Chapter 161 Worship of Immortality! (2 in 1, 25)

  After listening to what Liu Yiyi said, Liu Yuanzong recalled his illness.

   "What disease do I have?"

   "It is a disease that is difficult to cure. Thanks to the panacea you obtained silently, you were able to wake up so quickly."


  Liu Yuanzong had heard of this thing before.

   I also checked the price out of curiosity, and they all sell for billions in the Tiandao trading market.

   "The panacea is so expensive! Where did Momo get it?"

   Facing Liu Yuanzong who looked puzzled, the three of them immediately explained the whole story to him.

  After hearing everything, Liu Yuanzong was in shock for a long time and did not recover.

  Why did he fall ill and wake up, and the assets of the children in the family have reached billions?

   It's outrageous!

   "By the way, you are already healed, I have to go and refund the follow-up treatment fee."

  Qiu Yuehong remembered that Chen Mo had paid all the treatment fees directly before. It was tens of millions, which is not a small amount, and part of it must be returned.

   As she spoke, Qiu Yuehong handed Liu Yuanzong over to Chen Mo to support her, and ran out the door briskly by herself.

  Looking at her back, Liu Yuanzong seemed to have some nostalgia in his expression.

  He remembered the days when the two lived together when they were young.

  Watching grandma run out the door, Chen Mo looked at grandpa and asked.

   "By the way, Grandpa, do you still have any discomfort after you recover from this illness?"

  Liu Yuanzong felt it for a while, and felt refreshed for a while, even healthier than before he got sick.

   "It's nothing, it's already alive and well."

  He laughed and jumped out of bed to move around a bit.

   "Dad, you're just recovering from your illness, so don't get out of bed and move around, it's better to rest for another night."

  Liu Yiyi worried and immediately pulled him back to the bed.

  Feeling the concern of his long-lost daughter, Liu Yuanzong was very happy and enjoying himself, so he obediently lay back on the bed.

   "By the way, Grandpa, is your longevity injured?"

  Liu Yuanzong checked it immediately.

   "It's not much better, just one year less."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately took out three items from his backpack.

   "Grandpa, this is the longevity fruit, which can increase your lifespan by three years after eating. The other two are a beauty-rejuvenating fruit and a resurrection cross.

  Eat the holy fruit of Zhuyan, you can become as young as grandma, and this resurrection cross should be carried with you, just put it in your backpack, in case of any eventuality. "

   "Why do you still have so many valuable things?"

  Liu Yuanzong looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

  Although Liu Yuanzong has never taken the exam, he has heard of the difficulty and death rate of the exam.

  He was already very happy that his child could return safely, but he never thought that he would be able to gain such a big gain in the copy of the exam.

   It really made him a little unbelievable.

   "It's mainly because I was lucky this time. I met a friend who was a five-star initial professional and took me to brush with me, so I was able to get so much."

   As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, Liu Yiyi immediately answered, "It's a girl from the same school."

  Hearing this, Liu Yuanzong immediately burst out laughing: "It seems that our family is really good in Momo, and we were able to get such a good girl. When will I bring her back to Grandpa to see."

  Chen Mo was speechless for a while: "Where is it, they are just ordinary friends."

   "Your grandma and I started as ordinary friends." Grandpa looked at Chen Mo with an expression that I understood.

  Chen Mo changed his mind with a helpless smile: "No, I can only be regarded as good friends."

   "Don't worry about whether it was right before, if you work hard in the future, you will know whether it is right or not." Grandpa said with a smile.

  Besides, Liu Yiyi also smiled and said: "But this girl's five-star initial career, I'm afraid that people will look down on our Momo."

   "What's the matter, men, you have to chase after them more. Girls still rely on coaxing. Since they are from the same school, it means that everyone's background is similar, and the difficulty is not so high. Silently, you have to work hard."

   "Grandpa, you should eat the fruit first."

   Chen Mo saw that his elders were not afraid of anything else, but what he was most afraid of was that they would talk about these things.

   A group of relatives had a fight before, but grandpa woke up and talked about this again. Chen Mo is naturally thin-skinned, and he is most afraid of talking about these things.

  He quickly changed the subject.

  Liu Yuanzong looked at the two fruits in front of him.

   "It's all money."

  He was a bit reluctant to eat like Liu Yiyi and Qiu Yuehong.

  However, under Chen Mo's persuasion, he still ate all the fruits.

   Soon his face changed. According to Qiu Yuehong's age, he also became about thirty years old.

  It is true that he is somewhat handsome and heroic.

   "How is it? Is it suitable for your mother?"

  After eating Zhuyan Shengguo, he immediately touched his face and said to Liu Yiyi.

