【Name: Su Wu】

【Occupation: Enslaver (the only hidden one)】

【Level: 30 (3552001/200000)】

【Strength: 3009+700】

【Agility: 3007+700】

【Spirit: 3012+950】

【Physical fitness: 3009+1300】

【Other additional attributes: Block: 500;】

【Equipment: Golden Crow Arm Armor, Physical Belt, Imprisonment Suit, Demon Necklace】

【Slave Space (Level 30): 23/310; Space diameter 1273 km. Nine-tailed beast*1, ghoul*11, shadow assassin*9, demon*1, goblin*1; Environment: jungle (6 km) Features: Level 4 resource space (to be advanced)】

【Skills: Enslavement (level 20), Summoning (level 20), Release (level 20), Mind Chain (level 20), Translocation (level 20)】

【Talents: Seal of the Servant (level 7), Slave Enhancement (level 6), Frozen (level 5), Resurrection (level 5), Skill Growth Enhancement (level 2)】

【Occupational Features: Hundred-fold Growth (pending promotion), Hidden (pending promotion)]

Su Wu looked at his attribute panel, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

His attention was first focused on the [pending promotion] option at the end of the slave space.


【You get 2 points of advancement!

Su Wu found that the slave space still only had the 4th level resource space feature that could use the advancement value.

He immediately put the advancement value on the resource space feature.


【Level 5 Resource Space: Double Growth! Plants planted in the space grow 10 times faster! 】

The next second, the slave space shook slightly.

In the blink of an eye, the seven-year-old gourd vine in front of him actually grew to 15 meters.

Emerald green leaves grew on the vine.

After the leaves grew, flower buds began to appear slowly.

At the same time, the sky blue wheat also grew from a seedling to a green wheat seedling as tall as a person.

Its color also turned to sky blue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, it stopped at the color conversion stage.

This indicates that the sky blue wheat is about to produce ears.

On the other side,

Bing Rui grew directly to about 30 centimeters.

The color changed from light blue to dark blue.

And at its rhizome, new flower buds emerged.

Further away, the jungle that merged into the slave space became more lush with a rustling sound.

At this moment, a word appeared in Su Wu’s mind:”10 times growth!”

He quickly clicked the second stage on the resource space.


The resource space has been upgraded to level 6.

This time, there is no change.

“It seems that it should be promoted every 5 levels.”

Su Wu muttered softly.

He continued to look at the skills.

The skills of enslavement, summoning, and release had already been promoted to level 20.

Therefore, this upgrade did not get a promotion.

Only after Su Wu has completed the second transformation and broken the limit can he continue to upgrade.

The two skills of mind chain and teleportation were promoted to the maximum level of 20 at the same time.

【Mind Chain (Level 20): A continuous attack skill that releases mind chains to 7 targets. The targets anchored by the chains will be continuously in a dizzy state and will continue to suffer 270 points of spell damage + 90% of the mental value per second. Consumes 10 points of mental value per second】

【Teleport (Level 20): You can instantly switch positions with any slave within a 310-meter radius. 】

Because they had been promoted to Level 17 when Su Wu was Level 22.

When Su Wu was Level 25, both skills were exactly Level 20.


When these two skills were upgraded, they only enjoyed a 3-fold data growth value bonus of the skill growth gain.

Among them, the target of the Mind Chain at Level 20 increased by 1 again, and 3 times means 3 targets.

Its attack damage also increased by 30% of the mental value damage, and under the effect of 3 times the data growth value, it became 90% of the mental value.

The increased damage this time.

Makes the Mind Chain a powerful skill.

It is no longer a slow, boiling frog-style”grinding and killing” skill.

Su Wu looked at the talent again.

【Seal of the King of Servitude (Level 7): SSSSS level; your enslavement skill has a 100% success rate and costs zero. The life that you successfully enslave will give you 9 times the experience, 9 times the items, or 9 times the materials.】

【Slave Enhancement (Level 6): SSSSS level; the life of your slave can be upgraded by devouring special materials, and gain 8 times the attribute and skill enhancement.

Freedom: Permanent slaves can leave the slave position and move freely in the activity space, and quickly recover from their injuries.

Resurrection: Slaves who are permanently fixed in the slave space will have 5 opportunities to revive in the slave space, and each resurrection consumes 100 spirit points.

Note: After the permanent solidification of slavery, it will never be freed.】

【Freeze (Level 5): SSS level; within 30 meters, all forces or targets attacking you will be frozen!

Freeze state: unable to move, attack ineffective.

Duration 60 seconds. Passive trigger】

【Resurrection (Level 5): SSSS level; 6 chances to revive at the anchor point coordinates without carrying any belongings every 24 hours】

【Skill Growth Gain (Level 2): S-level talent; for all non-talent skills, the data growth value is 5 times the original basis. 】

Su Wu found that the slave gains after the promotion became more regular, and entries appeared, not as messy as before.

When the slave is promoted through special materials, it will gain 8 times the attribute and skill gain.

The multiple of the King’s Seal of Servants has become 9 times.

In other words.

As long as Su Wu successfully enslaves.

He will gain 9 times the experience, 9 times the props, and 9 times the dedication of the materials of the slave.

This is simply too cool.

The range and duration of the freeze are extended.

Resurrection increases the chance of resurrection by 2 times.

The skill growth gain is increased by 1 times at each level.

It has become 5 times the current one.

The improvement of overall talent.

Su Wu’s acquisition of materials, props and experience has increased.

It also allows his slaves to obtain more resurrections.

It also gives him a wider range of protection and security.

It is simply killing two birds with one stone.


Su Wu looked at the professional characteristics.

He always thought that this place would not change.

【Hundredfold growth (pending promotion): Each promotion consumes 1 million experience points】

【Hidden (pending promotion): Each promotion consumes 1 million experience points. 】

Su Wu immediately looked at Ahri:”Ahri! What’s going on?”

“”Master! This is a unique promotion strategy for every job change! It is also an exclusive upgrade for the unique hidden profession!”

Ahri explained solemnly.

The reason why the unique hidden profession is better than the myth profession is that the most important reason is here.

The unique hidden profession can improve its professional characteristics.

There is also a chance to upgrade only when changing jobs.

“So I need 2 million experience points to upgrade them?”

Su Wu said excitedly.

Ahri shook his head and said with a smile:”No! These two features can be upgraded to level 5 before the second transformation. Each level requires 1 million experience points.”

“Once you have completed the second job change!”


“The next time you change jobs, the new maximum level will be calculated and matched based on the level of your job characteristics!”

“That is to say, if you transfer to the maximum level of professional characteristics during your first job transfer, then during the third job transfer you can increase the level of the characteristics and the data bonus to the highest level, otherwise it will be very weak!”

Ahri said and took a step back.

Su Wu nodded in understanding:”In this case, if I want to strengthen everything about this profession, I must upgrade these two characteristics to level 5.”

“1 million experience points per level, I need at least 12 million experience points!”

Thinking of this, he couldn’t stay at home anymore:”Anyway, I want to capture a lot of Gobmei! I can try the Dark Forest first!”

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