Early the next morning.

The sun is shining and the breeze is gentle.

The exhaustion of yesterday’s day was swept away.

After Qin Feng completed the daily task as usual

He woke up Xia Xue, who was still sleeping.


Xia Xue opened her hazy eyes

Stretched out,

A touching curve is revealed.

“I didn’t expect this girl to be quite material.”

Qin Feng muttered.

“Ah, Qin Feng, what did you just say?”

Xia Xue rubbed her eyes and said.

“Nothing, hurry up, let’s try to clear the quest by noon.”

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and pulled Xia Xue up from the ground.


Xia Xue nodded her chin

Directly remove the copy scroll,

Thrown at the designated place.


After the scroll landed, it burst out a dazzling light.

After a while, the light dissipated

A small teleportation formation appeared in the sight of the two.

[Copy: Cang Bear Collar].

[Difficulty: Difficult].

[Recommended level: silver third order ~ silver sixth order].

【Team size: 1~5 people】

[Description: The territory where the iron-backed bear clan lives, they are very repulsive to foreigners, and they have always been exterminated for foreign races who step into the territory! ] 】

See the replica information.

Qin Feng was extremely surprised.

It turned out to be a copy of the difficult difficulty.

Experience points must be very rich.

It has been calculated that the easy difficulty quest is the same as the experience value of the wild monster.

The normal difficulty is about 1.5 times the experience point of the wild.

And the experience value of the difficulty difficulty is twice that of the outside world!

Moreover, the main monster in this quest is the iron-backed bear!

This is one of the five monsters in the system mission!

It just so happened that Qin Feng of the province specially went to find the iron-backed bear!

After coming out of the copy,

Kill another hundred red-blooded thunder leopards and black-scaled pythons to complete the mission and play the lottery again!

Qin Feng felt excited just thinking about it.

“Let’s go.”

Qin Feng took a few deep breaths

Holding Xia Xue’s small hand,

Stepped straight into the quest.

The moment you enter,

The replica teleportation array also disappeared.

After a few seconds of weightlessness

The scene in front of me changed in vain.

The view is no longer as oppressive as in the Black Wind Mountains.

The trees and grass have turned back to normal green, lush and full of nature.

Not far away, there is a small river that keeps flowing.

It’s not like a replica, but a natural resort.

However, Qin Feng did not mean to browse the scenery.

Directly reach out,

Summoned Guan Yu and everyone.

Let them all explore the depths of the forest.

And Qin Feng raised his arm, and the two brothers seemed to hold Xia Xue’s shoulders, slowly heading towards the depths.

For Qin Feng’s actions, Xia Xue did not resist, allowing Qin Feng to hold him, snuggling his body all in Qin Feng’s arms.

Like a kitten, very docile.

Where else does the iceberg goddess look like?

I’m afraid that Xia Xue will be seen by a middle school student like this

I don’t know how many boys have broken their liver sausages.

[Guan Yu killed the Silver Sixth-Order Ironback Bear and rewarded 2400 experience points. ] 】

[Guan Ping killed the Silver Sixth-Order Ironback Bear, rewarding 2400 experience points. ] 】

[Guan Yu kills…].

Not too far yet.

A prompt voice came from Qin Feng’s mind.

After seeing the message,

Qin Feng was extremely surprised.

Worthy of being a hardship level copy,

Experience rewards are huge.

In the wild, the experience value of killing a sixth-order iron-backed bear alone is only about 1600 points.

If you enter the quest and share experience with Xia Xue, you can still have 2400 experience points.

The efficiency has been increased by more than 1.5 times.

Moreover, the number of monster beasts in the copy is much higher than in the wild.

Combined, the efficiency of entering the quest brush level is more than twice as high as in the field!

This is why the top 10 universities are so popular.

The reason is that the high-level copies in the territory of Daxia are in the hands of colleges and universities and major guilds.

Normal people want to brush advanced copies and be admitted to TOP10 universities, which is the simplest and most direct way.

This is also the reason why Qin Feng is so eager to be admitted to Jiangnan University.

Otherwise, with his profession, there is no need to go to the university to develop, and it is also a good choice to directly let the courtier brush monsters in the wild all the time.

“Let’s go, let’s go and see what the iron-backed bear looks like, otherwise it’s funny to brush a copy and not even see the monster.”

Qin Feng looked at Xia Xue and said.

“Uh-huh.” Xia Xue nodded, and Qin Feng walked quickly towards the depths.

The strength of the demon beast is not too strong

The march of large troops was fast.

Qin Feng and Xia Xue walked quickly for about 10 minutes

Only then did they catch up with the pace of the large army.

Exactly at this time,

Guan Ping is fighting an iron-backed bear.

Qin Feng also took the opportunity to see the appearance and attributes of the bear.

The iron-backed bear is about 3 meters tall, its hair is silvery-white, and the entire back position reflects the luster of metal, which looks very thick and has amazing defense.

【Ironback Bear】(Elite Demon Beast).

[Grade: Silver Sixth Order].

[Characteristics: bloodthirsty, huge force, iron back].

[Skills: Tear, Slap, Crash, Iron Mountain Lean].

[Burst rate: 1%].


The last line of information caught Qin Feng’s attention.

The iron-backed bear actually has a burst rate attribute!

This was a big surprise to him.

Under normal circumstances, only boss-level creatures will have a certain burst rate.

The higher the boss level, the higher the burst rate.

Unexpectedly, the ordinary blue bear in this copy also has a burst rate.

Although it is only 1%, it is not enough to hold up its quantity!

In the entire copy, there are hundreds of bears, and according to the explosion rate, at least three or five treasure chests can be exploded.


That’s exactly then,

Guan Ping directly cut off the head of the iron-backed bear with one sword!


The iron-backed bear lost its strength, shook a few steps, and fell to the ground.


A dazzling light,

Burst out of the corpse of the bear.

A silver treasure chest slowly emerged from the essence light.

“Such good luck!”

“I actually went straight out of the box!”

Qin Feng was overjoyed.

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