Chapter 182 Milky Way event starts! (3 in 1, 55)

  【Death Emblem·Mythical Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, the owner will only receive damage from one unit per second at most. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

[Active effect of items]: When activated, ignore all barriers, designate a unit within a range of (100*level) meters as your death target, and forcibly pull it to a distance of 100 meters from you. During the duration, neither party can take the initiative Leave the opponent's body within 100 meters, and continue until one of them dies!

   When entering the Daredevil state, both parties can no longer cause damage to units other than the Daredevil target, and the opponent will be suppressed by 50% of all attributes.

   This effect cannot be immune or dispelled! Let cool for 1 hour. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: This item is the favorite treasure of the God of War. If anyone is targeted by him, he can only ask for luck!

   "It's such a perverted item, isn't this the perfect way to defeat our summoner? It cannot be immune or dispelled. As long as it is not dodged at the beginning, it will not be able to run away."

  After watching the effects of the props, Chen Mo was speechless for a while.

If someone else is carrying this item, then even if you have thousands of horses and horses, it is meaningless. After all, the opponent can only receive damage from one unit in a second, so you have hundreds of millions of units attacking at the same time in a second. It will only be damaged by one of the hundreds of millions of units.

   It is definitely a powerful item of Wanke Summoning System!

   This effect alone is enough to confer gods!

  In addition to this effect, it also has an extremely abnormal one-on-one effect. Once the opponent is designated, they can only fight each other forcibly, otherwise the opponent cannot attack other units, and the combat power will be crippled.

   Even if the opponent wants to fight you to the death, it will be difficult for him to make an effective counterattack if his attribute value is suppressed by 50%.

  This item is very useful whether facing multiple people or single player!

  Chen Mo secretly thought that luckily he had never encountered this kind of enemy before, otherwise it would be really troublesome!

   But now he is not so afraid that others will have this method.

   After all, he already possesses the ability to dominate!

   It can absorb all the summoned objects to greatly improve its combat effectiveness.

   Even if you are singled out, you are not afraid.

  Just after checking the effect of the God of Death Emblem, Chen Mo was sent out of the dungeon.

   When he returned to the room, he had not had time to look at the harvest just now, and he received several hints from heaven one after another.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Your level has increased, the current level is 16! 】

  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 17! 】


  【Heavenly Tip: Your level has increased, the current level is 20! 】

  [Experience Points]: 5827938/375200

  【Tiandao Tip: Your level has reached level 20, and you have reached the fourth-order bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: It has been detected that you have not yet performed a career change, please do a career change first before proceeding to the boundary-breaking assessment! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your initial combat class is five-star, the difficulty of the class you can choose to change is six-star to ten-star! 】

  【Heaven’s Tip: Please note that the higher the difficulty, the more dangerous the job-changing task is, and the high-difficulty job-changing task has a very high mortality rate, please do what you can. 】

[Heaven’s Tip: You need to consume different amounts of experience points when you choose to receive the first job transfer task. According to your initial job star rating, you can spend 10 times to 50 times the experience points required to upgrade to level 20 to open the first job transfer task of corresponding difficulty. !

   The job-changing task can be challenged repeatedly, but once the task fails, the deducted experience points will not be returned, please also pay attention. 】

   "My good fellow, you have raised me to level 20 in one go, and I can finally prepare for a turn!"

   Seeing the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo really had a little expectation.

   But seeing the experience points required for professional reincarnation, Chen Mo was a little speechless.

  If you want to choose to receive the 10-star job first turn challenge task, you must have at least 18.76 million experience points.

  As a result, I only have more than 5 million experience points, which is a difference of more than 13 million experience points.

  Such a huge amount of experience points is really not a small amount!

   "It seems that it is impossible to change careers immediately. We have to see where to get experience points. How about going to the wild to find some famous people to kill?"

  Chen Mo suddenly thought of the fastest way to gain experience points.

   In case of killing a high-level celebrity, the experience value will definitely be quite rich.

   Just as he was considering the issue of experience points, suddenly a voice of the Dao sounded along with the reminder of the Dao of Heaven.

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the level 15 SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

   To this end, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system.

  All solar system aboriginal professionals from now on, if they don’t want to take the boundary-breaking assessment at level 15, they can skip the boundary-breaking assessment directly, and don’t need to go through the boundary-breaking assessment on their own! "

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 15th-level SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  As the sound of the Great Dao sounded three times in a row, everyone in the world was shocked again.

  After completing the level 5 and level 10 breakthrough assessment perfect challenges, the Voice of the Great Dao has not appeared for a long time. I did not expect the voice of the Great Dao to sound around today and the five-star initial hidden career. It is really surprising.

   The level 15 SSS-level breakthrough assessment that has been silent for several days has finally been perfectly broken!

   This time, almost no one made any other guesses.

   Completely connected the previous two perfect assessments.

