All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 157: Self-made formula synthesis! (3 in 1, 5/5)

  Chapter 157 Self-made recipe synthesis! (3 in 1, 55)

  He just concealed this key information, and it cannot be said that he is completely lying.

   After all, if you want to trigger the special task of this formula, you need to make a very large number of front-end medicines. Even a four-star pharmacist can't make such a large amount so quickly.

  So if some new four-star pharmacists are more anxious to make it, they can really buy this formula.

  But each person can only make ten bottles of this thing in a lifetime. Unless someone in your family suffers from some incurable disease, there is really no need to worry about it.

  Although Chen Mo has the ability to perceive pioneers, he cannot perceive this layer.

  After all, even a normal four-star pharmacist doesn't know that he can receive the panacea formula task.

   But just in case, this pharmacist Lin didn't put things up for auction on Linlangtian.

   Otherwise, it will be displayed on the whole network, and it will be embarrassing once you meet a knowledgeable person.

   Now it is only in a small area of ​​the hospital, so there is no need to worry about encountering knowledgeable people.

   After all, not to mention the entire Fengze City, the entire Jiangnan Province does not have a four-star pharmacist, otherwise, the hospital leaders would not have invited him to come here as a resident.

   Without knowing anything, everyone felt that the value of this formula should not be low.

   It's just that there are too few people who can use it, and it's useless for normal people to take pictures.

  With the auction of the panacea completed, it will soon be the turn of the formula auction.

  At this time, the **** the stage said: "Now we will conduct an auction of the panacea formula. If you are not interested in the formula, you can get up first. Those who continue to participate in the auction will need to pay a deposit of 1 billion.

  In addition, those who do not have a number plate around and want to participate in the auction can also come to pay a deposit to get a number plate. "

  As soon as the girl finished speaking, dozens of people got up and walked to the table in charge of the nurses next to them, handed back the number plates and took back the deposit.

  At this time, there were only ten people left in the field, including Chen Mo.

  Hearing the 1 billion deposit, the onlookers couldn't help but shake their heads. Only ghosts can afford such a large deposit.

  They just came to watch the excitement.

  Even if they are not here to watch the fun, what some people want to buy is just panacea.

  This formula is really unaffordable and unusable.

  However, there are still a dozen people who added it.

  The rest paid the deposit after the nurse came with the list.

  Seeing that there were only twenty people in the stands, the **** the stage turned to look at Lin Yaoshi, as if asking about his intentions.

   After all, the girl didn't know the reason, but thought that Lin Yaoshi didn't need to conduct the auction with such a small number of people.

  But what Lin Yaoshi wanted was the current effect, and expanding the publicity would easily reveal his secrets. As long as this formula can sell for two billion, he is already satisfied, and if there is more, he will be considered to have earned it.

  He nodded to the girl to continue.

  The girl turned around clearly and said, "Okay, since there are no more bidders, we will start the auction now. The reserve price is one billion, please start bidding!"

  As soon as the girl finished speaking, Chen Mo held up a sign: "1.1 billion."

   "What's the situation, Brother Mo? Instead of taking pictures of panaceas, take pictures of formulas instead? Isn't this even more useless?"

   Liu Yiming, who was watching from the crowd next to him, was obviously surprised.

  He originally wanted to see the excitement, and wanted to know how much this formula could cost, but he didn't expect his family to call the price first.

  You said that it would be fine if there is a four-star pharmacist at home.

  There are so many life occupations in the whole family, but there is no reliable life occupation.

  All of them are gardeners, masseuses, hairdressers, cleaners...these are relatively common occupations.

  I don’t know what to do with this formula after I bought it.

  But soon Liu Yiming thought of a possibility that Chen Mo might be planning to buy it back and resell it.

  After all, the formula is auctioned in such a small auction environment, which somewhat does not meet its value.

  Maybe if it is resold, put it on the Internet and publicize it, and it may fetch a higher price.

   But when he thought of this, Liu Yiming couldn't understand it.

  Why didn't Pharmacist Lin make such a choice? Rather, it's a bit of a cheap sale, directly selling this formula in such a small auction?

  What Liu Yiming could think of, Chen Mo also thought of.

  So he knew very well that there must be something tricky in it.

   Moreover, he just checked in the Tiandao trading market while others were trading. Although there were people who offered the panacea at a high price of two or three billion, no one had the formula of the panacea.

  The two or three billion high-priced panacea may have been placed by this pharmacist Lin with the remaining seven bottles, but since he wants to sell such a high price, is it necessary to sell more than one billion at a low price now?

  Chen Mo suspected that those bottles were placed by other people who knew the formula of panacea.

