At the same time.

The night is high, and the silver-white moonlight mercilessly covers the earth.

Great love seems to be merciless.

Another area of the Black Wind Mountains.

A big man who was more than two meters tall, draped in a black heavy armor, and showed strong arms, was staring intently at a large monster beast on the trunk of the tree in front of him.

This monster beast is three meters in size, and there is a face pattern on its back, which looks extremely terrifying.

It was the silver third-order demon beast, the human face demon spider.

Zhao Qi took a deep breath, clenched the shield in his hand, and suddenly shouted angrily, “It’s dry!” ”

Then, he directly raised his shield and directly launched a charge skill against the human face demon spider.


A muffled bang!

The human face demon spider was stunned by the impact of the shield and fell into a short period of vertigo.

Brush~! Brush~! Brush~!

Seeing this, several teammates behind Zhao Qi hurriedly used their skills and smashed towards the head of the human face demon spider.

Zhao Qi himself also slashed at the demon spider with all his might!


The epee was directly chiseled into the demon spider’s head, and green juice splashed everywhere.

Some even landed on Zhao Qi’s face, but his complexion did not change at all, and he roared angrily, pressing all the weight of his body on the heavy sword.


Finally, the head of the human face demon spider was directly cut off by Zhao Qi, and it rolled on the ground for several weeks, completely unmoving.


A gorgeous light was rewarded above Zhao Qi’s head.

His level has increased again, and he has reached the second rank of silver!

Have reached the eligibility of an institution!

“Crouch! Brother Qi, you are also too strong! A teammate said, “You ordinary knight, you are fiercer than the hidden professional knight I have seen!” ”

Zhao Qi smiled, “Then you don’t look at whose little brother I am!” ”

After obtaining Qin Feng’s talent bonus, Zhao Qi’s four-dimensional attributes all doubled.

The attributes at this time are indeed ahead of the vast majority of hidden professions!

This is also the confidence that he dares to bring a few bronze-level teammates to brush the human face demon spider!

All this was brought to him by Qin Feng.

Zhao Qi was naturally full of gratitude to Qin Feng.

Sou~! Sou~!

Suddenly, on the trunk of the tree on the side, more than a dozen black cobwebs shot in the direction of everyone.

“Not good! It’s a swarm of spiders! Withdraw! Zhao Qi snorted angrily, rolled to the side, and left the range of the cobweb.

But his teammates, obviously not having this strength, were all hit by cobwebs, tightly wrapped, and directly lost their combat effectiveness and became lambs to be slaughtered!

“Zhao Qi, you run! Leave us alone! Avenge us later! ”

Several teammates knew very well that Zhao Qi was definitely not the opponent of these face demon spiders, and they roared one after another!

Zhao Qi gritted his teeth and looked at more than a dozen demon spiders that were rapidly approaching, with a resolute look in his eyes

“I, Zhao Qi, will definitely not give up my brother! Fight! ”

With that, he raised his shield and prepared to charge the human face demon spider.

Oh the law~!

But at this moment, a war horse neighing suddenly entered Zhao Qi’s ears.

“How can there be war horses here?”

Before Zhao Qi could react, a red-faced man rushed out from the side!

Brush~! Brush~! Brush~!

The big man is Guan Yu, Guan Yu directly rushed into the demon spider group, the sword light is horizontal, wantonly chopping!

In a few clicks, more than a dozen demon spiders were cut down!

Green juice, like raindrops!

But it didn’t fall on Guan Yu’s body at all.

“Guan Yu… Qin Feng!!! Zhao Qi was dumbfounded.

Several of his teammates also looked dumbfounded and even forgot about the struggle.

“This… This is the gods under the mortals! ”

“My mother, where did this fierce man come from, it’s too strong!”

“More than a dozen human face demon spiders, in less than five seconds, solved?! Outrageous! ”

Trample! Trample! Trample!

Qin Feng slowly paced out of the woods

Walked up to Zhao Qi,

patted him on the shoulder

Smiled: “Not bad!” In danger, righteousness, worthy of my value. ”

Even Guan Yu cast an appreciative gaze at Zhao Qi.

It turned out that Qin Feng and the others had long been watching the battle from the sidelines, and the reason why they did not come out was to see Zhao Qi’s strength and character.

At this look, Qin Feng was greatly relieved that Zhao Qi did not live up to Qin Feng’s trust.

At the critical moment, he did not abandon his teammates and left, this is the teammate Qin Feng wants!

Although the strength is weaker,

But with Qin Feng,

It doesn’t matter if the strength is strong or weak.

There aren’t many shots anyway.

Character is the most important thing!

Zhao Qi smiled and scratched his head:

“This is all good led by you boss!”

Then he looked at Xia Xue again, and quietly gave Qin Feng a thumbs up:

“Worthy of being the boss!”

“Even the iceberg school flower was directly taken!”

Qin Feng smiled and did not refute.

However, he did not answer this stubble, but said:

“Silver Second Order, not bad, follow me back to the city.”

“Take you to brush two copies, and then follow me to participate in the assessment of Jiangnan University.”

“Great!” Zhao Qi nodded, “Thank you boss, I didn’t expect that my Zhao Qi would one day be able to enter the top 10 universities!” ”

Zhao Qi didn’t have any doubts about Qin Feng’s words.

It was as if Qin Feng said that if he could take him into Jiangnan University, he would definitely be able to enter.

He turned his head, looked at several teammates, and said:

“This is the Qin Feng boss that I and you often mention.”

“The boss has a life, I dare not disobey.”

“Let’s take our leave!”

“Thank you Boss Qin Feng for saving your life!” Several teammates bowed to Qin Feng, and then bowed to Zhao Qi again, “Thank you Boss Zhao Qi for taking us to upgrade.” ”

“In the future, if the two bosses have something to do, I will definitely do my best.”

After speaking, several people took their leave.

【Ding! Li San’s surrender to you has increased by 100 points. 】

【Ding! Wang Si’s surrender to you has increased by 100 points. 】



This is to conquer all of Zhao Qi’s teammates?!

3 more courtiers?

Qin Feng thought about it

I feel that it is also very synergistic.

After all,

Guan Yu’s battle, for several bronze professionals, the impact is really too great.

Qin Feng also had a life-saving grace for them.

Conquer them completely,

It makes sense.


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