Chapter 169 God's Graveyard!

  【Tian Dao Prompt: Warning, warning! You are about to enter the realm of the gods, and the area will no longer have death protection.

  If you can pass through this area, you will be able to get a "God-level halo" reward! Whether to continue to enter! 】

   Originally planned to enter the forty-first floor, but Chen Mo suddenly received a reminder from Heaven.

   "A dungeon balanced to level 10, even if it is a god-level boss, it won't be too perverted!

  I have already strengthened to this level, there is no reason to back down, no matter how bad it is, I really can’t beat it, I can escape the dungeon by relying on the flickering of the gods and the space-time orb to escape the danger. "

  Chen Mo thought about it, and felt that there was no problem, so he chose to continue the challenge!

  【Heavenly reminder: You have entered the realm of gods, the life of all monsters in this area has been increased by 1000 times, and the attack and defense have been increased by 100 times!

   All general BUFFs obtained by monsters in this area will be upgraded to god-level BUFFs. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: The current common buffs in the dungeon are "God-level Invisibility" and "God-level Long Warfare"! 】

  [God level invisible]: All monsters enter a permanent invisible state, there is no collision volume when invisible, and they will not be visible when entering a combat state.

  [God-level long-term battle]: Whenever a professional enters a new layer, all monsters in this layer survive for 1 minute, and all attributes increase by 10%.


  After watching the display of the god-level BUFF, Chen Mo only had one disgusting word.

  If your skeleton monsters have this stealth ability, 340,000 of them can be stacked together, and they can be cut against the boss infinitely.

   But god-level invisibility is fine.

  This god-level protracted battle is the real pervert.

   Increase all attributes by 10% every minute. If this protracted battle continues, the opponent will be directly invincible.

  With the existence of this cheating BUFF, Chen Mo naturally did not dare to procrastinate, and immediately began to search for the entrance of the lower floor.

   At this time, the outside world saw Chen Mo staying on the fortieth floor for a long time, and many people couldn't help wondering why he was stuck.

   Now no one thinks that he will have trouble getting through, only wondering why it takes him so much time.

   is also true and outrageous.

  Seeing that Chen Mo finally went down the forty-first floor, everyone was relieved.

  In fact, after the 30th floor, no one knew what was behind it.

  They all guessed through the BOSS on the 30th floor.

  They would never have thought that there would be a realm of gods behind them.

   After Chen Mo went down to the forty-first floor, he unexpectedly discovered that there was no guard elite on this floor, but the entrance to the next floor was directly opened.

  He quickly drilled into the next floor, and it turned out that the next floor was the same.

  He arrived at the forty-fifth floor unimpeded all the way.

  As he entered the stairs on the forty-fifth floor, Chen Mo suddenly found that the surrounding environment was quite different from before.

  The entire forty-fifth floor was bleak, surrounded by ruined walls, dead wood and broken piles, tombstones and earthen graves.

  This world feels as if it is constantly filled with an uncomfortable breath of death.

   "Is this the domain of God?"

   Just when Chen Mo was curious, a light flashed in front of him, and a little elf the size of a palm appeared.

   "Human, this is the cemetery of the gods, you are not allowed to enter, please leave quickly."

   "What happens if you don't leave?"

  Hearing the elf's warning, Chen Mo asked curiously.

   "The gravekeeper will come over soon after smelling the smell of human beings. It will kill everyone who is close to the cemetery of the gods. It is too late for you to leave now."

   "Can you share with me his attributes?"

  Chen Mo originally asked casually, but unexpectedly, the elf actually nodded and shared the information with him.

  【Monster Name】: Gravekeeper of God’s Tomb

  【Monster Level】: God-level BOSS

  【Level】: 20


  〖Life〗: 2000 trillion/2000 trillion

  〖Energy〗: 2 trillion/2 trillion

  〖Physical Attack〗: 2 million

  〖Facial attack〗: 2 million

  〖Material Defense〗: 3 million

  〖Law Defense〗: 3 million

  [Active skills]: Tomb-guarding skills (36 moves), God’s Tomb Domain (obtains the power equivalent to all dead gods within the scope of the cemetery)

  【Passive Skills】: Death Aura, Boundary Aura

  〖Aura of Death〗: All units within 1000 meters around will not be revived after death.

  〖Boundary Halo〗: Within the scope of the boundary, all teleportation effects will be invalid.

  【Divinity】: the body of God, the mind of God without action

  〖Body of God〗: Immune to all damage except real damage!

  〖Wuwei Shenxin〗: Will not be affected by any abnormal effects!

  The attributes of the keeper of the tomb of the gods are very simple, and it can be said to be read at a glance.

   But the strength is extraordinarily amazing.

   Not to mention that he has thirty-six tricks to guard the tomb, but this skill in the field of the tomb is outrageous.

  You can get a blessing equivalent to the power of all the dead gods in the cemetery, how abnormal!

  With a glance at the scope of this cemetery, you can see no less than hundreds of tombstones.

  How perverted would it be to bless him with so much divine power?

   Fortunately, the opponent doesn't have many abilities. Use the title of Slaying God Challenger to seal one divinity of the opponent, and then use the title of God of Brave to seal the opponent's passive, tomb domain and remaining divinity.

   Just fight against him and you're done.

  Although he has thirty-six attack skills, this is not a problem.

   After all, Chen Mo now has the ability to summon 340,000 skeleton monsters at once.

  If you want to kill him, you have to kill all the skeleton monsters first.

   With 99% cooldown, Chen Mo's skeleton summoning skill basically has no cooldown.

   At this moment, he only has a feeling of invincibility!

   Not afraid at all.

   "Humans, please leave quickly."

  The elf continued to persuade Chen Mo after reading the attributes.

   "Thank you for your reminder, but it's okay, I can handle it."


  The elf was about to continue persuading, but suddenly she sensed something and turned her head and said: "It's over, he's already here, you can't leave."

   At this time, Chen Mo has received a reminder that he is affected by the boundary halo.

   But he tried blinking a bit.

   No problem at all.

  Although flickering is also a kind of teleportation, the flickering of the gods is not afraid of the aura of this realm at all.

  The moment they met, Chen Mo directly blessed the other party with four seals.

  The opponent's two divinities, as well as the passive skills of the death halo and the active skills of the tomb domain were all completely sealed by Chen Mo, and the offensive and defensive capabilities were greatly reduced.

   At the same time, with a wave of Chen Mo's staff, he summoned a total of 340,000 skeleton monsters with superimposed invisible states.

   Cult of Immortality, Rage Shield, just put them on.

   Fortunately, these two skills are now all in range.

  Otherwise, if the same unit takes effect before, it will not be able to cover them all.

  As the BUFF went up, Chen Mo immediately activated the Almighty Transformer.

   It won't work if you don't activate it, the current boss's defense power has reached 3 million points.

  If you don't convert the attack type into solid damage, you can't even break the defense!

  (end of this chapter)

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