  Liu Yiyi smiled and said: "It's a good match, even better than the wedding photo."

   After a while, Qiu Yuehong also came back.


  She just wanted to call you old man habitually, but when she saw Liu Yuanzong's current appearance, she couldn't help laughing: "I'm afraid it will be inappropriate to call you old man in the future."

  Liu Yuanzong smiled and said: "You are no longer an old woman."

   Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was quite good, Liu Yiyi led Chen Mo back out immediately.

   "Mom, Dad is just right, let him sleep in the hospital for another night, let's go tomorrow, I will take Mo Mo out for a midnight snack, and I will bring some for you later."

   "Okay, come back early."

  In front of the supper stand outside the hospital, Liu Yiyi looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "Momo, this time it's all up to you. We elders can't help you, but we have to rely on you if something goes wrong. It's really..."

  "Sister Yiyi, we are all a family, no one can help another, a family doesn't talk about two sides, what's yours is mine, what's mine is yours, by the way, it's time for us to move.

  It was you who made money to support me before, so now it is my turn to make money to support you, and because I have delayed you for so many years, you should also..."

   As soon as Chen Mo said this, his lips were sealed by Liu Yiyi's slender fingers.

  Her eyes wandered far away, and she murmured: "If I don't see him return for a day, I will wait for a day..."

  After hearing this, Chen Mo's expression darkened.

   I don't know what is the charm of my father that he is so fascinated by sister Yiyi?

   "It's all up to you, but you don't go out to work in the future, just rest at home, I earn enough money."

   "That's all right, you can find a wife and come back early, and give me a baby to play with, otherwise I will be bored at home alone."

   "Sister Yiyi, you're saying this again, I'm just an adult, it's too early." Chen Mo said with a slightly red face.

   "Oh, you are so thin-skinned, your face turns red after just a few words, it's hard to ask you to chase girls! I don't know if there are any girls who are willing to chase you.

  Our family looks handsome silently. "

  Liu Yiyi smiled and rubbed Chen Mo's face.

   "The relationship between your siblings is really good, unlike our family who always fights since childhood." The female stall owner brought two bowls of fried noodles and said with a smile.

   "It's not bad to play around, it seems that the family is lively." Liu Yiyi said with a smile.

  As soon as she finished speaking, the guy who wiped the table over there complained: "Wherever there is a fight, it is my sister who bullies me unilaterally."

   Upon hearing this, the people around couldn't help laughing.

  Looking at the street atmosphere at the night market stall, Chen Mo temporarily forgot the cruelty and busyness of the professional world.

   After taking the supper, the two returned to the hospital with the supper.

  As soon as I came back, I saw my grandparents together like glue, and I didn't know what to say.

  One is that her husband almost stepped into the gate of hell, and the other is that she almost stepped into the gate of hell.

  The mentality of both of them has changed, and they naturally cherish the person in front of them even more.

  At night, when the three of them were resting, Chen Mo took out the materials he bought and began to synthesize the Worship of Wuwei.

  With the input of legendary materials, the synthesis was successful soon.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please choose one of the following three synthesis options as the final synthesis result! 】

  【1】: Worship of Immortality·Red (Binding) "Keep alive for 5 seconds after being fatally injured and then die. 』

  [2]: Moon Worship·Red (Binding) 『When cast at night, the basic effect of this skill is doubled. 』

  【3】: Evolution Worship·Red (Binding) 『Whenever a unit is killed during the duration, the attribute will increase by 1%. 』

   "The third special effect is only useful when there are many enemies, and the second effect has the difference between day and night. It is better to worship the undead. It can be immortal for 5 seconds. It is really a very powerful special effect!"

   Recalling the previous god-level BOSS, the poisonous seed, which spread damage through death, the worship of undead restrained him very much.

   Glancing at the three red skills, Chen Mo immediately chose the first Undead Worship!

  【Worship of Immortality·Red】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 5

  【Cooldown】: 60 seconds

[Effect]: Consume 100 points of energy to launch Undead Worship to all summoned objects within the range of "professional star rating × 100 meters", increasing their attack speed and attack power by 100%, and causing them to add inaction and despair to the target when they attack , can be superimposed.

   And gain the ability of "immortality" and "flying" within the duration.

   If you die within the duration, the killer will be cursed with death, increasing all damage received by the killer by 5%, which can be superimposed

   The duration of Cult of Undead is permanent, but the effect does not stack when applied repeatedly to the same unit.


"At the upper level, the previous 50% bonus has suddenly become 100%, doubled! And it has become a range effect, and the duration has directly become permanent. It is very strong, and the promotion of jumping the level is really abnormal. "

   "With the ability of immortality, my skeleton army can have at least 5 seconds of unscrupulous attack time. 5 seconds may seem like nothing, but when the number increases, the attack volume will be incredible."

