Chapter 104 The Holy Spring of Elements! (55)

  After she wrote down the number of lotus seeds in each lotus of different colors, she immediately returned to the pattern and began to synchronize the information to Chen Mo.

  【It has been seen clearly that the number of lotus seeds in the four red, yellow, blue and black lotus flowers are three, two, four, and one respectively. 】

  【Good job. 】

  At this time, there is nothing but a space with four numbers in the corner.

  Chen Mo immediately stepped on the four corners in the order of three, two, four, but there was no response.

   "Not working? Doesn't look like a regular order."

  He touched his chin and thought for a moment.

   "The last channel I walked was red, so I should step on it in the order of yellow, blue, black and red?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately stepped on them in this order.

   But still wrong.

   "It's still wrong, it shouldn't be!"

  Chen Mo meditated cross-legged, and carefully sorted out his thoughts.

"In the end, the correct channel corresponding to the red channel is the yellow channel. Originally, the space I wanted to enter should be the yellow space, but now it is changed to this place, so I discarded this connection. If this connection is still there, then Should we step on them in the order of blue, black, red, and yellow?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately tried it out.

   It turned out to be a success!

  As he stepped on the corner of the wall in the order of four, one, three, two, suddenly there was a strange shaking on the ground of the entire space.

  At the same time, a **** pattern slowly emerged on the ground.

   "What the **** is going on? It's been so troublesome to come to this point. I didn't see a reward, and a strange pattern appeared again. What does it mean?"

  【Chen Mo, the pattern here has changed again, it has become a blood-colored pattern, it looks a bit scary. 】

  【It also appeared here, but I didn't understand what it meant. 】

  【You don’t want us to bleed, do you? 】Yan Yingyue couldn't help guessing.

  【I'm afraid it is true. 】

  Chen Mo looked at the strange pattern, but couldn't think of any other possibility.

  【Then let me try with a drop of blood. 】

  As Yan Yingyue bit her finger, her blood volume was slightly deducted.

  【I have already dripped blood, has there been any change in your side? 】

  【No, I’ll drop my blood and go up to have a look. 】

   Chen Mo did the same thing as he said.

   This time there is finally a mutation!

   Following a flash of red light, Chen Mo was actually teleported back to Yan Yingyue's side.

   "Chen Mo, you are back!"

  Seeing this scene, Yan Yingyue went up excitedly and hugged him, but soon realized that this gesture was a bit intimate, so she jumped away immediately.

   But at this time, Chen Mo didn't care about these, his attention was all on the strange lake around him.

  Because as he was teleported out, there was a strange vibration on the entire lake.

   Soon the water in the lake began to spin in a whirlpool.

  Until the surface of the lake became shallower and shallower, and finally disappeared completely.

   Soon the lake completely dried up, revealing a seething black hole...

  Boom! !

   Before Chen Mo could investigate the matter of the black hole at the bottom of the lake, the whole land suddenly shook.

  Yan Yingyue couldn't stand steadily, and directly knocked down on Chen Mo. Chen Mo supported him, and she barely stood still by relying on the monster skeletons who deliberately appeared beside her.

"what's going on!"

   It's not just Chen Mo's side.

  At this time, an unimaginable and terrifying earthquake occurred in the entire dungeon, and the berserk elemental energy surged in a strange direction.

  All the examinees were stunned by the shock.

   "What the **** is going on? Why is there such a powerful earthquake!?"

   "I don't know, I have never heard anyone say that this dungeon will have an earthquake before."

   "That's right, so many candidates have never heard of an earthquake, and the teachers have never mentioned it."

   "Then what's going on now! The shock is so strong that I can't even stand still!"

  A group of people who were shaken for unknown reasons either lay on the ground, or hugged a nearby tree and howled and complained.

  Chen Mo's side is even more weird!

  As countless violent elemental energies poured into the black hole where the water of the small lake disappeared, the earthquake subsided slowly.

  And in the black hole where the water of the small lake disappeared, a torrent of extremely pure elemental energy that can be felt just by breathing unexpectedly gushes out strangely!

   And it gradually filled up until it was as full as the original lake.

  As the lake filled up, the Heavenly Dao reminder also rang.

  【Heavenly Tips: Congratulations, you accidentally triggered the eruption of the Holy Spring of Elements. According to legend, after being baptized by the Holy Spring of Elements, you will be able to reborn, and you will have extremely high application ability and resistance to various elements!

  The Holy Spring of Elements only lasts for 1 minute, and can only be absorbed by up to two people at the same time. It takes at least 30 seconds to absorb it to complete the baptism. Please enter it for baptism as soon as possible!

Please note! Do not wear any foreign objects during the baptism, otherwise it will affect the baptism effect. 】

   "Element Holy Spring? All elements can increase extremely high resistance!"

  Hearing this effect, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue immediately looked at each other, and there was a look of surprise on their faces.

   This is a benefit you can't even ask for.

   As I said before, a certain resistance can be increased by being subject to some kind of abnormal control, but the resistance of elements cannot be improved through this method.

  Earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, sacred darkness, a total of seven elements change in nature.

   If you can master them all, then you can deal with almost any situation in the future.

   After all, everyone has a hidden strong elemental nature and weak elemental nature.

   When suffering from strong elemental attacks, a certain amount of damage will be reduced.

   When suffering from weak elemental attacks, the damage received will increase.

  Professionals are all like this, not to mention monsters, some monsters will clearly state elemental weaknesses.

   If you attack with the corresponding elemental damage, it will cause extremely high output.

  And if all the properties of the seven major elements can be turned into strong element properties at the same time, it means that there is no elemental weakness.

   Now this so-called Holy Spring of Elements seems to have such an effect.

   Seeing such an opportunity, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue's eyes immediately became warm.

  But when he thought of accepting the baptism of the holy spring of elements in this pool, he couldn't wear any foreign objects.

  Yan Yingyue's little face turned red immediately.

   Not only her, Chen Mo also encountered this kind of situation for the first time, and she has always been a pure little boy, and now he has just grown up!

  Where have you met a girl frankly?

   But there is no time for them to be shy at this time.

  Seeing the passing of time, Chen Mo immediately said: "There is no time, now is not the time to care about these things, let's go in quickly, let's back to back, so we won't see each other."

  As soon as these words came out, Yan Yingyue blinked her beautiful eyes shyly, hummed like a mosquito, and then started to take off the equipment with Chen Mo back to back.

  At this moment, the faces of both of them were red up to the ears.

  Although you can't see it, you can hear the movement behind it, and you will naturally imagine the appearance of the other party unconsciously in your mind at this time.

  The more I think about it, the more shy I become.

  However, there was only one minute to accept the baptism, and the two of them had no time to be shy. They took off their equipment as quickly as possible, and jumped into the golden holy spring of elements naked.

  (end of this chapter)

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