Chapter 120 Vote! (45)

  Jiang Jie saw Chen Mo Gujing's expressionless expression, and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

  Chen Mo replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter to us, but if we participate in a competition, I'm afraid it will be difficult to control our proportions, so we can only fight to the death."

  Hearing this, Jiang Jie immediately shook his head and smiled, "Forget it then."

"team leader!"

  As soon as Jiang Jie finished speaking, someone raised an objection.

  Although Chen Mo and Chen Mo were kicked out, it only increased his overall ranking of twenty people by two more.

   But the result is different.

  Chen Mo and the two occupy the most important top two places.

  The bonus points of these two are very high.

If they can get rid of Chen Mo, they will be in the top 20. No matter how many days you have accumulated, once you are eliminated first, your ranking will drop below all the people who have not been eliminated. .

  The top 20 are completely vacant and can be freely distributed. At that time, the team can choose a ranking by guessing punches or using random luck.

  Everyone can be happy.

   Whether or not Chen Mo is kicked out now depends on whether the bonus points for the 21st and 22nd places can be exchanged for the bonus points for the 1st and 2nd place.

  The gap is huge!

   Naturally, some people couldn't help but stand up and object.

  Especially when I heard that Jiang Jie seemed to want to continue fighting at first.

  But after hearing Chen Mo talking about a death fight, he was scared back again.

   Naturally, some players were somewhat unconvinced.

  How can the twenty people of my own be intimidated by the few words of two people.

   "Okay, if we can suppress the children of the aristocratic family and squeeze their share, we have already won. Don't forget what our original intention of forming this team is."

  As soon as these words came out, many people in the team immediately stopped talking.

  But some people were still unconvinced: "Although this is the case, Captain, it is obvious that we have an overwhelming advantage now, why should we admit defeat?"

  Jiang Jie rolled his eyes at the man and said, "Have you forgotten who killed the previous flying boss? Give it to our team, can we kill it?"


   No one can refute this result.

  But he still said: "But fighting against a boss is obviously different from fighting against a real person. Just like the trick you used just now, Captain, you can't even detect you. It's not easy for him to deal with you."

Jiang Jie shook his head and smiled: "That's right, when I used this ability, none of you knew where I was, but I found out that Chen Mo was the only one among so many people who kept looking at me, even though I I don't know if he can really find me, but I think my ability has no advantage over him."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Jie glanced at Chen Mo, as if he wanted to get an answer from Chen Mo.

  But Chen Mo still looked calm and breezy, with a noncommittal expression on his face, Jiang Jie couldn't see anything.

   Seeing that there were still people who were dissatisfied, Jiang Jie continued: "Well, we said when we formed the team that our team is not a one-sided team.

  Since some students have opinions, then vote!

  I will vote first and stop here. If you have the same idea as me, please vote with me! "

  Following Jiang Jie's voice, the two students who opposed before naturally didn't have much to say.

  They are obviously opposed, and there are many who are as opposed to them.

  Finally look at the votes, ten against ten.

  Ten in favor and ten against.

   This thing became interesting.

   "What should I do?" Immediately someone looked at Jiang Jie and asked, dumbfounded.

   "It's okay, you guys discuss it slowly, I've finished what I have to do, and I'm free now."

  Chen Mo was not in a hurry, and let them discuss it clearly.

   After all, there are only so many people in the dungeon now. Once they leave, it's really deserted.

   Soon a group of people gathered around Jiang Jie to discuss.

   "Captain, why are you so afraid of them? They don't even have any meat, just a priest and a skeleton mage. No matter how we fight, we will win."

"Actually look at the profession, they are easy to kill, but they killed the SS-level difficulty flying boss, killed the SSS-level difficulty boss, and killed those three weird assassins! Do you think they are really easy to get along with? .”

   "Killed three weird assassins?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately recalled the three assassins mentioned by Jiang Jie who surpassed them and ran to the top of the leaderboard when there were not many remaining people in the previous instance.

  At that time, Jiang Jie was wondering, when the monsters became so difficult to kill, why did the three people with such serious biases rank up faster than when they were easy to kill in the first few days?

  These three people are really weird.

   Then, these three people died suddenly.

Jiang Jie suspected that he might have been killed by a BOSS, but after seeing that these three had SS-level BOSS kill records, and their weird and fast spawning speeds shown on the leaderboard before, Jiang Jie didn't think so. They will be killed by BOSS so easily.

  Then in the entire instance, who else can kill the three of them?

   It's just their team, the family's children's team, and Chen Mo.

  At that time, just like them, the children of the aristocratic family were too busy to do other things in order to complete double the task.

   In such a detailed count, there are only two people, Chen Mo.

   And he could think of it, it was definitely these three people who went to find Chen Mo and the two were killed instead.

  Although he hasn't been in contact with Chen Mo for a long time, he can see the peaceful aura exuded from the other party, and he doesn't seem like the kind of master who will take the initiative to find trouble.

   What's more, there is no need for them to look for trouble when they are ranked in the top two.

   Instead, those three guys came from behind and rushed to the top five, and they may have gradually expanded psychologically.

  The behavior of these three people is extremely strange, and their methods must be extraordinary.

  Three extraordinary assassins went to find Chen Mo and neither of them succeeded in assassinating them. What benefits could they gain by fighting openly?

   This is why Jiang Jie gave up.

  As Jiang Jie revealed his strengths and weaknesses, one or two of the ten unconvinced people chose to switch camps.

  In the end, people who choose to stop here exceed those who want to continue doing things.

  Although the few remaining people are still very upset, they have nothing to say when the minority obeys the majority.

   "Don't be convinced, they can easily complete ten times the tasks every day, do you really think they are easy?

   Think about how difficult it is for us to double the tasks today! Do you have these strange hard?

   Don't talk about percentage damage, they have killed SSS-level special bosses.

   In a real fight, even if we win, how many of the 20 of us can survive?

  Is such a big price necessary? "

  After Jiang Jie's final persuasion, the remaining people were relieved.

   After thinking about it carefully, I think what Jiang Jie said is quite reasonable. They think they can win, but they ignore the price of winning!

   Winning is not everything! If the price is too high, it is better not to win!

   Seeing that everyone had figured it out, Jiang Jie turned his head to look at Chen Mo and smiled and said, "Let's go first, I wish you two good luck in the future! I think you are very likely to break the record, and I look forward to seeing it!"

  In the future, when I mention it, I can also say that such an awesome character was born in my class. "

  (end of this chapter)

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