled the trigger in an instant.


It resounded like a thunder in the sky.

The muzzle of the anti-material sniper rifle burst into flames.


Under the blessing of the enchanting special effect “black light, a bullet bathed in black luster broke through the air in an instant.

The figures who swooped down in the same way couldn’t see the trail of this black light at all.

When everyone consciously captured the black light, they only heard a roar.


So fast!!


I saw a cloud of smoke directly rise from the ground, rushing straight up like wolf smoke.

“This is too fierce!”

“So accurate!!”

Needless to think about it, this kind of power must be that the sniper bullet detonated the ammunition on the side of the fort, directly triggering a chain of martyrdom effects, and even half of the city wall collapsed.

This Yun Chen is simply a god.

At this moment, all the members of the small team who were preparing to adjust their descent in the air felt incredible.

The most outrageous thing is that the shocking color on the faces of everyone is slightly diminished.


Another thunderous sound resounded directly.


I didn’t see any movement of the gun body swing, nor a trace of aiming at all. This Yun Chen pulled the trigger one after another, and shots of sniper bullets kept breaking through the air.


It is almost less than a second.

The turrets on the ground and the ammunition filled in them exploded directly.

OMG “…

Presented under the eyes of this scene is so spectacular sight.

I saw the whole mountain rising from the multi-channel extremely bright orange flames, smoke signals a Road wanton sky.

this moment.

This city is like a river soil was sustained bombardment of a large group of general firepower.

All land-based fort city deployed anti-aircraft guns and explosions successive open.

So accurate fixed-point explosion, just so a city can not organize an effective antiaircraft artillery.

Occasionally flying away more rounds, the team are more than elements of the Master swooping down to volley point burst open.

Outrageous is that, perhaps by God from heaven to spy scare hand, some scattered gunfire rising inexplicable missed it.

For a time.

Creek Tucheng simply can not organize forces for air defense, but to keep the defensive.

As for Ray who had angrily Santo, who can not wait to tear up the living red spray plume figure, but when he took off into the sky, but was Qin Jun, head down to a language teacher jianpi back to the ground.

“Young people do you do the blending.”

Qin Jun language which words to speak to the bishop who listen.

Qi is firmly locked to switch bishop can only be one pair of eyes female duck, down to the front not far from the Qin Jun volley language.

“Relying on you dare to an enemy?”

To this.

Qin Jun has a mild words of others, but at this moment covered with a momentum change.

The mood fit very large hidden in the city to switch large hermit finally revealed a trace of Henli Murder, reminding us of scenes a sword scabbard general, the edge of this momentum can not be ignored.

“How this case?”

Qin Jun language is so indifferent tone.

Comparable to the utterance, which brought pressure, no doubt so that bishops looking a little knot.

He is already ready for martyrdom.

Without a trace of hesitation, his vitality to the direct burning up the next moment, the body also will be rushed to the front of the enemy.

………For flowers…

The battle already started.

But this has nothing to do with the special operations squad.

Because their goal is to clean out all the Cheng Weijun forces.


At this time, as they dive landing height close to the ground when it is already more, it is very clearly hear the screams and worked constantly heard.


It is too much out of it!

It did not much mind to pay attention to the captain Yun Chen in the end the number of open shots.

Because ear constantly rattling sound of thunder never stopped.

When their landing height has exceeded one hundred meters from the ground, but it is already found throughout the river inside and outside Tucheng has become a burning fire, very thick smoke into the sky directly over the half obscured the mountain town.

“Cloud … he direct a team of people to the army!”


Swooping down together players who are already looking completely blindsided.

This is double the strength of it?!

A person is an army!

With only one person, he shot a fire suppression effect formed a Corps.

No one can understand why the other side is so accurate sniper skills, eyesight, every hair fall are undoubtedly accurate the magazine hit the fort, and directly lead to detonation.

And even that process is clearly aimed at both omitted from the help of spiritual perception, supplemented by multitasking, with this exaggerated the power of anti-materiel sniper rifle, shot a very direct effect of terror.

“Cloud team this person is simply God.”

Most people can not believe that the cloud team from beginning to end have not suffered a trace recoil impact in general.

Gun hands has been very smooth.

As each time the trigger is pulled after the formation of recoil, but it is completely supported by the other body to live that down from start to finish, we did not see Yun Chen trace of his body shaking.

It’s too exaggerated.

This is not your feet off the ground, did not support the earth, even with high-speed dive position, the freshman no vocational students is done perfect body control.

“too frightening.

This light can not detect the details, you already make a lot of team sharpshooter felt a tingling scalp, did not dare to think how tough the strength of each other’s body.

Of course.

We also will look different to say began to converge again, landing comes to an end, the height from the ground to the time of thirty meters.

Everyone played a landing attitude adjustment, Butterfly injection device owners all began to spray, sprayed the ground arrogance, just a good way to cushion swooping down momentum.

The next second …

Special operations team is already very successfully made a forced landing successfully, it falls within Santo.

PS: seeking monthly subscription automatically seek inch!!.

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