All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 122: Yan Yingyue's abnormal ability! (1/5)

  Chapter 122 Yan Yingyue's abnormal ability! (15)


  Seeing that the survival time has reached the nineteenth day, many teachers began to discuss.

   "The performance of these two little guys is also rare and special in recent years. I don't know if there is a chance to make history."

   "I'm afraid it will be difficult. The missions starting from the nineteenth day are basically collective in nature. Now there are only two of them left in the dungeon. It should be the same and stop here."

   "I don't know when I will be able to see someone who can break through to the twentieth day."

   "Let's talk about it when there is someone who can do thousands of things."

  “But even if they stop here, their various performances this year are still very exciting and worth remembering.

   Especially being able to quickly kill SS-level flying bosses has never appeared in previous years. "

   After some time.

  Looking at the changes on the leaderboard, the teachers' original guesses were finally confirmed.

   "It seems that Yan Yingyue's ability really enhances the combat effectiveness of summoning professions."

   "Well, I couldn't see anything from the rankings before, but this time it was extraordinarily clear."

   "However, there is one thing to say, this list is somewhat unfair to the auxiliary professions. In fact, it is Yan Yingyue, not Chen Mo, who mainly plays a role.

   In the end, all the kills were counted to Chen Mo, but he always took the first place alone. "

   "Maybe they discussed sharing hidden rewards evenly. There is nothing fair or unfair. Since you are valuable, others will not dare to despise you. The result is the same."

  Since the group mission was released on the nineteenth day, the calculation method of the daily mission list is different from before. It is no longer how many rounds of missions each person has completed, but has become a specific display of the number of kills each person has.

   Now there are only two people in the dungeon, Yan Yingyue and Chen Mo.

  But only the number of kills behind Chen Mo's name keeps soaring.

  Yan Yingyue didn't have any of them.

  That's why the teachers talked about it.

   As half a day passed.

   Seeing that Chen Mo's kill count had reached 700, the teachers couldn't help but look at each other.

   "It's all here today, and it's still so efficient!"

   "Maybe this time they may really break the historical record."

   "Seven hundred were collected in half a day. According to the previous quests, today's quests should be between 1,000 and 1,500.

   If you can make 700 in half a day, then there is really a great possibility to complete it. "

   "Are you really going to witness history?"

   At this time, there are not many people left in the other two copies.

   However, the difficulty of those two dungeons is not as great as that of the Five Spirits Gathering.

  The highest survival days in history are all 30 days.

  So few people focus on the latter two copies.

  Your main attention is still on the copy of the Five Spirits Gathering.

   Now that a new record may be born, everyone is a witness, so naturally they seem more concerned.

  In the dungeon, Chen Mo is trying his best to spawn monsters.

  One thousand bosses, it took Chen Mo a total of nearly 17 hours to brush them all.

   On average, it takes about one minute to solve one.

   The main reason is that the mutation is too cheating.

  Every time a mutation is triggered, the BOSS will be in an invincible state, and can only continue to attack after the mutation is completed.

   It's quick to kill something that doesn't change, and it can be resolved within ten seconds.

   But if there is a mutation, at least 5 seconds will be wasted each time.

   This will waste a lot of time.

   This is also where Chen Mo is speechless.

   "It will take us 17 hours to complete the task on the nineteenth day. I'm afraid it will be difficult to reach thirty days."

  Chen Mo began to consider whether to upgrade the skill level.

   If the skill level is upgraded, his combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and his efficiency will be greatly accelerated.

   Just when Chen Mo said this, Yan Yingyue suddenly blushed, and said in a low voice: "I have a way to enhance your attributes, but it will cause you to keep losing blood."

   "Blood deduction? The last thing I'm afraid of is blood deduction, tell me."

  Chen Mo immediately said with a smile.

  He is now able to recover 40% of his HP per second with the Concentric Pendant and Herald, not to mention that he still has the ability to co-exist. If he wants to deduct blood, he must first deduct the blood of the skeleton he summoned.

   As long as there is a way to enhance it, how can he be afraid of blood deduction.

   "I have an ability that can directly attach to your body, allowing you to increase the attributes equal to my attribute value, and you can use my skills and enjoy my passive."

   "It would be nice to be able to double your attributes!"

  After all, Yan Yingyue is a five-star professional, and her attributes are definitely not bad. She belongs to the law system like herself, and the addition of points must be biased towards intelligence and spirit, which fits well with me.

   Increased her attribute points, and the combat power of the skeleton monster can also be improved a lot.

   More importantly, she can still use the skills she knows and enjoy the passives she has, which is too fierce.

   "More than double." Yan Yingyue corrected.

   "What!? How many times can it be increased?"

   "Infinite times."

   "Infinite times!? How is it possible!"

   Chen Mo was dumbfounded after hearing this, is it true or not?

   "Actually, it's not infinite times. I can increase several times as many levels as I have."

   "You are now level 10, so that can increase your attributes ten times. This is also very abnormal. What is the duration?"

   "This is really infinite. Unless you intend to release it, or I intend to release it, it can continue forever, but the longer it lasts, the greater the cost."

   "So outrageous!? What is the specific price?."

   "The price is that during the period of my possession, you will deduct 1% of your maximum health every second! The higher the multiplier of the attribute enhancement, the faster the deduction speed. For every 1 times increase, an additional 1% of the maximum life value will be deducted!

  After possessing you for more than 30 minutes at the same time, every time more than 30 minutes, the deduction speed of 1% of the maximum life value will increase!

   This blood deduction cannot be immune, transferred or reduced! "

   "That is to say, if you increase your attributes by ten times, I will deduct 10% of your maximum health every second!"

   "Well, that's it."

   "According to what you said, this blood deduction cannot be immune, transferred, or reduced. Then the price is indeed quite high."

   "There is another price. If you die within the duration, I will die with you."

   "What about cooling?"

   "The cooling time is fixed at 30 minutes and cannot be reduced."

   "The effect is really strong, and the cost is really high, but it's okay, I can still bear the 10% maximum life value deduction speed per second, let's try it first."

   "10%? Are you going to go straight to ten times!?"

   "Did you forget that pendant I just got?"

  Concentric pendant Yan Yingyue has seen the attributes.

  Thinking of this, she immediately nodded in relief.

  (end of this chapter)

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