Chapter 299 Two Living Treasures

And in this human world, if he is always so unique, it will cause a lot of trouble.

So when he made up his mind, he smiled and said to Murongxue: “Murongxue, you said, should we buy a car?”

“We can load the things in the car and bring them back at that time.”

Murongxue smiled and said, “Of course it’s okay. I didn’t expect Lin Feng to have such an idea.”

“In this case, I will take you with me, the biggest car dealership in that city.

“Go buy a beautiful car back, what kind of car do you like Lin Feng?”

Lin Feng thought for a while and said, “I don’t have much research on cars, as long as they are spacious, bright and particularly practical, it’s fine.”

“Because I don’t like to use cars, but I think it’s better to have one in this Jade Palace.

“It’s very convenient to open at any time. I want these two chefs to drive to buy food when 07 is not open.”

The two chefs thought there, where is such a good owner? He was so good to everyone and even equipped them with a car.

They will do their best to serve Lin Feng. Hong Peng on the side said with a smile: “Of course, we men, we have to choose that kind of particularly mighty and domineering car.”

“Lin Feng, how about buying a mighty big off-road vehicle? If that’s the case, I believe it should be particularly handsome, right?”

Murongxue objected: “You bunch of stinky men always like those particularly domineering cars.”

“I think those light cars are more convenient, and they are more dexterous to drive much better than those heavy cars.”

Hong Peng objected there: “What do you girls know? Although you are usually from brother to brother with us, you have a different vision from ours after all.

Murongxue said angrily: “Usually you are brothers and sisters with me, but you can’t say that your vision is very good, I believe your vision is very bad.

“You can tell by your usual taste of dressing, and the two of them lifted each other up there.

Lin Feng said, “Okay, okay, let’s not delay, let’s go quickly, or Murongxue, after your grandfather comes, we won’t be able to see us, then it will delay business.”

Murongxue quickly said: “Okay, Lin Feng listens to you, then we will go to the auto exchange market and we will buy whatever car you like.

“It’s not Hong Juan, you can just like it.”

Lin Feng nodded and said: “Okay, okay, everyone makes money with anger, don’t always make a lot of these things, you two are noisy.”

So a few people happily went arguing about the direction of the city, although it was not too far away.

They also walked for nearly an hour before they reached the city.

The tired Hong Peng said out of breath, “My god, my leg is going to break. I’ll find a place to rest. I can’t go on walking now.”

Lin Feng said with a smile: “We are about to arrive at the trading market soon, as if we have arrived there. We bought a car and then went to buy other things, which would be much more convenient.

Murongxue looked at Hong Peng and said, “You said that you, a big man, are so useless. Look at me, no girl is as squeamish as you.”

“After walking such a little road, it was exhausted.

Lin Feng looked at these two people and didn’t know, what should they say about them?

These two people were called brothers and sisters when they were good, but when they were bad, the two began to quarrel there again.

So at this time, a few of them saw a place to buy cold drinks nearby.

Murongxue ran over and bought an ice cream for everyone. She came back and said, “Lin Feng, everyone, eat something, it’s such a hot weather.”

After Hong Peng took the ice cream, he felt that Murong Xue still cared about him.

Yu 757 said embarrassedly there, “Thank you.”

So just after receiving the ice cream, a few people were walking and eating there, and at this moment a few teenagers came onwards.

When they saw Murong Xue, they couldn’t help but looked towards Murong Xue, because Murong Xue and Lin Feng are usually together.

It didn’t feel much, but if in this crowd, Murongxue would be very eye-catching, after all, Murongxue looked sweet.

And tall, that’s a very outstanding beauty.

So it attracted the attention of those young people, after Lin Feng saw them.

Ignoring them and Murong Xue and the others, they walked forward together. I didn’t expect the young people to follow them after a while.

I kept following behind, pointing and pointing, Lin Feng and the others, what flowers are inserted on the cow dung, and some rumors.

Lin Feng and the others didn’t pay attention to these people before, and these people kept talking about this and that afterwards.

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