  But at this point in time, since everyone was shocked by the only five-star initial hidden profession just now, the response to the Voice of the Great Dao triggered by Chen Mo this time was not as strong as before.

   It seems that it has become an ordinary thing at this time.

  After all, the first time and the second time, everyone will still feel fresh and shocked, but it’s the third time, and everyone’s acceptance of the Voice of the Great Dao’s prompt is much higher this time.

   "I thought this little guy fell in the 15th-level SSS-level breakthrough assessment. It seems that he just saved experience points."

  In the headquarters of the college alliance, the three leaders listened to the prompt of the Voice of the Great Dao, and chatted with each other with a smile.

   "Once again, he passed the boundary-breaking assessment perfectly. Didn't he get another SSS-level mopping up certificate? His level 20 seems to be another perfect SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment."

   "This little guy is different. If today's only five-star initial hidden job sounded more than ten days ago, I wouldn't be surprised if I passed the 5th-level SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

  But this little guy doesn't know what kind of job he is, and he can actually successfully pass the SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment twice in a row. "

   "It's also possible that he broke through three levels in a row. He directly saved three SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweeping papers."

   "However, after hearing three reminders in a row, I can be sure that the three boundary-breaking assessments were caused by this person alone.

   Now there is still a lone **** of war, the voice of the road, who caused it, and the only five-star initial hidden profession, the voice of the road, who did not know who caused it.

   These three people are the most anticipated future of our earth! "

  The three leaders felt that Chen Mo was worth looking forward to, but the alien's face was distorted at this time.

  Lan Gudu almost thought that the person who triggered the Voice of the Great Dao two times before died in the 15th-level SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment.

   As a result, he never thought that he would pop up again.

   And it's still at this juncture that there is no time to deal with him.

  Lan Gudu doubted whether the other party did it on purpose.

  Knowing that I and others are busy looking for the only five-star initial hidden occupation, so I want to stimulate them to disperse their manpower?

  But right now, they don't have time to conduct any SSS-level boundary-breaking assessments.

  The only five-star initial hidden occupation is too important, and the information is the best to investigate, so this person is the top priority.

  For the time being, he has no idea to spare his strength to investigate the matter of the person who triggered the voice of the Great Dao.

  After listening to the reminder from the Voice of the Great Dao, Chen Mo continued to check the various reminders from the Dao that he had just received.

   Only two titles have been raised, among which the title of Pioneer has finally reached the full level.

   "I don't know if there will be any changes to the full-level pioneer title."

  Chen Mo immediately clicked on the two titles to check.

  【SSS Title—God Slayer Challenger】

  【Title Level】: LV3

  [Title experience]: 0/1 (Every time you complete an SSS-level breakthrough assessment, you will increase the experience value by 1 point.)

  [Title effect]: All attributes are increased by 300 points, all damage to god-level units is increased by 30%, and all damage received from god-level units is reduced by 30%.

  [Title skills]: God Slaughter Power, God Slaughter Heart, Slaughter Mystic Art

  〖Power of Slaughtering God·Golden Passive〗: Even if it is a god, you have to kill him. All damage you cause to god-level units will be regarded as real damage!

  〖Heart of Slaughtering God·Golden Active〗: Select any two divinities of a god-level unit, directly nullify them, cool down for 1 minute, and at most can only invalidate two divinities at the same time.

  〖Slaughter Mystic Art·Golden Active〗: The selected god-level unit uses the secret technique that needs continuous guidance to ignore all its resistance capabilities and forcibly suppresses it for 5 seconds. This ability can only be effective once for the same god-level unit.

  [Title introduction]: Even in the face of gods, you can bravely challenge and kill them, and your power will eventually surpass the power of gods!

   "Oh? I got a new skill effect, Mystic Slaughter to control god-level units for 5 seconds? It's so abnormal! It's a bit of a rogue!"

  Chen Mo did not expect to be able to obtain such a powerful effect.

   And on top of this, the effect of the God Slaughtering Heart has also been improved, and it has become able to nullify the two divinities of god-level units.

   It is also a wave of great strengthening.

  【SSS Title—Pioneer】

  【Title Level】: LV5

  【Title experience】: full level

  [Title effect]: Increase all attributes by 500 points, increase experience gained by 1000% when single player, and gain 100% maximum health and energy recovery effect per second.

  [Title skills]: Herald of Light, Herald of Glory

  〖Light of the Pioneer · Golden Passive〗: The glory of the Pioneer will illuminate all the darkness and find out all the confusion around you. When you are alone, you can see all the information (including invisible units) within the range of (100*level) meters around you

  Current effect: On (can be turned on and off freely at any time)

  〖Pioneer Glory·Golden Passive〗: Your glory amazes all beings, all monsters will not actively attack you, and your pets will always maintain the greatest favorability and loyalty towards you.

