Chapter 108 Here comes the news! (45)

  The transformation spirit fruit is the reward that Chen Mo just received after completing ten times the task today, and the effect is truly astonishing.

  【Sex-changing spiritual fruit】: After taking it, the gender of the user can be completely changed!

warn! After taking this product, you need to consume ten times the dosage before it can be converted again, please take it with caution!

  Special warning! Pregnant women are prohibited from taking it during pregnancy!

   "There is actually such a fruit in the world, good guy, direct sexual transformation, right?"

  Yan Yingyue was a little surprised after reading the attributes of this fruit.

  Actually, when she was in school, she actually thought about switching genders.

  Because with the arrival of the growth period, her body began to develop gradually, and she developed very well, and some places that she didn't want to stand out would appear particularly prominent, attracting all kinds of attention from people around her.

  Yan Yingyue didn't like this kind of gaze very much, so she would wrap herself with a few bandages before training.

  However, after high-standard training, it will not only make it difficult to breathe, but also make it difficult to dissipate heat.

   And seeing the boys who are tired from training and hot can take off their shirts to cool off in front of others regardless of others, she is very envious.

   Over time, she hated the identity of a girl a little bit.

   But later, after gradually letting go, she no longer had such thoughts.

  As for now, it is even more so.

   Having been with Chen Mo for so many days, Yan Yingyue can feel a little change in her feelings.

  At this time, she felt that being a girl was still very good.

   "I don't know if anyone will want this thing."

   After reading the introduction of the Transformation Spirit Fruit, Chen Mo directly threw it into his backpack.

   "Maybe some people who don't want the current gender will need it." Yan Yingyue said.

   "I hope rich people have this idea, so I can sell it for a good price."

  Chen Mo thought about it casually and felt that the audience should not be too many.

  Although everyone often complains sometimes.

  Some boys often complain that girls have more privileges than boys, what is good about it, and they envy them and want to be girls.

  And some girls will complain about the troubles and inconveniences of girls, and the freedom of boys, and want to be boys enviously.

   But most of these are actually temporary unhappiness complaints.

  Really ask them to switch, they may not necessarily want to switch.

  Only people who really have different gender perceptions of themselves will be the audience of this thing.

   There are not many people like this, and it is not easy to sell them at a good price.

   With the dungeon time, it is more than half of the ninth day.

   Now the number of people in the copy has decreased sharply, only half of the original number is left.

  Five full days have passed, and Chen Mo still hasn't found any information about the SSS-level special boss.

   "It's been so many days, and I haven't even found the shadow of the SSS-level special boss."

  Chen Mo was searching randomly in the area of ​​the tenth stage while complaining.

   Just an hour after he finished complaining.

  His Tiandao system suddenly received a copy message.

  【Dungeon message: The dungeon participant "Ling Feng" sent you a message, please check it. 】

  Chen Mo immediately clicked and took a look.

  【Ling Feng: Are you there? Chen Mo, I found a special SSS-level boss! 】

  【Chen Mo: Really? coordinate. 】

  【Ling Feng: The ninth stage area (9998, 7776), come quickly, it will be gone if you are late. 】

   "It's too late?"

  Chen Mo is a little curious, will the special boss in the dungeon disappear by itself?

  Chen Mo immediately took Yan Yingyue and ran towards the target coordinate point.

   Ten minutes later, Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue arrived at the target location.

  Because he had completed the task, Chen Mo was alone at this time. His pioneer passively sensed that a classmate was looking around vigilantly among the tall weeds in front of him.


  Chen Mo pretended not to know where he was and shouted.

   At this time, the other party finally ran out with a happy face.

   "Here, I'm here."

  Seeing this, Chen Mo took Yan Yingyue and walked towards him slowly.

   But during the action, Chen Mo intentionally or unintentionally blocked Yan Yingyue with half of his body.

  Although he didn't think that the other party alone had the guts to harm him, he was careful when sailing for thousands of years.

   Just in case is always a good idea.

   "Student, where is the SSS-level special boss you mentioned?"

   "It's right here, you come with me."

  Ling Feng cheerfully led Chen Mo forward.

   Soon, Chen Mo followed Ling Feng to a stone tablet.

   "Look, this stele is the summoning stone of the SSS-level special boss."

  Chen Mo looked at the stele carefully.

  【Warning: Do not break the stele, or you will encounter extremely terrifying enemies! Difficulty rating SSS level! The stele will move randomly after 2 minutes and 53 seconds...]

"It really is."

  Chen Mo was overjoyed immediately.

   Immediately, he also understood what the other party meant by saying hurry up. If he came to play for more than two minutes, the stone tablet might run away.

  At this time, Ling Feng looked at Chen Mo expectantly and said, "Then what did you promise before?"

   "Don't worry, I promised that I will never break my promise, and I can also take you to get the benefits of this BOSS."

  Hearing this, Ling Feng immediately jumped up excitedly.

   Almost excitedly ran over to hug Chen Mo and kiss him.

   Fortunately, he has it under control.

   "It's a pity that my companions didn't stay, otherwise they would have been able to enjoy the boss's monster spawning benefits."

   "You have a squad?"

  Chen Mo was a little surprised how he survived alone.

"Well, originally I was in a team of four, but it's a pity that we couldn't complete yesterday's mission until the end. We barely met the last one, but everyone in our team was short of one, and we needed to kill four to complete the task." , Killing one is useless at all.

  We can only be forced to guess punches, leaving this one for one person to kill.

  In the end I was the one who stayed, and all three of them were kicked out of the instance.

   If only yesterday's luck wasn't so bad, today we can find you to receive the award together. "

  After being excited, Ling Feng couldn't help but feel a little gloomy when he thought of his companion.

  Chen Mo patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said: "At least you stayed, don't worry, I will take you to complete ten times the tasks in three days."

   After speaking, Chen Mo turned to look at the stele.

  Following Chen Mo's order, the skeleton monsters hidden around immediately appeared. Ten of them knocked on the stone tablet randomly.

   Soon, cracks appeared on the stele.

  As the crack continued to expand, the entire stele finally shattered with a bang.

   Immediately following the shattering of the stele, there was a piece of land under the stele.

  In an instant, a thick and penetrating black air emerged from the broken ground.

  (end of this chapter)

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