   But isn’t this stuff only available for ten bottles per person? Why didn't that person put out the panacea formula at a high price?

   This made Chen Mo very strange.

   Now that there are only twenty people participating in the auction, and the host feels that the number of people is a bit small and asks him about his attitude, Lin Yaoshi still insists on continuing the auction. This is somewhat intriguing.

  If it weren't for Chen Mo's perception of the contents of the formula to be sure that there is no problem, he would even suspect that Lin Yaoshi's formula was fake.

  As Chen Mo raised his placard, the bidding has already begun.

   Soon the price of the formula reached 2 billion.

  A useless formula was called to two billion, which is enough for Lin Yaoshi.

   But the bidding is still going on at this time.

   "2.5 billion!"

  Chen Mo directly increased the price by 500 million, trying to persuade others to leave.

  He felt that the price of this recipe was almost the same at this point.

   After all, judging from Pharmacist Lin's attitude, this thing is definitely not a valuable item, and everyone present should be more or less aware of it.

   It was indeed as Chen Mo guessed.

  After he shouted 2.5 billion, everyone immediately fell into silence.

   This made some people who didn't like to use their brains on the sidelines feel a little confused for a while.

  Because in their view, it is the easiest way to calculate accounts. If you learn the formula and make ten bottles, you can sell at least 10 billion.

  Even if the cost of materials is deducted, it shouldn’t be a problem to earn 5 billion, right? Why hesitate to buy a formula and get 2.5 billion?

  Actually, the only problem that everyone hesitates is that there is no four-star pharmacist at home.

  Among so many people here, only two or three of them really know the four-star pharmacist, and they still know the same one.

  Others are going to get the formula first, and then make friends with a four-star pharmacist.

  Some people with a little money in their families value their own safety more than money.

  If you can make friends with a four-star pharmacist, it will be convenient to get prescriptions from the other party when you encounter problems in the future.

   And if you give the formula to the other party yourself, then the other party has made the panacea and can't return it to you?

  During the bidding process, three people who knew four-star pharmacists stopped bidding after communicating with four-star pharmacists in other places from a distance.

  Although the four-star pharmacist they communicated with did not receive the formula of the panacea, he had already received some tasks of other drug formulas one after another, and he could roughly deduce some possibilities from these.

  The formula of this panacea may be the one that can be obtained after making more potions.

   After learning that the venue was a small auction, he became even more certain about this guess.

   It's just that it hasn't been confirmed yet, and he can't say whether Lin Yaoshi's formula is right or not.

   But he thought it was tricky, so he told people he knew not to bid.

   Right now, the ones bidding against Chen Mo are a few people who don't know anything about it.

  The price has reached 2.5 billion, which is not a small sum.

  If they have a four-star pharmacist in their family, they may be willing to pay a higher price to buy it, but they only buy the possibility of making friends with a four-star pharmacist.

  It's not good to invest too much money.

  However, they have not given up completely, and are still raising prices in a small number.

   Soon the price has increased to three billion.

   "These people are really hard to deal with! I thought 2.5 billion would be enough to dissuade them, but I didn't expect to add more."

  Although Chen Mo wanted to win this recipe, if the price was too expensive, he would have to consider giving up.

   After all, this matter reveals a lot of weirdness.

  He constantly observed the changes in Lin Yaoshi's expression through the pioneer's perception ability.

  This kind of detailed perception ability naturally easily caught any change in Lin Pharmacist's expression.

  Through these, Chen Mo has already affirmed his own thoughts. The value of this medicine formula auctioned by this pharmacist Lin is definitely not so high!

  Because when he called 2.5 billion, his reaction was a bit unexpected.

  Now it’s called three billion. Although he still maintains a deadpan state, he can feel that he is very happy.

   Seeing everyone screaming has become more and more tired.

  Chen Mo added another 500 million in one go.

   "3.5 billion!"

  If 100 million and 100 million continue to increase slowly, these people will probably continue to bite, and they must be ruthless.

   At this time, he didn't know whether he frightened the other bidders, but Liu Yiming, who was watching nearby, was already frightened.

  Because he just learned that Chen Mo received only 11 eternal gold coins as rewards in the academy alliance, so where did the 3.5 billion come from for the auction?

  Once the price is sold indiscriminately, the deposit will be deducted.

  He immediately panicked.

   And following Chen Mo's sudden increase of another 500 million, finally the rest of the people fell into hesitation.

   "3.5 billion first call! Is there any price increase?"

   "3.5 billion second sound! If you miss this formula, if you want to see it again in the future, you don't know when it will appear again."

  As the two reminders ended, no one in the crowd responded.

   After all, the price is too high.

  They were not taken by the pharmacist at home, the price was too high, it was totally inappropriate.

