
In the camp, the Tauren warriors roared angrily.

A ball of red flame instantly burned on their bodies.

This was the special effect brought by the rage skill.

Puff! Puff!

The angry Tauren swung their axes one by one.

The professionals of the Dajiang Guild were basically no match for them.

Only a few professionals with control or dodge skills could fight with the Tauren warriors.

But under Su Wu’s command, these professionals were like warriors who were ready to die.


Soon, a Tauren warrior fell down seriously injured.

At this time, at least 16 professionals were killed.

Tang Tianbao, who was following Su Wu, had red eyes and could not help but said,”Master!……”

“Humph! Kneel down! Slap your face!”

Su Wu didn’t wait for the other party to finish speaking and snorted coldly.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Tang Tianbao bent his knees and knelt on the ground with a”thump”. He raised his hands and used all his strength to slap himself in the face. The crisp sound of slapping continued.

After more than ten seconds, his face swelled up like a pig’s head.

Su Wu asked him to stop:”Remember! What I say is a task that you must complete at the cost of your life!”


Tang Tianbao knelt down and kowtowed.

Su Wu did not enter the battlefield. He squinted his eyes and said,”Everything about me is forbidden to be told to anyone!”

At this time, he had already locked Tang Tianbao in the slave space forever.

Compared with killing him, it is better to permanently enslave a mythical professional.

This will definitely be beneficial to him in the future!

Tang Tianbao bowed his head again.

After the scolding, all the people in the Dajiang Guild were dead.

The angry minotaur warrior rushed towards Su Wu.


At this time, the ghouls and Ahri were summoned by Su Wu.


Just when Tang Tianbao looked up, his eyes were hazy and he entered a wonderful dream.

Ahri followed Su Wu’s instructions and let Tang Tianbao enter the illusion of infinite time.


A ghoul grabbed Tang Tianbao’s collar and followed Su Wu.

At this time,

10 ghouls had already beaten the minotaur warrior to a state of near death and serious injury.

Su Wu enslaved them one by one

【Congratulations on successfully enslaving the Tauren Warrior!】

【You gain the devotion of the Tauren Warrior, experience +300 points*9!】

【You get Minotaur Horn*9!】

【You get Bezoar*9!】

【You get Withered Heart*9!】

【You get 5 blood crystals*9! 】

After Su Wu enslaved all 20 minotaurs, he got 54,000 experience points.


Su Wu called out.

Ahri came to a Tauren warrior.

She used the upgrade skill on the Tauren warrior.


The Tauren was promoted by 1 level.

“”Master! They need 50 attribute points for each level up!”

Ahri said solemnly.

In the past two days, she has accumulated a total of 686,000 attribute points, which is enough to meet any requirements of Su Wu.

Su Wu’s eyes lit up after hearing this.

He looked at the Minotaur panel and saw that the growth value of the Minotaur warrior at level 31 was extremely high.

In other words, for each level up of the Minotaur warrior, the physical fitness increased by 1,000 points, and the other three attributes increased by 500 points.

This is already very scary.

【Rage: Consume 100 points of spirit, enter a rage state, temporarily gain 2 times the strength and 5 times the physique】


Su Wu said with satisfaction.

He did not release these minotaur warriors.

Minotaur warriors have high HP, good skills and growth.

Keeping a group can be used as meat shields.

At this moment, he permanently fixed all 20 minotaur warriors in the slave space.

And let them all be promoted to level 60 through level 10 blood crystals.

He looked at the minotaur warriors’ panel again.

【Tauren Warrior (Elite Monster)】

【Level: 60】

【Strength: 20000】

【Agility: 18500】

【Spirit: 18500】

【Physical fitness: 40000】

【Skill: Rage (Level 3)】

【Rage (Level 3): Consumes 100 points of spirit, enters a rage state, temporarily gains 6 times the strength and 15 times the physique】

“Huh! Each skill level can increase strength by 2 times and physical fitness by 5 times! When the berserk state is turned on, the Minotaur Warrior has a physical fitness of 600,000!”

Su Wu exhaled a breath of foul air.

Although the Minotaur Warrior is still not as good as the ghoul, it is much stronger than other monsters, especially the berserk skill.

