At noon the next day,

Su Wu fell asleep with his arms around his left and right.

Gobmei was lying on the bed.

After a night of tossing and turning, he slept very comfortably.

Ding-ling-ling! Ding-ling-ling!

Soon, he was awakened by the piercing alarm.

Su Wu opened his eyes.

There was a touch of crimson clouds between their eyes.

Su Wu smiled slightly.


Gobmei fell to the ground.

Ahri hurriedly got up and put on a long dress in almost a second.

Morgana kissed Su Wu’s cheek affectionately, and then got up gracefully.

“Ahri! How is the attribute pool?”

Su Wu asked.

Ahri threw away the idea of how to face Su Wu that he was thinking about just now.

He immediately looked at his panel and said solemnly:”Master! It has been fully accumulated with 17,000 points!”

This made Morgana’s eyes jump.

Gobmei was stunned and didn’t know what Su Wu was talking about. She obediently picked up the broom in the room and started cleaning.

Su Wu suddenly half sat up.

He took out the 2,269 blood crystals he had harvested yesterday and handed them to Ahri:”Let’s see how it goes to level 10 first!”


Ahri nodded.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Soon, a blood crystal was upgraded to level 10.

When Su Wu took the blood crystal, he found that the color of the blood crystal became brighter.

It seemed that a ball of blood was flowing inside.

【Level 10 Blood Crystal: 2048 ordinary blood crystals condense into 1 level 10 blood crystal, which can be used for refining medicine, refining equipment, puppets, forging, magic weapons, and enchantment. (Exclusively dropped by enslavers, can be synthesized using synthesis skills!)】

“”It has more functions!”

Su Wu muttered softly,”I don’t know how many levels one can upgrade!”

This blood crystal cost Ahri 100 attribute points in total.

It is more cost-effective than the level 1 blood crystal.

He pointed the level 10 blood crystal at Ahri.

【Should I use level 10 blood crystal on Ahri?】


Su Wu chose yes directly.


In the blink of an eye.

Golden light flashed on Ahri’s body.

Su Wu hurriedly looked at Ahri’s level, and was overjoyed:”Good!”

A level 10 blood crystal actually promoted Ahri to level 25.


It’s so awesome!

This is almost the same as promoting Ahri with 100 blood crystals.

But this method saves more resources.

After seeing this, Ahri hurriedly knelt on her knees:”Thank you for the gift, Master!”


This made Goblin stunned.

Morgana was so envious that she wanted to pop her eyes out.

Su Wu looked at Ahri’s panel.

【Name: Ali】

【Race: Qingqiu Fox】

【Occupation: Servant of God】

【Status: Su Wu enslaved】

【Level: 25】

【Strength: 14.3 million】

【Agility: 14.3 million】

【Spirit: 14.3 million + 500】

【Physical fitness: 14.3 million】

【Attribute pool: 16900/unlimited】

【Equipment: Life Plate】

【Skills: Charm, Attribute Pool, Upgrade, Guidance】

【Talents: Invincible, Harmless】

【Attribute pool: 143,000 attribute points are accumulated every day】

“Continue! Upgrade 100 blood crystals to level 10 blood crystals first!”

Su Wu instructed Ahri.


Ahri bowed earnestly and began to upgrade.

After completing it, she had 6900 attribute points left.

Su Wu then used the 10th level blood crystal on Ahri again.


【Should I use level 10 blood crystal on Ahri?】

【Ahri can only be 20 levels higher than you at most, and the remaining energy will be wasted】


Su Wu was now confident and did not hesitate.


In an instant,

Ahri was promoted to level 40.

Her four-dimensional attributes increased to 26.3 million.

The attribute pool can condense up to 263,000 attribute points per day.

This made Ahri ecstatic again.

Su Wu then used two level 10 blood crystals on Morgana in succession.


In a brilliant blood-red light,

Morgana was promoted to level 40.

She knelt on the ground excitedly:”Thank you for the gift, master! I will definitely……”

She said a lot of nice things

【Name: Morgana】

【Species: Fallen Angel】

【Occupation: Soul Mage】

【Status: Suwen slave】

【Level: 40】

【Strength: 84300】

【Agility: 84300】

【Spirit: 84500+500】

【Physical fitness: 84300】

【Equipment: Harvest Scepter, Storage Ring*32】

【Skills: Soul Drain (Level 4), Dark Shield (Level 4), Demonic Transformation (Level 4)】

【Soul Drain (Level 4): Nail the target with soul chains, causing 2420 points of continuous soul damage to the target per second, lasting for 245 seconds. At the same time, the damage caused to the target is converted into soul energy to replenish the loss of the player. Consumes 5 points of spirit】

【Dark Shield (Level 4): Summons a dark magic shield for all friendly units within a 250-meter radius that can resist 2500 points of attack. Duration: 25 minutes. Cooldown: 5 minutes. Consumes 10 points of spirit.】

【Demon Conversion (Level 4): Consume 10 spirit points to convert corpses and monsters into demons.

