Chapter 131 Amplifying Divine Ring! (55)

  Although Chen Mo currently has a lot of life-saving abilities, it doesn't make much difference whether he has more orbs of nothingness.

  But multiple void orbs represent that he has one more means.

   Otherwise, just like meeting someone like Jiang Jie in this dungeon, once he escapes into the realm of nothingness, even if Chen Mo can see him, he still has nothing to do with him.

  So the thing that integrates offense and defense can't just talk about the value of life preservation.

   Putting away the Void Orb, Chen Mo took out the SSS-level gift bag.

   It's time to unwrap the big gift package again.

   "Give me some means of attack. You don't need so many to save your life now."

  Although there are never too many life-saving means, Chen Mo still wants to balance his abilities.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully opened the SSS-level gift package, congratulations on obtaining the binding equipment "Amplification God Ring·Artifact"! 】

  【Amplification God Ring · Artifact Level】

  【Occupation Restrictions】: None

  [Equipment Requirements]: None

  [Equipment Attributes]: According to your "professional star rating * 10%", all your basic attribute values ​​will be increased.

  【Equipment effects】: group attack boost, group defense boost

  〖Group attack boost〗: Make all friendly units within the radius of "professional star * 10 meters" around you get an attack power (including all attack types) increase equal to your "professional star * 10%". The target of this effect does not include yourself. Lasts 1 minute. Let cool for 3 minutes.

  〖Group defense increase〗: Make all friendly units within the radius of "professional star * 10 meters" around you get an increase in defense (including all defense types) equal to your "professional star * 10%". The target of this effect does not include yourself. Lasts 1 minute. Let cool for 3 minutes.

  [Equipment Introduction]: The ring of the gods contains the power of special rules. Wearing it, you will feel the power of your whole body has been sublimated!

   "It's a baby that integrates offense and defense again! It directly increases all basic attributes, such a powerful effect!"

  Basic attributes refer to the five attributes of physique, strength, agility, intelligence, and spirit.

  According to Chen Mo's current professional star rating, he can get an additional 70% increase in all attributes.

  It is equivalent to a direct increase of 1.7 times in all attributes!

   This is quite an explosive addition.

  This is equivalent to Chen Mo, who originally had 35 attribute points at level 1, but now the attribute points he gets every time he upgrades is close to 60 points.

  Level 1 is almost used as level 2.

   It can only be said that it is the top equipment, and the effect it provides is really amazing.

   And this is not the limit of this piece of equipment, this piece of equipment also has a group boost effect, which can bring huge gains to teammates.

   That is to say, if Chen Mo summons a large number of skeleton monsters, if they get the effect of the ring, it means that the attack power of all the skeleton monsters can be doubled by 1.7 times.

   Combat power has been greatly improved again.

   Chen Mo is quite satisfied with such top-quality equipment.

  This piece of equipment is both offensive and defensive, which is the real offensive and defensive preparation!

  Chen Mo put the ring on, and then began to think about how to deal with the rewards in the dungeon.

  Chen Mo usually has little contact with these income products in the dungeon, and has never checked the price much.

  He immediately lay on the bed and began to browse the Tiandao trading market.

   Want to see if there are any stalls that sell these things.

  Following his search, he soon discovered an astonishing scene.

   "What the hell! The fruit of Zhuyan Shengguo is so expensive!?"

  Chen Mo was stunned, because he found out that someone on the Tiandao trading market had the fruit of Zhuyan Shengguo on the shelves, and the price was still more than 1 eternal gold coin.

   "It can't be that someone doesn't know the price is messing around."

  Chen Mo did not immediately feel that this item was very valuable, he carefully screened it.

   Screened out all the beauty-preserving fruits on the shelves.

  As a result, he was surprised to find that for every person who put on the shelf of Shengyan Shengguo, the price of this item was all priced at more than 100 million.

  He suddenly recalled that after he got the holy fruit of Zhuyan in the dungeon, he ate it without paying attention.

   It turned out that what I ate at that time was not a sacred fruit at all, but 100 million dollars!

  Chen Mo instantly felt a little heartache.

  He is still very young now, and he is not in any hurry to show off his appearance.

   As a result, 100 million was eaten in one bite.

  Seeing that Zhuyan Shengguo is so valuable, Chen Mo immediately inquired about other things.

   Unexpectedly, a result that shocked him even more appeared.

  In his opinion, the price of the sex-changing spiritual fruit that is worthless is as high as 1 billion.

   And there are very few sellers.

   It can be seen how rare this thing is, but can it really be so expensive?

  Through these things that have not been taken away in seconds, it is obvious that the price should be at least above the market price.

  Otherwise, the merchant would have gone away in seconds and sold it by himself.

  Since most people have placed more than 100 million yuan for Zhuyan Shengguo, no matter how cheap it is, the price will not be lower than 50 eternal silver coins.

   As for the sex-changing spiritual fruit, Chen Mo estimated that 5 eternal gold coins might be able to be sold.

   I really don't know if I don't look at the price. This trip to the dungeon actually made such a fortune.

   And he already knew that the price of longevity fruit is not cheap, each one is more than 1 gold coin.

  The price of the instant group teleporter is also not low, judging from the current situation that some people put it on the shelves.

   The price has basically reached 3 eternal gold coins!

   Seeing these prices, Chen Mo couldn't help wondering what the prices of the pile of things in his backpack would be in the end.

   It’s just that those things that have been synthesized have been bound and there is no way to sell them to others.

  But if you sell all the remaining scattered ones, you will earn a lot of money.

   But compared to money, Chen Mo has decided to leave the share to his grandparents and sister Yiyi, and he will continue to keep it.

  No matter how important money is, it is not as important as family members.

  Chen Mo naturally picked up these things individually.

  After confirming the items to be sold, Chen Mo packed up and was ready to go out.

  Now I have money and goods in hand.

   Time to go to the auction house!

  In Linlangtiantian's auction house, there are often a lot of legendary materials for auction.

  Chen Mo used to have no money and could only go to the dungeon by himself.

   But now that he has a lot of money, he decided to go to the auction to see!

   Maybe you can gather what you need in one auction.

   Then his combat power can be improved a lot.

  And a lot of holy water needed to purify the turbid heart of God also needs to be obtained in the auction.

   Just these things alone, he has to go to the auction.

  After confirming the requirement, Chen Mo immediately changed his appearance through the Phantom Feather Boots.

   Still looks like the handsome girl from last time.

   If it changes into another shape, he is not used to it.

   After all, if you change your appearance, you have to find a way to pretend not to reveal your secrets.

  Then you have to reset some movement habits, speaking methods, etc. These are very complicated things.

   If one is not done well, it will be revealed.

  Chen Mo naturally chose the appearance he had played before, which seemed more natural and familiar.

  (end of this chapter)

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