  [Title introduction]: As a pioneer, you always go forward alone, overcoming difficulties and finding out the way for future generations. Even if the enemy sees you, they will be moved by you and will not easily hurt you!

   "The five-star title has been completely improved compared to before, doubled!"

  Chen Mo remembered that when he was four stars before, he only recovered 40% per second. According to the previous urine performance, five stars should be 50%. Unexpectedly, it doubled to 100%, and even the perception range was also doubled.

  This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to get a very powerful title skill.

   It is necessary to know that the maintenance of pet favorability and loyalty in the future will be an extremely huge expense.

  If the pet's two states don't decline, then a lot of money and energy can be left over.

   In addition to this, having this title can also prevent monsters from actively attacking themselves, and it is also a very powerful life-saving ability.

  Facing monsters in the future, as long as Chen Mo doesn't attack first, he is basically safe.

   After reading the two powerful titles, Chen Mo took out the SSS-level gift package that the Voice of the Great Dao gave him just now.

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully opened the SSS-level gift package, congratulations on obtaining the binding equipment "Teleportation Treasure Ring·Artifact Level"! 】

  【Teleportation Treasure Ring · Artifact Level】

  【Occupation Restrictions】: None

  [Equipment Requirements]: None

  [Equipment Attributes]: All teleportation abilities are not blocked by space!

  【Equipment Special Effects】: Group Teleportation, Group Recall

  〖Group Teleportation〗: You can select all units within a range of 10,000 meters, and teleport all units that do not exclude your teleportation to the teleportation mark point. There can be up to ten teleportation markers at the same time, and one teleportation marker will be recovered every minute. The currently available teleportation markers are "10/10". Teleportation casts for 1 second.

  〖Group Recall〗: Regardless of the distance, you can recall all units with recall marks that do not exclude your recall to your side, and you can mark them infinitely. Recall has a cooldown of 1 second.

  [Equipment Introduction]: A powerful treasure ring that can quickly teleport and recall all players, and has extremely high strategic value.

   "Group teleportation is a bit interesting. With the flickering of my gods, wouldn't it be possible to place teleportation markers wherever I want? Group sneak attacks or group life-saving capabilities are top-notch!"

  Although this treasure ring does not improve Chen Mo's combat effectiveness, it is definitely a good thing.

  You can wear it if you don’t need it at the moment.

   After viewing all the gains, Chen Mo began to think about gaining experience points.

  Level 20, go to the field to collect experience points. Unless you encounter the Lord of Mutations, you will not get much experience points.

  In addition to looking for dungeons, the only way to quickly gain a lot of experience points is to find red-namers or crack dungeons.

  However, it is not easy to find people with famous names. Everyone is willing to risk their lives. People with famous names know that they will die if they are found. They will definitely hide far away, unless they have just escaped.

   Just like the celebrity Chen Mo met before.

  Although it is considered far away from the safe zone by a long way, but the unlucky encounter with the hiding place was selected as the student's novice assessment place, it is still to blame him for not hiding far enough.

   If you continue to hide in the distance, the chance of being discovered will be even less.

   "Should I kill the famous person, or find a copy of the crack?"

  Chen Mo began to search the Internet for news of crack copy sales.

  After all, although some people’s families have crack dungeons, but the family is full of life professionals, or low-star combat professionals, if they don’t have the ability to brush, they may choose to sell.

   Just as Chen Mo was searching for keywords, suddenly a sound of avenue resounded throughout the galaxy!

  Yes, this time it is no longer just the solar system, but the voice of the Great Dao resounds within the entire Milky Way!

   "Attention all professionals, all professionals, this month's special event "PUBG Mobile" is about to begin!

   Please check the tips of Heavenly Dao to learn about the corresponding rules. The special event will start in 10 minutes. "

  【Heavenly Reminder: The special event "PUBG Mobile" is about to start, this dungeon is divided into two modes!

  The first mode is "Entertainment Mode".

   After it is turned on, all professionals can enter. It is divided into 100 million competition areas in total. Each competition area can enter 100 contestants, and those who register first will go first.

  In the entertainment mode, all professionals share the same strength of digital avatars to enter the event, death will not be punished in any way, and the professionals who survive in the end will get a small amount of experience points and S-level rewards.

  The second mode is "killing mode"

   The killing mode needs to be entered by the deity himself, each with its original strength. In the unbalanced mode, once it dies and has no ability to resurrect, it will be regarded as permanent death. Please participate with caution.

   Killing mode rules, survive for 12 hours in a special PUBG map!

  During this period, the more opponents you kill, the more rewards you will eventually receive!

   The number of kills accumulated by the opponents you kill will eventually be counted on your head.

  If you can wipe out all the participants on the same map except you within 12 hours, you will get a lot of experience points and SSS rewards!