  Chen Mo is still very satisfied with this newly acquired skill special effect.

   Your own army of undead is on the rise!

   It's just a pity that all of them are **** little skeletons at present, and they don't even have any skills.

   Otherwise, it will be even more awesome!

  Everyone slept soundly that night. After all, Liu Yuanzong finally woke up, and everyone felt relieved. This was the most peaceful day for Liu Yiyi and Qiu Yuehong to sleep in so many days.

   On the second day, as soon as the morning light came on, Liu Yuanzong had already gotten up and started exercising.

   If you exercise hard, you can get hidden resistance rewards.

  General combat occupations don’t need to run around all day long, but some people who lack exercise in life occupations often need to do exercises to enhance their resistance and be more resistant to most diseases.

  After experiencing such a sudden illness, Liu Yuanzong naturally cherished life even more.

  But after sleeping all night, he suddenly remembered his old friends.

  At that time they went fishing together, everyone seemed to be infected, and I don’t know how they are.

  He tried to get in touch.

  As a result, the Heavenly Dao system replied with a message that shocked him.

  【Heavenly reminder: The target you contacted has died! 】

  He tried another friend.

  【Heavenly reminder: The target you contacted has died! 】

   Now Liu Yuanzong was completely dumbfounded, and he contacted several people one after another.

  Without exception, all are hints from Heaven that they are dead!

   "All dead!?"

  It was not until this moment that Liu Yuanzong realized the terrible degree of this disease.

  Is this disease actually a disease with such a high mortality rate?

   "Didn't it say that conservative treatment is possible?"

  Liu Yuanzong couldn't believe it.

  This disease can be treated conservatively, but conservative treatment also costs a lot of money, and what happens after conservative treatment?

  You still have to pay the follow-up treatment fee to be able to revive!

   Still can't get around the tens of millions of treatment fees.

  But who among these families can afford so much money?

  Even if there are combat professionals at home, many low-level combat professionals do not have enough money to improve themselves. How can there be so much savings to treat a life professional?

   Those who can become friends with Liu Yuanzong, in fact, everyone's family background is similar, and several families don't even have combat professionals.

  Suddenly having such a terrible illness, it is of course a dead end.

   It's not that the family members don't want to be rescued, but because they don't have the money to save them!

   After reading a series of death messages prompted by Tiandao, Liu Yuanzong was terrified for a while.

  He looked at his wife who was sleeping on the couch next to the hospital bed, and Chen Mo and Liu Yiyi who were lying on a nearby **** bed, and he couldn't help feeling endless emotions in his heart.

  Looking at Chen Mo who was sleeping soundly in Liu Yiyi's arms as a pillow, Liu Yuanzong couldn't help secretly rejoicing that his daughter had adopted such an outstanding grandson for him.

  He stepped forward and reached out to touch Chen Mo's head, his gratitude was beyond words.

   It's just that yesterday he said thank you, but was refuted by Chen Mo that it shouldn't be said between relatives, which made him feel that he was on the contrary.

Combat professionals are extremely sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, let alone a person like Chen Mo who has the title of pioneer and masters SSS-level full perception ability. It's just that he doesn't perceive any hostility or danger at all, so even if he is touched by Liu Yuanzong , he still slept soundly.

   Waited until 7 o'clock in the morning, and the three people woke up one after another.

  Although Liu Yuanzong is ready to be discharged from the hospital today, Chen Mo strongly recommends that it is better to have a full-body examination before leaving the hospital. Although the family members feel that it is a waste of money, they can only listen to him.

   Once this inspection is done, it will take almost another day.

   Taking advantage of this time, Chen Mo went directly to the auction house in disguise.

  He already made an appointment yesterday.

  Heart of Poison and Heart of Ice are both here this morning.

   And it is also auctioned in the same silver field, so you can get it at once.

  As soon as Chen Mo came, he found yesterday's receptionist directly.

   "Miss Zhao, welcome. The auction of No. 1 Silver Field will start at 9 o'clock. I have reserved seat 17 for you. Please come with me."

  The receptionist lady is still as enthusiastic as yesterday.

   I have to say that the service staff of Linlangtiantian are very good.

   People will feel very comfortable after touching.

   Arriving at No. 1 Silver Field, nearly half of the people have already taken their seats, but there are still many vacancies. It seems that there are not so many people bidding for this one due to the early time.

  Chen Mo was afraid that he would be disturbed if he met yesterday's good man who was not short of money.

  (end of this chapter)

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