  In addition, they also felt that this auction was a bit strange, so they didn't want to add more.

  The girl looked around and saw that no one raised the price, so she continued: "3.5 billion third tone, congratulations to Mr. No. 55 for successfully bidding the panacea formula, please come directly to the stage to make the transaction."


   Seeing that Chen Mo actually won the auction, and was even asked to trade in public, Liu Yiming became even more panicked. If the money cannot be paid, not only the deposit will be confiscated, but the crowd will even laugh at him.

  He immediately ran to Chen Mo worried.

   "Brother Mo, why did you shout so much money, what should you do now?"

"What should I do?" Chen Mo glanced at Liu Yiming unexpectedly, and immediately reacted, he said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have the money, I made a lot of things like prolonging life and longevity fruits in the exam dungeon. Great value, sold for a lot of money."

   "What? And this?"

  Liu Yiming was startled when he heard that.

  He has also heard a thing or two about the value of this longevity fruit.

  At this time, he also recalled that it seems that there will be hidden rewards in the dungeon of the exam, as someone said before.

  Originally, these things are only produced in some specific dungeons, and the output is not much, so the price is very expensive.

  However, if you can complete the daily task ten times in the copy of the five-star exam that can be opened once a year, you can get a random hidden reward.

   Among them are valuable things such as longevity fruit.

  Thinking about Chen Mo's 30 days in the copy of the examination, it is possible to complete ten times in a few days.

   After all, he was taken care of by a five-star profession. The five-star profession is powerful, and it is not impossible to be able to earn ten times the reward for two people.

   At this time, Liu Yiming couldn't help but feel even more envious.

  He originally thought that Chen Mo would earn 500 bonus points and 11 eternal gold coins by mixing with this five-star professional girl. He never thought that there would be additional rewards such as hidden rewards of ten times completion.

  He couldn't help but said with a smirk: "Brother Mo, to be honest, is that five-star girl interested in you, otherwise why would she take such good care of you?"

   "What nonsense, it's just that I am a summoning profession, and her ability has a great bonus to me, and the fit is very high, so the cooperation will be very powerful."

"I see."

  Hearing this, Liu Yiming didn't think much about it.

  After all, the summoning profession is not only the skeleton mage, but also various other summoning classes, among which there are many powerful ones.

  For example, a four-star element summoner who can summon the seven elements of earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, sacred, and darkness.

   For example, a four-star druid who can summon various beasts.

  For example, a three-star nature summoner who can summon all kinds of treants.

   There are also some summoners with the same star level as Chen Mo.

  For example, two-star elf summoner (the summoned elves can recover blood, but the combat power is not high), two-star Phantom Beast Summoner (Phantom Beast has strong attack ability, but once it receives a certain number of attacks, it will disappear directly)...

   Summoners listed as two stars generally have weaker combat effectiveness in the early stage.

   Samsung's summoners are more mediocre, like tree people, able to resist and fight, and they are also very capable in the early stage.

   As for the four-star level, the intensity is even higher. The beasts summoned by the druid not only have various passive skills, but even active skills.

   Combat power directly rises to a higher level.

  Compared horizontally, the Skeleton Mage, who summons more skeletons than others, appears to be quite weak in the early stage.

   But after growing up later, whether it is a two-star or three-star summoner, the combat effectiveness is still good.

   At least it is easier to mix than other professions of the same star.

   It’s just that you develop slowly in the early stage. When you are in the late stage, everyone will be in the late stage.

  So the general career score of those who are not well developed in the early stage is not too high.

   Unless you can't do it in the early stage, the late stage is very abnormal.

  But obviously, even if a normal skeleton mage has undergone many job changes, he is not very powerful.

  If the other party cooperates with Chen Mo just because he is a Summoner, then she can find a more powerful element summoner to cooperate with.

  Chen Mo became the last choice instead.

  Thinking of this, Liu Yiming felt that the possibility that Chen Mo and that girl could deepen their relationship suddenly became much smaller.

  After chatting with his brother for a few words, Chen Mo had already walked onto the stage.

  He took out 25 gold coins and put them on the table next to Pharmacist Lin.

   There are still 10 gold coins in the deposit, which adds up to exactly 35 coins.

   "My friend, are you a four-star pharmacist?"

  When Chen Mo put away the formula, Pharmacist Lin asked suddenly.

   "No." Chen Mo shook his head, "I just know one."

   "So that's the case." Pharmacist Lin nodded without saying anything, and then took out some things from the backpack to Chen Mo.

   "This is the material I collected before that can make the panacea. There is almost one more material, and it is given to you."