At this moment, Su Wu led the Minotaur Warrior to the camp behind.

With the fall of one camp after another,

Su Wu came to the last checkpoint.

The Minotaur Lord’s tent!

I saw that the Minotaur Warriors in the camp were alert to the outside in various locations.

A Minotaur leader who was four times larger than the Minotaur was emitting scarlet light all over his body and walking in the open space of the camp.

Su Wu used detection on the Minotaur Lord.

【Tauren Lord (Elite BOSS)】

【Level: 30】

【Strength: 15000】

【Agility: 5000】

【Spirit: 5000】

【Physical fitness: 20000】

【Skills: Berserk, Sun Axe, Whirlwind】


Su Wu ordered the ghouls and minotaur warriors to attack the minotaur lord.


In an instant, the camp fell into chaos.

The minotaur lord and the minotaur warriors were the first to enter a violent state.

Then, the minotaur lord swung his axe at the ghouls that were rushing towards him.

Fire burst from the axe.


The ghoul was stopped by the violent air wave.

The raging fire ignited the ghoul.

It showed a continuous blood loss prompt.

【-10 points of Constitution!】

【-10 points of Constitution!】


This injury made the ghoul stunned for a moment.

Then he rushed out again.

The Minotaur Lord saw that the Sun Axe was useless.

He grabbed the axe with both hands and launched a whirlwind.

Suddenly, the camp was filled with wind.

This forced most of the ghouls to retreat step by step.

Suddenly, a ghoul jumped up from the air and used the bite skill on the Minotaur Lord.

Puff! Puff!


Minotaur Lord fell to the ground with a bang.

Half of its head was almost bitten off. It was seriously injured and dying.

Su Wu couldn’t help but cheering when he saw this.

At this moment, the ghoul has reached level 60.


【Status: Su Wu enslaved】

【Level: 60】

【Strength: 36,805,120】

【Agility: 36.803584】

【Spirit: 36.802560】

【Physical fitness: 36,804,096】

【Skill: Bite (6)】

【Talent: Gnawing Evolution (6)】

【Bite (6): Launches a fierce bite on the target, causing 3940 damage to the target, with a 430% chance of causing a critical hit.】

【Gnawing Evolution (6): Gnawing corpses can increase the growth value and skill damage of the ghoul. Growth value: 20W; skill damage bonus: 900 points. 】

This is already the lightest blow of the ghoul.

Even so.

They still obey Su Wu’s orders and use the lightest hand on these monsters.

Su Wu enslaved the Minotaur Lord


【Congratulations on successfully enslaving the Tauren Lord!】

【You have received the devotion of the Tauren Lord! Experience +20,000 points*9!】

【You get the green suit: Thunder suit*9!】

【You get 2 pieces of Bezoar*9!】

【You get 3*9 Withered Hearts!】

【You get 2*9 Minotaur Horns!】

【You get 10 blood crystals*9!】

“”Huh? Just give me the suit!”

Su Wu laughed.

This is so cool.

The Dajiang Guild took great pains to call in the second-level professional to escort their new mythical professional.

All for a set of Thunder suit.

Su Wu only needs to enslave the Minotaur Lord.

He can get the suit directly through the other party’s dedication.

And he gets 9 times the amount.

This is so cool!

He then arranged for Ahri to test the Minotaur Lord.

In this test, he found that the growth of the Minotaur Lord was not as high as that of the Minotaur Warrior.���

This is really a ghost

“Master! This is because the Tauren believe in the supremacy of blood! Those with high-level blood are born nobles, and those with low-level blood have their ranks determined from birth even if they have high growth talents!”

Ahri explained to Su Wu.

Su Wu nodded:”This is not much different from the professional ranks of us humans!”

The only difference is that the profession is randomly selected, and the rank is also random.

You will not be given a mythical profession just because you have noble blood and your family is powerful.

Then, he released 20 Tauren warriors and 1 Tauren Lord from the last camp.

【Congratulations on successfully releasing the Tauren Lord! You get 20,000 experience points*5 and 10 blood crystals*5 as a thank you!】


【Congratulations on successfully releasing the Tauren Warrior! You get 300 experience points*5 and 5 blood crystals*5 as a thank you!】


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