At the 82nd minute of entering the job transfer trial copy, Qin Yu left the lava lake on the top of the mountain and entered the other side of the mountain.

After destroying the Hell Molten Python, Qin Yu stood on the top of the mountain and looked down.

On the side of the mountain where he met Angel Lina, Qin Yu did not find any suspicious places.

Now another thing Qin Yu needs to find-the Flower of the Hell, is obviously not on the side of the mountain where Angel Lina is.

So Qin Yu found the place where the Flower of the Hell is suspected to grow-the cave on the back of the mountain by observing the other side of the mountain. The cave is located halfway up the back of the mountain. Observing from outside the cave, no traces of man-made things were found. It looks like a purely natural cave.

“According to the atlas, the Hellfire Flower must grow in a place where both light and dark attributes are taken into account.……”

“But the question is, this is a replica of the hell dimension. In hell… is there really a place where light attributes gather?”

With this doubt, Qin Yu stood at the entrance of the cave.

Before he stepped into it, a scorching airflow, like the breath of a giant dragon, blew directly on his face, like sandpaper scraping his face, making it difficult for him to open his eyes.

“It is indeed a hell-level trial… It is so troublesome before seeing the target of the trial!”

Qin Yu doubted that if all hell-level trials were as difficult as the one he was experiencing now, then other losers who challenged the hell-level trial would not even be able to see the trial boss until the trial time was over.

There was no need to prepare lighting equipment such as torches, as the cave was much brighter than expected.

The rock walls in the cave seemed to be covered with special particles, and the light emitted was enough to allow people to see normally.

In addition, Qin Yu’s helmet also came with precious night vision properties, so in this environment, he would not have any problems.

It seemed that the trial copy intentionally reduced the difficulty, and the terrain in the cave was actually not complicated, and there was not even any fork in the road.

Qin Yu walked to the end of a road in the cave and easily reached the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave, Qin Yu only took a glance and found the target of his trip – the Flower of Hell.

One black and one white, two flowers of the same appearance but opposite colors, appeared On the two corpses that had turned to skeletons.

Although the flesh and blood on the corpses had disappeared, Qin Yu could more or less guess what the corpses looked like before they decayed into skeletons through the special bones and the auras of light and darkness on the bodies.

The corpse with the aura of light came from the angel clan.

The corpse with the aura of darkness came from the demon clan!

The way these two corpses died was also quite special.

The broken sword in the angel’s hand pierced into the demon’s heart, and the demon’s tail broke the angel’s neck. The

Hell of Fire flowers that grew from the corpses of the angel and the demon absorbed the light of the angel and the darkness of the demon respectively, and combined them together to grow together.

But looking at the two flowers, Qin Yu hesitated. What the angel Lina asked him to take back was undoubtedly the white flower.

It exudes a warm white light, just as light represents holiness.

But in fact, in the eyes of Qin Yu, who observed with the omniscient eye, the white flower is not a symbol of light.

【Flower of Hell: White Flower: Twin Hell Wonders, born in a place full of hell breath, absorbing the strong breath of light and darkness at the same time, this magical plant will be born. After picking, its power will quickly dissipate, and its power can be dissolved in any liquid. (Hidden: Darkness is hidden in light, and light is bred in darkness. The seemingly sacred white flower is actually a dark crystal that absorbs the power of the devil)]

The white flower and the black flower are undoubtedly a disguise. If Qin Yu did not have the ability to see through hidden information, he would naturally follow the mission requirements of Angel Lina and take the white flower with the power of darkness back.

“Would a true angel say that he needs the power of light, but actually ask his helper to bring back the white flower that condenses the power of darkness?”

If Angel Lina lied about the black fierce fire at first, Qin Yu could still find a reason for her.

Then when she lied for the second time, about the flower of the hellfire, Qin Yu had already sentenced her to death, and he had already determined her identity in his heart. She is definitely not a serious angel!

Knowing this, another question was placed in front of him.

Should he take the white flower back to Angel Lina?

“Of course I have to take it back, and I’m a very generous person… I’ll give you double!”

Qin Yu walked quickly towards the Flower of Hell, and was about to pick two flowers.

But he saw a flash of fire in front of him, and the two skeletons disappeared, replaced by a demon holding a white flower, and an angel holding a black flower!

The sudden change surprised Qin Yu.

How could the angel and demon who were still corpses a second ago suddenly resurrect?


Demon:”Make a choice!”

Angel:”Do you choose to take away my black flower?” Demon:”

Or do you choose to take away my white flower?”

Angel:”You can only choose once!” Demon:

“If you make the wrong choice, you will pay a heavy price!”

Qin Yu quietly looked at the angel and demon who asked him to make a choice, and suddenly he seemed to have seen something funny.

“Hahaha…choices are so interesting!”

Qin Yu did not encounter any difficulties on the way into the cave. He thought that there was really no need for a test to obtain the Flower of Hell.

Unexpectedly, it was waiting for him here in the end!

This is the test. To obtain the Flower of Hell, one must pass the level of angels and demons!

【Angel (Legendary), level? ?】

【Demon (Legendary), level? ? 】

This is the information seen by normal people. Just looking at the legendary level and the level full of question marks is enough to make the awakened person lose the will to fight instantly.

Normal people will not have the confidence to fight against legendary monsters, let alone the unknown level, which may represent a level far beyond imagination.

But for Qin Yu, who has the all-seeing eye, the disguise of angels and demons seems unnecessary.

This is a trial copy. Even if you say it to the sky, it is impossible to surpass the difficulty of the copy itself.

In other words, even if two monsters, angels and demons, really appear, their levels will definitely not be question marks, but only level 10.

And in the peeping of the all-seeing eye, angels and demons have the same hidden information.

【Hidden: The phantom created by the flower of the Hell of Fire, a phantom that is both real and illusory with the breath of the former angels and demons. Picking any flower will break the balance of the light and dark forces in the flower of the Hell of Fire, and eventually be killed by another force! 】

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