“Is this triggering a hidden condition?”

Zhao Qi obviously also heard this prompt, and immediately exclaimed.

Some copies will have some hidden conditions.

As soon as these conditions are activated, the replica will change to a certain extent.

Some activate hidden bosses, and some trigger hidden levels.

Either way, though, there will be one thing in common.

That is, when the hidden condition is triggered, the quest becomes more difficult.

Of course, the rewards will increase accordingly.

Obviously, the hidden condition of this copy is to kill all the lizards in the Yongdao.

Ordinary squads naturally cannot fulfill this condition.

But for Qin Feng, it is also a matter of moving his fingers.


The earth shook and the sound was loud.

The earth and rocks above the cave kept rolling down.

The ground on which he stood also shook like the ground.

Make people simply unstable on their feet.


A thunderous roar suddenly sounded from the ground.

The next moment, a head the size of a locomotive popped out from below the ground.

Before Qin Feng and the others could see its appearance clearly

It stretched out a large dark mouth like a mountain pass and pounced directly on everyone.

“Evil beast! Dare to disturb my majesty and seek death! ”

Guan Yu drank coldly, stepped forward and took a step, blocking the three of Qin Feng behind him.

Then he violently lifted the cold moon knife from the ground, towards the sharp teeth, and slashed it fiercely.

The sword is as bright as a brilliance, and the momentum is amazing.

Only a “click” was heard.

The big knife slashed at the sharp teeth,

The incomparably strong sharp teeth were actually cut off by Guan Yu with a sword, shattering into countless small slags, falling on the surrounding walls and ground, deeply embedded in it.

And the power of a knife is much more than that.

The body of the owner of the sharp tooth was also blasted out of the ground by the power of this knife, revealing its original appearance.

This is a big lizard with a length of about 10 meters, a red body, and a telephone pole with a thick and sharp horn on its head!

【Lizard Earth Dragon】(Golden BOSS).

[Grade: Gold Second Order].

[Characteristics: Lord, Bloodthirsty, Devouring, Sharp Teeth, Armor].

[Skills: Death Roll, Earth Dragon Roar, Devour, Charge…].

[Combat power: 125 stars, danger level: medium].

[Weaknesses: abdomen, eyes].

[Description: The hardened lizard who advanced to become a gold-level boss has awakened a trace of the bloodline of the dragon clan, and the four-dimensional attribute has been greatly improved. ] It will crush the creatures that invade its territory mercilessly! 】


Qin Feng called a good guy!

A terrifying boss with a combat power of 125 stars!

The strength is almost comparable to Qin Feng!

Plus the sturdy armor on its body,

If Qin Feng is allowed to be one-on-one, I am afraid it will take a lot of effort.

However, it is difficult for Qin Feng, but for Guan Yu, it is like a three-year-old child.

[Guan Yu, silver sixth order, combat power: 302 stars…].

This is still a large number of tiger and leopard soldiers standing next to Guan Yu, and there is no passive response to single riding.

Otherwise, Guan Yu’s combat effectiveness will be even higher!

This lizard ground dragon, just a toy!

“Evil beast, die!”

Just when Qin Feng was observing the earth dragon,

Guan Yu snorted angrily

While the earth dragon has not stabilized its body,

Volley out with a knife!


A ray of cyan sword light suddenly burst out.

When the sword light came out from the tip of the knife, it was only one meter in size.

But it turned out to be expanding wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When he arrived in front of the earth dragon, the sword light had turned into a ten-meter giant, enveloping the entire earth dragon in it!


The earth dragon was startled and let out a sound of horror.

It twisted its body desperately, trying to dodge.

But the knife light is too fast and the range is too large!


From the center of the Earth Dragon’s body, the sword light penetrated directly through the past, and it was heavily behind the wall.

Cut out a terrifying pit of five meters deep in the wall!


The monitor lizard let out a mournful wail

The voice stopped abruptly in the next moment.

Its body, suddenly, split from the middle, into two.

The incision is as smooth as a mirror.

After a few seconds, blood splattered like a waterfall…

[Guan Yu slashed the Golden Second-Order Lizard Earth Dragon and rewarded 25,000 experience points! ] 】

Click~! Click~!

At this time, the two corpses fell to the ground.

Circles of invisible air waves, centered on the landing point, spread rapidly in all directions.

The entire cave shook and the earth collapsed.

“Sleeping….. Sleeper !!! Zhao Qi was confused, “Second… seconds???! ”

“Ahh!” Xia Xue also exclaimed, “This is also too powerful!” ”

“That’s a gold-level boss!”

“Still in the Nightmare Quest.”

“Just two cuts, and you died?!”

If this lizard earth dragon boss, put it in the outside world, put it in Willow City.

I am afraid that they can directly bring huge trouble to Liu Cheng, and even make the small half of Liu City fall into a state of paralysis.

But in front of Guan Yu, it is no different from a toy.

Where is the limit of Guan Yu’s strength?

Two people are completely unimaginable.


That’s exactly then,

A white light suddenly rewarded Qin Feng’s head, interrupting the two of them to think.

[Congratulations, your level has been upgraded to Silver Tier 7.] 】

You have obtained 20 four-dimensional attribute points. 】

“Silver Seventh Order, great!”

Qin Feng squeezed his fist, felt the surging power coming from the fist, and was slightly surprised in his heart.

This level, in previous years, is enough to compete for the top prize in the college entrance examination in various provinces and cities.

And Qin Feng has another chance to copy!

He can also make his level higher and his strength stronger!

Jiangnan Province college entrance examination champion,

He Qin Feng, take it!

Moreover, without any suspense, crush everyone’s win!!

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