  Chen Mo sensed these materials and found that there are many legend-level or even legendary-level materials among them. He was obviously a little surprised. If these materials were sold, it would not be a big problem to sell them for hundreds of millions, and they would be given to himself directly?

   "Then thank you, Pharmacist Lin."

"You are welcome."

  Pharmacist Lin smiled cheerfully.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo was absolutely convinced that there was something wrong with this formula.

   It's not the content that's wrong, but the value of this recipe!

   It's just that no one sells this thing publicly on the Internet, so Chen Mo doesn't care.

   Regardless of the value of the recipe, the value of this panacea is real.

   What Chen Mo is most curious about now is another thing.

  If he is not refining the panacea through conventional means, but fusing the materials through the formula to obtain the panacea.

  Will the panacea produced in this way be limited by the limit that each person can only make ten panaceas!

  If the panacea synthesized by oneself does not have this restriction.

   Then I will post it myself.

  He immediately put away everything and prepared to try it later.

  Following Chen Mo jumped off the high platform, Liu Yiming immediately came over and said, "Brother Mo, I didn't expect you to know a four-star pharmacist. There seems to be no four-star pharmacist in Jiangnan Province, right?"

   "Well, an old friend from my parents' past."

  Chen Mo made up a lie casually.

  As soon as these words came out, Liu Yiming did not have any doubts.

   After all, Chen Mo's parents were also rank two before, so it's not surprising that they have some connections.

   After watching the excitement, Chen Mo took Liu Yiming to eat something good, and then returned to the hospital together.

  Everyone stayed in the hospital for another half day, and everyone was stunned when they heard Liu Yiming say that Chen Mo spent billions to buy a panacea formula.

  They didn't expect that Chen Mo, who looked ordinary on the surface, would actually have such a huge sum of money.

   Immediately, everyone surrounded him and said, after all, this money is used to improve his combat effectiveness, which can bring great help.

  After Chen Mo explained that he had finished the bound suit, everyone gave up.

  Getting rid of the education of the elders, Chen Mo found an excuse to hide in the toilet and secretly synthesized the panacea.

  As Chen Mo used the formula, Heavenly Dao's reminder also sounded immediately.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have learned the "Creating Formula of Panacea"! 】

   Seeing that he had learned the recipe, Chen Mo immediately opened the Heavenly Dao system and clicked on the synthesis interface.

   Sure enough, I saw that there was already a recipe for panacea in the recipe options of the synthesis interface.

  He immediately clicked on the formula to choose to make.

  【Checking formula...】

  【It is detected that this formula is a self-learning formula, and all the corresponding materials required for the formula need to be put in before it can be synthesized! 】

  After Chen Mo threw a lot of things into it, prompts continued to pop up.

  【Start success rate detection...】

  【The current synthesis level is level 3, this formula is level 5 formula, the success rate of synthesis is 60%, whether to continue the synthesis! 】

  【You can also increase the success rate by 1% by paying 1 Eternal Copper Coin. Using this method can increase the success rate by up to 10%. 】

  【You can also increase the success rate by 1% by paying 1 eternal silver coin. Using this method can increase the success rate by up to 10%. 】

  【You can also increase the success rate by 1% by paying 1 eternal gold coin. Using this method can increase the success rate by up to 10%. 】

   "No wonder the success rate was 100% in all tests before. It turns out that the success rate will only change when synthesizing the self-learning formula."

Chen Mo looked at the prompt carefully and found that paying 100,000 yuan can increase the success rate by 10%, paying another 10 million can increase the success rate by 10%, and paying another 1 billion can further increase the success rate by 10%, up to 30% Success rate.

  He thought about it and decided to pay ten silver coins and ten copper coins.

  It should be relatively safe to increase the success rate to 80%.

   If you continue to add that, you will really lose your pants.

  Now all the material money, plus the cost of improving the success rate, is only a few hundred million.

  If gold coins are added to upgrade, then the value may exceed the price of panacea.

   And it can only achieve a 90% success rate.

   Once it fails, it will explode directly, and the gain outweighs the loss.

  The success rate of 80% is quite good now, even if it fails, as long as the second production is successful, it will not be a loss.

  After thinking it over, Chen Mo immediately paid 10 Eternal Silver Coins and 10 Eternal Copper Coins to increase the synthesis success rate by 20%.

  【Payment is successful, the current synthesis success rate is 80%, whether to perform synthesis, pay attention to whether the synthesis succeeds or fails, all existing materials will disappear, please confirm! 】

【confirm! 】

   Following Chen Mo's confirmation, the screen in the translucent floating window moved, and everything swirled and mixed together as if they had been sucked into an unknown vortex.

  Chen Mo immediately clicked to skip the composite animation.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized, "The Panacea". 】

  (end of this chapter)

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