Morgana increases 200 attributes per level, 6 times the increase is 2400 points, and level 35 is 84,000 attribute points.

Her skills increase by 1 level every 10 levels.

Soul Drain increases continuous damage by 100 points per level, and the duration increases by 10 seconds.

6 times is 600 points of damage, and the duration increases by 60 seconds.

Level 6 is 2400 points of damage, and the duration lasts for 240 seconds.

Statistics show that enemies hit by this attack will suffer 576,000 points of damage in 240 seconds.

This is simply amazing!

Morgana’s Dark Shield increases the range by 10 meters per level and the resistance by 100 points.

6 times is 60 meters, and the resistance is 600 points.

Level 4 is 240 meters, and it resists 2,400 points of damage.

Overall, Morgana is more than enough to deal with the monsters and enemies that Su Wen is currently facing without offensive equipment.

“”I need to prepare a set of magic equipment for Morgana!”

Su Wu muttered softly.

He turned his head and looked at Gobmei.

He also used a level 10 blood crystal on Gobmei.


In a green light,

Gobmei was promoted to level 20.

【Name: Gobami】

【Race: Goblin】

【Occupation: Electric Mage】

【Status: Suwen slave】

【Level: 40】

【Strength: 38500】

【Agility: 39000】

【Spirit: 39600】

【Physical fitness: 39000】

【Skills: Multiplication (level 2), Lightning Chain (level 2), Thunder (level 2)】

【Talent: Devour Evolution (Level 1)】

【Multiplication (Level 2): The body is multiplied by 50 times, and the four-dimensional attribute points are temporarily multiplied by 50 times. Duration: 120 seconds. Consumes 10 spirit points, and the cooldown time is 3 minutes】

【Lightning Chain (Level 2): Releases a lightning chain, and the linked enemies will suffer 1700 points + 170% of the spiritual value of magic damage, and can connect up to 17 enemies. Consumes 200 spiritual points, and the cooldown time is 1 minute.

When using this skill in the multiplied state, you can establish a temporary lightning chain network with friendly units in the same state and with the same skill, causing an additional 1500 points of damage to the target, and can connect an additional 14 enemies.】

【Fury (Level 2): Summons a lightning column, dealing 2200 points of magic damage + 220% of the target’s spiritual value, and stunning the target for 17 seconds. Cooldown time 5 minutes, consumes 500 spiritual value】

【Devour Evolution (Level 2): Can devour various life forms, gain life forms’ skills and evolve. After evolution, Gobmei’s growth will be enhanced. Current growth value is 300】

“Hmm? Gobmei also gets level and talent upgrades!”

Su Wu muttered softly.

Gobmei’s upgrade increases the four-dimensional attribute by an average of 300 points per level. With the help of the slave gain, it has been increased by 6 times, which means that the average four-dimensional attribute can be increased by 1,800 points per level. Gobmei’s multiplication skill increases by 4 times per level, which is 24 times after the increase. The same is true for the temporary number of four-dimensional attribute points.

The duration increases by 10 seconds per level, and it is 60 seconds after the increase.

The attack of the lightning chain increases by 100 points per level, and it is 600 points after the increase, and it is 1,700 points at level 2.

The percentage spirit value increases by 10% per level, After the amplification, each level increases by 60%, so the value is 170%.

The additional damage of the lightning chain network also increases by 100 points of damage per level. This value is only achieved under the 6-fold amplification of Su Wu’s talent.

The number of linked people increases by 1 per level, and after the amplification, 6 more enemies can be linked per level.

What surprised Su Wen was that after Gobmei’s talent was upgraded, a growth value appeared.

The so-called growth value refers to the value of each level increase of the four-dimensional attributes.

This gave him a clear understanding of Gobmei’s abilities.

However, he still had doubts.

Su Wu looked at Nine-tailed Ahri:”Ahri! Why can’t your skills and talents be upgraded?”

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