The classification of monster levels in the Tower of Babel is absolutely clear.

Ordinary, elite, leader, lord, overlord, emperor, epic, legendary, demigod!

The difference in monster levels is not based on the level of the monster, but on their strength in the same level!

And this gap will become larger and larger as the level increases.

Ordinary monsters may be able to kill an elite monster or even a leader-level monster by relying on their numerical advantage.

But monsters that reach the lord level are definitely not to the extent that they can be killed by ordinary monsters. As for the overlord level

, if they come to the earth from the Tower of Babel, they will definitely have the potential to deter a country by themselves.

If they are emperors or epics, it will be a natural disaster in the true sense and a nightmare for the earth’s civilization.

The reason why the trial of job transfer is called a trial, rather than a one-sided massacre, is because in such a trial, the power of the star god will restrain and suppress the strength of the monster to a certain extent.

If there is no restriction at all, it would be a pure suicide for an awakener who has just reached level 10 to challenge a lord or even overlord-level monster.

Qin Yu certainly has a powerful strength far beyond other awakeners, but he is not so arrogant that he thinks he can crush such a monster without any pressure.

So after learning the details from the village chief, he decisively chose to…delay his job change!

This is not because he is afraid, but because Qin Yu is cautious enough.

Having already had the experience of defeating five leader-level monsters, Qin Yu’s job change trial will naturally not be simple, ordinary, or difficult.

Only killing the earth dragon of the lord-level monster and killing the overlord-level fallen angel Lian are the real challenges for him.

So the goal of his job change trial is also the nightmare and hell difficulty.

And now he can’t decide whether to choose the more stable nightmare difficulty or the more challenging hell difficulty.

If it were Qin Yu now, he would naturally not have the confidence to challenge the hell difficulty.

After all, that was the most difficult trial. Only those BUG awakeners who surpassed the ordinary in attributes, equipment, props, skills, etc., might be able to defeat the great terror.

Qin Yu can only say that his attributes are fully up to standard, and there is room for improvement in equipment, props, and skills.

And why does he have the confidence to challenge the trial of hell difficulty?

Naturally, it is because of the four diamond treasure chests in his hand!

Four diamond treasure chests, plus the hidden prompts of the all-seeing eye, can fully maximize the advantages of diamond treasure chests and obtain various props to enhance his strength.

So Qin Yu not only has a chance of passing the trial of hell difficulty, but also this chance is not low.

Qin Yu entered the Tower of Babel for the second time on the 3rd. Now when he stepped out of the teleportation array of the Tower of Babel again, it was already the evening of the 5th.

He stayed in the Tower of Babel for three days and two nights.

Sakuya, the ingenious puppet maid, has now returned to the form of a puppet.

In front of the Tower of Babel filled with awakened people, Qin Yu dared not let her be exposed to others casually, because her identity could not be hidden in front of those who were interested.

When he returned to his home, Qin Yu immediately ventilated the house, summoned Sakuya to do housework and prepare dinner, then he lay on the sofa, using his newly charged mobile phone to browse the forum and class group.

The Awakener Forum seemed to be the same as before.

Various hot spots emerged one after another, and of course the most lively discussion in the forum was the identity of the mysterious man who had been issuing spin ball notices one after another.

Once or twice is accidental, but three, four or even five times, it becomes a necessity.

So far, Qin Yu has killed exactly five hidden floor BOSSes.

Speculations about Qin Yu’s identity are still the focus of discussion among the awakened people on the forum, and the ID named Jianghu Baixiaosheng, based on Qin Yu’s performance, once again revised his speculation about Qin Yu’s identity.

“……I admit that my speculation about the identity of the ‘Announcement God (Qin Yu)’ was wrong and incomplete, but after I re-deduce it, I discovered something important!”

“So is the Announcement Master really just a lone wolf?”

“As we all know, the Tower of Babel has been around for more than 600 years. Before the appearance of the Announcement God, no one had ever triggered the hidden form of the floor BOSS!”

“The fact that the notification master can be triggered once may be an amazing discovery made by chance and repeated experiments!”

“But according to my guess, the triggering conditions for the hidden form of the BOSS on each floor should be completely different!”

“So, how did the Announcement Master know the triggering conditions of the hidden forms of the BOSS on so many floors?”

“I think the conclusion is not difficult to guess…that is, behind the great god of announcement, there is an entire huge team of intelligence collection and analysis!”

“That’s right, the God of Announcement is not a lone wolf, he is most likely a member of a large adventurer organization!”


Although the idea seems to be fine, it is still completely different from Qin Yu’s true identity.

With normal people’s thinking, it is impossible to guess the identity of Qin Yu, the cheater. Jianghu Baixiaosheng seems to have been led astray again.

Nowadays, the global situation has become more and more tense because of the repeated fame of the Announcement God.

Every time Qin Yu, the Announcement God, becomes famous, it adds to the foundation of Longguo. Longguo, which is already a superpower, is naturally widening the gap with other countries under this influence.

If it were other superpowers, no one would want Longguo to be the boss of everyone.

Now Qin Yu is just a small quasi-awakener, so naturally he doesn’t have the ability to care about the international situation.

When Qin Yu switched to the class group and reviewed his chat records during the time in the Tower of Babel, he didn’t know until he saw it. It turned out that among the 24 quasi-awakeners in their class, there was already a victim.

The dead person was Wang Hao, the guy with the quasi-swordsman profession who awakened the skill of slashing with the trend that Qin Yu bumped into when he entered the Tower of Babel for the second time.

According to the chat group, after Wang Hao arrogantly entered the Tower of Babel, he still did not come out until the next day. His family waited for another day, until Wang Hao still did not show up, and then they confirmed that he died in the Tower of Babel.

This is the sadness of being a quasi-awakener, because you cannot travel with other awakeners, and you enter a separate floor.

Even if he died in the Tower of Babel, his family couldn’t even collect his body.

No one can see him alive, and no one can see his body after he died.

Because of Wang Hao’s death, many classmates in the class were affected and hesitant, and they hesitated about whether to enter the Tower of Babel.

But the path of the awakener is to race against time, especially the Dragon Country Joint Examination in 25 days, which will determine whether they are dragons or insects.

The time wasted now is destined to be the tears they shed in the future!

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