Chapter 106 Element Control · Gold! (25)

  When the outside teachers were puzzled, on Chen Mo's side, he was still watching Tiandao's reminder.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you have completed the baptism of the Holy Spring of Elements, you have obtained the special skill "Element Control·Golden". 】

  【Element Control · Gold】

  【Occupation】: Full-time

  【Level Requirements】: None

  【Active effect】: You can change your attack and skill effects into any elemental attribute!

  【Passive effect】: You can reduce the damage by 90% if you suffer any elemental damage.

   "So strong!"

   After reading the skill effect, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue only had these two words to describe the skill effect.

   "Chen Mo, have you seen the skills?"

  Yan Yingyue was so excited that she forgot her current state and turned around, stretched out her hands excitedly and said.

  At this moment, she just wanted to find someone to celebrate her joy.

Chen Mo also got carried away for a while and turned around, subconsciously held Yan Yingyue's outstretched hands and waved excitedly in celebration: "Well, I didn't expect to give away such an amazing golden skill for nothing. This time we earn money." Big ha ha!"

  The happy voices of the two continued to ripple on the lake.

  However, after the excitement subsided, the two suddenly discovered that the surrounding river water had changed from a golden state to a transparent state again.

  In an instant, everything is clear at a glance.

  After 3 seconds of silence...


  Yan Yingyue was the first to react, and immediately withdrew her hands to cover her body, and turned away with a blushing face.

  Chen Mo blushed and turned around in time and said, "Go ashore first and put on your equipment. Tell me when you're done, and I'll go up again."


  Yan Yingyue's small face was as charming as a ripe red apple. She quickly went ashore and put on her equipment, then turned her back to the direction of the lake and said, "I'm done."

  At this moment, Chen Mo turned around, and saw Yan Yingyue standing there shyly with her hands behind her back, the toe of her right shoe pointing to the ground and drawing circles irregularly.

  As Chen Mo also dressed neatly, the two tacitly did not say a word about what happened just now.

  Although there are some pictures, they are lingering in my mind for a while.

  Yan Yingyue didn't seem to have such a stalwart from the outside, but just now in the lake, when Chen Mo had a quick glance, it was obviously beyond his expectations.

   On Yan Yingyue's side, Chen Mo's perfect body composed of muscular chest muscles, eight-pack abs, and doggy waist kept flashing in his mind.

   This made the two feel embarrassed to talk to each other for a while.

  The two of them kept silent for a long time all the way.

   After more than an hour passed, the two slowly returned to normal.

   Having received such amazing rewards, the two of them naturally became more energetic in searching for hidden missions and special bosses.

  But hard-to-find things are still so hard to find.

   I was lucky today, I met two at once, but unfortunately that was all.

   Soon the third day passed.

   Until the end of the third day, Chen Mo did not receive any contact information from anyone.

   It can be seen that SSS-level special bosses are not so easy to find.

  【Tiandao Reminder: The mission on the third day has ended, and the completion status of the mission is being counted! 】

  【Prompt from the Dao of Heaven: 10 failed to meet the mission on the third day! 20 times the standard, 30 five times the standard, and 2 ten times the standard! 】

   It was different after the limited task, and finally there were people who did not meet the standard.

   And there is more than one, there are ten of them.

The main reason is that in the first few hours, Chen Mo wiped out all the flashing elements that were not in the third area, so that there were enough follow-up releases, and everyone was able to scan them, but after he and Yan Yingyue filled up ten times, he was too lazy killed.

  This made it difficult for anyone to kill a large number of flash elements that fell into the fourth and fifth stage areas, and the number of flash elements released later naturally also greatly decreased.

  100 people entered the dungeon, and it's only been three days now, and there are only 72 people left in the dungeon.

[Tiandao Tip: According to the ranking performance on the third day, the top ten in all lists can get survival time rewards, the first reward is 10 days, the second reward is 5 days, the third reward is 3 days, four to ten 1 day reward. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you are the first in the daily task list, hidden task list, special boss list, and survival time list, congratulations, you have won 40 days of bonus days, and the current survival time is 450 (+50%). 】

  Due to the completion of a unique hidden task and a common hidden task, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue jumped to the top of the hidden task list at the same time, becoming tied for first place.

  【Tiandao reminder: The activity area will change after 1 hour. Please enter the newly opened fourth stage area. If you stay in the third stage area after 1 hour, you will be directly kicked out of this instance!

  In the fourth stage area, the difficulty of monsters is SS level 10. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: The mission of the fourth day is now released! 】

  【Task Requirement: Please kill three flashing mixed element bosses in one day, release ten of them every hour, and the amount released in the next hour is twice the number of flashing mixed element bosses killed in the previous hour. 】

  【If you can double the task, you will be able to get a reward for one day of survival, if you complete the task five times, you will be able to get a reward for three days of survival, if you complete the task ten times, you will be able to get a reward for five days of survival! 】

  【The person who is the first to achieve ten times the completion rate every day will be able to get an additional "hidden reward". 】

  【Tips from Heaven: The first batch of flashing mixed element bosses will arrive in 10 seconds. Please pay attention to the timing. 】

   Visible to the naked eye, the difficulty of completing daily tasks has become higher and higher.

  However, it has little effect on Chen Mo.

   After all, his current combat power exceeds the strength of the entire copy.

  But ordinary professionals began to complain.

  Before killing ordinary monsters, ten people have been eliminated.

  Today, the BOSS that was killed was limited to release, and the number of kills for each person must reach three, but the number of releases is very small. Now the difficulty of completing the task has also increased greatly.

  Many people began to be pessimistic.

  At this moment, they all remembered Chen Mo's announcement!

   If you want to stay stably, you just need to help Chen Mo find the special boss he wants.

   In this way, at least ten times the task completion rate of three days can be mixed, and these alone can get a lot of extra points in the college entrance examination.

  When the remaining people in the dungeon have different thoughts.

  Besides the dungeon, the ten people who were sent out because the mission was not completed enough were all a pity at this moment.

   After a long time, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue got the settlement days + 10% bonus from whoring for nothing. If they could spend two more days, the rewards they could finally get would be at least a higher level.

  As it is now, everyone took a garbage reward and was sent out.

  They had just released the dungeon, and before they had time to be depressed, a staff member immediately came and told them to go to the lobby.

  Because the teachers couldn't wait to know what happened to the sudden change in the list!

  (end of this chapter)

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