Chapter 115 Assassin's Heart! (35)

   "You two, since you followed him here to find us, I think you have already figured out what the consequences will be.

  But I am a person who has clear rewards and punishments! Now I will give you a chance to tell the secret that Xu Tao will not be harmed. Whoever tells it first, I will not kill him myself! "

  As soon as these words came out, the two immediately looked at each other.

   Even rushing to speak.

   "It's a bound teammate!"

  The two spoke in unison, almost at the same time, but Chen Mo had the ability to perceive pioneers, so he still judged the one who spoke the fastest.

   "The one on the right, it's a pity that you are so slow for a few tenths of a second."

  The moment Chen Mo finished speaking, the professional named by him immediately showed a look of horror, "No..."

  In the next moment, a burst of intense and scorching red light suddenly appeared around him, accompanied by two loud bangs of "Boom! Boom!"

   That person didn't even have time to scream, he was blown into a coke and died on the spot!

  Seeing the familiar coke, Yan Yingyue instantly recalled the time when she met Xiaoru.

   At that time, such an explosion also occurred in the forest.

   When she turned her head, she only saw the scene where the red light from the explosion on the tree dissipated.

  At that time, it seemed that something like coke fell from the tree, but she was too far away to see it clearly, so she didn't say anything.

   At the time she had no idea what was happening.

   But now she knows.

   No wonder Chen Mo told her and Wu Niang not to go and check at that time.

  The emotional explosion was caused by Chen Mo.

  In that instant, Yan Yingyue understood why Xiao Ru was alone in that forest.

   It turned out that she was the bait used to confuse passers-by, and the one hiding in the tree was the real killer.

  She couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

  If Chen Mo didn't notice at that time, if at that time the three of us were just two ordinary priests and an ordinary skeleton mage.

  The three of them obviously have a great possibility of being killed!

  Recalling Xiaoru's pitiful appearance, and feeling the danger of people's hearts, Yan Yingyue couldn't help feeling a chill in her heart.

   "Don't...don't kill me, I'll tell you everything you need to know!"

  Seeing that Chen Mo killed people without blinking an eye, he instantly blew his companion into a coke. The man fell to his knees in fright, begging for mercy.

  Chen Mo doesn't like killing people, but they want to kill him every time.

   Of course he couldn't bear it.

  He would feel a little nervous about killing people himself, but he didn't have any psychological fluctuations when he was killed by a remote blowup by a skeleton monster.

  At this time, looking at the other party begging for mercy, Chen Mo looked at him and said, "Then let's talk about it, what's the matter with binding teammates?"

   While Chen Mo was speaking, he had already surrounded Xu Tao, whose attributes had been reduced by half, by a group of skeleton monsters.

   Surrounded like this, even if Xu Tao doesn't take any damage, he won't be able to escape.

  However, with the exposure of his companions, he has fallen into despair, and he doesn't even have the thought of resisting.

   Right now, there is only one thought in his mind, and that is remorse.

  I regretted why I came to trouble these two people, even if they made my ranking lower and my bonus points were less, it was better than losing my life for nothing now.

   "Xu Tao has a special skill called Assassin's Heart. When activating this skill, he can choose a friendly stealth professional to bind.

   Just act within a radius of 100 meters around the bound target.

   During the binding period, he will be immune to any damage, but the price is that once the bound friendly stealth professional is injured, he will receive double damage.

  The cooldown is 5 minutes, the binding time is 10 minutes, and the same target cannot be bound within 5 minutes after the binding time ends.

  That's why he found us two stealth professionals, so that he can bind infinitely in turns, so that he can always be invincible. "

"I see!"

  In an instant, Chen Mo understood why they had been able to practice madly until today with the three stealth-type professions that were so partial.

   It turns out that they only need Xu Tao to kill monsters with uninjured shots and crazy output every time, and the other two should hide away and hide away.

   "No wonder you are so courageous, and your ideas are all on my head. It seems that you have killed people before!"

   "Brother, it's all his bad idea to come and kill you, it's none of my business at all.

  He said that as long as you are dead, the remaining children of the aristocratic family will obviously not deal with those twenty people, and they will definitely fight and lose.

  Finally, we can pick up the bargain and rush to the top of the leaderboard.

  We followed him in a moment of confusion. "

   "The man died just now, but Xu Tao is not dead yet. It seems that he is bound to you."

  As soon as the words came out, the man trembled in fear and said: " doesn't matter, I just leave him a hundred meters away, and it will be invalid if I leave.

  You just promised not to kill whoever tells Xu Tao's secret first. "

   "I said it, and I'm the person who keeps my promises the most."

  As soon as Chen Mo said these words, Xu Tao knew that this defector would inevitably die.

   He has already killed someone in front of him, so why not let him go out and sue?

   And Xu Tao has long recognized the wordplay in Chen Mo's words.

  It's a pity that he didn't have time to remind.

   Chen Mo said whoever speaks out first, he will not kill him himself.

   Doing it yourself is a trap!

  If he doesn't do anything, it's fine if the skeleton monster doesn't do it.

   Sure enough, the moment the man showed the joy of escape from death, the surrounding skeleton monsters hacked him to death.

  Before he died, his eyes were full of disbelief.

   "You see, I didn't do it myself."

  Chen Mo looked at Xu Tao and smiled.

   "I was wrong. I didn't expect that the real pervert in the two of you is you, a mere two-star skeleton mage! Cut the nonsense, I admit it."

   "It can be regarded as a bit of courage, but I am curious, where did you get this special skill? I have never heard of your profession having such a skill."

   "Where is the special skill, I just lie to them. It's just a special piece of equipment. I'm afraid they will kill me maliciously to seize the treasure, so I call it a skill, so they won't have that idea."

  When his death was imminent, Xu Tao spoke directly, without hiding anything.

   "Then thank you for telling the truth."

   "Anyway, it doesn't make any difference if you kill me and the things end up in your hands. I said so much, I just want you to give me a good time."

   "Okay, then I'll give you a treat!"

  With a thought in Chen Mo's mind, all the skeleton monsters surrounding Xu Tao exploded in an instant.

  Xu Tao didn't even have a chance to feel the pain, so he was instantly killed on the spot.

  At this time, Chen Mo stepped forward and searched all the backpacks that the three had dropped.

   Apart from finding a bunch of stealth class equipment, some recovery potions, and a little money, there is nothing else.

   Among the three, the only thing that can arouse Chen Mo's interest is the special equipment that Xu Tao mentioned.

  (end of this chapter)

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