With the framework, the Dawn Base was quickly established.

Houses were built, walls were constructed, fortifications were erected, and sentry towers were set up.

With the help of plants and trees, the construction progress of the base was greatly advanced.

During this period,

Yang Zhao divided everyone into different groups.

The slippery and unstable ones basically acted as cannon fodder and had to live outside the fortifications on a daily basis.

The food rations were also the lowest.

Most ordinary people who knew how to be grateful, regardless of age, youth or strength, lived inside. They had to do things every day.

The base adopted a points system for food and accommodation.

Points were exchanged for labor.

Now they are mainly responsible for construction, as well as farming, breeding and other matters.

The rest are people with special abilities, and there are very few of them, only eleven.

Yang Zhao tested their strength separately.

The results were not satisfactory.

Among these eleven people, the special abilities are all of the five elements, including five water elements, four earth elements, and two of them are pure native wood elements. Yang Zhao was really at a loss as to their strength. According to the level classification, they don't even have the strength of a first-order zombie, which is also...

���Fight ordinary zombies.

Yang Zhao put them together with the selected 100 young and strong men for training.

These people will become the main combat force of the base, but they are too weak now and can't even fight the same number of zombies.

He taught them martial arts.

Although the system is different, the attack skills are very practical, which makes up for their shortcomings in strength and speed.

After a period of time, they made rapid progress.

The gratitude and admiration for Yang Zhao increased day by day. Some people even became fanatics, treating Yang Zhao as a god and became die-hard fans.

Among them, the superpowers also saw their strength soar.

These martial arts skills seemed to have a chemical reaction with their superpowers, and their strength increased by more than ten times.

Yang Zhao looked up at the sky, thinking.

In the end, he said nothing.

After that, he took these people to kill monsters and level up.

Without actual combat, they are all rookies.

It was a gourd mouth mountain nest, and Yang Zhao caught a thousand zombies and put them in it.

Then, he asked the base combat team to go in and fight, and ordered the grass and trees to block the gourd mouth.

They were not allowed to come out until all the zombies were killed.

This is very cruel, even inhumane.

Even if the combat team are all his diehard fans, they shouldn't do this.

But Yang Zhao believes that if you don't have such strength, you don't deserve to join the combat team.

In the end, all the combat team members came out, all covered in blood and in a mess, but none of them died and withstood the test.

""Dawn!" someone yelled.

Then, everyone followed suit. After experiencing the battle of life and death, they transformed and their temperament became different.

Their aura was sharp, like an iron army.

Yang Zhao was satisfied.

Next, it was time to take the second step.

Luoxia Village was too small. The population had been increasing day by day in recent times, reaching more than 30,000 people, reaching the carrying limit.

He needed a larger territory.

Tu Lie, the strongest earth-type ability user in the combat team, said,"I am willing to persuade other bases to hand over their territories to you."

Yang Zhao nodded and readily agreed.

Then, the Dawn Combat Team arrived at the surrounding bases and reasoned with them.

At first, other bases did not agree.

Later, after the Dawn Combat Team explained the reason, these bases felt that the Dawn concept was too high-end, too advanced, and very excellent, so they recognized it.

The combat team was very satisfied

They"convinced" many bases, and these bases were willing to be friends with their Dawn Base.

The Dawn Base once again ushered in a major infrastructure.

It leapt from the village level to the county level.

All the zombies within a hundred miles were wiped out.

Only a few, because Cheng Danyu wanted to do research, Yang Zhao specially caught some and kept them in captivity.

The combat team is also expanding.

Many young people are crazy about joining the combat team. Joining the Dawn Combat Team is an extremely glorious thing.

This has become a fact in people's cognition.

During this period, wherever the Dawn Combat Team went, there was no one who did not obey. Even the third-level zombies would be crushed.

Many young people signed up enthusiastically.

But the combat team would rather have nothing than something mediocre.

In addition to the original one hundred combat elites, a team of one thousand people was reorganized again.

This time it was handed over to Tu Lie for training.

At the same time At the same time, there was another good news.

That is, the electricity of the base was finally supplied.

For some reason, the reaction of generating electricity in the sky and the earth seemed to be banned by inexplicable means.

Now, they use thunder-type psychics to act as power supply tools.

Upon hearing this news, the people who had just joined the Dawn Base were stunned.

They just felt that the Dawn Base was too arrogant. Thunder-type psychics were great treasures anywhere, but here they could only be electricity producers.

Really, there is nothing to say.

I can only say that Dawn is awesome!

Tool man Lei Teng wanted to cry.

This is not right!

He is a thunder-type psychic. Shouldn't he be majestic, killing people everywhere, and being admired by everyone?

How come he has fallen to a small workshop and acts as a power supply tool?

Yang Zhao patted him on the shoulder and said seriously:"Your thinking is narrow!"

"Only those who don’t fight on the front lines can be called heroes!"

"You are a hero too!"

"You provide electricity and bring benefits to everyone. Everyone calls you the"Prince of Power Supply". Isn't this title impressive?"

Lei Teng:"……"

He wants to cry but has no tears

"Brother, can you take down the charger first?"

Yang Zhao looked at it and saw that it was fully charged.


"Do a good job."

He left.

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