Chapter 102 Dilemma! (35)

  Chen Mo threw this thing into the backpack directly, and at the same time reached out and hugged the earth elf, "Take care!"

   As he spoke, he took the opportunity to wipe his hands on the clothes of the earth elves.

  Yan Yingyue also learned badly, she learned everything and did it again.

   Even she did not forget to say goodbye: "It's good that you are fine, please take care of yourself in the future, then we will say goodbye first."

   "They are really two good children. If it wasn't for my poor food recently, I would have worked hard to produce these two, otherwise I would have given you two more."

  The earth elf said with a regretful face.

  The corners of Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue's mouths twitched unconsciously.

   "Then it doesn't have to be so fresh, just dry it and give it to us later."

  Chen Mo said speechlessly.

  Farewell to this cheating earth elf, Chen Mo still felt very uncomfortable, he and Yan Yingyue found a pool and washed their palms well, and then they felt a little better.

   "This task is really deceiving!" Yan Yingyue said with a wry smile.

   As she said that, she stretched out her washed hands towards Chen Mo as a prank, and Chen Mo got up and took a few steps away in fright.

   "What are you doing, I've cleaned you up because you despise him." Yan Yingyue stomped her feet reproachfully.

  Chen Mo smiled helplessly and said, "I just see that the water on your hands is not dry yet."

   Just when Yan Yingyue was about to continue teasing Chen Mo, she suddenly saw a strange pattern on the ground that Chen Mo had swept away the dust when he retreated quickly.

   "Look, Chen Mo, this isn't a special boss pattern, is it?"

  Chen Mo immediately took a useless thing from his backpack and wiped the ground, and soon the entire pattern was exposed in front of Chen Mo.

   "It's strange, why is there no villain on this pattern."

   "Indeed, it's kind of weird."

   "This is the fifth stage area, and today is only the third day. Could it be the area we have crossed for two days, so this pattern has not had time to refresh?" Yan Yingyue suddenly thought of a possibility.

   "It's possible. It's just that we can do the hidden tasks in this area. Why doesn't the array pattern refresh?"

"The rules of the Dao of Heaven are mysterious and unpredictable. Not all of them have traces to follow. I'm afraid that the hidden missions and special bosses use different sets of rules at all, so naturally they won't be the same." Yan Yingyue didn't say much. think.

  Although Chen Mo felt that there was nothing wrong with what Yan Yingyue said, he still carefully studied the patterns on the ground.

   "Hey, look at this pattern, the pattern in the middle is similar to the shape of this lake."

  The small lake in front of Chen Mo is almond-shaped like an eye, with a small green island in the center like a pupil.

  Yan Yingyue looked at the patterns and then at the small lake.

   "It seems a little bit, it would be great if I could see it from the air."

  She said this subconsciously, but she never thought that the people around her would suddenly fly up out of thin air.

  Chen Mo flew into the air and flew directly above the small lake. As he continued to rise, he finally confirmed that the shape of the small lake was exactly the same as the engraved pattern in the central area of ​​the pattern.

  Especially the small island in the middle of the river that looks like a pupil.

   "Yingyue, you wait here, I'll go to the island to have a look."

  Chen Mo said something to Yan Yingyue, who was still looking at him in surprise on the shore, and then fell towards the island.

   There is a hill in the center of this small island.

   When Chen Mo circled in the air, he saw a cave entrance on the north side of the hill.

   But it is strange that his perception ability cannot perceive the situation in the cave.

   "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

  Chen Mo immediately landed on the small island and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

   This cave is different from the cave where Chen Mo met the Spirit of Light.

   There is actually a very faint but very bright light in this cave.

   "What the **** is this place? Why haven't I heard about it from other people who entered the copy before?"

  Chen Mo was curious, and walked carefully and slowly into the cave.

  In the cave, there is a spiral downward passage, as Chen Mo stepped into it, he walked straight down.

  Before he knew it, he had been walking for more than ten minutes, but he still couldn't see the end or reach the bottom.

  By the lake, Yan Yingyue, who had been waiting for Chen Mo for a long time but didn't see him come out, was worried and sent several messages to ask.

  After confirming that Chen Mo was safe and sound, she felt a little relieved.

   But she also became curious at this time, why Chen Mo kept walking in the cave.

  She returned to the pattern she had seen before and checked it.

  I saw that the pattern has changed at this time, and the pattern has become a spiral pattern.

  【Chen Mo, the pattern has changed. 】

【oh? What has it become? 】

  【It became a spiral pattern. 】

  【Is there anything worth noting? 】

  【Yes, there is a small light spot in the middle of the spiral pattern, which is flashing. 】

   Seeing Yan Yingyue's reply, Chen Mo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

  【Now, how is the little light spot? 】

  【It stopped moving. 】

  Chen Mo immediately took another step forward.

  【It moved again. 】Yan Yingyue immediately replied.

  【So that’s it, I understand, the channel I’m in now is the spiral pattern you see now, and I’m the small light spot in it. 】

【I think so too. 】

  【Then look at how far away I am from the bottom of the spiral pattern? 】

  【Not much, just a little more distance will be the end. 】

【good. 】

  Hearing that it was finally coming to the end, Chen Mo immediately quickened his pace.

  But soon, Yan Yingyue sent a new message.

  【Not good, there is something weird, after you get close to the bottom, the little light spot representing you will immediately flash back to the top of the spiral pattern. 】

  【Sure enough, I just said that my footsteps are already very fast, and I can’t reach the bottom in more than ten minutes. I always feel a little weird. 】

【What should we do now? Haven't you been stuck in it all this time? 】

  【Fortunately, I got a teleportation talisman just now, but it doesn't matter, otherwise I really have to give up the copy to leave.

   Sure enough, what you said before is correct, it is better to let the skeleton monster advance in the weird place. 】

  The reason why Chen Mo entrusted him was because he always thought that he had many life-saving skills, even if there were any powerful monsters underground, he would not be in any danger.

  But he didn't expect such a weird predicament!

  In class, the teacher never mentioned it.

  It is a kind of luck to encounter it suddenly now, as the saying goes, you will learn a lot from a fall!

   In the future, when encountering various situations, he will be able to be more careful, and this also makes Chen Mo discover a defect in himself, which can be made up for in time.

  If you are not trapped in the dungeon but outside, then you really don’t even have a chance to make up for it. I’m afraid you will be trapped to death!

  (end of this chapter)

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