Chapter 13 The Magic Wand of Shared Life!

  ...You have put in【Flying Arrow Staff·Silver Grade】*3!


  【The quality of this synthesis is medium quality, and additional special materials need to be added—dark source stone·rare】

  The prompt result of synthesizing gold equipment requires special materials as Chen Mo expected, which is a higher level of dark source stone than dark spar.

  Chen Mo directly threw the prepared dark source stone into it.

   The gold-level equipment that took eighty-one dark staffs to make will be released soon!

   At this time, there were only nine scattered dark staffs left on the ground.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please choose one of the following three synthesis options as the final synthesis result! 】

   [1]: Common Life Magic Wand · Gold Level (Bound)

  [2]: Darkest Wand·Gold Rank (Bound)

  【Three】: Wand Doctor Wand · Gold Level (Bound)

  The Magic Wand of Common Fate has a new passive effect, which is an extremely practical function. When Chen Mo is injured, he can randomly transfer the damage he receives to one of his summoned objects.

   As I said before, what the skeleton mage fears most is that the summoned object is strong but he is as fragile as paper. Once an assassin character gets close, no matter how strong the summoned object is, he will be killed in seconds.

  If you have the effect of the magic wand of shared fate, it can really solve this problem very well.

The darkest magic wand, the effect is that all the damage that Chen Mo hits has a blinding effect. Blinding the enemy can make the enemy lose their vision. It is a very good interference effect, but it will be affected by abnormal resistance, blinding resistance, darkness resistance and other resistance effects reduce.

  Witch Doctor Wand, the effect is that Chen Mo can apply a dark healing wave to his summons, increasing the battery life of the summons.

   After briefly looking at the effects of the three equipments, Chen Mo chose the first option without hesitation.

   After all, compared to the last two, the first one is what Chen Mo needs most.

  Interfering with the enemy's abilities, or healing your own summons, are not as important as saving your own life.

  After the synthesis was completed, Chen Mo put away the things on the ground, and re-examined what he had now.

  【Hidden Corpse Army·Huang】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  【Cooldown】: 5 seconds

  [Effect]: Consume 100 energy points to summon 500 skeleton monsters that last for 240 seconds (the skeleton monster’s occupation is random, and will carry the illusion weapon corresponding to the profession). The attributes of the skeleton monster are linked to your intelligence and spirit.

  Currently, the attributes of the skeleton monster you can summon are: blood volume 100, physical attack 30, legal attack 30, physical defense 0, magic defense 0, characteristics—explosive bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, invisibility.

  〖Invisible〗: The unit is in a permanent invisible state (no collision volume when invisible), it will only be visible when it launches an attack or receives damage, and it needs to leave the battle for 30 seconds to enter the invisible again after being visible.

  Non-collision volume means that when encountering living creatures, they will penetrate directly, just like phantoms. This effect usually appears together with stealth skills.

  If the unit is stacked together with others in a non-collision volume state when invisible, the position of revealing after breaking the invisible will be automatically selected as an empty space next to the unit, and the two people will not really merge together.

  【Magic Wand of Shared Life·Gold Level】

  【Equipment Requirements】: Level 1

  【Occupation Requirements】: Mage profession

[Equipment Attributes]: Law attack + (professional star * 40), attack speed + (professional star * 20), energy recovery speed (professional star * 20) points / 10 seconds, intelligence + (professional star * 5 ), spirit + (professional star*5)

  【Equipment Special Effects】: Energy Missile, Shared Life

  〖Common Fate〗: All damage you receive can be passed on to your summons.

  [Equipment Introduction]: Received the baptism of the power of the Dao Star, a magic wand that contains strange laws of cause and effect, it can connect you and your summoned objects.

   "Sure enough, it was right to keep the attribute points and not add them."

  Before, Chen Mo thought about allocating half of the attribute points to increase the fleshiness, but now that there is a special effect of mutual fate, he doesn't need to add so much fleshiness.

   "At each level, add 10 points to the attribute to increase the maximum life value so as not to be destroyed by large-scale group damage and destroy people and summoned objects. The other 60 points should be added to intelligence and spirit."

  Chen Mo’s allocation is not a problem. Intellect affects the attack of the summoned object, and the spirit affects the health of the summoned object. Self-detonation and wanting to release the corpse poison for a longer period of time need to ensure a high health value.

  After seeing the skills and equipment attributes, Chen Mo immediately made a plan to add attribute points.

  He allocated the attribute points according to his ideas, and at this time his attributes...

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star】: seven stars (two stars + five stars are hidden)

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage (initial occupation), Infinite Fusion Master (hidden initial occupation)

  【Level】: Level 1

  【Experience】: 0/100


   Constitution 20 = life 600, physical defense 100, life recovery 20 points/10 seconds

  Strength 10=Physical Attack 30

  Agility 10=Critical Damage+10%

  Intelligence 75=Act Attack 505

  Spirit 75=energy 3750, magic defense 375, energy recovery 215 points/10 seconds

  【Assignable attributes】: 0 points

  Now Chen Mo's magic attack is as high as 500 points, and his energy recovery rate is as high as 200 points every 10 seconds.

  The stats of a general two-star job are not only level 1, but even level 10 is not easy to achieve. Only by adding points to the limit of a single attribute can it be possible to match Chen Mo in a certain attribute corresponding to intelligence and spirit.

  With the addition of attribute points, the attributes of the skeleton monsters that Chen Mo can summon have also changed.

  Currently, the attributes of the skeleton monster you can summon are: blood volume 750, physical attack 225, legal attack 225, physical defense 0, magic defense 0, characteristics - explosive bomb, resurrection, corpse poison, invisibility.

   "Skeleton monsters with more than 200 attack power and more than 700 blood are almost the attributes of the equipment worn by a level 5 two-star professional. I can summon 500 such skeleton monsters at a time, which is too abnormal!"

   After adding points, Chen Mo was even a little eager to try, and he was looking forward to tomorrow's novice assessment more and more.

   After clearing up his mood, Chen Mo turned on the computer and checked the information about the novice assessment again.

  Although it is said that for ordinary civilian candidates, the novice assessment is a benefit that can be upgraded safely with the protection of big bosses, but for those who are self-motivated, they still pay more attention to the novice assessment results.

   The novice assessment is mainly based on the speed of upgrading. If you can kill elite monsters and bosses during the period, you will get extra points.

  Finally compared with all candidates in the same county, those who rank higher can have priority to obtain a copy of the selection exam.

  The huikao exam is a bonus copy before the official unified exam.

  Among the tens of thousands of candidates in hundreds of colleges and universities in each province, only the top 500 candidates in the novice assessment will have the opportunity to take this test and get extra points.

   Extra points are very helpful for admission to top universities.

Now most of the resources and masters in the whole world are in various colleges and universities. If you want to get the protection of the big bosses, you want to get the opportunity to enter various high-yield dungeon secret realms, and you want to get all kinds of rare items that are not sold outside. All must join these institutions of higher learning.

  Universities in today's world may not be able to teach you any useful knowledge, but they will definitely bring you the resources you need.

  This is the meaning of the existence of the university.

Of course, there are still many things that can be learned after entering the university, such as cooperation courses where qualitative changes in various occupational combinations produce quantitative changes, practical courses for advanced usage of various skills, theoretical courses for explanations of various dungeon types, and various occupations. There are countless PK lessons on combat skills and so on.

  If you are willing to learn, there are still many courses in the university that are enough for you to study slowly.

  (end of this chapter)

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