   Note that there are a lot of powerful equipment, props, skills and other materials that can be used temporarily in the PUBG dungeon. Each participant can freely find and pick up the corresponding materials in the dungeon for binding and use to improve their survivability and combat effectiveness!

  However, each dungeon can only bind up to five materials per person. After the bound number exceeds five, the special materials picked up in the dungeon can no longer be used.

   All contestants are requested to give full play to their strengths and use dungeon materials flexibly to win the final victory!

  The registration time limit is 5 minutes. When the number of registered people reaches full, or the registration time limit ends, the event dungeon will officially start.

  The current killing mode registration is divided into five divisions.

   They are the first round competition area, the second round competition area...the fifth round competition area.

High-return professionals are not allowed to register for the low-revolution competition area. Low-revolution professionals can freely register for the high-revolution competition area, and low-revolution professionals can get multiple rewards when entering the high-revolution competition area. However, the killing mode is in danger of death. Please choose carefully according to your own strength competition area!

   Each competition area will recruit 1,000 people, until the number is full.

   Others who did not participate in the competition can participate in the event by betting on the contestants!

  If you hit the mark, you will be able to get rich rewards.


  Following the sound of the Dao sounded three times in a row, everyone immediately activated their own Heavenly Dao system.

   and clicked to the entertainment mode at the fastest speed.

  This is a mode where you can participate without any loss and have a chance to get rewards.

  As long as this event occurs, everyone will try to compete for the entry slot in the entertainment mode as soon as possible.

   But this is a galaxy-wide event.

   How big is the Milky Way? The lives contained in it are more than trillions.

  One entertainment mode only has 10 billion places, and it was sold out almost instantly.

   Immediately, a large number of people on the earth received a reminder that they are sorry that the quota has been sold out.

   Immediately everyone expressed deep regret.

  Generally speaking, this kind of dungeon is actually only useful if you win to the end. Although everyone has the same data and physical strength, you still need a certain ability.

   But if you are very lucky and no one finds you in the end, then you can get a reward that has been evenly distributed in the end.

so. No matter whether they are capable or not, they will fight for the entertainment mode.

   After all, even if you don’t have the ability, you can still have the opportunity to get the reward until the end, so don’t try for nothing.

   Compared with the entertainment mode, the registration speed of the killing mode is much, much slower.

   After all, this is a mode with a very high mortality rate!

  There are 1,000 people in a competition area, who can guarantee that they are better than the other 999 people?

   Died in the event, even if you want to find your corpse and resurrect it, it is impossible!

  Once there is an accident, the price is permanent death!

   Even if you are strong and confident, then the other 999 people who dare to risk death to come in, don't they have no confidence?

  Since they have the confidence to come in, it shows that their strength is also extraordinary.

  You can confidently defeat 999 ordinary enemies of the same level, but do you have the confidence to defeat 999 top experts of the same level?

  Since everyone dared to come in desperately, which one is not a master, a master, a master?

   Who can look down on anyone?

  So, even if there are only a thousand places, even if the scope covers the entire galaxy.

   Killing mode also often has a situation where the number of registrations is not full.

   After all, the cost is too high, the probability of overturning the car is greater than the probability of challenging the SSS-level difficulty task, and I feel that the benefits and risks are completely out of proportion.

  While others are hesitating, Chen Mo is ready to sign up for the killing mode.

   After all, it happens that he also lacks experience points now.

   It's just that he is considering which competition area to sign up for.

"Although my attributes are now close to the peak of the second-rank, and the combat power of the summoned objects is comparable to that of the third-rank powerhouse, but after all, I may have to face 999 masters at the same time. It is somewhat too risky to go to the third-rank competition area. I still choose the second-rank competition area. alright.

   In this way, the reward is tripled, and it is more secure. My own attributes can be compared with those of a second-to-level 60 professional.

  My summons are much better than them, so there should be no problem. "

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo directly opened the registration interface.

  Although he felt very confident in his heart, before he pressed the registration button, his heart beat faster and he became nervous.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Warning, it has been detected that you are a non-reincarnated profession. Please choose the competition area carefully. This time, Tiandao recommends that the competition area be the first-reincarnation competition area. Do you choose to register for the first-reincarnation competition area? 】

  Chen Mo directly ignored the warning and continued to click to sign up for the second transfer area.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Warning, if you continue to sign up for this dungeon without reincarnated occupations, there will be a higher risk of death, please confirm again! 】


  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on your successful registration, your number is No. 777!

   Now please stop the relevant work at hand as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be responsible for the losses caused by being sent into the event while you are doing the work at hand. 】

   "These are all 777. I feel that I signed up quickly, but I am still so behind? Are there so many confident and strong people in the Milky Way?"

  Chen Mo was really surprised.

  [PS]: I will start paying off the debt tomorrow, try to see if I can make ten changes! Thank you for your support~

  (end of this chapter)

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