Chapter 110 Weight Increase! (15)

Chen Mo's agility is as high as 1545, which can cause 1545% critical damage. If he is fighting against a professional, the critical damage of both sides will cancel each other out. However, if he is fighting a monster, once a critical strike is triggered, the full damage benefit can be described as quite high .

  Chen Mo, who originally had 6,000 points of damage, directly exploded the opponent's 100,000 points of damage with a critical strike.

  Nine hundred damages per second, nearly 10 of which triggered critical strikes.

  On average, the damage that can be caused per second has reached about 7.1 million.

   This is the damage of Chen Mo's body, and his skeleton monster's damage caused by magic attacks is more than two million per second.

  Master and servant work together, during the continuous release of black hole skills by the BOSS, the damage that can be caused per second has reached tens of millions!

  For a level 10 professional, he can cause such damage per second to a level 20 gold boss, which can be said to be extremely high damage!

But BOSS counts the passive thickness of the energy body, even if he uses his skills to consume some energy, the remaining energy plus blood volume will be at least more than 1.5 billion blood volume, even if it is tens of millions of damage per second, it must be at least close to It takes three minutes to kill!

   At this time, the copy is outside.

After seeing the names of Chen Mo, Yan Yingyue, and Ling Feng suddenly flashing red light at an extremely fast frequency, a teacher immediately said: "Oh? Finally, they met the SSS-level special difficulty boss. Now I want to see them how to respond."

   "Special bosses with SSS difficulty no longer take damage based on the percentage of maximum health. Even if Yan Yingyue has such an ability, it is useless."

   "If they rely on the maximum health percentage, it is indeed easy to deal with the previous two bosses, but facing this boss, they may have to run away."

   "It would be interesting if they have other abilities. I really want to know how long it will take them to kill this time. The few garbage bosses killed before are not enough to watch."

  As soon as a teacher finished saying this, several students who had already come out and waited nearby couldn't help talking about it.

   "It's not enough to see, the second boss is a special SS-level flying boss!"

   "Yes, awesome, don't want it!"


  As soon as these words came out, with the high attributes of the teachers, even if the voice was small enough, it was easy to hear them.

  Suddenly, all the teachers turned their heads to look at the students who were speaking in surprise.

   "You said the second special boss they killed was of the flying type!?"


  Everyone nodded.

   "All of you were there at the time, did you see how they killed the BOSS?" A teacher remembered the flashing pictures of a lot of names before.

   "How dare we stay and watch, we turned around and ran away as soon as we saw it was a flying boss."

   "That's right, I was so scared to death at the time, I never thought that someone could deal with that BOSS."

   "I accidentally fell and almost thought I was going to die."


  The students chattered for a while, and the teachers who listened were amazed.

   Good guy, they thought it was a special SS-level boss beaten to death by a group of people, but it turned out to be a special flying-type boss.

  The only ones who really killed the boss were Chen Mo and Yan Yingyue.

  At this time, recall the speed at which the boss was killed.

  Even if they guessed that Yan Yingyue had the ability to deal damage with a percentage of maximum health, they still had a hard time imagining how a skeleton mage and a priest could accurately hit a high-mobility flying boss.

   Immediately, a teacher smiled wryly and shook his head, saying, "These two little fellows really won't give up until they startle people's eyes, and such a thing still happens."

  At this time, the teachers of Haibin No. 2 Middle School were both novel and proud.

  At first, I thought that I won the previous gamble because I waited for someone to get lucky, but I never thought it would be like this.

   "Even the boss of the flying department can be second, these two little guys are really not easy."

   "Indeed, even if you have the ability to quickly destroy the boss's blood volume according to the percentage of the maximum health, but to kill the flying boss, you must at least be able to fly first.

   I won’t say much about this.

  They may have flying props, or Yan Yingyue has a special ability that can make people fly, let's talk about it.

   But these alone are not enough. Flying bosses often have extremely agile action speeds. Even if they can fly, it is very difficult to attack them! "

"That's right, just like us, even if we have the ability to fly in the second rank, after all, we have been operating on the ground all year round, and it is inevitable that we will not be so handy in air combat, let alone the two newcomers. How long have you been in contact? Can you move freely?"

The teachers' analysis is not unreasonable, but they never imagined that Chen Mo would use more than a thousand invisible flying units to surround the boss without the boss' knowledge. Even though it is flexible, once it is surrounded, it will be a Time does not know where to fly.

  The more intense the discussions among the teachers, the more frightened the alien lurker in the crowd was.

  Two mere professionals around level 10 actually gave a flying boss whose fighting power was comparable to that of a level 15 gold boss in an extremely fast second.

   It was really beyond imagination, and he immediately reported the information again.

  Yan Yingyue's assassination weight was increased by him again.

  Although Langu has said before, this time he would rather kill by mistake than put by mistake.

   But there are too many targets, and it is impossible for everyone to be perfect for assassination on a large scale.

  So we still have to assign weights.

  The more suspected the target is, the more secure the assassination will be, and the lower the weight, although preparations must be sufficient, but in comparison, limited investment can only reduce some means.

   Large-scale assassination must be difficult to do everything.

  This distribution is more reasonable.

   And now Yan Yingyue's weight has risen sharply.

   copy inside.

  Chen Mo's attacks continued.

   But after all, there is no way to kill in seconds, and it still takes a certain amount of time.

  Because it is impossible for the BOSS to release black holes all the time to trigger all the shields, Chen Mo's output frequency has also dropped a lot.

   It will definitely not be resolved within two or three minutes.

   While fighting, the boss didn't talk about martial arts, and suddenly a large group of black spots jumped out of his body, summoning a lot of small mysteries.

   Once they exist, the blood volume of the big mystery will be locked, and no drop will be lost.

  Chen Mo wondered if this guy had the same ability as himself.

   If the summoned object does not die, you will not die.

   Which makes him have to deal with these little mysteries first!

   But what's even more deceitful is that these little mysteries are also incorporeal, and it is very troublesome to clean them up.

  The only good news is that their blood volume is not high, and they can move fairly well.

   It took him five minutes to completely clear up these little mysteries.

  The cooling time of the small mystery summoning is 10 minutes, Chen Mo doesn't want to clean it up again, he immediately speeds up the output speed, and wants to kill the boss completely before the second wave of small mystery arrives!

   And as the BOSS performed Death and Decay again, Chen Mo suddenly thought of a play that he didn't know would work!

  (end of this chapter)

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